162 research outputs found

    Stylised features of price setting behaviour in Portugal: 1992-2001

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    This paper identifies the empirical stylized features of price setting behaviour in Portugal using the micro-datasets underlying the consumer and the producer price indexes. The main conclusions are the following: 1 in every 4 prices change each month; there is a considerable degree of heterogeneity in price setting practices; consumer prices of goods change more often than consumer prices of services; producer prices of consumption goods vary more often than producer prices of intermediate goods; for comparable commodities, consumer prices change more often than producer prices; price reductions are common, as they account for around 40 per cent of total price changes; price changes are, in general, sizeable; finally, the price setting patterns at the consumer level seem to depend on the level of inflation as well as on the type of outlet. JEL Classification: E31, E32, L11consumer prices, frequency of price changes, price setting, producer prices

    Stylised Features of Price Setting Behaviour in Portugal: 1992-2001

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    This paper identifies the empirical stylized features of price setting behaviour in Portugal using the micro-datasets underlying the consumer and the producer price indexes. The main conclusions are the following: 1 in every 4 prices change each month; there is a considerable degree of heterogeneity in price setting practices; consumer prices of goods change more often than consumer prices of services; producer prices of consumption goods vary more often than producer prices of intermediate goods; for comparable commodities, consumer prices change more often than producer prices; price reductions are common, as they account for around 40 per cent of total price changes; price changes are, in general, sizeable; finally, the price setting patterns at the consumer level seem to depend on the level of inflation as well as on the type of outlet.

    Parenting styles and child´s stress a parent-child analyses

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    Relation patterns adopted by parents in raising their children, defining consequently the family emotional climate were parental behaviors

    Parenting styles and child´s stress a parent-child analyses

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    Relation patterns adopted by parents in raising their children, defining consequently the family emotional climate were parental behaviors occur (Baumrind, 1971, Darling & Steinberg, 2002

    Children´s Stress Symptoms: A Between-Group Comparison

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    Children and adults are exposed to daily stressors and stress outcomes. Research has usually focused on adults, which underlies the need to study children’s experiences. A crosssectional quantitative study exploring children’s stress reactions was conducted with one hundred and twelve 5-8 year olds, 58 boys and 54 girls, from different schools in the Lisbon area to address the question: what are the stress symptoms experienced by school-age children?. The analyses focused on gender, age, family income, and type of school attended. Data were collected in school settings using parents’ demographic questionnaire and children’s reports (ESI child stress scale). Depressive reactions decrease with age and are significantly different between school-group children. 19.6% of children reported high stress scores, suggesting that child stress should be addressed and further researched. We pinpoint the importance of assessing children’s own perceptions and indicate some limitations that should be considered in future studies

    A prática do Yoga Sámkhya nas Unidades de Ensino Especializado e Estruturado da Ilha da Madeira

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    Com o presente estudo pretende-se criar um conjunto de metodologias que permitam analisar os resultados da prática do Yoga Sámkhya nas crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) que estão a frequentar as Unidades de Ensino Especializado e Estruturado (UEE/E) integradas nas suas Escolas. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de cariz essencialmente qualitativo, com quinze participantes, que visa compreender quais os benefícios da prática do Yoga Sámkhya em alunos com maiores limitações, nas áreas da psicomotricidade e do conhecimento de si próprio. Os dados foram recolhidos através de grelhas de observação e registo, e de um programa de intervenção. Conclui-se que na área da psicomotricidade, a prática do Yoga melhora o equilíbrio e o tónus muscular. Os praticantes melhoraram na performance com que executaram os exercícios. Os alunos com incapacidades motoras graves, que se deslocam em cadeira de rodas, desenvolveram a sua força e resistência musculares, necessitando para tal, apenas de adaptações nos exercícios de forma a conseguirem executá-los. O estudo da Flexibilidade revelou resultados igualmente positivos. Verificou-se ainda que os alunos que inicialmente tiveram maiores dificuldades nos exercícios da consciência do corpo, foram os que também indicaram ter menor consciência do espaço que os envolvia e da atividade na qual estavam a participar. No que se refere à área do Conhecimento de Si foram avaliadas a evolução nas Competências Pessoais e Sociais, tendo os resultados obtidos revelado que todos os alunos, sem exceção, melhoraram de forma muito significativa, destacando-se: aumento da concentração; melhor gestão das emoções, verificando-se maior controlo perante o surgimento de agitação interna, e havendo maior registo de momentos de serenidade e alegria durante as aulas; melhoria na autoestima; aumento da persistência e dedicação enquanto vivenciavam a aula do Yoga. Para além dos benefícios estudados diretamente, foram observados progressos que ultrapassaram os objetivos iniciais.The present study is set to create a set of methodologies that allow analyzing results of the practice of Yoga Sámkhya in children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who are attending the units of specialized and structured education (U/SSE) incorporated in their schools. This is a case study of an essentially qualitative nature, with 15 participants, which aims to understand the benefits of practising Yoga Sámkhya amongst students with major limitations in psychomotricity and self-knowledge areas. Data were collected through observation and registration grids and according to an intervention programme. It is concluded that in the psychomotricity area, Yoga practice improves balance and muscle tone. Practitioners have improved the performance used to complete the exercises. Students with severe motor disability, moving in a wheel chair, developed strength and muscle resistance, requiring only of exercise adaptations in order to see them through. The study also revealed positive flexibility results. It was also found that students who initially had greater difficulties in body awareness exercises, were the ones who also indicated to have less space awareness that involved them and the activity in which they participated in. Pertaining self-knowledge, the development of personal and social skills were assessed, and the obtained results revealed that all students have improved very significantly, without exception, highlighting: Concentration increase; better emotion management, revealing greater control towards inner agitation, and higher registration of serene and joyful moments during classes; improvement in self-esteem; increased persistence and dedication while experiencing the Yoga lesson. In addition to the benefits directly studied, the observed progress exceeded the initial objectives

    Escolha da faculdade e do curso de MBA/mestrado a frequentar: processo de decisão e impacto da imagem e da reputação da faculdade

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    Mestrado em Gestão/MBAO ambiente em que muitas business schools operam está a mudar dramaticamente, colocando novos desafios à sua gestão. Em tal contexto, essas instituições de ensino superior são forçadas a tornarem-se mais orientadas para o marketing. Compreender as necessidades e anseios dos seus múltiplos stakeholders (e.g., estudantes; empresas que recrutam os seus alunos; docentes; organismos governamentais; contribuintes) é fundamental para serem bem sucedidas no mercado educacional. Esta pesquisa focará apenas num stakeholder relevante: o estudante. O propósito desta pesquisa é obter um melhor entendimento sobre o processo de decisão de escolha de candidatos a um curso de MBA/Mestrado. Mais especificamente, este estudo visa investigar: as motivações para frequentar um curso de MBA/Mestrado; que atributos são críticos para a decisão de que faculdade e curso frequentar; a importância relativa de diferentes fontes de informação para essa decisão; o potencial de três escalas de reputação distintas para avaliar a imagem que os estudantes têm da sua faculdade; o impacto da imagem da escola na satisfação e na fidelização do estudante. Foram enviados questionários a alunos que se encontravam a frequentar cursos de MBA/Mestrado. Com base em 95 respostas, este estudo dá diversas pistas sobre comportamento de compra no contexto deste mercado educacional. Uma conclusão importante desta investigação é a evidência empírica produzida, que sugere ser importante avaliar a reputação da faculdade com recurso a escalas de reputação multidimensionais, pois algumas dimensões da imagem da escola estão fortemente associadas à satisfação e à fidelização do estudante.Environments in which business schools operate are changing dramatically and, therefore, posing new challenges to their management bodies. In such context, schools are forced to become more marketing oriented. Understanding the needs and wants of their multiple stalceholders (e.g., students; corporate recruiters, faculty, goverrunent agencies, taxpayer) is key to succeed in the educational market. This research vvill focus on one relevant stakeholder: the student. The purpose of this research is to gain better understanding on the decision process of candidates to an MBA/Master degree. More specifically, this study aims to investigate: the motivations to attend an MBA/Master degree; the key attributes affecting the choice of which school and degree to attend; how a number of different attributes may affect the choice of the university to attend; how important different information sources impact on the decision of which university to attend; the potential of three different reputation scales to assess the image students have of their school; the irnpact of school image on student satisfaction and loyalty. Questionnaires were sent to a number of current MBA/Master students. Based on 95 responses, this study provides a number of interesting buyer behaviour insights in the context of this educational market. A key outcome of this research is the empirical evidence supporting the need to assess school reputation trsing multidimensional scales, as some dimensions of reputation are strongly related to student satisfaction and loyalty.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Torre e a Cidade. Um projecto para Campanhã

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    O que nos leva a desenhar um arranha-céus no Porto? Como será desenhar um arranha-céus em Campanhã? A presente dissertação propõe uma solução apoiada nas ideias do movimento moderno e na tradição europeia sobre a construção em altura, trazidas e harmonizadas no contexto da cidade do Porto, com todas as suas particularidades. Alia a essência das catedrais góticas - o modo de pensar na sua relação com o território - com os recentes progressos construtivos, como chave para desenhar um arranha-céus como um marco urbano. O arranha-céus concebe glamour; desenvolve nas pessoas o sentimento de fascínio, orgulho e deslumbramento; e promove o progresso. Subjacente a um conjunto de dinâmicas culturais, sociais, ambientais e económicas, o arranha-céus tem a capacidade de reinventar e transformar a vida de um local deprimido e parado no tempo. Apesar de Campanhã ser um lugar abandonado pelos jovens, onde os idosos vivem sós, é também uma das áreas da cidade do Porto com maior potencial de transformação e capacidade para 'despertar' o interesse do setor privado, pela fortíssima acessibilidade que a densa infraestrutura para transportes lhe garante. A conjugação destes fatores constituiu o ponto de partida para o projeto de um arranha-céus. Da estratégia de concentração da construção numa área de implantação reduzida, resulta a possibilidade de libertar toda a restante área do lote para a criação de uma nova praça e espaço verde que passam a integrar o sistema de espaços públicos da cidade do Porto, a partir dos quais e através de um diálogo que se pretende sensível, procurámos estabelecer relações entre as diferentes escalas em presença, acrescentando valor à cidade e às pessoas que lá habitam.What leads us to design a skyscraper in Porto? What would it be to design a skyscraper in Campanhã? This thesis explores the modern movement and European tradition on the subject of construction of tall structures, applied to the city of Porto, with all its particularities. The essence of the gothic cathedrals - their contextual logic within the territory - and the recent constructive progress are used as key-factors to design a skyscraper as an urban landmark. The skyscraper is glamorous; it develops the feeling of fascination, pride and wonder in people; and promotes progress. In connection with a set of cultural, social, environmental and economic dynamics, the skyscraper has the ability to reinvent and transform life of a place which is depressed and frozen in time. Although Campanhã is a place abandoned by young people, where the elderly live alone, it is also one of the areas of the city of Porto with the highest potential for transformation and with the ability to propel private investment, due to the strong accessibility that its dense transport infrastructure enables. These factors constituted the starting point for the development of a skyscraper. The strategy to concentrate construction in an area of reduced implantation results in the possibility of using the remaining area for green spaces and a new square, both of which come to integrate the system of public spaces in the city of Porto. From these, and through active engagement with sensitive dialogue, we have looked for relations with the surrounding scales, adding value to the city and to the people who live there