39 research outputs found

    The Epidemiology of HBsAg Positive Cases Reported to the Health Deputy of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

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    Background: Hepatitis B infection is a major worldwide health issue. Based on existing studies the rate of positive HBsAg cases is varied in different regions of Iran, and does not have the same distribution. It varies from 1.7% in the Fars province to 5% in the Sistan-Baluchestan province. Hence, this study was carried out to investigate the positive HBsAg cases reported to the Health Deputy of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2008. Methods: In this study existing data were used. We used a standard form to extract data, which included variables such as age, sex, and marital status, place of residence, occupation, vaccination history, clinical symptoms, and history of risk factors. The data was analyzed by SPSS16 software. Results: From the 577 reported cases, 57.9% were male, 75.4% were urban residents and the rest lived in villages, 79.9% were married. The average age was 37.9 ± 15.6. Most of the women (68.8%) were housewives and most of the men (59.8%) were self-employed, and 99.1% had no history of vaccination. Conclusion: The prevalence of positive HBsAg cases in Mazandaran according to age, sex, marital status, place of residence, occupation and history of vaccination was consistent with most studies, particularly with the two comprehensive reviews. Keywords: Hepatitis B, Prevalence, Mazandara


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    Construction of a causeway bridge on the Lake Urmia accelerated the drying trend of the largest hyper-saline lake of the world. The objective of the research is to investigate the differences of precipitation and river discharge before and after initiation of the construction of the bridge in 2000. The study area was the watershed of the lake. The averages of the precipitation data in the two periods before and after the project have been interpolated by IDW based on GIS Geostatistical Analyst. The two interpolated precipitation layers were used to be plugged into Student T-test equation in GIS in a spatial basis. To do this, the study area was divided to 25 regions based on drainage sub-basins. Less than 30 sample areas were randomly selected as cases from each of the regions to put into the equation. The discharge data were also compared for the two periods. The results indicated that except in some limited areas, the precipitation differences in the two periods are significant. This means that there were little changes in precipitation and river discharge in the area and consequently the drying may be caused mainly by hydrodynamic changes in the lake due to construction of the causeway. However, it can be argued that the changes in the lake’s surface area are accompanied by changes in precipitation and river discharge. The t test statistic can be applied samples based on spatial analysis

    Extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using four fungal species isolated from lichens

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    Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using five fungal species including Fusarium oxysporum and four others isolated from native lichens (Kerman, Iran) was investigated in this study. These fungal species were identified as Arctoparmelia incurva, Penicillium chrysogenum, Uncultured root-Associated fungus, and Caloplaca arnoldii by using ITS rRNA sequence analysis. These species were then cultivated in four common industrial wastes, namely a combination of yeast and malt extract, sugar beet molasses, whey, and wastewater of beverage industry, prior to their use for biosynthesis. The synthesis of the nanoparticles was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy. It was found to be significantly affected by both fungal species and their cultivation media. C. arnoldii cultivated in the yeast and malt extract resulted in the best performance regarding reaction kinetics, particle mean diameter and size distribution. The mean diameter and variance of the nanoparticles were determined to be about 11 nm and 24 by using transmission electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction techniques, respectively. The zeta potential of the nanoparticles was measured to be -21.5 mV confirming their long-Term stability. These findings suggest a new biosynthetic route towards eco-friendly and inexpensive production of the nanoparticles in bulk. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017

    An investigation on the chemical stability and a novel strategy for long-term stabilization of diphenylalanine nanostructures in aqueous solution

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    The stability of diphenylalanine (FF) microwires and microtubes in phosphate buffer solution was investigated and a novel strategy was developed for their chemical stabilization. This stability investigation was carried out by optical microscopy and by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These microstructures dissolve in the solution depending upon their degree of FF saturation. The dissolution mechanisms of the structures in kinetically limited processes were found by accurately fitting the experimental dissolution data to a theoretical kinetic equation. The dissolution data were well fitted to the particular Avrami-Erofe’ev kinetic expression (R2 > 0.98). These findings suggest that the structures can be stabilized by a decrease in the hydration of the constituent molecules thorough a chemical conformational induced transition upon heat treatment. The stable microtubes were fabricated in a novel three step procedure consisting of the reduction of silver ions in unstable FF microtubes by a citrate reductant, the stabilization by chemical conformational induced transition upon heat treatment, and the consequent oxidation of the reduced silver by a persulfate oxidant. These materials were characterized by electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction techniques. The long-term stability of both structures was also confirmed by optical microscopy and HPLC

    Predictive factors of death in patients with tuberculosis: a nested case-control study

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    Tuberculosis is one of the main causes of death worldwide. This study aimed to determine predictive factors for death in patients with tuberculosis to set priorities for public heath interventions to reduce mortality in these patients. This nested case-control study was carried out in Mazandaran province of Islamic Republic of Iran among tuberculosis patients who were treated during 2002-2009. Each deceased patient was individually matched with a control patient according to sex, age, area of involvement and time of follow-up. Potential risk factors for death were evaluated using multivariate conditional logistic regression models. From 2206 patients 376 cases and 376 matched controls were selected. Only positive serology for HIV (OR = 19.1), history of kidney disease (OR = 6.81) and use of immunosuppressant drugs (OR = 3.96) significantly increased the risk of death in tuberculosis patients. These potentially modifiable risk factors could be taken into account in preventive interventions for tuberculosis patients in our country

    Therapieversagen und damit zusammenhängende Faktoren bei Tuberkulose-Patienten, eine Fall-Kontroll-Studie im Iran

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    Introduction: Treatment default is one of the main challenges in tuberculosis (TB) control and is considered a major barrier to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDG). Identifying the factors associated with this outcome can help us provide appropriate strategies for decision making. This study investigates the determining factors of treatment default among TB patients. Methodology: In this case-control study, all 88 TB patients experiencing treatment default during an11-year-period in Mazandaran province, Iran, were compared with 176 randomly selected TB patients without a history of default. Cases and controls were matched based on the year of incidence as well as the treatment center. Related factors of treatment default were determined using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: For men, the odds ratio of experiencing treatment default was 1.67 (p=0.165). In addition, considering ages >64 years as the reference group, the odds ratios for 15- to 24- and 55- to 64-year-olds were 0.95 (p=0.940) and 0.37 (p=0.123), respectively. The corresponding odds ratios for patients 25-34, 35-44 and 45-54 years of age were 1.29 (p=0.547), 1.40 (p=0.472), and 1.39 (p=0.512) respectively. Moreover, the odds ratios for urban residents, patients with a history of imprisonment, a history of previous treatment, adverse treatment effects, previous exposure, non-Iranians and patients with smear-positive TB were 1.72 (p=0.070), 1.24 (p=0.657), 1.47 (p=0.756), 0.99 (p=0.998), 0.98 (p=0.960), 9.29 (p=0.010), and 2.27 (p=0.049) respectively.Conclusion: Non-Iranian nationality and smear-positive TB were detected as predictors of treatment default among patients with tuberculosis.Einleitung: Therapieversager sind eine der größten Herausforderungen bei der Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose (TB) und eine wesentliche Barriere für das Erreichen des Ziels einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Die Identifizierung von für die Behandlung wesentlichen Faktoren hilft, Strategien zur Entscheidungsfindung zu entwickeln. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die bestimmenden Faktoren für Therapieversagen bei Tuberkulosepatienten zu untersuchen.Methode: In der Fall-Kontroll-Studie wurden 88 TB-Patienten, die während eines Zeitraums von 11 Jahren in der Provinz Mazandaran, Iran, Therapieversager erlitten, mit 176 zufällig ausgewählten TB-Patienten ohne Vorgeschichte mit Therapieversagen verglichen. Die Fälle und Kontrollen wurden auf der Grundlage des Jahrs des Auftretens sowie des Behandlungszentrums gematcht. Relevante Faktoren des Therapieversagens wurden mit Hilfe multivariater logistischer Regressionsmodelle untersucht.Ergebnisse: Die Odds Ratio für Therapieversager betrug bei Männern 1,67 (p=0,165). Betrachtet man darüber hinaus das Alter über 64 Jahre als Referenzgruppe, betrug die Odds Ratio für die Altersgruppe 15-24 0.95(p=0.940), für die Altersgruppe 25-34 1.29 (p=0.547), für die Altersgruppe 35-44 1.40 (p=0.472), für die Altersgruppe 45-54 1.39 (p=0.512) und für die Altersgruppe 55-64 Jahre 0,37 (p=0,123). Die Odds Ratios betrugen für Stadtbewohner, Personen mit einer Vorgeschichte von Inhaftierungen, Personen mit einer Vorgeschichte früherer Behandlungen mit Nebenwirkungen, Personen mit früherer Exposition, Nicht-Iraner und Personen mit positivem TB-Ausstrich 1,72 (p=0,070), 1,24 (p=0,657), 1,47 (p=0,756), 0,99 (p=0,998), 0,98 (p=0,960), 9,29 (p=0,010) bzw. 2,27(p=0,049).Schlussfolgerung: Nur Nicht-iranische Staatsangehörigkeit und Personen mit positivem TB Ausstrich erwiesen sich als Prädiktoren für Therapieversager bei Tuberkulosepatienten


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    Human population growth and consequent spatial distribution of human society requires application of new technologies for safety issues. Risk assessment is necessary to mitigate harmful consequences of possible devastating earthquakes on the human societies. A novel method is presented in this study to be applied as a criterion for the assessment. The criterion has been used to make a seismic zonation of Bushehr Province before the catastrophic earthquake of April 9, 2013, happened in the area. The objective of this study is to explore the factors effective in seismic zonation. Fault locations and seismic records have been used as the material. Four criteria of distance to faults, distance to seismic points, interpolation of earthquake magnitudes, and interpolation of the earthquake dates have been analyzed using a methodology to classify the province in terms of earthquake susceptibility. The results indicate that the devised method of date frequency interpolation have been able to find accurately the areas prone to strong earthquakes. This is concluded that the criterion can be recommended for use in multi-layers analysis of site selection studies


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    Earth and Mars travel in neighboring orbits around the sun. Both are rocky planets, but only the earth has the conditions to support life on. Is such a great difference due to their surface temperatures? It is obvious that the surface temperatures of these planets are governed by two factors of: (a) the amount of energy they receive from the sun and, (b) the composition of their atmospheres. If it is true, we must focus more on the Thermal Remote Sensing on Mars. Since heat is an important factor in any physical, chemical and biological study, it can be said that the heat in the form of love and psychological processes is effective for these studies. In study about life on another planet, not only the thermal characteristics are essential but love or passion in Scientists' efforts that are related to inner heat should also be considered. Therefore, in this paper we review the studies on Mars with the emphasis on the temperature. We consider science, art, literature, and technology as well as any things related to the heat including ice melting, volcanology, soil, morphology, and geothermal. As we believe that it must be bridged between mental and science gaps, shouldn't we make both the art and the science convergent? Therefore, we have used different scientific and art resources to make the role of heat in the Mars clear. We are seeking to answer the question whether the heat can be as a common factor in the researches


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    Geomorphology is briefly the study of landforms and their formative processes on the surface of the planet earth as human habitat. The landforms evolution and the formative processes can best be studied by technologies with main application in study of elevation. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is the appropriate technology for this application. With phase differences calculations in radar waves, the results of this technology can extensively be interpreted for geomorphologic researches. The purpose of the study is to review the geomorphologic studies using InSAR and also the technical studies about InSAR with geomorphologic interpretations. This study states that the InSAR technology can be recommended to be employed as a fundamental for geomorphology researches

    Epidemiological pattern of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in Mazandaran Province, Iran (2001-11)

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    Background and Objective: Due to the increase of incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Iran, This study was conducted to determine the epidemiological pattern of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the Mazandaran province, northern Iran. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was carried out on medical record of 3313 tuberculosis patients in Mazandaran province, northern Iran during 2001-11. Age, gender, affected year, area and affected organ were gathered for each patient. Results: 843 (25.4%) of subjects were diagnosed with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis increased by 4% for every unit increase in incidence year (P<0.05). The mean age of patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis was significantly less than patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (42.8±20.6 years vs. 48.7±21.2, P<0.05). Extrapulmonary tuberculosis was significantly higher in women (P<0.05). The chance of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in women was 1.7 times of men. Lymph node (33%) was the most common affected organ followed by pleura (18.9%) and bone (17.7%). Conclusion: The trend of incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis was ascending during 2001 to 2011. The most affected organ in extra pulmonary tuberculosis was lymph nodes