372 research outputs found

    The institutional context influencing rural-urban migration choices and strategies for young married women and men in Vietnam

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    This report draws together secondary data and informed opinion relating to the wider context in which young married rural-urban migrants must craft strategies for managing their reproductive and family lives. In contrast to long standing patterns of male migration, the increasing numbers of migrants and the emergence of new forms of migration mean that young married women are increasingly moving for work too. The report outlines the wider situation in which these dynamics are occurring: the growing inequalities in the context of doi moi, the declining barrier that household registration poses to mobility, and the changing opportunities for work in the city. It also reviews changing gender relations in Vietnam with particular attention to changes in marriage and marital relations, in sexuality and fertility and in parenting. Finally it explores how changes in social entitlements in Vietnam may affect these migrants with special attention to maternal health, child health and children’s education. The report concludes that migrants with young families and new marriages face a plethora of barriers and opportunities that they must negotiate and that the strategies they formulate are dynamic and involve complex trade-offs

    An inquiry into the determinants of Vietnamese product export

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    Export led growth is the model of economic development that Vietnam has been following. While there are a great number of studies on the determinants of aggregate export of Vietnam, there are few that analyze the impacts of different factors on the export of different product groups. This paper aims at filling this gap in research on international trade of Vietnam. The results show that the fast GDP growth of Vietnam, the large population of importing countries, the wide economic gap between Vietnam and the importing countries, the depreciation of domestic currency, the free trade agreements that Vietnam signed and the shared border with the importing countries contribute to the increase of Vietnam’s export of all product groups. In contrast, the GDP of importing countries and population of Vietnam have no clear impacts on the export of any product groups.


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    The school consultation model in Vietnam currently being implemented according to Circular No. 31/2017/TT-BGDDT effective from February 2, 2018, is the “Part-time teacher” model. The purpose of this exploratory study is to test the awareness of officials and teachers about the effectiveness of elements in the “part-time teacher” school consultation model in high schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The research sample was randomly selected from 4 high school heads and from teacher pedagogical training courses and management training classes, with 538 participants, of which teachers (69.0%), and managers (31.0%); in the study sample, there were (36.2%) participating in the school’s psychology team. Research subjects (28.6%) were trained in psychological consultation capacity by topic; (8.9%) training in psychological counseling capacity and granting training certificates; (5.4%) training for bachelor of psychology and master of psychology; (57.1%) had not studied through the psychological counseling competency program. The instrument’s validity and reliability were verified through the evaluation of Cronbach alpha analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). When analyzing the EFA factor, the results of the factors in the model have a positive correlation of 76.2% (R2 = 1.00), in the factors of personnel conducting consultations, policies for personnel participating in consultations, and policies for consulting personnel. Joining the school counseling team, the consultation process and the consultation room have not been paying attention.O modelo de consulta escolar no Vietname que está atualmente a ser implementado de acordo com a Circular n.º 31/2017/TT-BGDDT, em vigor a partir de 2 de fevereiro de 2018, é o modelo “Professor a tempo parcial”. O objectivo deste estudo exploratório é testar a sensibilização de funcionários e professores sobre a eficácia dos elementos do modelo de consulta escolar de “professores a tempo parcial” em escolas secundárias na cidade de Ho Chi Minh, Vietname. A amostra da pesquisa foi selecionada aleatoriamente entre 4 diretores de escolas de ensino médio e de cursos de formação pedagógica de professores e turmas de formação gerencial, com 538 participantes, sendo professores (69,0%) e gestores (31,0%); na amostra do estudo havia (36,2%) participantes da equipe de psicologia da escola. Os sujeitos da pesquisa (28,6%) foram capacitados em capacidade de consulta psicológica por tema; (8,9%) formação em capacidade de aconselhamento psicológico e concessão de certificados de formação; (5,4%) formação para bacharel em psicologia e mestre em psicologia; (57,1%) não haviam cursado o programa de competência em aconselhamento psicológico. A validade e a confiabilidade do instrumento foram verificadas por meio da avaliação da análise alfa de Cronbach e da análise fatorial exploratória (AFE). Ao analisar o fator AFE, os resultados dos fatores do modelo apresentam correlação positiva de 76,2% (R2 = 1,00), nos fatores pessoal que realiza consultas, políticas para pessoal participante de consultas e políticas para pessoal consultor. Juntando-se à equipe de aconselhamento escolar, o processo de consulta e o consultório não têm prestado atenção

    Family strategies and dilemmas for low-income rural-urban labour migrants

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    This policy brief summarises the findings of a qualitative study into the family relations of labour migrants across their peak child-bearing years. It evidences how wives/mothers and husbands/fathers manage their relations with spouse and children when they have to ‘go away’ for work. These strategies and dilemmas have implications for the impact of migration on the wellbeing both now and over the longer term for Vietnam

    Impacts of Economic Development on the Living Conditions of Ethnic Minority People in the Border Region of Northern Vietnam

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    Purpose:   In this study, we examine the effects of the economic development policies of the Vietnamese government on the living conditions of ethnic minority people in the border region of Northern Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: We examine the impact of economic changes, societal changes, and environmental improvements on the living conditions of ethnic minority people in the border region of Northern Vietnam.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The collected data was subsequently cleaned and analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) with the aid of SPSS 20 software.     Findings: The results show that the current Vietnamese government’s policies on developing agriculture, industry, trade, and service for ethnic minority people have a diverse impact on their living conditions. In general, agriculture, trade, and service are major fields that benefit the living conditions of ethnic minorities. In contrast, the industry seems to have no effects on improving the standard of living of ethnic minority people in Northern Vietnam.   Research, practical & social implications: The results of this study provide suggestion to Vietnamese government on promoting living conditions of ethnic minority people in the border region of Northern Vietnam.   Originality/Value: This is the first paper evaluates the impact of the economic development policies of the Vietnamese government on the living conditions of ethnic minority people in the border region of Northern Vietnam

    Effects of hormone and fertilizers on early flower induction of Dendrobium anosmum hybrid seedlings under ex vitro condition

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    Early flowering of new orchids is important to save time for selecting valuable flowers and artificial induction of flowering is a critical consideration in the orchid production industry. In this study, a new Dendrobium anosmum hybrid was generated by cross-breeding between D. anosmum ‘Chau Nhu’ and D. anosmum ‘Di Linh’. The ancestors and hybrid seedlings from in-vitro culture were trained in the net house and their growth and flowering were evaluated under ex vivo conditions with specific fertilizers and hormones. The results suggest that the hybrid plants grew better than their parents in terms of stem height, stem diameter, and leaf number. Growth hormones were applied to stimulate early flowering in matured hybrids and it was discovered that ‘Keiki pro’, a commercial hormone product, produced the best results, with a flowering rate of 66.67% after two applications. Hybrid flowers varied in width from 36.36% (3.0-6.0 cm) to 63.64 % (more than 6.0 cm) from ancestral width in medium-sized and large-sized flowers, respectively. Also, the hybrid flower colours was mostly a combination of pink/violet (75C) and purple/pink (68A), which is different from their parents. Importantly, the dorsal sepal, petal colours, and shape of hybrid flowers varied significantly among individual hybrids, between hybrids and their progenitors. Some mutations in the lips and columns of the novel hybrid flowers were also visualized. Hence, the D. anosmum hybrid seedlings successfully induced flowers after a year of culture under optimal hormones and fertilizers conditions. The results can serve as a critical reference for the early flowering of the orchid seedlings

    Isolation and characterization of chlorpyrifos-degrading bacteria in tea-growing soils

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    The excess use of pesticides in the agricultural sector has caused environmental pollution and affected the complete ecosystem. Among the various commonly used pesticides, chlorpyrifos (CPF) is widely used against multiple agrarian pests due to its effectiveness and higher insecticidal activities. However, along with its beneficial usage, CPF has various residual effects on the environment, causing multiple negative impacts on aquatic organisms and human health. Consequently, methods for eliminating CPF in the background are essential. Among the currently available approaches to CPF remediation, biological methods using microorganisms are eco-friendly and cost-effective. Therefore, this study was conducted to isolate and characterize chlorpyrifos-degrading bacteria from the tea-growing soil of Vietnam. For this, soil samples were collected from the 20 tea-growing areas of Vietnam. From the collected samples, three bacterial strains viz., Methylobacterium populi CNN2, Ensifer adhaerens VNN3, and Acinetobacter pittii CNN4 have been isolated by using streak plate method and identified based on 16S rRNA gene analysis. The study results showed that under laboratory conditions, E. adhaerens VNN3 had the highest CPF degradation ability and was followed by the strain M. populi CNN2. In liquid medium, CPF concentration (100 mg/L) was reduced by 95.2% and 81.4% by E.adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2, respectively, after 72 h. Further, under in-vitro conditions, the concentration of CPF was reduced from 500 mg/kg to 112 ± 1.73 (77.6%) and 197 ± 2.08 mg/kg (60.6%) by E. adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2, respectively. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that E. adhaerens VNN3 and M. populi CNN2 can be used for CPF-contaminated agricultural soil remediation

    The Current Status of Secondary School Teacher’s Perception of Happiness in Nam Dinh Province during the Implementation Period of the 2018 General Education Program

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    In the current context of a major revolution in the Vietnamese education system, teachers’ perception of happiness makes an important criterion in evaluating effectiveness of the changes made to educational programs. The initial investigation of the positive effects of this renovation was conducted on the scale of Nam Dinh province and the results show multidimensional sources of information. In addition to positive information, there is still information that raises many questions for leaders to pay attention to. The outcome of the investigation suggests the evaluation of “The job is meaningful” is 3.10 out of 5 points, which is the lowest in assessment criteria. Meanwhile, the rates for “Completely disbelieve” and “Slightly disbelieve” in happiness of their profession in the future take up a large proportion (24.4%). However, other criteria namely “Being satisfied with current position” and “Feeling motivated with the job” received higher evaluation scores, respectively 4.05/5 points and 4.11/5 points. Via the results of the research, the author is looking forward to appropriate actions taken by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam with a view to enhancing the perception of happiness among teachers