7 research outputs found

    Biocoenological caharacteristics of the ecological network area – a pasture in Trpinja

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    U blizini sela Trpinja u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji, razvijena je fragmentirana vegetacija panonskih slanih stepa na oko 5 ha pašnjačke površine. Ovaj tip vegetacije i staništa vrlo je rijedak i ugrožen te je u statusu zaštite kako u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako i u Europskoj uniji. U flori pašnjaka zabilježene su rijetke i ugrožene biljne vrste koje su uključene i u Crvenu knjigu vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Pašnjak u Trpinji proglašen je područjem ekološke mreže NATURA 2000, u kategoriji područje očuvanja značajno za vrste i stanišne tipove. U cilju očuvanja ovog staništa i njegove bioraznolikosti potrebno je provoditi sustavni i stalni monitoring te planirati prikladne mjere za postizanje povoljnog stanja očuvanosti.Near the village of Trpinja, in Vukovar-Srijem County, vegetation of Pannonic salt steppes is fragmentary developed at ca. 5 ha of the pasture surface. His type of vegetation and habitat is very rare and endangered, so it is under protection status as well as in Republic of Croatia, as in European Union. In the flora of the pasture, rare and endagnered plant species were recorded, which are also included in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia. Pasture in Trpinja is designated as area of the ecological network NATURA 2000, in the category of special area of conservation important for species and habitat types. Aiming to conserve this habitat and its biodiversity it is necessary to implement systematic and permanent monitoring, and to plan suitable measures for achieving the beneficial conservation condition

    NOVI NALAZ CRNKE (Umbra krameri Walbaum 1792) U HRVATSKOJ

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    Distribution of the European mudminnow, Umbra krameri, Walbaum 1792, in Croatia is scarce with only few confirmed localities. In order to confirm presence of the European mudminnow in amelioration canal network along the Drava River an electrofishing was conducted in the small Mlinski canal. Ten specimen of European mudminnow were caught During sampling. Using ImageJ software a truss network was constructed between landmark points on photographs of caught specimens. Total body lengths of caught European mudminnow ranged from 61 to 100 mm (72.00±11.52 mm) whereas standard one ranged from 52 to 85 mm (60.30±10.08 mm). Body weight were relatively small ranging from 1.81 to 7.59 g (3.80±1.89 g), while the Fulton condition factor ranged from 0.76 to 1.23 (0.96±0.15). This new locality of the European mudminnow is situated about 50 km downstream from the last confirmed site in Croatia.Informacije o distribuciji crnke, Umbra krameri Walbaum 1792, u Hrvatskoj su oskudne, uključujući svega nekoliko potvrđenih lokaliteta. U svrhu potvrđivanja prisutnosti crnke u mreži melioracijskih kanala u blizini rijeke Drave, obavljeno je uzorkovanje ribe elektroagregatom na Mlinskome kanalu. Tijekom uzorkovanja ulovljeno je 10 primjeraka crnke. Korištenjem računalnoga programa ImageJ razvijena je metoda razgranate mreže na fotografijama ulovljenih crnki. Ukupna dužina ulovljenih crnki bila je od 61,00 do 100,00 mm (72,00±11,52 mm), a standardna dužina iznosila je od 52,00 do 85,00 mm (60,30±10,08 mm). Ukupna tjelesna masa bila je relativno mala, u rasponu od 1,81 do 7,59 g (3,80±1,89 g), dok je Fultonov kondicijski indeks iznosio od 0,76 do 1,23 (0,96±0,15). Ova nalazište crnke u Hrvatskoj smješteno je oko 50 km nizvodno od zadnjega potvrđenog lokaliteta uz tok rijeke Drave

    Are trypsin inhibitors responsible for the suitability of different legumes for Acanthocelides obtectus development?

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    Legumes represent a valuable source of proteins in human and animal nutrition, as well as of different nutrients. Also, they enable diversification of agroecosystems and can be considered climate smart crops. Therefore, they are gaining importance in both developed and developing countries. The most important, and often limiting factor in legume production is the presence of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). This work tested the suitability of three different legume species, i. e. common bean, grass pea and faba bean (two accessions of each species) with growing interest in human nutrition, for the development and population growth of this pest, with special emphasis on the levels of anti-nutritive compounds – trypsin inhibitors. The suitability was assessed based on the progeny production after each month. The development and progeny production were significantly affected by the legume species, but also by the accessions. The highest number of emerged adults was on common bean, while the lowest regardless on observation period, was on faba bean, indicating its low suitability for weevil development. Correlation analysis detected significant influence of the level of trypsin inhibitors on progeny production.This work was done as a part of activities of the Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of Climate Resilient Crops – Climate Crops, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia

    Biocoenological caharacteristics of the ecological network area – a pasture in Trpinja

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    U blizini sela Trpinja u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji, razvijena je fragmentirana vegetacija panonskih slanih stepa na oko 5 ha pašnjačke površine. Ovaj tip vegetacije i staništa vrlo je rijedak i ugrožen te je u statusu zaštite kako u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako i u Europskoj uniji. U flori pašnjaka zabilježene su rijetke i ugrožene biljne vrste koje su uključene i u Crvenu knjigu vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Pašnjak u Trpinji proglašen je područjem ekološke mreže NATURA 2000, u kategoriji područje očuvanja značajno za vrste i stanišne tipove. U cilju očuvanja ovog staništa i njegove bioraznolikosti potrebno je provoditi sustavni i stalni monitoring te planirati prikladne mjere za postizanje povoljnog stanja očuvanosti.Near the village of Trpinja, in Vukovar-Srijem County, vegetation of Pannonic salt steppes is fragmentary developed at ca. 5 ha of the pasture surface. His type of vegetation and habitat is very rare and endangered, so it is under protection status as well as in Republic of Croatia, as in European Union. In the flora of the pasture, rare and endagnered plant species were recorded, which are also included in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia. Pasture in Trpinja is designated as area of the ecological network NATURA 2000, in the category of special area of conservation important for species and habitat types. Aiming to conserve this habitat and its biodiversity it is necessary to implement systematic and permanent monitoring, and to plan suitable measures for achieving the beneficial conservation condition


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    Crnka je jedina reliktna vrsta iz roda Umbra prisutna u Europi, endemična za bazene Dunava i Dnjestra. Zbog mjera isušivanja njezinog staništa i pretvorbe u obradive površine, te regulacijom rijeka, populacija crnke značajno su smanjene. Iz navedenih razloga, ova vrsta se nalazi na IUCN Crvenoj listi i ima status ranjive vrste. Istraživanje je provedeno u Požeškoj – slavonskoj županiji u blizini naselja Vaška na ribolovnoj vodi Mlinski kanal. Za potrebe ulova ribe crnke, zatraženo je i odobreno rješenje Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Uprava ribarstva. Ribolov je obavljen korištenjem elektroribolovnog agregata. Tijekom uzorkovanja iz Mlinskog kanala je izlovljeno 10 primjeraka riba crnki. Laboratorijski rad obavljen je prema knjizi Fisheries techniques, ur. Murrphy i Willis (1996) u laboratoriju Zavoda za lovstvo, ribarstvo i pčelarstvo.The mudminnow is the only relict species of the genus Umbra present in Europe, endemic to the basin of the Danube and Dniester. Due to the measures draining its habitat and conversion into arable land, and regulation of rivers, mudminnow populations were significantly reduced. For these reasons, this species is on the IUCN Red List and has the status of vulnerable species. The study was conducted in Pozeska - Slavonia County near the village Vaška on fishing water Mlinski Channel. For the purpose of catching, we requested permission and it was granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Directorate. Fishing is done using lectrofisher. During sampling from Mlinski Channel 10 specimens of mudminnow was caught. Laboratory work was performed according to the book Fisheries techniques, ed. Murrphy and Willis (1996) in the Department of wildlife, fishery and beekeeping laboratory

    Biocoenological caharacteristics of the ecological network area – a pasture in Trpinja

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    U blizini sela Trpinja u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji, razvijena je fragmentirana vegetacija panonskih slanih stepa na oko 5 ha pašnjačke površine. Ovaj tip vegetacije i staništa vrlo je rijedak i ugrožen te je u statusu zaštite kako u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako i u Europskoj uniji. U flori pašnjaka zabilježene su rijetke i ugrožene biljne vrste koje su uključene i u Crvenu knjigu vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Pašnjak u Trpinji proglašen je područjem ekološke mreže NATURA 2000, u kategoriji područje očuvanja značajno za vrste i stanišne tipove. U cilju očuvanja ovog staništa i njegove bioraznolikosti potrebno je provoditi sustavni i stalni monitoring te planirati prikladne mjere za postizanje povoljnog stanja očuvanosti.Near the village of Trpinja, in Vukovar-Srijem County, vegetation of Pannonic salt steppes is fragmentary developed at ca. 5 ha of the pasture surface. His type of vegetation and habitat is very rare and endangered, so it is under protection status as well as in Republic of Croatia, as in European Union. In the flora of the pasture, rare and endagnered plant species were recorded, which are also included in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia. Pasture in Trpinja is designated as area of the ecological network NATURA 2000, in the category of special area of conservation important for species and habitat types. Aiming to conserve this habitat and its biodiversity it is necessary to implement systematic and permanent monitoring, and to plan suitable measures for achieving the beneficial conservation condition


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    Crnka je jedina reliktna vrsta iz roda Umbra prisutna u Europi, endemična za bazene Dunava i Dnjestra. Zbog mjera isušivanja njezinog staništa i pretvorbe u obradive površine, te regulacijom rijeka, populacija crnke značajno su smanjene. Iz navedenih razloga, ova vrsta se nalazi na IUCN Crvenoj listi i ima status ranjive vrste. Istraživanje je provedeno u Požeškoj – slavonskoj županiji u blizini naselja Vaška na ribolovnoj vodi Mlinski kanal. Za potrebe ulova ribe crnke, zatraženo je i odobreno rješenje Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Uprava ribarstva. Ribolov je obavljen korištenjem elektroribolovnog agregata. Tijekom uzorkovanja iz Mlinskog kanala je izlovljeno 10 primjeraka riba crnki. Laboratorijski rad obavljen je prema knjizi Fisheries techniques, ur. Murrphy i Willis (1996) u laboratoriju Zavoda za lovstvo, ribarstvo i pčelarstvo.The mudminnow is the only relict species of the genus Umbra present in Europe, endemic to the basin of the Danube and Dniester. Due to the measures draining its habitat and conversion into arable land, and regulation of rivers, mudminnow populations were significantly reduced. For these reasons, this species is on the IUCN Red List and has the status of vulnerable species. The study was conducted in Pozeska - Slavonia County near the village Vaška on fishing water Mlinski Channel. For the purpose of catching, we requested permission and it was granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Directorate. Fishing is done using lectrofisher. During sampling from Mlinski Channel 10 specimens of mudminnow was caught. Laboratory work was performed according to the book Fisheries techniques, ed. Murrphy and Willis (1996) in the Department of wildlife, fishery and beekeeping laboratory