3,710 research outputs found

    Bacterial vaginosis, alterations in vaginal flora and HIV genital shedding among HIV-1-infected women in Mozambique

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    Objectives. We investigated whether abnormal vaginal flora, including bacterial vaginosis (BV), are associated with detection of cervical HIV-1 RNA among HIV-infected women in Mozambique. Methods. We obtained clinical data and vaginal specimens from HIV-infected women registering for their first visit at one of two HIV care clinics in Mozambique. We compared women with detectable cervical HIV viral load (≥40 copies/ml) with women with undetectable cervical HIV. Results. We enrolled 106 women. Women with abnormal vaginal flora (intermediate Nugent scores, 4 - 6) were more likely to have detectable cervical HIV RNA than women with normal vaginal flora (adjusted odds ratio 7.2 (95% confidence interval 1.8 - 29.1), adjusted for CD4 count). Women with BV had a non-significantly higher likelihood of detectable cervical HIV than women with normal flora. Conclusions. Abnormal vaginal flora were significantly associated with cervical HIV expression. Further research is needed to confirm this relationship

    Clustering and the hyperbolic geometry of complex networks

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    Clustering is a fundamental property of complex networks and it is the mathematical expression of a ubiquitous phenomenon that arises in various types of self-organized networks such as biological networks, computer networks or social networks. In this paper, we consider what is called the global clustering coefficient of random graphs on the hyperbolic plane. This model of random graphs was proposed recently by Krioukov et al. as a mathematical model of complex networks, under the fundamental assumption that hyperbolic geometry underlies the structure of these networks. We give a rigorous analysis of clustering and characterize the global clustering coefficient in terms of the parameters of the model. We show how the global clustering coefficient can be tuned by these parameters and we give an explicit formula for this function.Comment: 51 pages, 1 figur

    Vertical Scan-Conversion for Filling Purposes

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    Correlated dynamics in egocentric communication networks

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    We investigate the communication sequences of millions of people through two different channels and analyze the fine grained temporal structure of correlated event trains induced by single individuals. By focusing on correlations between the heterogeneous dynamics and the topology of egocentric networks we find that the bursty trains usually evolve for pairs of individuals rather than for the ego and his/her several neighbors thus burstiness is a property of the links rather than of the nodes. We compare the directional balance of calls and short messages within bursty trains to the average on the actual link and show that for the trains of voice calls the imbalance is significantly enhanced, while for short messages the balance within the trains increases. These effects can be partly traced back to the technological constrains (for short messages) and partly to the human behavioral features (voice calls). We define a model that is able to reproduce the empirical results and may help us to understand better the mechanisms driving technology mediated human communication dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Who is the best player ever? A complex network analysis of the history of professional tennis

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    We consider all matches played by professional tennis players between 1968 and 2010, and, on the basis of this data set, construct a directed and weighted network of contacts. The resulting graph shows complex features, typical of many real networked systems studied in literature. We develop a diffusion algorithm and apply it to the tennis contact network in order to rank professional players. Jimmy Connors is identified as the best player of the history of tennis according to our ranking procedure. We perform a complete analysis by determining the best players on specific playing surfaces as well as the best ones in each of the years covered by the data set. The results of our technique are compared to those of two other well established methods. In general, we observe that our ranking method performs better: it has a higher predictive power and does not require the arbitrary introduction of external criteria for the correct assessment of the quality of players. The present work provides a novel evidence of the utility of tools and methods of network theory in real applications.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    A Network of SCOP Hidden Markov Models and Its Analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database uses a large number of hidden Markov models (HMMs) to represent families and superfamilies composed of proteins that presumably share the same evolutionary origin. However, how the HMMs are related to one another has not been examined before.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work, taking into account the processes used to build the HMMs, we propose a working hypothesis to examine the relationships between HMMs and the families and superfamilies that they represent. Specifically, we perform an all-against-all HMM comparison using the HHsearch program (similar to BLAST) and construct a network where the nodes are HMMs and the edges connect similar HMMs. We hypothesize that the HMMs in a connected component belong to the same family or superfamily more often than expected under a random network connection model. Results show a pattern consistent with this working hypothesis. Moreover, the HMM network possesses features distinctly different from the previously documented biological networks, exemplified by the exceptionally high clustering coefficient and the large number of connected components.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current finding may provide guidance in devising computational methods to reduce the degree of overlaps between the HMMs representing the same superfamilies, which may in turn enable more efficient large-scale sequence searches against the database of HMMs.</p

    Emergence of Bursts and Communities in Evolving Weighted Networks

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    Understanding the patterns of human dynamics and social interaction, and the way they lead to the formation of an organized and functional society are important issues especially for techno-social development. Addressing these issues of social networks has recently become possible through large scale data analysis of e.g. mobile phone call records, which has revealed the existence of modular or community structure with many links between nodes of the same community and relatively few links between nodes of different communities. The weights of links, e.g. the number of calls between two users, and the network topology are found correlated such that intra-community links are stronger compared to the weak inter-community links. This is known as Granovetter's "The strength of weak ties" hypothesis. In addition to this inhomogeneous community structure, the temporal patterns of human dynamics turn out to be inhomogeneous or bursty, characterized by the heavy tailed distribution of inter-event time between two consecutive events. In this paper, we study how the community structure and the bursty dynamics emerge together in an evolving weighted network model. The principal mechanisms behind these patterns are social interaction by cyclic closure, i.e. links to friends of friends and the focal closure, i.e. links to individuals sharing similar attributes or interests, and human dynamics by task handling process. These three mechanisms have been implemented as a network model with local attachment, global attachment, and priority-based queuing processes. By comprehensive numerical simulations we show that the interplay of these mechanisms leads to the emergence of heavy tailed inter-event time distribution and the evolution of Granovetter-type community structure. Moreover, the numerical results are found to be in qualitative agreement with empirical results from mobile phone call dataset.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure