580 research outputs found

    Interpolating Masked Weak Lensing Signal with Karhunen-Loeve Analysis

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    We explore the utility of Karhunen Loeve (KL) analysis in solving practical problems in the analysis of gravitational shear surveys. Shear catalogs from large-field weak lensing surveys will be subject to many systematic limitations, notably incomplete coverage and pixel-level masking due to foreground sources. We develop a method to use two dimensional KL eigenmodes of shear to interpolate noisy shear measurements across masked regions. We explore the results of this method with simulated shear catalogs, using statistics of high-convergence regions in the resulting map. We find that the KL procedure not only minimizes the bias due to masked regions in the field, it also reduces spurious peak counts from shape noise by a factor of ~ 3 in the cosmologically sensitive regime. This indicates that KL reconstructions of masked shear are not only useful for creating robust convergence maps from masked shear catalogs, but also offer promise of improved parameter constraints within studies of shear peak statistics.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    Massive galaxies in cosmological simulations: UV-selected sample at redshift z=2

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    We study the properties of galaxies at z=2 in a Lambda CDM universe, using two different types of hydrodynamic simulation methods (Eulerian TVD and SPH) and a spectrophotometric analysis in the Un, G, R filter set. The simulated galaxies at z=2 satisfy the color-selection criteria proposed by Adelberger et al. (2004) when we assume Calzetti extinction with E(B-V)=0.15. We find that the number density of simulated galaxies brighter than R<25.5 at z=2 is about 2e-2 h^3/Mpc^3, roughly one order of magnitude larger than that of Lyman break galaxies at z=3. The most massive galaxies at z=2 have stellar masses >~1e11 Msun, and their observed-frame G-R colors lie in the range 0.0<G-R<1.0. They typically have been continuously forming stars with a rate exceeding 30 Msun/yr over a few Gyrs from z=10 to z=2, although the TVD simulation indicates a more sporadic star formation history than the SPH simulations. Of order half of their stellar mass was already assembled by z~4. The reddest massive galaxies at z=2 with G-R >= 1.0 and Mstar>1e10 Msun/h finished the build-up of their stellar mass by z~3. Interestingly, our study suggests that the majority of the most massive galaxies at z=2 should be detectable at rest-frame UV wavelengths, contrary to some recent claims made on the basis of near-IR studies of galaxies at the same epoch, provided the median extinction is less than E(B-V)<0.3. However, our results also suggest that the fraction of stellar mass contained in galaxies that pass the color-selection criteria could be as low as 50% of the total stellar mass in the Universe at z=2. Our simulations suggest that the missing stellar mass is contained in fainter (R>25.5) and intrinsically redder galaxies. Our results do not suggest that hierarchical galaxy formation fails to account for the massive galaxies at z>=1. (abridged)Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Error in AB magnitude calculation corrected. Higher resolution version available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~knagamine/redgal.ps.g

    Robust, data-driven inference in non-linear cosmostatistics

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    We discuss two projects in non-linear cosmostatistics applicable to very large surveys of galaxies. The first is a Bayesian reconstruction of galaxy redshifts and their number density distribution from approximate, photometric redshift data. The second focuses on cosmic voids and uses them to construct cosmic spheres that allow reconstructing the expansion history of the Universe using the Alcock-Paczynski test. In both cases we find that non-linearities enable the methods or enhance the results: non-linear gravitational evolution creates voids and our photo-z reconstruction works best in the highest density (and hence most non-linear) portions of our simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Talk given at "Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V," held at Penn Stat

    Probing dark energy with cluster counts and cosmic shear power spectra: including the full covariance

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    (Abridged) Combining cosmic shear power spectra and cluster counts is powerful to improve cosmological parameter constraints and/or test inherent systematics. However they probe the same cosmic mass density field, if the two are drawn from the same survey region, and therefore the combination may be less powerful than first thought. We investigate the cross-covariance between the cosmic shear power spectra and the cluster counts based on the halo model approach, where the cross-covariance arises from the three-point correlations of the underlying mass density field. Fully taking into account the cross-covariance as well as non-Gaussian errors on the lensing power spectrum covariance, we find a significant cross-correlation between the lensing power spectrum signals at multipoles l~10^3 and the cluster counts containing halos with masses M>10^{14}Msun. Including the cross-covariance for the combined measurement degrades and in some cases improves the total signal-to-noise ratios up to plus or minus 20% relative to when the two are independent. For cosmological parameter determination, the cross-covariance has a smaller effect as a result of working in a multi-dimensional parameter space, implying that the two observables can be considered independent to a good approximation. We also discuss that cluster count experiments using lensing-selected mass peaks could be more complementary to cosmic shear tomography than mass-selected cluster counts of the corresponding mass threshold. Using lensing selected clusters with a realistic usable detection threshold (S/N~6 for a ground-based survey), the uncertainty on each dark energy parameter may be roughly halved by the combined experiments, relative to using the power spectra alone.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures. Revised version, invited original contribution to gravitational lensing focus issue, New Journal of Physic

    Bound and unbound substructures in Galaxy-scale Dark Matter haloes

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    We analyse the coarse-grained phase-space structure of the six Galaxy-scale dark matter haloes of the Aquarius Project using a state-of-the-art 6D substructure finder. Within r_50, we find that about 35% of the mass is in identifiable substructures, predominantly tidal streams, but including about 14% in self-bound subhaloes. The slope of the differential substructure mass function is close to -2, which should be compared to around -1.9 for the population of self-bound subhaloes. Near r_50 about 60% of the mass is in substructures, with about 30% in self-bound subhaloes. The inner 35 kpc of the highest resolution simulation has only 0.5% of its mass in self-bound subhaloes, but 3.3% in detected substructure, again primarily tidal streams. The densest tidal streams near the solar position have a 3-D mass density about 1% of the local mean, and populate the high velocity tail of the velocity distribution.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS on 12/10/2010, 11 pages, 10 figure

    Wheat-derived arabinoxylan oligosaccharides with prebiotic effect increase satietogenic gut peptides and reduce metabolic endotoxemia in diet-induced obese mice

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in the composition of gut microbiota -known as dysbiosis- have been proposed to contribute to the development of obesity, thereby supporting the potential interest of nutrients acting on the gut microbes to produce beneficial effect on host energetic metabolism. Non-digestible fermentable carbohydrates present in cereals may be interesting nutrients able to influence the gut microbiota composition.OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: The aim of the present study was to test the prebiotic potency of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS) prepared from wheat bran in a nutritional model of obesity, associated with a low-grade chronic systemic inflammation. Mice were fed either a control diet or a high fat (HF) diet, or a HF diet supplemented with AXOS during 8 weeks.RESULTS: AXOS supplementation induced caecal and colon enlargement associated with an important bifidogenic effect. It increased the level of circulating satietogenic peptides produced by the colon (peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1), and coherently counteracted HF-induced body weight gain and fat mass development. HF-induced hyperinsulinemia and the Homeostasis Model Assessment of insulin resistance were decreased upon AXOS feeding. In addition, AXOS reduced HF-induced metabolic endotoxemia, macrophage infiltration (mRNA of F4/80) in the adipose tissue and interleukin 6 (IL6) in the plasma. The tight junction proteins (zonula occludens 1 and claudin 3) altered upon HF feeding were upregulated by AXOS treatment suggesting that the lower inflammatory tone was associated with the improvement of gut barrier function.CONCLUSION: Together, these findings suggest that specific non-digestible carbohydrates produced from cereals such as AXOS constitute a promising prebiotic nutrient in the control of obesity and related metabolic disorders.</p

    ZOBOV: a parameter-free void-finding algorithm

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    ZOBOV (ZOnes Bordering On Voidness) is an algorithm that finds density depressions in a set of points, without any free parameters, or assumptions about shape. It uses the Voronoi tessellation to estimate densities, which it uses to find both voids and subvoids. It also measures probabilities that each void or subvoid arises from Poisson fluctuations. This paper describes the ZOBOV algorithm, and the results from its application to the dark-matter particles in a region of the Millennium Simulation. Additionally, the paper points out an interesting high-density peak in the probability distribution of dark-matter particle densities.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS, accepted. Added explanatory figures, and better edge-detection methods. ZOBOV code available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~neyrinck/vobo

    Involvement of gut microbial fermentation in the metabolic alterations occurring in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids-depleted mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backround</p> <p>Western diet is characterized by an insufficient n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) consumption which is known to promote the pathogenesis of several diseases. We have previously observed that mice fed with a diet poor in n-3 PUFA for two generations exhibit hepatic steatosis together with a decrease in body weight. The gut microbiota contributes to the regulation of host energy metabolism, due to symbiotic relationship with fermentable nutrients provided in the diet. In this study, we have tested the hypothesis that perturbations of the gut microbiota contribute to the metabolic alterations occurring in mice fed a diet poor in n-3 PUFA for two generations (n-3/- mice).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>C57Bl/6J mice fed with a control or an n-3 PUFA depleted diet for two generations were supplemented with prebiotic (inulin-type Fructooligosaccharides, FOS, 0.20 g/day/mice) during 24 days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>n-3/-mice exhibited a marked drop in caecum weight, a decrease in lactobacilli and an increase in bifidobacteria in the caecal content as compared to control mice (n-3/+ mice). Dietary supplementation with FOS for 24 days was sufficient to increase caecal weight and bifidobacteria count in both n-3/+ and n-3/-mice. Moreover, FOS increased lactobacilli content in n-3/-mice, whereas it decreased their level in n-3/+ mice. Interestingly, FOS treatment promoted body weight gain in n-3/-mice by increasing energy efficiency. In addition, FOS treatment decreased fasting glycemia and lowered the higher expression of key factors involved in the fatty acid catabolism observed in the liver of n-3/-mice, without lessening steatosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>the changes in the gut microbiota composition induced by FOS are different depending on the type of diet. We show that FOS may promote lactobacilli and counteract the catabolic status induced by n-3 PUFA depletion in mice, thereby contributing to restore efficient fat storage.</p

    Particle size determines the anti-inflammatory effect of wheat bran in a model of fructose over-consumption : implication of the gut microbiota

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    We investigated the impact of the particle size of wheat bran on gut dysbiosis and inflammation induced by a fructose overload. Mice received drinking water with or without fructose (30%) and a standard diet supplemented with or without 5% of wheat bran fractions characterized by different average particle sizes (1690 pm versus 150 um) for 8 weeks. Fructose increased Enterobacteriaceae associated with higher expression of key inflammatory genes in the liver. The two wheat bran fractions differently affected specific gut bacteria known to be involved in the regulation of the gut barrier function and/or inflammatory processes. Moreover, wheat bran with small particle size was the sole fibre that reduced hepatic and systemic inflammatory markers upon high fructose intake. The anti-inflammatory effects of wheat bran may be dependent on their particle size and could be related to the changes in caecal Enterobacteriaceae