478 research outputs found

    The regularity and exponential decay of solution for a linear wave equation associated with two-point boundary conditions

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    This paper is concerned with the existence and the regularity of global solutions to the linear wave equation associated with two-point type boundary conditions. We also investigate the decay properties of the global solutions to this problem by the construction of a suitable Lyapunov functional.Comment: 18 page

    Existence, blow-up and exponential decay estimates for a nonlinear wave equation with boundary conditions of two-point type

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    This paper is devoted to study a nonlinear wave equation with boundary conditions of two-point type. First, we state two local existence theorems and under suitable conditions, we prove that any weak solutions with negative initial energy will blow up in finite time. Next, we give a sufficient condition to guarantee the global existence and exponential decay of weak solutions. Finally, we present numerical resultsComment: 2

    On a nonlinear heat equation associated with Dirichlet -- Robin conditions

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    This paper is devoted to the study of a nonlinear heat equation associated with Dirichlet-Robin conditions. At first, we use the Faedo -- Galerkin and the compactness method to prove existence and uniqueness results. Next, we consider the properties of solutions. We obtain that if the initial condition is bounded then so is the solution and we also get asymptotic behavior of solutions as. Finally, we give numerical resultsComment: 20 page

    The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Quality of Accounting Information: Research Based on Listed Companies on Vietnam's Stock Exchange

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    Purpose: This research aims to evaluate the impact of corporate governance on the quality of accounting information in listed companies on the Vietnamese stock exchange.   Theoretical framework: Corporate governance focuses on the structure of ownership, the characteristics of director and supervisory boards. The quality of accounting information is evaluated under the perspectives of information users and information auditors.   Design/methodology/approach: This research analyzes primary and secondary data from 193 listed companies as of 2021 and uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods.   Findings: The results show that the factors affecting corporate governance that have a proportional impact on the quality of accounting information include: Government ownership, Supervisory Board ownership, major shareholders ownership, number of board members, professional qualifications of the association board of directors, and that have an inverse impact is the duality between the Board of directors and the managing directors, and that have no impact are the number of members in the supervisory Board and professional qualifications of the supervisory board.   Research, Practical & Social implications: From the research results, the authors propose recommendations to improve the quality of accounting information through corporate governance.   Originality/value: The value of the study is pointing out the impact of corporate governance on the quality of accounting information in listed companies on the Vietnamese stock exchange meaningful in creating trust among users to attract investment domestically and internationally

    Digitalized management of education and smart school libraries

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    Case studies of changes in the status and roles of smart school libraries point out that the world has entered the “digital era” with digital libraries, smart libraries, smart schools and smart classrooms featured with research and development, Internet-based innovation of modern communication technology. In Vietnam, educational management in general and university governance in particular are undergoing a radical and comprehensive renovation in which libraries are digitalized to become smart libraries to better meet the needs of learners, instructors, managers and people interested in scientific research and training of high quality human resources

    Assessing local people’s satisfaction on resettlement arrangements of A Luoi Hydropower project, Thua Thien Hue Province

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    This study aims to estimate the level of satisfaction about resettlement arrangements for local people who have been affected by A Luoi hydroelectric construction project in the Thua Thien Hue province. This research used the Likert scale method to assess the satisfaction level of 98 households living in two of the resettlement sites. Results illustrate that there is variations in the level of satisfaction of local people in the two resettlement sites, Hong Thuong and Hong Ha. In the resettlement area (RA) of the Hong Thuong Commune, people are dissatisfied with the location arrangement. There is a lack of quality in the houses built, been damaged, cracked and degraded, since the construction design is not appropriate for the customs and practices of local people, with a satisfaction rating of 1.07. Meanwhile, at the resettlement site of the Hong Ha commune, people felt satisfied with the arrangement site of the RA and allocated residential land area with the satisfaction rating of 4.19. Our results will help the government, as well as the project owners, to understand the points of dissatisfaction of local people in order to have accordant solutions, ensuring the stable life for local people in those settlement areas.Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích đánh giá được mức độ hài lòng của người dân về việc bố trí tái định cư (TĐC) cho người dân bị ảnh hưởng bởi dự án xây dựng thuỷ điện A Lưới, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế. Nghiên cứu đã sử dụng phương pháp thang đo Likert để đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của 98 hộ dân sống tại hai khu tái định cư Hồng Thượng và Hồng Hạ. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã cho thấy có sự khác nhau về mức độ hài lòng của người dân tại hai khu TĐC. Tại khu TĐC Hồng Thượng người dân thấy không hài lòng về địa điểm bố trí TĐC, nhà ở được xây dựng thiếu chất lượng đã bị hư hỏng, nứt nẻ xuống cấp, thiết kế xây dựng không phù hợp với phong tục, tập quán của người dân địa phương, với chỉ số đánh giá hài lòng là 1,07. Trong khi đó, tại khu TĐC xã Hồng Hạ người dân lại thấy hài lòng về điểm bố trí TĐC và diện tích đất ở được cấp, với chỉ số đánh giá hài lòng là 4,19. Kết quả nghiên cứu của đề tài sẽ giúp cho chính quyền cũng như chủ đầu tư dự án nắm rõ những điểm không hài lòng của người dân để có hướng giải quyết phù hợp nhằm đảm bảo cuộc sống ổn định cho người dân tại nơi tái định cư

    A Review of Occupational Stress among Certain Jobs in Vietnam

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    Background: Stress in the modern workplace is globally considered a risk factor for workers’ health and safety. However, a review of the prevalence and associated factors of occupational stress in developing countries like Vietnam was largely lacking. This review aimed to describe the situation of occupational stress among certain jobs from studies carried out in Vietnam. Methods: The review was implemented by using key words to search on online and offline, international and national database. After going through 2 stages of selections, total 25 eligible articles were chosen and used for this review. Results: The results showed the prevalence of occupational stress was varied and ranged from 6.4% to 90.4%. The study population focused on health workers, factory workers, students, academic staff and officers. The prevalence of each occupation ranged from 6.4% to 90.4% in health workers; 20.7% to 89.6% in factory workers; and 22.8% to 68.3% in students. Conclusions: In conclusion, the prevalence of occupational stress was very varied between and within each occupation. Therefore, a new way to develop in enhancing the occupational stress data, particularly in developing countries, is urgently needed

    On a Nonlinear Wave Equation of Kirchhoff-Carrier Type: Linear Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion of Solution in a Small Parameter

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    We consider the Robin-Dirichlet problem for a nonlinear wave equation of Kirchhoff-Carrier type. Using the Faedo-Galerkin method and the linearization method for nonlinear terms, the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution are proved. An asymptotic expansion of high order in a small parameter of a weak solution is also discussed