2,405 research outputs found

    On model checking data-independent systems with arrays without reset

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    A system is data-independent with respect to a data type X iff the operations it can perform on values of type X are restricted to just equality testing. The system may also store, input and output values of type X. We study model checking of systems which are data-independent with respect to two distinct type variables X and Y, and may in addition use arrays with indices from X and values from Y . Our main interest is the following parameterised model-checking problem: whether a given program satisfies a given temporal-logic formula for all non-empty nite instances of X and Y . Initially, we consider instead the abstraction where X and Y are infinite and where partial functions with finite domains are used to model arrays. Using a translation to data-independent systems without arrays, we show that the u-calculus model-checking problem is decidable for these systems. From this result, we can deduce properties of all systems with finite instances of X and Y . We show that there is a procedure for the above parameterised model-checking problem of the universal fragment of the u-calculus, such that it always terminates but may give false negatives. We also deduce that the parameterised model-checking problem of the universal disjunction-free fragment of the u-calculus is decidable. Practical motivations for model checking data-independent systems with arrays include verification of memory and cache systems, where X is the type of memory addresses, and Y the type of storable values. As an example we verify a fault-tolerant memory interface over a set of unreliable memories.Comment: Appeared in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 4, no. 5&6, 200

    An approximation scheme for an Eikonal Equation with discontinuous coefficient

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    We consider the stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation where the dynamics can vanish at some points, the cost function is strictly positive and is allowed to be discontinuous. More precisely, we consider special class of discontinuities for which the notion of viscosity solution is well-suited. We propose a semi-Lagrangian scheme for the numerical approximation of the viscosity solution in the sense of Ishii and we study its properties. We also prove an a-priori error estimate for the scheme in an integral norm. The last section contains some applications to control and image processing problems

    Degradation and breakdown characteristics of thin MgO dielectric layers

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    MgO has been suggested as a possible high-k dielectric for future complementary metal-oxide semiconductor processes. In this work, the time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of 20 nm MgO films are discussed. Stress induced leakage current measurements indicate that the low measured Weibull slopes of the TDDB distributions for both n-type and p-type devices cannot be attributed to a lower trap generation rate than for SiO2. This suggests that much fewer defects are required to trigger breakdown in MgO under voltage stress than is the case for SiO2 or other metal-oxide dielectrics. This in turn explains the progressive nature of the breakdown in these films which is observed both in this work and elsewhere. The reason fewer defects are required is attributed to the morphology of the films

    First Results from SPARO: Evidence for Large-Scale Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center

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    We have observed the linear polarization of 450 micron continuum emission from the Galactic center, using a new polarimetric detector system that is operated on a 2 m telescope at the South Pole. The resulting polarization map extends ~ 170 pc along the Galactic plane and ~ 30 pc in Galactic latitude, and thus covers a significant fraction of the central molecular zone. Our map shows that this region is permeated by large-scale toroidal magnetic fields. We consider our results together with radio observations that show evidence for poloidal fields in the Galactic center, and with Faraday rotation observations. We compare all of these observations with the predictions of a magnetodynamic model for the Galactic center that was proposed in order to explain the Galactic Center Radio Lobe as a magnetically driven gas outflow. We conclude that the observations are basically consistent with the model.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ Let

    Active Shooter Preparedness Among Dental Hygiene Students

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    Purpose: Active shooter incidents (ASIs) occurring in dental hygiene academic settings present unique challenges and research examining institutional preparation of dental hygiene students for such incidents is lacking. The purpose of this pilot project was to examine the perceived preparedness, confidence, and awareness of dental hygiene students regarding ASIs. Methods: A validated 24-item electronic survey was distributed to dental hygiene students (n=68) at one institution to measure their preparedness, confidence, and awareness regarding ASIs. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations were used for data analysis. Results: Fifty-seven dental hygiene students completed the survey for a response rate of 84%. Many participants felt slightly prepared (n=26, 45.6%) or not prepared (n=15, 26.3%) to respond to an ASI in the classroom. Most were slightly confident (n=26, 45.6%) or not confident (n=16, 26.3%) in helping to control the classroom during an ASI. Over half (n=32, 56.1%) were not certain if their institution provided active shooter trainings and were not certain if drills occurred (n=25,43.8%). Perceived preparedness was positively correlated with confidence in helping to control an ASI in the classroom (r(56)=.616, p=.000). Positive correlations were also identified with perceived preparedness to respond in a lab or clinic with the assumption that ASIs are taken seriously at their institution (r(56)=.375, p=.004). Conclusion: A general lack of preparedness and confidence for responding to ASIs may exist among dental hygiene students along with a lack of awareness regarding trainings and drills. Educational institutions should implement best practices for preparing dental hygiene students for ASIs

    The Heider balance - a continuous approach

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    The Heider balance (HB) is investigated in a fully connected graph of NN nodes. The links are described by a real symmetric array r(i,j), i,j=1,...,N. In a social group, nodes represent group members and links represent relations between them, positive (friendly) or negative (hostile). At the balanced state, r(i,j)r(j,k)r(k,i)>0 for all the triads (i,j,k). As follows from the structure theorem of Cartwright and Harary, at this state the group is divided into two subgroups, with friendly internal relations and hostile relations between the subgroups. Here the system dynamics is proposed to be determined by a set of differential equations. The form of equations guarantees that once HB is reached, it persists. Also, for N=3 the dynamics reproduces properly the tendency of the system to the balanced state. The equations are solved numerically. Initially, r(i,j) are random numbers distributed around zero with a symmetric uniform distribution of unit width. Calculations up to N=500 show that HB is always reached. Time to get the balanced state varies with the system size N as N^{-1/2}. The spectrum of relations, initially narrow, gets very wide near HB. This means that the relations are strongly polarized. In our calculations, the relations are limited to a given range around zero. With this limitation, our results can be helpful in an interpretation of somestatistical data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (2005), in prin

    Divergent transcriptional responses to low temperature among populations of alpine and lowland species of New Zealand stick insects (Micrarchus).

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    In widespread and genetically structured populations, temperature variation may lead to among-population differentiation of thermal biology. The New Zealand stick insect genus Micrarchus contains four species that inhabit different thermal environments, two of which are geographically widespread. RNA-Seq and quantitative PCR were used to investigate the transcriptional responses to cold shock among lowland and alpine species to identify cold-responsive transcripts that differ between the species and to determine whether there is intraspecific geographical variation in gene expression. We also used mitochondrial DNA, nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA and transcriptome-wide SNPs to determine phylogeographic structure and the potential for differences in genetic backgrounds to contribute to variation in gene expression. RNA-Seq identified 2160 unigenes that were differentially expressed as a result of low-temperature exposure across three populations from two species (M. hystriculeus and M. nov. sp. 2), with a majority (68% ± 20%) being population specific. This extensive geographical variation is consistent across years and is likely a result of background genetic differences among populations caused by genetic drift and possibly local adaptation. Responses to cold shock shared among alpine M. nov. sp. 2 populations included the enrichment of cuticular structure-associated transcripts, suggesting that cuticle modification may have accompanied colonization of low-temperature alpine environments and the development of a more cold-hardy phenotype

    Dynamics of Social Balance on Networks

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    We study the evolution of social networks that contain both friendly and unfriendly pairwise links between individual nodes. The network is endowed with dynamics in which the sense of a link in an imbalanced triad--a triangular loop with 1 or 3 unfriendly links--is reversed to make the triad balanced. With this dynamics, an infinite network undergoes a dynamic phase transition from a steady state to "paradise"--all links are friendly--as the propensity p for friendly links in an update event passes through 1/2. A finite network always falls into a socially-balanced absorbing state where no imbalanced triads remain. If the additional constraint that the number of imbalanced triads in the network does not increase in an update is imposed, then the network quickly reaches a balanced final state.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma

    Identification of cold-responsive genes in a New Zealand alpine stick insect using RNA-Seq.

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    The endemic New Zealand alpine stick insect Micrarchus nov. sp. 2 regularly experiences sub-zero temperatures in the wild. 454-based RNA-Seq was used to generate a de novo transcriptome and differentiate between treatments to investigate the genetic basis of cold tolerance. Non cold-treated individuals were compared to those exposed to 0°C for 1 h followed by a 1 h recovery period at 20°C. We aligned 607,410 Roche 454 reads, generating a transcriptome of 5235 contigs. Differential expression analysis ranked candidate cold responsive genes for qPCR validation by P-value. The top nine up-regulated candidates, together with eight a priori targets identified from previous studies, had their relative expression quantified using qPCR. Three candidate cold responsive genes from the RNA-Seq data were verified as significantly up-regulated, annotated as: prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 (P4HA1), staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 (snd1) and cuticular protein analogous to peritrophins 3-D2 (Cpap3-d2). All three are novel candidate genes, illustrating the varied response to low temperature across insects
