8 research outputs found

    Benefits of Managing the Capacity of Special Needs Shelters with Cross-County Collaboration

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    A significant task of planners involved in emergency disaster management is planning for the optimal assignment of people to emergency shelters. This complex task depends on the available infrastructure and roadway characteristics and can take on additional complexity when older populations are considered because their health conditions may deteriorate during a disaster. Older people may also require special assistance even though they are not listed in the registries of people with special needs. This paper specifically focuses on the assignment of older populations to shelters. The paper presents a spatial optimization methodology based on data from a geographic information system. The focus is on the segment of the population 85 years old and older and on the use of potential benefits of cross-county collaboration in special needs shelter (SpNS) management. Such collaboration can help in using additional shelter capacity between neighboring counties (a) to overcome the lack of capacity in a county and (b) to assign the demand to a close shelter across county borders. The methodology was applied to a case study of five counties in the Florida Panhandle. Because the SpNS demand for the 85+ age group was not known exactly, a sensitivity analysis was conducted for different demand levels. From an emergency management perspective, this type of cross-county utilization can provide a means to use existing regular shelters in multiple counties to serve the 85+ population

    Nonlinear Periodic Phononic Structures and Granular Crystals

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    This chapter describes the dynamic behavior of nonlinear periodic phononic structures, along with how such structures can be utilized to affect the propagation of mechanical waves. Granular crystals are one type of nonlinear periodic phononic structure and are the focus of this chapter. The chapter begins with a brief history of nonlinear lattices and an introduction to granular crystals. This is followed by a summary of past and recent work on one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) granular crystals, which is categorized according to the crystals’ periodicity and dynamical regime. The chapter is concluded with a commentary by the authors, which discusses several possible future directions relating to granular crystals and other nonlinear periodic phononic structures. Throughout this chapter, a richness of nonlinear dynamic effects that occur in granular crystals is revealed, including a plethora of phenomena with no linear analog such as solitary waves, discrete breathers, tunable frequency band gaps, bifurcations, and chaos. Furthermore, in addition to the description of fundamental nonlinear phenomena, the authors describe how such phenomena can enable novel engineering devices and be applied to other nonlinear periodic systems

    Comparative map for mice and humans.

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    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, data summary of 50 countries for 2010-2015: Device-associated module

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    •We report INICC device-associated module data of 50 countries from 2010-2015.•We collected prospective data from 861,284 patients in 703 ICUs for 3,506,562 days.•DA-HAI rates and bacterial resistance were higher in the INICC ICUs than in CDC-NHSN's.•Device utilization ratio in the INICC ICUs was similar to CDC-NHSN's. Background: We report the results of International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) surveillance study from January 2010-December 2015 in 703 intensive care units (ICUs) in Latin America, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and Western Pacific. Methods: During the 6-year study period, using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Healthcare Safety Network (CDC-NHSN) definitions for device-associated health care-associated infection (DA-HAI), we collected prospective data from 861,284 patients hospitalized in INICC hospital ICUs for an aggregate of 3,506,562 days. Results: Although device use in INICC ICUs was similar to that reported from CDC-NHSN ICUs, DA-HAI rates were higher in the INICC ICUs: in the INICC medical-surgical ICUs, the pooled rate of central line-associated bloodstream infection, 4.1 per 1,000 central line-days, was nearly 5-fold higher than the 0.8 per 1,000 central line-days reported from comparable US ICUs, the overall rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia was also higher, 13.1 versus 0.9 per 1,000 ventilator-days, as was the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection, 5.07 versus 1.7 per 1,000 catheter-days. From blood cultures samples, frequencies of resistance of Pseudomonas isolates to amikacin (29.87% vs 10%) and to imipenem (44.3% vs 26.1%), and of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates to ceftazidime (73.2% vs 28.8%) and to imipenem (43.27% vs 12.8%) were also higher in the INICC ICUs compared with CDC-NHSN ICUs. Conclusions: Although DA-HAIs in INICC ICU patients continue to be higher than the rates reported in CDC-NSHN ICUs representing the developed world, we have observed a significant trend toward the reduction of DA-HAI rates in INICC ICUs as shown in each international report. It is INICC's main goal to continue facilitating education, training, and basic and cost-effective tools and resources, such as standardized forms and an online platform, to tackle this problem effectively and systematically

    Comparative map for mice and humans

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