93 research outputs found

    Energy flow lines and the spot of Poisson-Arago

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    We show how energy flow lines answer the question about diffraction phenomena presented in 1818 by the French Academy: "deduce by mathematical induction, the movements of the rays during their crossing near the bodies". This provides a complementary answer to Fresnel's wave theory of light. A numerical simulation of these energy flow lines proves that they can reach the bright spot of Poisson-Arago in the shadow center of a circular opaque disc. For a monochromatic wave in vacuum, these energy flow lines correspond to the diffracted rays of Newton's Opticks

    The method of fluxions and infinite series; : with its application to the geometry of curve-lines

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    An unfinished posthumous work, first published in the Latin original in v. 1 of the Opera omnia (Londini, J. Nichols, 1779-85) under title: Artis analyticae specimina, vel Geometria analytica. Another translation, without Colson\u27s commentary, appeared London, 1737 as A treatise on the method of fluxions and infinite series. The commentary consists of annotations on the introduction, and on the first and second problems


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    A treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions and colours of light. Also two treatises of the species and magnitude of curvilinear figures


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    Opera quae exstant omnia

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    Sign.: []1, a-c4, B-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4F4Texto con reclamos y notas a pie de pág.Sello de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valladolid Sello de la Biblioteca de Santa Cruz de ValladolidEnc. pasta valenciana, nervios, tejuelos, hierros, cantos dorados y cortes pintado

    Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica / auctore Isaaco Newtono...; commentariis illustrata, communi studio PP. Thoma Le Seur & Francisci Jacquier...; tomus secundus

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    Sign.: [ ]4, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3G4Antep.Port. a dos tintas y con grab. calc. "Delamonde in." "Daudet sculp."Texto con reclamos y notas a pie de pág.Las il. son grab. xil. (figuras matemáticas)Enc. piel, nervios y hierros en el lomo, tejuelos, cortes pintado

    La methode des fluxions et des suites infinies / par... Newton

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    Sign.: a4, e4, i4, o4, A-S4, T3Port. con grab. xil. a dos tintasViñetas y letras capitales orladasEnc. piel, nervios, tejuelo, hierros dorados en el lomo, sello dorado en la cub. con la leyenda "Biblioteca del Duque de Osuna", cortes aguado

    Opera quae exstant omnia

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    Sign.: a4, b1, *A-*F4, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3H4, 3I3, 3K1Texto con reclamos y notas a pie de pág.Las h. de lám. intercaladasSello de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valladolid Sello de la Biblioteca de Santa Cruz de ValladolidEnc. pasta valenciana, nervios, tejuelos, hierros, cantos dorados y cortes pintado

    Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica / auctore Isaaco Newtono...; perpetuis commentariis illustrata... PP. Thomae Le Seur & Francisci Iacquier, ex gallicana Minimorum Familia... ; tomus primus

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    Sign. : *-*4, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Y4, 3Z1, 5*2, 3Z2-3AnteportadaPort. a dos tintas con grab. calc.Texto con reclamos, notas a pie de pág. y letras capitales ornadasCabecera cal. en A1Enc. piel, nervios y hierros en el lomo, tejuelo