4,701 research outputs found

    Estimation of the finite right endpoint in the Gumbel domain

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    A simple estimator for the finite right endpoint of a distribution function in the Gumbel max-domain of attraction is proposed. Large sample properties such as consistency and the asymptotic distribution are derived. A simulation study is presented

    Imunodeficiência Combinada Grave – O Diagnóstico Precoce é Importante?

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    Introdução: Os doentes com Imunodeficiência Combinada Grave (SCID) não diagnosticados evoluem inexoravelmente para a morte no primeiro ano de vida. Um elevado índice de suspeição é fundamental para o diagnóstico precoce, o factor mais importante para a sobrevida destas crianças. Objectivo: Apresentam-se três casos clínicos ilustrativos da importância da precocidade diagnóstica no prognóstico final. Casos clínicos: Caso clínico 1: Lactente do sexo masculino, com antecedentes de infecções respiratórias de repetição, internado aos sete meses na UCIP do HDE por pneumonia a Adenovírus com insuficiência respiratória. Necessitou de ventilação mecânica e de duas transfusões de concentrado eritrocitário na primeira semana de internamento. Teve exantema exuberante, interpretado como toxidermia. Evoluiu para doença pulmonar sequelar grave. Aos nove meses foi feito o diagnóstico de SCID hipomorfa com doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro pós-transfusional, controlada com imunossupressão (ciclosporina e glucocorticoides). Não foi transplantado com células progenitoras hematopoiéticas por não reunir condições clínicas. Na sequência de uma intercorrência respiratória veio a falecer aos 14 meses. Caso clínico 2: Lactente do sexo masculino, internado aos 6 meses no HDE por pneumonia intersticial hipoxemiante. Isolado P. jiroveci no lavado bronco-alveolar e feito o diagnóstico presuntivo de BCGite disseminado em criança com SCID T-B+NK-. Após estabilização clínica e esplenectomia foi transplantado com células progenitoras hematopoiéticas de dador fenoidêntico não aparentado. Dada a BCGite disseminada necessitou de vários ciclos de infusão de células do dador para uma reconstituição imunitária lenta e progressiva. Seis meses pós-transplante está clinicamente bem, com quimerismo linfóide T e NK completo. Caso clínico 3: Lactente do sexo masculino, internado aos 17 dias de vida por infecção respiratória alta e bacteriémia a M. catarrhalis. Reinternado quinze dias depois por sépsis a MRSA e linfopénia. A avaliação efectuada permitiu o diagnóstico de SCID T-B+NK- por defeito na cadeia gamma comum. Transplantado com células progenitoras hematopoiéticas de dador genoidêntico aos 4 meses, sem condicionamento. Clinicamente bem, seis meses pós-transplante, com reconstituição imunitária satisfatória. Conclusão: Esta doença tem uma prevalência não negligenciável e apenas com elevado indice de suspeição se pode estabelecer um plano de tratamento eficaz

    Volatiles and refratories in solar analogs: no terrestial planet connection

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    We have analysed very high-quality HARPS and UVES spectra of 95 solar analogs, 24 hosting planets and 71 without detected planets, to search for any possible signature of terrestial planets in the chemical abundances of volatile and refractory elements with respect to the solar abundances. We demonstrate that stars with and without planets in this sample show similar mean abundance ratios, in particular, a sub-sample of 14 planet-host and 14 "single" solar analogs in the metallicity range 0.14<[Fe/H]<0.36. In addition, two of the planetary systems in this sub-sample, containing each of them a super-Earth-like planet with masses in the range ~ 7-11 Earth masses, have different volatile-to-refratory abundance ratios to what would be expected from the presence of a terrestial planets. Finally, we check that after removing the Galactic chemical evolution effects any possible difference in mean abundances, with respect to solar values, of refratory and volatile elements practically dissappears.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 276th IAU Symposium "The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems

    Hamiltonian symplectic embedding of the massive noncommutative U(1) Theory

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    We show that the massive noncommutative U(1) theory is embedded in a gauge theory using an alternative systematic way, which is based on the symplectic framework. The embedded Hamiltonian density is obtained after a finite number of steps in the iterative symplectic process, oppositely to the result proposed using the BFFT formalism. This alternative formalism of embedding shows how to get a set of dynamically equivalent embedded Hamiltonian densities.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, revtex4, corrected version, references additione

    Supersymmetrization of the Radiation Damping

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    We construct a supersymmetrized version of the model to the radiation damping \cite{03} introduced by the present authors \cite{ACWF}. We dicuss its symmetries and the corresponding conserved Noether charges. It is shown this supersymmetric version provides a supersymmetric generalization of the Galilei algebra obtained in \cite{ACWF}. We have shown that the supersymmetric action can be splited into dynamically independent external and internal sectors.Comment: 9 page

    Predictors of shared book reading at home with preschoolers: Are there differences between Roma and non-Roma low-income families?

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    Previous research highlights several benefits of shared book reading (SBR) for child development, but less studies exist about its predictors (Yarosz & Barnett, 2001). Literature on home SBR in Portugal is scarce (Araújo & Costa, 2015; Peixoto et al., 2008), and studies on its predictors in families at socioeconomic risk or Roma families in this context are, respectively, reduced (Gamelas et al., 2003) or inexistent. This study aimed to investigate the predictors of the frequency of SBR in two ethnically diverse groups of families. Specifically, we studied the associations between child and family (mother) characteristics, parental aspirations, and parental involvement in preschool events and frequency of home SBR. Two hundred and six caregivers of Portuguese Roma ( n = 101) and non-Roma ( n = 105) low-income preschoolers (109 boys; M age = 5, SD age = 0.94) living in the Metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal, completed a survey, in face-to-face meetings. A multiple regression model, using AMOS (v. 25), showed that mothers’ educational level, educational aspirations for their child, and involvement in informal (but not formal) events in preschool were positively associated with frequency of SBR. Ethnicity did not moderate these associations. The overall similar pattern results for Roma and non-Roma low income families is an important finding, suggesting that these families may experience similar challenges in engaging in SBR with their preschool children and, therefore, may benefit from interventions with similar features.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A New Approach to Canonical Quantization of the Radiation Damping

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    Inspired in some works about quantization of dissipative systems, in particular of the damped harmonic oscillator\cite{MB,RB,12}, we consider the dissipative system of a charge interacting with its own radiation, which originates the radiation damping (RD). Using the indirect Lagrangian representation we obtained a Lagrangian formalism with a Chern-Simons-like term. A Hamiltonian analysis is also done, what leads to the quantization of the system.Comment: 5 page