140 research outputs found

    Overlapping generations economy, environmental externalities, and taxation

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    I set up in this paper an overlapping generations economy with envi-ronment degrading itself and pollution resulting from both consumption and production to show that there always exists an inter-temporal equi-librium and to determine the competitive steady state. This steady state is compared with the equilibrium steady state in the social benevolent planner's point of view. The paper shows the optimal golden rule allo-cation which maximizes the total utility of all generations, and whenever the capital ratio in the competitive framework is higher than the golden rule capital ratio, the economy stands on the dynamically inecient point. The width of the inecient range of capital ratio depends positively on the environment maintaining technology and depends negatively on the cleanness of production technology. For such any competitive economy, I introduce some combinations of taxes and transfer with purpose of de-centralizing the best steady state attainable through the good and factors markets.overlapping generations, environmental externality, taxes and transfer scheme.

    Implementing steady state efficiency in overlapping generations economies with environmental externalities

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    We consider in this paper overlapping generations economies with polution resulting from both consumption and production. The competitive equilibrium steady state is compared to the optimal steady state from the social planner's viewpoint. We show that any competitive equilibrium steady state whose capital-labor ratio exceeds the golden rule ratio is dynamically inefficient. Moreover, the range of dynamically efficient steady states capital ratios increases with the effectiveness of the environment maintainance technology, and decreases for more polluting production technologies. We characterize some tax and transfer policies that decentralize as a competitive equilibrium outcome the social planner's steady state.Overlapping generations, environmental externality, tax and transfer policy.

    Development of performance-based wind engineering for residential structures: from concept to application

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    2010 Summer.Includes bibliographic references (pages 154-161).Covers not scanned.Print version deaccessioned 2022.The majority of buildings and approximately 90% of residential structures in North America are light-frame wood construction. Many of these structures are subjected to high winds along the eastern seaboard and Gulf Coast and as a result routinely suffer damage resulting in significant financial losses. Losses for residential wood construction during hurricanes occur for a variety of reasons, i.e. from different sources. These include sources such as (a) the failure of structure due to high wind loading; (b) water intrusion as a result of high uplift pressures on the roof system resulting in gaps or as a result of a loss of roof coverings and/or roof sheathing panels; and (c) debris impact from windborne debris. A relatively new paradigm in earthquake engineering is performance-based design (PBD). PBD is, by and large, felt by most to be a system-level philosophy that allows inclusion of system level behavior including the improvement in performance as a result of this assertion. However, in wind engineering most failures are understood to be at the component and sub-assembly level. This study outlines and demonstrates the development of performance-based wind engineering for residential structures based on losses to the owner. To date, this is the first time a mechanistic model has been used to develop fragilities for performance expectations related to all levels of performance: occupant comfort, continued occupancy, life safety, structural integrity, and manageable loss

    Can geography lock a society in stagnation?

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    We extend Galor and Weil (2000) by including geographical factors in order to show that under some initial conditions, an economy may be locked in Malthusian stagnation and never take off. Specifically, we characterize the set of geographical factors for which this happens, and this way we show how the interplay of the available "land", its suitability for living, and its degree of isolation, determines whether an economy can escape stagnation

    A neurodynamic approach for a class of pseudoconvex semivectorial bilevel optimization problem

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    The article proposes an exact approach to find the global solution of a nonconvex semivectorial bilevel optimization problem, where the objective functions at each level are pseudoconvex, and the constraints are quasiconvex. Due to its non-convexity, this problem is challenging, but it attracts more and more interest because of its practical applications. The algorithm is developed based on monotonic optimization combined with a recent neurodynamic approach, where the solution set of the lower-level problem is inner approximated by copolyblocks in outcome space. From that, the upper-level problem is solved using the branch-and-bound method. Finding the bounds is converted to pseudoconvex programming problems, which are solved using the neurodynamic method. The algorithm's convergence is proved, and computational experiments are implemented to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach

    Nucleotide variation at the methionine synthase locus in an endangered tree species, Fokienia hodginsii (Cupressaceae) in Vietnam

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    Nucleotide variation at the methionine synthase (MetE) locus within and among populations of an endangered forest tree Fokienia hodginsii in Vietnam was investigated in the present study. A total of 12 populations were sampled across Vietnam. The length of the sequenced locus varied from 1567 to 1559 bp. A total of 42 polymorphic sites were detected among samples. Overall, nucleotide diversity was estimated to be 0.00499 and 0.00692 at the total (ðtot) and silent sites (ðsilent) in the pool, respectively. Nucleotide diversity within populations varied from 0.00300 to 0.00521 at the total and 0.00357 to 0.00666 at silent sites. The estimates of nucleotide diversity were lower in the 4 populations located in central and southern Vietnam (0.00300 to 0.00380) in comparison with the northern populations (ranging from 0.00399 to 0.00543). Overall estimates of genetic differentiation among 12 populations were low (FST = 0.093 and KST* = 0.078), even though both values were highly significant (P < 0.001). Pairwise analysis among 12 populations showed significant genetic differentiation as evaluated by FST and Snn but not significant as evaluated by KST*. Analysis of genetic clustering using BAPS provided the best support for all 144 sequences belonging to the same genetic cluster. The implication of the results revealed in this study in the genetic conservation of F. hodginsii was discussed.Key words: Population genetics, conservation, forest, methionine synthase (MetE), structure

    The dynamics of investor sentiment impacts in equity crowdfunding : unveiling the when

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    Expanding upon the known impact of investor sentiment on crowdfunding contributions, we delve deeper to pinpoint specific conditions under which sentiment influences investor choices. Grounded in psychological theory, we assert that sentiment's influence thrives at the peak of investor attention, primarily on a campaign's first day and among projects with greater uncertainty. Our empirical study, based on 447 campaigns with 17,244 daily observations from the United Kingdom's Crowdcube platform, substantiates our claim. Our research enhances the comprehension of equity crowdfunding investors and provides practical insights for its proponents

    The results of deep magnetotelluric sounding for studying the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh fault

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    The profile of deep magnetotelluric sounding (MT) from Duc Trong - Tuy Phong has been carried out in Lam Dong and Binh Thuan  provinces. The length of the Duc Trong - Tuy Phong profile is about 80 km with 15 stations and the distance between the stations measures about 5 km. Two-dimensional MT inversion was used to find a resistivity model that fits the data. The 2D resistivity model allows determining position and development formation of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  fault. This is the deep fault, which is showed by the boundaries of remarkable change of resistivity. In the near surface of the Earth (from ground to the depth of 6 km), the angle of inclination of this fault is about 60o; in the next part, the direction of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  faut is vertical. Geoelectrical section of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  profile shows that the resistivity of mid-crust is higher than that of lower-crust and of upper-crust

    Optimal Rooftop Photovoltaic System Placement To Minimize Monthly Used Energy Costs For Households In Vietnam’s Cities And Towns

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    This study presents a strategy to stop paying monthly used energy costs for households in Vietnam’s cities and towns. To get there, the total energy cost acquired from the utility grid must equal the total extra energy supplied to the grid. In addition to the power consumption reduction from the grid for household cus- tomers, the extra energy produced by the rooftop photo- voltaic system (RPV) is sold back to the grid. This mechanism has effectively freed up the monthly en- ergy bill for individual customers. However, the op- timal rated power of the rooftop photovoltaic system (RPV) must first be determined. Two meta-heuristic algorithms, including the Coati optimization algorithm (COA) and the Osprey optimization algorithm (OOA), are implemented to solve the problem. The results obtained by the two algorithms are compared using different criteria. Through these comparisons, OOA completely outperforms COA regarding solution qual- ity and stabilization. For instance, OOA is the only method to reach the best optimal rated power of the RPV. Moreover, OOA is also more effective than COA with 50.17% on mean cost, 11.49% on maximum cost, and 17.06% on standard deviation. By using the solu- tion found by OOA, RPV not only fulfills the house- hold’s needs but also reduces the electric energy cost to zero. While evaluating a five-year operation period, the household can get the benefit of $3,635.64. So, using the RPV is very effective for reaching both economic and environmental benefits