1,843 research outputs found

    The current state of subjective training load monitoring—A practical perspective and call to action

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    © The Author(s). 2018 International License. This commentary delivers a practical perspective on the current state of subjective training load (TL) monitoring, and in particular sessional ratings of perceived exertion, for performance enhancement and injury prevention. Subjective measures may be able to reflect mental fatigue, effort, stress, and motivation. These factors appear to be important moderators of the relationship TL has with performance and injury, and they also seem to differ between open and closed skill sports. As such, mental factors may affect the interaction between TL, performance, and injury in different sports. Further, modeling these interactions may be limited due to the assumption that an independent signal can adequately account for the performance or injury outcomes. An independent signal model does not accurately reflect training environments where multiple stressors (e.g., mechanical, emotional, nutritional) impact adaptations. Common issues with using subjective TL monitoring, including a lack of differentiation between biomechanical, physiological, and cognitive load, may be overcome by considering psychometric measurement best practices, finer graded scales, and differential ratings of perceived exertion. Methods of calculating TL, including different acute and chronic time periods, may also need to be individualized to different sports and potentially different individuals within the same sport. As TL monitoring is predominately a “chronic” decisionmaking tool, “acute” decision-making tools, e.g., subjective wellness and autonomic nervous system measures, should be combined in a bespoke multivariate model to aid sports coaches. A call to action is presented for future research on key issues associated with TL monitoring that will have relevance for practitioners in an applied setting

    An over-optimistic pioneer fringe ? environmental perspectives on medieval settlement abandonment in Þórsmörk, South Iceland.

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    We assess environmental factors that may have contributed to farm abandonment in Þórsmörk, south Iceland. Here farms were established during the initial Norse colonisation of Iceland and abandoned by the 13th century AD. Soil erosion has been identified as a possible factor in this settlement change. This hypothesis is assessed using sediment profiles constrained by tephrochronology in Þórsmörk and the nearby area of Stakkholt. In Þórsmörk, there is evidence for episodes of landscape instability between the 10th and 13th centuries and localised episodes of soil erosion to bedrock that ended before 1300 AD and the onset of the Little Ice Age (LIA) climate changes. This early instability is absent from Stakkholt. Later LIA stability in Þórsmörk contrasts with episodes of instability in Stakkholt. The implication is that Þórsmörk was sensitive to early settlement impacts that lead to extensive erosion. After farm abandonment in Þórsmörk, the surviving woodland was successfully conserved as a valuable source of wood and charcoal for lowland farms where woodland resources had been depleted. Mounting pressure on woodland resources in the 11th -12th centuries could have been an important factor in determining the precise timing of abandonment

    A Perturbation Method for Inverse Scattering in Three-Dimensions Based on the Exact Inverse Scattering Equations

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    The detection and characterization of macroscopic flaws, such as cracks in solids are fundamental goals of nondestructive evaluation. Many inspection methods use scattered electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves. These methods rely explicitly on the development of inverse scattering theory. This theory seeks to determine the geometrical and material properties of flaws from scattering data

    Observation and Simulation of Solid Sedimentary Flux: Examples From Northwest Africa

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    The sedimentary archive preserved at passive margins provides important clues about the evolution of continental topography. For example, histories of African uplift, erosion, and deposition of clastic sedimentary rock provide information about mantle convection. Furthermore, relating histories of uplift and erosion from regions where sediment is generated to measurements of efflux is important for understanding basin evolution and the distribution of natural resources. We focus on constraining Mesozoic to Recent solid sedimentary flux to northwest Africa's passive margin, which today is fed by rivers draining dynamically supported topography. Histories of sedimentary flux are calculated by mapping stratigraphy using seismic reflection and well data courtesy of Tullow Oil Plc and TGS. Stratigraphic ages, conversion from two-way time to depth and compaction, are parameterized using biostratigraphic and check-shot records from exploration, International Ocean Discovery Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project wells. Results indicate that Late Cretaceous to Oligocene (∼100–23 Ma) sedimentary flux decreased gradually. A slight increase in Neogene sedimentary flux is observed, which is concomitant with a change from carbonate to clastic sedimentation. Pliocene to Recent (∼5–0 Ma) flux increased by an order of magnitude. This history of sedimentary flux and facies change is similar to histories observed at other African deltas. To constrain sources of sedimentary flux, 14,700 longitudinal river profiles were inverted to calculate a history of continental uplift. These results were used to parameterize a simple “source-to-sink” model of fluvial erosion and sedimentary efflux. Results suggest that increased clastic flux to Africa's deltas from ∼30 Ma was driven by denudation induced by dynamic support

    Survival from cancer in young people: An overview of late effects focusing on reproductive health

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    This paper provides a summary of the areas of survival from childhood, teenage and young adult cancers and the significant late effects that can arise from treatment; with particular focus on the area of reproductive health and the impact on both fertility and pregnancy. To complete this review, Web of Science and MEDLINE were used. Search terms included: “"survival AND childhood OR teenage OR young adult cancer", "late effects", "childhood cancer", "teenage AND/OR young adult cancer", AND "fertility after cancer" OR "pregnancy AND cancer" OR "fertility preservation”. Additionally, the clinical expertise of the authors was drawn upon. Childhood cancer is a thankfully rare occurrence; however, the incidence is increasing. Survival rates remain high and this means that a growing population of childhood and young adult cancer survivors are reaching adulthood. For some of these adults, although cured of their cancer, they are now facing a future with lasting effects on their health from their treatments. These effects, commonly referred to as late effects, are defined as health problems related either directly to the underlying cancer or to its treatment and which occur months or years after treatment has finished. Reproductive health is an important consideration for these patients, and although many will be able to conceive naturally, some will exhibit impaired fertility after their treatments. This can include difficulties at all points along the path from conception to delivery of a live, healthy offspring. High‐quality, large‐population evidence is sparse in many areas relating to fertility risk from treatment and the maternal and fetal health of childhood cancer survivors. Yet given the potential for complications, the authors advocate consideration of fertility at the time of diagnosis and before potentially gonadotoxic treatment

    Charcoal production during the Norse and early medieval periods in Eyjafjallahreppur, Southern Iceland

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    Timber procurement and the use of woodlands is a key issue in the Norse and Medieval period in the North Atlantic islands. This paper outlines evidence for the timing and mechanisms of Norse deforestation in an area of southern Iceland which is tracked through the mapping and analysis of charcoal production pits. Precise dating of the use of these charcoal production pits within a Bayesian framework is demonstrated through the combination of tephrochronology, sediment accumulation rates and multiple radiocarbon dates on the archaeological charcoal. The implications for using charcoal as a dating medium for radiocarbon dating in Iceland and the wider North Atlantic are then explored. Finally, the nature of the deforestation and human impact on the environment is placed into the context of the Norse landnám across the North Atlantic

    Comparison of limb kinematics between collected and lengthened (medium/extended) trot in two groups of dressage horses on two different surfaces

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    Background: Dressage horses are often asked to work in lengthened paces during training and competition, but to date there is limited information about the biomechanics of dressage-specific paces. Preliminary work has shown increased fetlock extension in extended compared with collected paces, but further investigation of the kinematic differences between collected, medium and extended trot in dressage horses is warranted. Objectives: Investigation of the effect of collected versus medium/extended trot on limb kinematics of dressage horses. Study design: Prospective kinematic evaluation. Methods: Twenty clinically sound horses in active dressage training were used: Group 1) ten young horses (≤ 6 years) were assessed at collected and medium trot; Group 2) ten mature horses (≥9 years) were assessed at collected and extended trot. All horses were evaluated on two different surfaces. High-speed motion-capture (240Hz) was used to determine kinematic variables. Forelimb and hindlimb angles were measured at midstance. Descriptive statistics and mixed-effect multilevel-regression analyses were performed. Results: Speed and stride length were reduced and stride duration increased at collected compared with medium/extended trot. Lengthened trot (medium/extended trot) was associated with increased fetlock extension in both the forelimbs and hindlimbs in both groups of horses. Changes were greater in Group 2 compared with Group 1. Shoulder and carpus angles were associated with forelimb fetlock angle. Hock angle was not significantly influenced by pace. Surface had no effect on fetlock or hock angles. Main limitations: Only 2D motion analysis was carried out. Results may have been different in horses with more extreme gait characteristics. Conclusions: Medium/extended trot increases extension of the forelimb and the hindlimb fetlock joints compared with collected trot in both young and mature dressage horses, respectively

    Improving research quality: the view from the UK Reproducibility Network institutional leads for research improvement

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    The adoption and incentivisation of open and transparent research practices is critical in addressing issues around research reproducibility and research integrity. These practices will require training and funding. Individuals need to be incentivised to adopt open and transparent research practices (e.g., added as desirable criteria in hiring, probation, and promotion decisions, recognition that funded research should be conducted openly and transparently, the importance of publishers mandating the publication of research workflows and appropriately curated data associated with each research output). Similarly, institutions need to be incentivised to encourage the adoption of open and transparent practices by researchers. Research quality should be prioritised over research quantity. As research transparency will look different for different disciplines, there can be no one-size-fits-all approach. An outward looking and joined up UK research strategy is needed that places openness and transparency at the heart of research activity. This should involve key stakeholders (institutions, research organisations, funders, publishers, and Government) and crucially should be focused on action. Failure to do this will have negative consequences not just for UK research, but also for our ability to innovate and subsequently commercialise UK-led discovery

    The Current State of Subjective Training Load Monitoring: Follow-Up and Future Directions

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    Abstract: This article addresses several key issues that have been raised related to subjective training load (TL) monitoring. These key issues include how TL is calculated if subjective TL can be used to model sports performance and where subjective TL monitoring fits into an overall decision-making framework for practitioners. Regarding how TL is calculated, there is conjecture over the most appropriate (1) acute and chronic period lengths, (2) smoothing methods for TL data and (3) change in TL measures (e.g., training stress balance (TSB), differential load, acute-to-chronic workload ratio). Variable selection procedures with measures of model-fit, like the Akaike Information Criterion, are suggested as a potential answer to these calculation issues with examples provided using datasets from two different groups of elite athletes prior to and during competition at the 2016 Olympic Games. Regarding using subjective TL to model sports performance, further examples using linear mixed models and the previously mentioned datasets are provided to illustrate possible practical interpretations of model results for coaches (e.g., ensuring TSB increases during a taper for improved performance). An overall decision-making framework for determining training interventions is also provided with context given to where subjective TL measures may fit within this framework and the determination if subjective measures are needed with TL monitoring for different sporting situations. Lastly, relevant practical recommendations (e.g., using validated scales and training coaches and athletes in their use) are provided to ensure subjective TL monitoring is used as effectively as possible along with recommendations for future research

    Fundamental Limitations in Inverse Source and Scattering Problems in NDE

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    Quantitative NDE is, by its very nature, a discipline within which inverse source and scattering problems abound. Determining the shape of a scattering obstacle from the obstacle’s scattering amplitude or the index of refraction distribution of an inhomogeneous object from scattered field measurements performed in one or more scattering experiments are examples of inverse scattering problems encountered in quantitative NDE. Determining the value of a wavefield (e.g., the pressure of a sound wave) over some surface from measurements of the wave at points removed from the surface is a special case of an inverse source problem. Pulse echo and transmission tomography, holographic imaging and emission tomography are further examples where the inverse source or scattering problems arise