1,028 research outputs found

    Invariant of Noncommutative Algebras and Poisson Geometry

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    In this dissertation, we describe the structure of discriminant of noncommutative algebras using the theory of Poisson quantization and ring theoretic properties of Poisson algebra. In particular, under appropriate conditions, we express the discriminant of specialization of K[q^{+-1}]-algebras as product of Poisson prime elements in some Poisson central subalgebra. In addition, we provide methods for computing noncommutative discriminant in various settings using results obtained for specialization of K[q^{+-1}]-algebras. Further, to demonstrate, we explicitly compute the discriminant of algebra of quantum matrices and quantum Schubert cell algebras specializing at roots of unity. This dissertation is part of the collaboration with Trampel and Yakimov in [25]


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    Collection, conservation, exploitation and development of rice genetic resource of Vietnam: Short communication

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    Genetic resources are important for the development of every country and for humanity. Collection, conservation and reasonable utilization of genetic resource is required mission. Understanding the importance of genetic resource, especially rice germplasm, since 2001, Center for conservation and development of crop genetic resources (CCD-CGR) of Hanoi University of Agriculture (Vietnam National University of Agriculture) has been collected, conserved and evaluated rice germplasm from different provinces of Vietnam for breeding programs. So far, 1090 accessions of local rice of Vietnam have been collected. Evaluation of agronomic properties and screening of some important genes using DNA molecular markers have revealed that Vietnamese rice germplasm has high level diversity and containing important genes for quality and resistance for disease and pests. These genetic resources are potential materials for national breeding programs. Based on the collected germplasm, 3 new glutinous rice varieties have been successfully created with high yield and good quality. In addition, the degradation of local rice varieties is also a matter of concern. So far, 4 specialty rice varieties Deo Dang, Ble chau, Pu de and Khau dao have been successfully restored for the north provinces of Vietnam. The main results of this study are germplasms for rice breeding programs and new improved varieties that bring economic benefits to farmers and the country.Nguồn gene là tài nguyên sống còn của mỗi quốc gia và của toàn nhân loại. Vì vậy thu thập, bảo tồn, đánh giá và khai thác hợp lý nguồn tài nguyên này có ý nghĩa rất lớn. Nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của nguồn gen nhất là nguồn gen cây lúa, ngay từ đầu những năm 2000, Trung tâm bảo tồn và phát triển nguồn gene cây trồng thuộc Trường Đại học nông nghiệp, nay là Học Viện nông nghiệp Việt Nam đã tiến hành thu thập, lưu giữ, đánh giá và khai thác nguồn gene lúa. Kết quả đã thu thập, lưu giữ được 1090 mẫu giống lúa địa phương Việt Nam. Đánh giá đặc điểm nông sinh học và phát hiện một số gene quy định các tính trạng chất lượng và kháng sâu bệnh bằng chỉ thị phân tử DNA. Đây là nguồn gene quan trọng cho chọn tạo giống. Dựa vào nguồn gene thu thập được, cho đến nay, Trung tâm bảo tồn và phát triển nguồn gene cây trồng đã lai và chọn tạo được thành công 03 giống lúa nếp chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, thoái hóa giống cũng là vấn đề đang được quan tâm. Cho đến nay 4 giống lúa đặc sản Đèo đàng, Ble châu, Pu đe và Khẩu dao đã được phục tráng và đưa vào sản xuất. Kết quả của những nghiên cứu này là ngân hàng các giống lúa làm nguồn gene để chọn tạo giống mới đem lại lợi ích kinh tế cho người nông dân và đất nước


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    Using yearly data from 1997 to 2017, this paper studies the effect of terrorism (number of attacks) on corporate investment in Indonesia. Applying an investment-type model, we show that firms reduce their capital expenditure due to an increase in the number of terrorist attacks. On average, a one standard deviation increase in the number of terrorist attacks reduces corporate investment by 9.23%. We also find heterogenous reactions of firms to terrorism across different sectors and different panels based on firm characteristics. Finally, our main results remain consistent after performing several robustness tests

    Improvement of Step Tracking Algorithm Used for Mobile Receiver System via Satellite

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    In the mobile communication via satellite, received systems are mounted on the mobile device such as ship, train, car or airplane. In order to receive continuous signals, received antenna system must be steered in both the azimuthal and elevation angle to track a satellite. This paper proposes the improved step-tracking algorithm using for mobile receiver system via satellite Vinasat I. This paper also presents the results of study, design and manufacture of the discrete-time controller system for the fast tracking of a satellite by applying an improved step tracking algorithm with fuzzy proportional integral derivative proportional integral derivative controller. Simulated and experimental results indicate that the system performances obtain from applying the improved step tracking algorithm and the fuzzy controller was better than traditional control systems

    Optimal generation for wind-thermal power plant systems with multiple fuel sources

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    In this paper, the combined wind and thermal power plant systems are operated optimally to reduce the total fossil fuel cost (TFFC) of all thermal power plants and supply enough power energy to loads. The objective of reducing TFFC is implemented by using antlion algorithm (ALA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). The best method is then determined based on the obtained TFFC from the three methods as dealing with two study cases. Two systems with eleven units including one wind power plant (WPP) and ten thermal power plants are optimally operated. The two systems have the same characteristic of MFSs but the valve loading effects (VLEs) on thermal power plants are only considered in the second system. The comparisons of TFFC from the two systems indicate that CSA is more powerful than ALA and PSO. Furthermore, CSA is also superior to the two methods in terms of faster search process. Consequently, CSA is a powerful method for the problem of optimal generation for wind-thermal power plant systems with consideration of MFSs from thermal power plants

    Minimize electricity generation cost for large scale wind- thermal systems considering prohibited operating zone and power reserve constraints

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    Wind power plants (WPs) play a very important role in the power systems because thermal power plants (TPs) suffers from shortcomings of expensive cost and limited fossil fuels. As compared to other renewable energies, WPs are more effective because it can produce electricity all a day from the morning to the evening. Consequently, this paper integrates the optimal power generation of TPs and WPs to absolutely exploit the energy from WPs and reduce the total electricity generation cost of TPs. The target can be reached by employing a proposed method, called one evaluation-based cuckoo search algorithm (OEB-CSA), which is developed from cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). In addition, conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) is also implemented for comparison. Two test systems with thirty TPs considering prohibited working zone and power reserve constraints are employed. The first system has one wind power plant (WP) while the second one has two WPs. The result comparisons indicate that OEB-CSA can be the best method for the combined systems with WPs and TPs

    “I can't get it out of my mind” - Why, how, and when crisis rumination leads entrepreneurs to act and pivot during crises

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    Why do some entrepreneurs pivot their business models in a crisis, while others are more passive? Integrating Conservation of Resources theory with work on crisis rumination, we developed a micro-level model to explain why entrepreneurs who are under strain due to a crisis, as indicated by experiencing crisis rumination, adopt an active approach – i.e., using active coping and engaging in pivoting. Moreover, prevention-focused entrepreneurs who are habitually more sensitive to losses are especially stimulated by crisis rumination to pivot to prevent (further) resource losses. We tested our model in an experiment and an eight-month longitudinal study with entrepreneurs during an inflation crisis