1,720 research outputs found

    An attempt to derive the Risk Weight Function for the bank

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    According to the Basel Accord II, one of the key factors in the Internal-Ratings Based (IRB) framework is the Risk Weight Function (RWF). Indeed, it uses four risk components including PD, LGD, EAD, and M as input to yield the capital requirement and thereby Risk-Weighted Asset (RWA). Given the extremely important role of the Risk Weight Function, in this project, we aim to derive it mathematically

    Essays on Small Open Economy New Keynesian DSGE Models

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    The primary purpose of this paper is to compare the forecasting performance of a small open economy New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (SOE-NK-DSGE) model with its closed-economy counterpart. Based on the quarterly Australian data, these two models are recursively estimated, and point forecasts for seven domestic variables are compared. Since Australia is a small open economy, global economic integration and financial linkages play an essential role in this country. However, the empirical findings indicate that the open economy model yields predictions that are less accurate than those from its closed economy counterpart. Two possible reasons could cause this failure of the SOE-NK-DSGE model: (1) misspecification of the foreign sector, and (2) a higher degree of estimation uncertainty. Thus, this research paper examines further how these two issues are associated with this practical problem. To this end, we perform two additional exercises in a new variant of the SOE-NK-DSGE and Bayesian VAR models. Consequently, the findings from these two exercises reveal that a combination of misspecification and estimation uncertainty causes the failure of the open economy DSGE model in forecasting

    Developing, Validating, and Monitoring a PD Model for Foundation IRB Approach

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    Assuming that a given bank wants to comply with the Basel Accord requirements, in particular the Foundation IRB approach. Accordingly, it has to develop a PD model to predict the probability of default of its borrower within one year. Hence, this paper aims to present a simply empirical procedure for developing, validating, and monitoring a PD model

    Preferences for high-value agricultural products in developing countries : Demand analyses for livestock products in Vietnam

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    This thesis comprises three papers that aim to analyze demand for livestock products in Vietnam as a case study for preferences for high value agricultural products in developing countries. Chapter 2 is based on the dataset from Vietnamese Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) in 2010 that included 9,399 households. Vietnamese households’ expenditure on milk products for home consumption is analyzed by using different descriptive and econometric analyses. With the help of a double hurdle model, the drivers of expenditure on milk products in both decisions on market participation and amount of expenditure are determined. Chapter 3 is based on the same dataset used in chapter 2 and uses additional meat consumption data. A maximum likelihood estimation of censored regression models named tobit model is employed and combined with other statistical analyses to analyze the consumption patterns of pork and poultry in Vietnam based on data of the VHLSS 2010 and other resources. The results of the two articles mentioned in chapter 2 and 3 show significant effects of household characteristics on food consumption in Vietnam. These characteristics include socio-economic and demographic variables of households. The results are used to assess future demand for meat and dairy products in Vietnam as well as other emerging markets with similar situations. Globalization, economic development and urbanization, lead to considerable changes in food consumption patterns in developing countries. These results may help policy makers to implement measures to ensure food security, such as food redistribution between regions and between urban areas, improving infrastructure. Especially the transportation system can support production and exchange between regions in the country. Policy makers should consider policies to improve the nutritional and health status in poor population sectors. In chapter 4, in order to analyze consumer preferences for indigenous animals in Vietnam as a very specific niche segment of the meat market, a hedonic price analysis at the retail level is conducted. Price information on Ban pork was collected considering several attributes such as time of sale, marketing and quality aspects of Ban pork. In particular, time of sale serves to better understand price variations and seasonal marketing effects of Ban pork. The results of the hedonic price model indicated that the customers are willing to buy at a higher price for Ban pork that has preferable attributes as marketing and quality factors. These marketing and quality factors include type of breed, live weight of animals, fat level of meat, type of meat cut, buying arrangement, type of seller, market location and seasonality. The findings of the price analysis can help producers and traders understanding how to achieve higher prices for Ban pork and how they can produce and sell their products to better meet consumers’ preferences. Moreover, policy makers should consider promoting transactions based on long-term contractual arrangements between producers and restaurant owners and safeguarding appropriate benefits of the rural poor from a systematic and sustainable marketing of quality-controlled pork of regional origin. At the same time, these policies would contribute to safeguarding and promoting the sustainable utilization of valuable local genetic resources. The results of the three studies may help policy makers to implement policies related to the food sector, nutrition, health and food security in Vietnam, as well as in other developing countries in a similar situation

    Transverse Vibrations of a Continuous Beam on Rigid and Elastic Supports under the Action of Moving Bodies

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    In the present paper the method of substructures is used to derive transverse vibration equations of a continuous beam on rigid and elastic supports under the action of moving bodies. An algorithm for calculating the solutions of vibration equations of a continuous beam is presented. From this algorithm, a computer program is created using C++ language

    Incidences between points and generalized spheres over finite fields and related problems

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be a finite field of qq elements where qq is a large odd prime power and Q=a1x1c1+...+adxdcdFq[x1,...,xd]Q =a_1 x_1^{c_1}+...+a_dx_d^{c_d}\in \mathbb{F}_q[x_1,...,x_d], where 2ciN2\le c_i\le N, gcd(ci,q)=1\gcd(c_i,q)=1, and aiFqa_i\in \mathbb{F}_q for all 1id1\le i\le d. A QQ-sphere is a set of the form {xFqdQ(xb)=r}\lbrace x\in \mathbb{F}_q^d | Q(x-b)=r\rbrace, where bFqd,rFqb\in \mathbb{F}_q^d, r\in \mathbb{F}_q. We prove bounds on the number of incidences between a point set P\mathcal{P} and a QQ-sphere set S\mathcal{S}, denoted by I(P,S)I(\mathcal{P},\mathcal{S}), as the following. I(P,S)PSqqd/2PS.| I(\mathcal{P},\mathcal{S})-\frac{|\mathcal{P}||\mathcal{S}|}{q}|\le q^{d/2}\sqrt{|\mathcal{P}||\mathcal{S}|}. We prove this estimate by studying the spectra of directed graphs. We also give a version of this estimate over finite rings Zq\mathbb{Z}_q where qq is an odd integer. As a consequence of the above bounds, we give an estimate for the pinned distance problem. In Sections 44 and 55, we prove a bound on the number of incidences between a random point set and a random QQ-sphere set in Fqd\mathbb{F}_q^d. We also study the finite field analogues of some combinatorial geometry problems, namely, the number of generalized isosceles triangles, and the existence of a large subset without repeated generalized distances.Comment: to appear in Forum Mat

    EMI in Vietnam: What High School Teachers Think and Do

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    The current case study was driven by a recent policy on using English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in the mainstream school system in Vietnam. It aimed to explore what science teachers believed and reported doing about EMI in teaching science subjects in the high school context. Nine EMI teachers of different science subjects at a specialized high school in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam participated in a semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis revealed the perceived positive impacts on teachers’ and students’ English proficiency, and negative influences on science content coverage. In practice, the teachers reported a focus on simple contents, explaining specialized terminologies and key concepts as the input. They mainly employed a lecture style and teacher initiation-student response interaction, switching between English and Vietnamese during their lessons. These results imply that EMI across the curriculum has the potential to improve English proficiency of students, but the EMI policy needs to consider its transparency in goals and communication to stakeholders especially teachers and school managers.  &nbsp

    Survey of domestic and work life experience and reproductive health of women workers of selected industrial compounds in Ha Noi

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    The Population Council Viet Nam and local stakeholders undertook a collaborative project in Ha Noi entitled “Improving the health care response to gender-based violence.” The study’s objectives were: 1) to assess the knowledge and experience of female workers about gender-based violence; 2) to assess knowledge and practice of women workers on reproductive health focusing on abortion; and 3) to make recommendation for the Ha Noi Health Service to improve the women workers’ knowledge on gender-based violence, choice of contraceptive method, reproductive health care, and abortion. The women factory workers, who have higher levels of education than their peers in the national sample, have the strong potential to be agents-of-change in spreading the message regarding the effectiveness of modern family planning methods through examples from their real lives. However, it is essential to supply them with complete information about such methods as well as more in-depth information about specific clauses in the Law of Domestic Violence regarding protection and prevention and provide them information on where to access treatment