428 research outputs found

    Supporting diverse Pacific NW marine data access needs via the NANOOS Visualization system (NVS) and data services

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    Serving PNW users via the ANANOOS Visualization System: Data integration and management

    Variability in water column respiration in Salish Sea waters and implications for coastal and ocean acidification

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    Water column respiration is a key driver of carbon cycling, ocean acidification, and oxygen dynamics in marine ecosystems. However, empirical estimates of the range and variability of respiration and its relative contribution to ocean acidification are seldom measured. In 2014, we began measuring respiration rates at multiple sites in the central Salish Sea (San Juan Islands, Bellingham Bay) and then initiated routine monitoring of water column respiration at multiple sites in Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). Measurements in Padilla Bay were integrated into the well-established NERR System Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). Our investigation revealed that 1) rates of respiration vary seasonally and appear to be associated with changes in organic matter supply and, to a lesser extent, temperature, and 2) incoming deeper waters of marine origin are characterized by relatively low rates of respiration (i.e. ~5ugO2/L/h). To further explore underlying mechanisms, we conducted a series of manipulative experiments to investigate the direct effect of increasing ocean temperature and organic matter supply on rates of respiration. These experiments revealed that respiration can more than triple in response to increases in organic carbon supply and that this response may be influenced by seasonal changes in the export of organic matter and detritus from the extensive eelgrass meadows of Padilla Bay. Our field sampling and manipulative experiments have produced empirical estimates of respiration that can be included in models and projections of water quality and ocean acidification for the Puget Sound, and provide insight into the response of inland marine waters of the Pacific Northwest to a warmer, more acidified ocean

    Does Puget Sound have a long-term memory?

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    More than a decade of high-resolution, full-water column data collected by profiling UW ORCA/NANOOS moorings in several Puget Sound Basins are used to investigate interannual variability of near-surface and deep water properties. Although there are no significant trends in temperature, salinity, density and dissolved oxygen spanning the last decade, measurements show steady and relatively strong trends in these variables over periods of 3 to 5 years in both South Sound near bottom waters and in south Hood Canal deep water. For example, the annual minimum density in south Hood Canal deep water increased four years in a row from 2006 to 2009, then this trend reversed for three years. In Carr Inlet the annual maximum deep temperature increased five years in a row from 2011 to 2015, with deep salinity following a similar trend. As these trends are significantly longer than expected flushing and residence times (\u3c year), this hints at potential interannual dynamical feedbacks, longer-term system “memory”, and/or similar trends in ocean and atmospheric forcing. Using archived National Data Buoy Center, National Weather Service and UW Atmospheric Sciences data we explore and report on potential factors contributing to these trends

    Regional and temporal variability in Puget Sound zooplankton: bottom-up links to juvenile salmon

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    We use data from the Puget Sound Zooplankton Monitoring Program to explore patterns of spatial and interannual variability in zooplankton communities in response to environmental change during 2014-2017. This program is a collaborative effort involving 10 tribal, county, state, federal, academic, and nonprofit entities initiated via the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project with the goal of understanding the key role of zooplankton in food webs and ecosystems. Large interannual differences in the environment over this period strong effects on zooplankton community structure and abundance. 2014 began as a fairly normal year in Puget Sound until the Pacific Warm Anomaly event nicknamed “The Blob” began to affect the region during late summer and fall. Unprecedented warm anomalies occurred in summer 2015, persisting through 2016. Off the coast of Washington and Oregon, clear effects on zooplankton community structure were observed, with rare oceanic species occurring in coastal samples concurrent with decreased overall biomass. In sharp contrast, few rare species were collected in Puget Sound, and zooplankton increased in 2015 and 2016 relative to 2014, including increases in nearly all taxa that are important juvenile salmon prey. A few taxa, most notably the dinoflagellate Noctiluca and numerous species of small jellyfish, decreased during the warm years, and shifts in the seasonal phenology of some taxa were observed. These and other findings from the Puget Sound Zooplankton Monitoring Program will be presented in the context of the implications of environmental change for juvenile salmon growth and survival

    Patterns and variability in ocean acidification conditions in Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca

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    The Washington Ocean Acidification Center is working with NOAA and other partners to increase understanding of ocean acidification dynamics and spatial variability in the Salish Sea, and how these correlate with planktonic responses. These data are critical for assessing water quality, areas with higher or lower OA stress, and to understand effects on the food web. Two main strategies are employed; seasonal ship cruises provide spatial coverage and the ability to collect plankton, while mooring buoys provide information on mechanisms and the range of variation due to the high-resolution and constant coverage they provide. Results show a strong degree of depth, seasonal, and spatial variation in pH and aragonite saturation state. In general, the lowest pH and aragonite saturation state values are at depth, particularly in stratified areas, though this can shift during seasonal localized upwelling, e.g., Southern Hood Canal, and in mixed water columns, e.g., the Main Basin. Seasonal patterns are spatially diverse, with stratified areas exhibiting strong vertical gradients with depth during summer and more homogenous conditions during winter; well-mixed areas show less variation year-round. This implies that species encounter quite different OA conditions in various parts of the Salish Sea between the seasons. Mooring CO2 data reveal higher variation during late fall through early spring at sites within the Salish Sea, due to winter mixing of stratified waters, yet the reverse pattern off the Washington coast, due to summer upwelling. In both cases, these mechanisms (winter mixing and summer upwelling) operate across a gradient, bringing relatively deeper lower pH / aragonite saturation state waters in contact with surface waters with higher values. Such changes in the spatial and depth distribution of corrosive conditions have broad implications for sensitive marine life

    Using present-day observations to detect when anthropogenic change forces surface ocean carbonate chemistry outside preindustrial bounds

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 13 (2016): 5065-5083, doi:10.5194/bg-13-5065-2016.One of the major challenges to assessing the impact of ocean acidification on marine life is detecting and interpreting long-term change in the context of natural variability. This study addresses this need through a global synthesis of monthly pH and aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) climatologies for 12 open ocean, coastal, and coral reef locations using 3-hourly moored observations of surface seawater partial pressure of CO2 and pH collected together since as early as 2010. Mooring observations suggest open ocean subtropical and subarctic sites experience present-day surface pH and Ωarag conditions outside the bounds of preindustrial variability throughout most, if not all, of the year. In general, coastal mooring sites experience more natural variability and thus, more overlap with preindustrial conditions; however, present-day Ωarag conditions surpass biologically relevant thresholds associated with ocean acidification impacts on Mytilus californianus (Ωarag < 1.8) and Crassostrea gigas (Ωarag < 2.0) larvae in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) and Mya arenaria larvae in the Gulf of Maine (Ωarag < 1.6). At the most variable mooring locations in coastal systems of the CCE, subseasonal conditions approached Ωarag =  1. Global and regional models and data syntheses of ship-based observations tended to underestimate seasonal variability compared to mooring observations. Efforts such as this to characterize all patterns of pH and Ωarag variability and change at key locations are fundamental to assessing present-day biological impacts of ocean acidification, further improving experimental design to interrogate organism response under real-world conditions, and improving predictive models and vulnerability assessments seeking to quantify the broader impacts of ocean acidification.The CO2 and ocean acidification observations were funded by NOAA’s Climate Observation Division (COD) in the Climate Program Office and NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program. The maintenance of the Stratus and WHOTS Ocean Reference Stations were also supported by NOAA COD (NA09OAR4320129). Additional support for buoy equipment, maintenance, and/or ancillary measurements was provided by NOAA through the US Integrated Ocean Observing System office: for the La Parguera buoy under a Cooperative Agreement (NA11NOS0120035) with the Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System, for the ChĂĄ b˘a buoy under a Cooperative Agreement (NA11NOS0120036) with the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing System, for the Gray’s Reef buoy under a Cooperative Agreement (NA11NOS0120033) with the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association, and for the Gulf of Main buoy under a Cooperative Agreement (NA11NOS0120034) with the Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal and Ocean Observing Systems

    Carbonate chemistry covariation with temperature and oxygen in the Salish Sea and California Current Ecosystems: implications for the design of ocean acidification experiments

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    A central goal of ocean acidification (OA) research is to understand the ecological consequences that future changes in ocean chemistry will have on marine ecosystems. To address this uncertainty researchers rely heavily on manipulative experiments where biological responses are evaluated across different pCO2 treatments. In coastal systems, however, contemporary carbonate chemistry variability remains only partially characterized and patterns of covariation with other biologically important variables such as temperature and oxygen are rarely evaluated or incorporated into experimental design. Here, we compiled a large carbonate chemistry data set that consists of measurements from multiple moorings and ship-based sampling campaigns from the Salish Sea and larger California Current Ecosystem (CCE). We evaluated patterns of pCO2 variability and highlight important covariation between pCO2, temperature, and oxygen. We subsequently compared environmental pCO2-temperature measurements with conditions maintained in OA experiments that used organisms from the Salish Sea and CCE. By drawing such comparisons, researchers can gain insight into the ecological relevancy of previously published OA experimental designs, but also identify species or life history stages that may already be influenced by contemporary carbonate chemistry conditions. We illustrate the implications that covariation among environmental variables can have for the interpretation of OA experimental results and suggest an approach for developing experimental designs with pCO2 levels that better reflect OA hypotheses while simultaneously recognizing natural covariation with other biologically relevant variables
