1,461 research outputs found

    An Ecological Study of the Lagoons Surrounding the John F. Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida

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    The studies reported here are the result of a three year effort to define the major biological, microbiological, chemical and geological characteristics of the water of the Indian River lagoon around the Kennedy Space Center and to determine the movements of those waters within and between the various basins. This work was the result of a jointly funded agreement between the Florida Institute of Technology and John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA under NASA Grant NGR 10-015-008, dated April 11, 1972. This cost sharing grant was renewed for each of two successive years. Sampling operations were terminated August 31, 1975

    An approach for analysing the impact of data integration on complex network diffusion models

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    Complex networks are a powerful way to reason about systems with non-trivial patterns of interaction. The increased attention in this research area is accelerated by the increasing availability of complex network data sets, with data often being reused as secondary data sources. Typically, multiple data sources are combined to create a larger, fuller picture of these complex networks and in doing so scientists have to make sometimes subjective decisions about how these sources should be integrated. These seemingly trivial decisions can sometimes have significant impact on both the resultant integrated networks and any downstream network models executed on them. We highlight the importance of this impact in online social networks and dark networks, two use-cases where data are regularly combined from multiple sources due to challenges in measurement or overlap of networks. We present a method for systematically testing how different, realistic data integration approaches can alter both the networks themselves and network models run on them, as well as an associated Python package (NIDMod) that implements this method. A number of experiments show the effectiveness of our method in identifying the impact of different data integration setups on network diffusion models


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    Viability of laser cleaning of papyrus: Conservation and scientific assessment

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    There has been a growing interest in laser cleaning applications for a variety of organic materials such as paper, parchment, textiles, and leather during the last decade. However, archaeological organic materials, notably papyrus, have rarely been investigated. This contribution examines whether removal of burial encrustation can be justified in view of its short-term and long-term effects on the substrate. To examine this, tests using mock objects have been performed. Using artificially soiled and archaeological papyrus samples, optimization of laser cleaning parameters using a picosecond laser (1064 nm, various operating conditions) was attempted. Optimization was based on colorimetry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and cellulose degree of polymerization data, both before and after accelerated degradation. In papyrus, there is no clear damage threshold, and substrate degradation can always be observed and is comparable in treated (cleaned) and untreated (soiled) objects. Therefore, the decision on whether to clean papyrus using lasers is predominantly based on aesthetic and treatability (e.g. need for consolidation) criteria

    Vascularization of the Selaginella rhizophore: anatomical fingerprints of polar auxin transport with implications for the deep fossil record

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/1/nph14478_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/2/nph14478-sup-0005-Legends.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/3/nph14478.pd

    Antigen-Independent Maturation of CD2, CD11a/CD18, CD44, and CD58 Expression on Thymic Emigrants in Fetal and Postnatal Sheep

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    We have compared the expression of CD2, CD11a/CD18, CD44, and CD58 on αβ and γδ T cells emigrating from the fetal and postnatal thymus. We report that both γδ and the CD4+ CD8- and CD4-CD8+ subsets of αβ T cells express mature levels of the adhesion molecules CD11a/CD18, CD44, and CD58 upon emigration from the thymus. Whereas CD44 is up-regulated on γδ+ thymocytes prior to export, down-regulation of both CD11a/CD18 and CD58 occurs prior to emigration from the thymus, suggesting that down-regulation of these molecules may be a final maturational step taken by developing γδ T cells before their export from the thymus. In contrast, there is continued up-regulation of CD2 on αβ and γδ T cells upon emigration from the thymus and as they move into the mature peripheral T-cell pool. There was also a marked reduction in the number of CD2+ γδ T cells exported during fetal development that was associated with a marked reduction in the percentage of CD22+ γδ thymocytes exported. The postthymic maturation of CD2 and the other changes in adhesion-molecule expression appear to be independent of extrinsic antigen, as the same changes were observed in the antigen-free environment of the fetus as in the postnatal lamb, which has been exposed to extrinsic antigen. It thus appears that these changes in adhesion-molecule expression are as a result of the normal maturation pathway from a developing thymocyte to a mature peripheral T cell
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