14 research outputs found

    The impact of inquiry-based laboratories on improving pre-service teachers’ experimental competency

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    In the study we are presenting, the effects of inquiry-based laboratories on the experimental competency of pre-service physics teachers have been analyzed. An experimental quantitative analysis method, the static-group pretest-posttest design, has been utilized. A total of 32 pre-service physics teachers participated in the experimental group. To observe the experimental competency level development of pre-service physics teachers, Physics Lab Inventory of Critical thinking (PLIC) test and experimental competency test were used (Walsh et al., 2019). The PLIC is a standardized assessment instrument to determine the degree to which students develop these skills through instructional laboratories. The PLIC test is composed of four scales (evaluating models, evaluating methods, suggesting following-ups and normalized score) and these scales aim to test a part of experimental competencies. Inquiry-based laboratory (IBL) is understood as an organization method in which learners use experiments to acquire knowledge and form personal competency in different openness levels. IBL is considered as an inquiry-based learning method in the experimental module to develop student engagement (Smallhorn et al., 2015). IBL approaches are more student-involved and develop the scientific process skills (Kolkhorst et al., 2001).  IBL attracts the active participation of students for experimental modules. Students prefer to study IBL over traditional laboratory (Parappilly et al., 2013). IBL practices enable the learners who take part in the process to improve students' scientific process skills of pre-service science teachers (Yakar & Baykara, 2012). Therefore, in this study, we have used IBL in the General Physics Laboratory to develop students' experimental competency. Data obtained from data collection tools were evaluated using a variety of analysis methods available in SPSS 20. For the resolution of data and illustrating whether there was a meaningful difference between pretest and posttest scores, the PLIC test, experimental competency test, and paired Samples t-Test were used. In sum, the first result evaluated the effectiveness of IBL for the General Physics Laboratory course. IBL enhanced pre-service teachers' experimental competency. The second result is the development level of pre-service teachers’ behavioral indicators in the experimental competency framework. There were 14.63% pre-service teachers who achieved at behavioral level 3 and 85.37% pre-service teachers who achieved behavioral level 2. The most developed behavioral indicators of them were 1.3 Determine the purpose of the experiment and 2.1 Determine the experiment instruments to be used; and the least was 2.7 Suggest ideas for improving equipment laboratory. REFERENCES Kolkhorst, F. W., Mason, C. L., DiPasquale, D. M., Patterson, P., & Buono, M. J. (2001). An inquiry-based learning model for an exercise physiology laboratory course. Advances in physiology education, 25(2), 45-50. Siddiqui, S., Zadnik, M., Shapter, J., & Schmidt, L. (2013). An inquiry-based approach to laboratory experiences: Investigating students' ways of active learning. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(5). Smallhorn, M., Young, J., Hunter, N., & Da Silva, K. B. (2015). Inquiry-based learning to improve student engagement in a large first year topic. Student Success, 6(2), 65-72. Walsh, C., Quinn, K. N., Wieman, C., & Holmes, N. G. (2019). Quantifying critical thinking: Development and validation of the physics lab inventory of critical thinking. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 010135. Yakar, Z., & Baykara, H. (2014). Inquiry-based laboratory practices in a science teacher training program. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(2), 173-183

    ICT Support in Mathematics and Physics Integrated Teaching Based on Modeling Process

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    This article presents a part of the scientific missions of the Inter-Tetra project: Teaching based on modeling process has been published from many didactic researchers for mathematics, physics and math-physics integrated teaching. However, in many cases, the process of building model and the operating of the model is abstract to the students and even teachers. For a deeper understanding of modeling, the first part of the study will present an overview of modeling in mathematical and physical learning. The next part of this study will proposes the application at the steps of building model and operating model in teaching based on modeling process. In addition, this study also presents some examples of using these ICT tools in teaching some math-physics integrated topics and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using them

    ICT Support in Mathematics and Physics Integrated Teaching Based on Modeling Process

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    This article presents a part of the scientific missions of the Inter-Tetra project: Teaching based on modeling process has been published from many didactic researchers for mathematics, physics and math-physics integrated teaching. However, in many cases, the process of building model and the operating of the model is abstract to the students and even teachers. For a deeper understanding of modeling, the first part of the study will present an overview of modeling in mathematical and physical learning. The next part of this study will proposes the application at the steps of building model and operating model in teaching based on modeling process. In addition, this study also presents some examples of using these ICT tools in teaching some math-physics integrated topics and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using them

    Conceptions of experiments in teaching mathematics and teaching physics in Vietnam

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    This article presents a part of the Inter-Tetra project. This study firstly reviews the literature on conceptions of experiments in didactics of math and didactics of physics to design questionnaires to survey the conceptions of experiments in teaching physics and teaching math in Vietnam. Thereafter, the survey has been conducted among the math and physics pedagogical students in the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE). The results of the survey have revealed the similarities and differences of the concepts of an experiment in teaching math and physics. In addition, this study also discusses the causes and consequence of the similar and dissimilar concepts of experiments

    Conceptions of experiments in teaching mathematics and teaching physics in Vietnam

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    This article presents a part of the Inter-Tetra project. This study firstly reviews the literature on conceptions of experiments in didactics of math and didactics of physics to design questionnaires to survey the conceptions of experiments in teaching physics and teaching math in Vietnam. Thereafter, the survey has been conducted among the math and physics pedagogical students in the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE). The results of the survey have revealed the similarities and differences of the concepts of an experiment in teaching math and physics. In addition, this study also discusses the causes and consequence of the similar and dissimilar concepts of experiments

    The "homestays" in the mekong delta (Vietnam) : factors of success and effects on human development : case study an Binh Island, Vinh Long Province

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    Le tourisme homestay, est un thème de recherche émergent, en particulier au Vietnam où il est à la mode actuellement, et est, de ce fait, souvent cité par des médias locaux, par des administrations locales ou choisi comme sujet de recherche par les étudiants. Le homestay est aussi un choix d’activité économique pour des jeunes non seulement dans les grandes villes mais aussi en zone rurale, plus particulièrement dans la province de Vinh Long du delta du Mékong, où le homestay est considéré comme un des produits touristiques originaux de la région. Il est notamment reconnu par les autorités de la province de Vinh Long comme un produit touristique essentiel dans le but de faire du tourisme un secteur économique et culturel important à long terme et de contribuer au programme de la nouvelle ruralité (« nông thôn mới »). Au cours des dernières années, certaines études se sont intéressées aux contributions économiques des homestays du delta du Mékong. Nous avons choisi d’étudier le homestay en adoptant une perspective multidimensionnelle. La question capitale pour nous est celle-ci : peut-on considérer le développement des homestays comme un outil de développement humain sous l’angle de l’économie, du social, de la culture et de l’environnement ? Autrement dit, est-ce qu’il permet aux entrepreneurs ou gérants de homestays ainsi qu’aux habitants d’élargir leurs capabilités. De ce point vue, l’approche par les capabilités de l’économiste Amartya Sen (Sen 2000) permet de porter un regard neuf quant aux objectifs et au devenir du homestay.Notre objectif central dans cette thèse est d’examiner les relations entre l’approche par les capabilités et l’entrepreneur homestay et le développement humain dans le contexte rural du Vietnam. Pour mener à bien ce travail, l’approche qualitative a été mobilisée, y compris la recherche bibliographique, l’observation, l’observation participante, les entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 24 acteurs clés (6 autorités locales, 1 responsable d’une compagnie touristique locale, 16 habitants, 1 formateur touristique) et la méthode du récit de vie auprès de 15 entrepreneurs et gérants de homestay. Ces méthodes sont complémentaires même si le récit de vie joue un rôle central.Fort de ce travail, les résultats obtenus montrent que le développement du homestay apporte des effets positifs sur la vie des entrepreneurs, des gérants homestays et leur famille sous le regard du développement humain. Plus spécifiquement, le développement du homestay permet aux entrepreneur, gérants de homestay et leur famille d’avoir plus de moyens afin d’avoir une bonne santé, d’acquérir du savoir et d’avoir accès aux ressources nécessaires pour jouir d’un niveau de vie convenable. La présence des homestay a des effets positifs pour les habitants de cette île en termes d’économie, de social, de culture et d’environnement. Pourtant, le tourisme homestay n’est pas une baguette magique capable d’apporter toutes les solutions, il a aussi des impacts négatifs, notamment socio-culturels.Afin de rendre le développement du tourisme homestay de l’île d’An Binh plus pertinent, notre proposition prioritaire réside en la mise en œuvre de différentes solutions (la diversité des activités touristiques, l’attention à l’authenticité, l’orientation vers les touristes domestiques). Plus important, il est nécessaire de viser à accroître l’agencéité des habitants pour qu’ils puissent élargir leurs opportunités dans différentes dimensions de la vie. Ces solutions supposent une coopération fiable entre habitants, acteurs privés et acteurs publics impliqués dans la sphère d’entrepreneuriat du tourisme homestay.Homestay tourism is an emerging research theme, especially in Vietnam, where it is fashionable nowadays, and is therefore often cited by local media, by local governments or as a research topic by students. Homestay is also a choice of economic activity for young people not only in big cities but also in rural areas, especially in Vinh Long province, located in the Mekong Delta, where homestay is considered as one of the most original tourist products. It is recognized by the authorities of Vinh Long province as an essential tourist product aimed at making tourism an important economic and cultural sector in the long term and contributing to the program of new rurality ("nông thôn mới"). In recent years, some studies have focused on the economic contributions of homestay in the Mekong Delta. We decided to conduct a study on homestay from a multi-dimensional perspective. The main research question is, “Is the development of homestay considered as a tool for human development from socio-economic, cultural and environmental perspectives?” In other words, does homestay allow homestay businessmen or homestay managers as well as inhabitants to expand their capabilities? From such points of view, the capability approach of the economist Amartya Sen (Sen 2000) provides a fresh perspective on the goals and future of homestay.The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the capability approach, the homestay businessmen, and human development in the rural context of Vietnam. To carry out this research, the qualitative approach was employed, including bibliographic research, observation, participant observation, semi-structured interviews with 24 key participants-cum-stakeholders (six local authorities, one person in charge of local tourist company, 16 local inhabitants, and one tourist trainer), and the life history method with 15 homestay businessmen and homestay managers. These methods are complementary to each other with the life history method playing a pivotal role.The results of this thesis show that the development of homestay brings positive effects on the lives of homestay businessmen, homestay managers and their families in the respect of human development. More specifically, the development of the homestay allows those stakeholders to have more means to gain good health and knowledge, thus having access to important resources to pursue their rising living standards. Homestay has positive effects on the An Binh island’s inhabitants socio-economically, culturally, and environmentally. However, homestay tourism is not a magic wand capable of providing all solutions, which means it also has negative impacts, particularly socio-cultural ones.In order to make the development of homestay tourism more efficient on An Binh Island, the top priority is the implementation of different solutions such as the diversification of tourist activities, attention to authenticity, and orientation towards domestic tourists. More importantly, it is essential to enhance the agency of the inhabitants so that they can expand their opportunities in different dimensions of life. These solutions require effective cooperation between inhabitants, and private and public sectors involved in the sphere of entrepreneurship of homestay tourism

    Les "homestays" dans le delta du Mékong (Vietnam) : facteurs de réussite et effets de développement humain : cas d'étude île d'An Binh, province de Vinh Long

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    Homestay tourism is an emerging research theme, especially in Vietnam, where it is fashionable nowadays, and is therefore often cited by local media, by local governments or as a research topic by students. Homestay is also a choice of economic activity for young people not only in big cities but also in rural areas, especially in Vinh Long province, located in the Mekong Delta, where homestay is considered as one of the most original tourist products. It is recognized by the authorities of Vinh Long province as an essential tourist product aimed at making tourism an important economic and cultural sector in the long term and contributing to the program of new rurality ("nông thôn mới"). In recent years, some studies have focused on the economic contributions of homestay in the Mekong Delta. We decided to conduct a study on homestay from a multi-dimensional perspective. The main research question is, “Is the development of homestay considered as a tool for human development from socio-economic, cultural and environmental perspectives?” In other words, does homestay allow homestay businessmen or homestay managers as well as inhabitants to expand their capabilities? From such points of view, the capability approach of the economist Amartya Sen (Sen 2000) provides a fresh perspective on the goals and future of homestay.The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the capability approach, the homestay businessmen, and human development in the rural context of Vietnam. To carry out this research, the qualitative approach was employed, including bibliographic research, observation, participant observation, semi-structured interviews with 24 key participants-cum-stakeholders (six local authorities, one person in charge of local tourist company, 16 local inhabitants, and one tourist trainer), and the life history method with 15 homestay businessmen and homestay managers. These methods are complementary to each other with the life history method playing a pivotal role.The results of this thesis show that the development of homestay brings positive effects on the lives of homestay businessmen, homestay managers and their families in the respect of human development. More specifically, the development of the homestay allows those stakeholders to have more means to gain good health and knowledge, thus having access to important resources to pursue their rising living standards. Homestay has positive effects on the An Binh island’s inhabitants socio-economically, culturally, and environmentally. However, homestay tourism is not a magic wand capable of providing all solutions, which means it also has negative impacts, particularly socio-cultural ones.In order to make the development of homestay tourism more efficient on An Binh Island, the top priority is the implementation of different solutions such as the diversification of tourist activities, attention to authenticity, and orientation towards domestic tourists. More importantly, it is essential to enhance the agency of the inhabitants so that they can expand their opportunities in different dimensions of life. These solutions require effective cooperation between inhabitants, and private and public sectors involved in the sphere of entrepreneurship of homestay tourism.Le tourisme homestay, est un thème de recherche émergent, en particulier au Vietnam où il est à la mode actuellement, et est, de ce fait, souvent cité par des médias locaux, par des administrations locales ou choisi comme sujet de recherche par les étudiants. Le homestay est aussi un choix d’activité économique pour des jeunes non seulement dans les grandes villes mais aussi en zone rurale, plus particulièrement dans la province de Vinh Long du delta du Mékong, où le homestay est considéré comme un des produits touristiques originaux de la région. Il est notamment reconnu par les autorités de la province de Vinh Long comme un produit touristique essentiel dans le but de faire du tourisme un secteur économique et culturel important à long terme et de contribuer au programme de la nouvelle ruralité (« nông thôn mới »). Au cours des dernières années, certaines études se sont intéressées aux contributions économiques des homestays du delta du Mékong. Nous avons choisi d’étudier le homestay en adoptant une perspective multidimensionnelle. La question capitale pour nous est celle-ci : peut-on considérer le développement des homestays comme un outil de développement humain sous l’angle de l’économie, du social, de la culture et de l’environnement ? Autrement dit, est-ce qu’il permet aux entrepreneurs ou gérants de homestays ainsi qu’aux habitants d’élargir leurs capabilités. De ce point vue, l’approche par les capabilités de l’économiste Amartya Sen (Sen 2000) permet de porter un regard neuf quant aux objectifs et au devenir du homestay.Notre objectif central dans cette thèse est d’examiner les relations entre l’approche par les capabilités et l’entrepreneur homestay et le développement humain dans le contexte rural du Vietnam. Pour mener à bien ce travail, l’approche qualitative a été mobilisée, y compris la recherche bibliographique, l’observation, l’observation participante, les entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 24 acteurs clés (6 autorités locales, 1 responsable d’une compagnie touristique locale, 16 habitants, 1 formateur touristique) et la méthode du récit de vie auprès de 15 entrepreneurs et gérants de homestay. Ces méthodes sont complémentaires même si le récit de vie joue un rôle central.Fort de ce travail, les résultats obtenus montrent que le développement du homestay apporte des effets positifs sur la vie des entrepreneurs, des gérants homestays et leur famille sous le regard du développement humain. Plus spécifiquement, le développement du homestay permet aux entrepreneur, gérants de homestay et leur famille d’avoir plus de moyens afin d’avoir une bonne santé, d’acquérir du savoir et d’avoir accès aux ressources nécessaires pour jouir d’un niveau de vie convenable. La présence des homestay a des effets positifs pour les habitants de cette île en termes d’économie, de social, de culture et d’environnement. Pourtant, le tourisme homestay n’est pas une baguette magique capable d’apporter toutes les solutions, il a aussi des impacts négatifs, notamment socio-culturels.Afin de rendre le développement du tourisme homestay de l’île d’An Binh plus pertinent, notre proposition prioritaire réside en la mise en œuvre de différentes solutions (la diversité des activités touristiques, l’attention à l’authenticité, l’orientation vers les touristes domestiques). Plus important, il est nécessaire de viser à accroître l’agencéité des habitants pour qu’ils puissent élargir leurs opportunités dans différentes dimensions de la vie. Ces solutions supposent une coopération fiable entre habitants, acteurs privés et acteurs publics impliqués dans la sphère d’entrepreneuriat du tourisme homestay

    Homestay rather than community-based tourism? The case of Vietnam

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    International audienceRésuméDepuis le milieu des années 90, à côté de l’écotourisme, le tourisme communautaire est à la mode et est, de ce fait, souvent présenté par des institutions internationales et nationales, par des bailleurs de fond, toujours en recherche de recettes miracles, comme une solution évidente pour initier un tourisme s’inscrivant dans le cadre d’un développement durable, ce dernier supposant en outre, la « participation » des communautés concernées. Plus étonnant, les chercheurs qui travaillent sur le tourisme, n’échappent pas à cette mode et semblent victimes du même défaut : une idéalisation des deux concepts qui sont en jeu dans le tourisme communautaire, celui de communauté sur lequel il repose et celui de participation auquel il est lié. Ainsi, la communauté est systématiquement associée à des valeurs « affectives et sociales de solidarité, de chaleur, d’intimité et d’autonomie » (Lézé, 2008). Les difficultés de mise en œuvre résultant de ce que l’on peut qualifier d’idéologie populiste (Olivier de Sardan, 1990) ont déjà été mis en évidence dans le cas du tourisme en Afrique de l’Ouest (Girard & Schéou, 2012; Schéou & Southon, 2013). Nous avons pu constater que des autorités vietnamiennes, des universitaires et des étudiants vietnamiens, préconisaient, de manière générale et récurrente, depuis environ 2000, la mise en place d’un tourisme communautaire dans nombre de territoires sans avoir étudié au préalable quelles étaient les pratiques existantes et sans s’être posé la question de savoir si ce concept pouvait leur correspondre.Dans ce travail, nous vérifierons l’hypothèse selon laquelle le tourisme communautaire provient de la projection d’une communauté idéalisée sur une réalité sociale vietnamienne qui ne lui correspond pas forcément, ce qui accroît le risque d’échec des projets de tourisme communautaire mis en place. Nous vérifierons une seconde hypothèse selon laquelle, ce qui est désigné par le terme de homestay, organisé autour de la cellule familiale, serait une forme plus adaptée à la réalité sociale vietnamienne que celle du tourisme communautaire

    Inter TeTra – Interdisciplinary teacher training with mathematics and physics

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    International audienceThe benefits of interdisciplinary teaching and learning in school have been discussed for some time, but to make it be more than the additive juxtaposition of elements of knowledge from different disciplines, the universities should implement holistic concepts for integrative teacher education. In the first phase of the teacher training should clarify the advantages and tackle the challenges of an interdisciplinary education. The Inter TeTra project is a DAAD subject-related partnership between the University of Siegen (Germany) and the Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE, Vietnam). The primary outcome of this project is the design of a permanent module for the subjects mathematics and physics at the HNUE and to perform interdisciplinary on the job teacher training with the subjects mathematics and physics