54 research outputs found

    The influence of the Generation Z's perception and psychological ownership on repurchase intention of e-shopping: Evidence from Vietnam

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    One of the most significant achievements of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in commerce is e-shopping, which changes shopping behavior in the retail sector. This research examines how Generation Z's perceptions of e-shopping benefits and drawbacks and A qualitative method through in-depth interviews and a quantitative method via a questionnaire survey is employed to assess the Generation Z-ers' attitudes, perceptions, and psychology toward the benefits and drawbacks of e-shopping and their intention of choosing this channel for repurchasing. PLS-SEM will be associated to discover the relationships between Generation Z-ers' psychological ownership, perceptions of e-shopping benefits and drawbacks, and their online repurchase intention. Findings suggest that Generation Z-ers' online repurchase intention is due to perceived benefits, psychological ownership, and is regardless of perceived drawbacks. Furthermore, as a moderator of the effect of perceived drawbacks on repurchase intention, psychological ownership may lessen the Generation Z-ers' concerns of e-shopping drawbacks and enhance their online repurchase intention.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2020/011

    Beetles (Coleoptera) in cones of cycads (Cycadales) of the northern hemisphere: diversity and evolution

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    Three groups of beetles inhabit cones of cycads (Cycadales) in the northern hemisphere and are believed to be involved in their pollination. The primitive weevil subtribe Allocorynina (Coleoptera: Belidae) is restricted to the New World cycad genera Dioon Lindl. and Zamia L. One group of weevils (Curculionidae), found only in Cycas L., appears to be a relatively recent colonizer of northern hemisphere cycads. Members of the beetle subfamily Pharaxonothinae (Erotylidae) occur in all Asian and New World cycad genera. Phylogenetic trees of these beetles, based on DNA analysis and supported with morphological studies, are compared to patterns of continental drift and cycad phylogenies. Laurasian origins are suggested for these beetle groups with high latitude dispersal for at least one of these groups during periods of global warm climates

    Checklist to the Elatostema (Urticaceae) of Vietnam including 19 new records, ten new combinations, two new names and four new synonyms

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    Elatostema (Urticaceae) comprises several hundred herbaceous species distributed in tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. The greatest species richness occurs on limestone karst in Southeast Asia. Taxonomic revisions of Elatostema are largely out of date and contradict each other with respect to the delimitation of Elatostema and Pellionia. Most herbaria in SE Asia and worldwide contain significant amounts of unidentified material. As part of a broader revision of Elatostema in SE Asia, we present an updated checklist for Vietnam based on field visits, a review of specimens in herbaria worldwide, a review of type material and nomenclature. We recognize 77 taxa (75 species and two infraspecific taxa) of Elatostema in Vietnam, 23 of which were previously ascribed to Pellionia. Nineteen of these are new records for the country, i.e., E. attenuatoides, E. austrosinense, E. backeri, E. brunneinerve, E. crassiusculum, E. crenatum, E. fengshanense, E. glochidioides, E. malacotrichum, E. nanchuanense, E. oblongifolium, E. obtusum, E. oppositum, E. pergameneum, E. prunifolium, E. pseudolongipes, E. pycnodontum, E. salvinioides and E. xichouense. We place E. baviensis in synonymy of E. platyphyllum, E. colaniae in synonymy of E. myrtillus, P. macroceras in synonymy of E. hookerianum, and P. tetramera in synonymy of E. dissectum for the first time. Fourteen taxa (18% of all the recognized taxa) are endemic to Vietnam, which makes Elatostema one of the richest genera for endemic species in this country; this level of endemism is comparable to levels observed in Orchidaceae. Our checklist suggests that the highest diversity and endemism of Elatostema occurs in northern Vietnam, and that there is the greatest floristic similarity of northern Vietnam to SW China. The relationship among floristic regions is also investigated. We could find no records of Elatostema for 33 out of 63 provincial units of Vietnam, including all the southernmost provinces. We propose that further studies on the diversity of Elatostema in central and southern Vietnam are severely needed

    Checklist of mycoheterotrophic species of the genus Exacum (Gentianaceae) and new species, E. zigomorpha, from northern Vietnam

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    Averyanov, Leonid V., Nguyen, Khang Sinh, Nguyen, Hiep Tien (2014): Checklist of mycoheterotrophic species of the genus Exacum (Gentianaceae) and new species, E. zigomorpha, from northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 183 (2): 108-113, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.183.2.3, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.183.2.

    New Species of Peliosanthes and Rohdea (Asparagaceae) from Eastern Indochina

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    Two new species - Peliosanthes triandra and Rohdea dracaenoides of Asparagaceae (Convallariaceae s. str.) discovered recently in southern Cambodia and in central Laos are described and illustrated. Both described species are probably local endemics with a restricted distribution. Data for the species reported comprise a standard citation of type specimens, description, name etymology, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, as well as short taxonomic remarks

    New Species - Lilium procumbens and its Allies in the Flora of Vietnam

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    Lilium procumbens – a new species discovered at a limestone ridge in northern Vietnam is unique in having a slender procumbent stem. This paper presents a detailed taxonomic account of the species including a description, illustrations, information on the type, ecology, phenology and distribution, affinity with other congeners, and expected conservation status. A key to all the known Lilium species from Vietnam and an annotated list of them are also provided

    New Species of Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes (Asparagaceae) from Laos and Vietnam

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    Three new species of Ophiopogon, O. alatus, O. erectus from N. Vietnam and O. patulus from NE. Laos, and three new species of Peliosanthes, P. inaperta from central Laos and P. kenhilloides, P. splendens from NW. Vietnam, are described with illustrations. These taxa are regarded as local endemics of the respective countries. Peliosanthes macrostegia is recorded as new to the flora of Vietnam. Data on distribution and ecological aspects of O. hayatae is added with photographic illustrations, because our knowledge on this species in Vietnam is still insufficient

    A New Species and Two New Records of Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes (Asparagaceae) in the Flora of Laos

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    One species of Peliosanthes from Laos, named P. irinae, is described as new to science. This species is quite unusual especially in having a thick fleshy inflorescence rachis to which sessile flowers are sparsely adpressed. Ophiopogon griffithii and Peliosanthes sinica are also recorded as new to the flora of Laos. Taxonomic accounts of these species including illustrations are provided

    The iris family (Iridaceae) in the flora of eastern Indochina

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    Iris family in the countries of eastern part of Indochina Peninsula, such as Cambodia, Laos and Viet­nam includes lone native genus – Iris L. with two aboriginal species – I. japonica Thunb. and I. tectorum Maxim. Iris japonica is often cultivated as an outdoor ornamental plant in mountainous regions in the northern Vietnam, where it occasionally naturalizes. Herbarium specimens of I. japonica, collected in central Laos near Nape town, probably represent southernmost locality of the Iris genus in Eurasia. Iris tectorum was discovered in native, primary plant communities of karstic highly eroded limestone in Cao Bang province (Bao Lac district) of the northern Vietnam. This species is recorded as new for the flora of the Indochina Peninsula. The report of I. collettii Hook. f. on the territory of peninsular flora does not yet confirmed by herbaria and remains doubtful. Data on taxonomy, authentic specimens, distribution, habitats, phenology, conservation status and biology are provided for all Iris species. The identification key for Iris species is compiled, as well as dotted distribution maps on the territory of countries of eastern Indochina. Other representatives of the family from such genera as Belamcanda Adans. (B. chinensis (L.) Redouté), Crocosmia Planch. (C. × crocosmiiflora (G. Nicholson) N. E. Br.), Eleutherine Herb. (E. bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.), Freesia Klatt (F. refracta (Jacq.) Klatt.), Gladiolus L. (numerous horticultural forms) и Trimezia Salisb. ex Herb. (T. martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb.) reported from Indochina are introduced cultivated ornamental plants capable to occasional naturaliza­tion as an adventive element of the Indochinese flora.</p