28 research outputs found

    Development of draft quality-of-governance standards for climate change mitigation and beyond: groundtruthing of developed verifiers in REDD+ pilot area, Nepal

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    Governance has been identified as central aspect of sustainable forest management. While all participants within the forest policy arena would agree with this observation, it has been less easy to determine how best to evaluate forest governance. Building on the work of the 1992 UN Statement of Forest Principles, and using a hierarchical framework of principles, criteria and indicators (PC&I), Dr Cadman has developed a consistent approach to evaluating forest governance at the global, regional, national and local levels. Tim and Tek applied their work to a range of global policy mechanisms, including REDD+, and has been used by the forest sector in developing countries (Nepal) to develop on-the-ground standards for evaluating REDD+ effectiveness and governance quality

    Assessment of above ground biomass and soil organic carbon in the forests of Nepal under climate change scenario

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    IntroductionMany factors, such as climate, topography, forest management, or tree/forest attributes, influence soil organic carbon (SOC) and above-ground tree biomass (AGTB). This study focuses on assessing relationship between various predictor variables and response variables (SOC and AGTB) in the perspective of climate change scenario. The study was conducted throughout in Nepal using forest resource assessment data (2010–2014).MethodsOur study applied a random forest model to assess the status of SOC and AGTB under future climate change scenarios using 19 bioclimatic variables accompanied by other variables such as altitude, aspect, basal area, crown cover development status, distance to settlement forest types, number of trees, macro-topography, management regime, physiographic zones, slope, and soil depth. The study used 737 (70%) samples as a training data for model development while 312 (30%) samples as a testing data for model validation.Results and discussionThe respective RMSE, RMSE% and adjusted R2 of the Random Forest Model for SOC estimation were found to be 9.53 ton/ha, 15% and 0.746 while same for the AGTB were 37.55 ton/ha, 21.74% and 0.743. Particularly, changes in temperature and precipitation showed an effect on the amount of SOC and AGTB in the projected scenario i.e., CMIP6, SSP2 4.5 for 2040–2060. The study found the amount of SOC decreased by 3.85%, while AGTB increased by 2.96% in the projected scenario. The proposed approach which incorporates the effect of bioclimatic variables can be a better option for understanding the dynamics of SOC and AGTB in the future using climatic variables

    Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in the Forests of Nepal

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the major constituent of the soil organic matter. SOC stocks are determined by several factors such as altitude, slope, aspect, canopy cover, and vegetation type. Using the Third National Forest Inventory (2010–2014) data of Nepal, we assessed SOC status in forests at a national scale for the better understanding of the SOC distribution within Nepal. In this study, we estimated SOC against different factors and tested the spatial distribution of SOC using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the forests located at a higher altitude have higher SOC accumulation. In particular, broadleaved forests exhibit a higher amount of carbon stock compared to other forest types. Moreover, forests with a larger canopy cover, located on a higher slope, and with a cooler aspect are associated with a higher accumulation of SOC. The SOC stock in the forest varies according to altitude, slope, aspect, canopy cover, and forest type, which might be attributed to the change in the microclimate of the area. The significant increase in SOC amount with the increase in slope, altitude, and crown cover helps to understand the extent of SOC distribution in forests. Broadleaved forests with a larger canopy cover in the higher altitude region have a higher SOC retention potential, which is likely to contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change by sinking more carbon into the soil

    Harvested wood products and REDD+: looking beyond the forest border

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    Abstract Background The focus of REDD+ is sensu stricto on maintaining forest carbon stocks. We extend the scope of sustainable management of forest from forests to timber utilization, and study carbon offsets resulting from the utilization of harvested timber for bio energy or harvested wood products (HWPs). The emission budget of harvesting operations depends on the loss of standing biomass by timber extracted from the forest site and logging losses on the one side, and on the other on the wood end use and the utilization of processing residues. We develop two scenarios to quantify the magnitude of CO2 emissions by (1) energetic utilization, and (2) energetic and material utilization of harvested timber and compare the substitution effects for different fossil energy sources. Results The direct energetic use of harvested timber does not compensate for the losses of forest carbon stock. Logging residuals and displacement factors reflecting different wood use constitute by far the most important factor in potential emission reductions. Substitution effects resulting from energetic use of mill residuals and from HWPs have only a subordinated contribution to the total emissions as well as the type of fossil fuel utilized to quantify substitution effects. Material substitution effects associated with harvested wood products show a high potential to increase the climate change benefits. Conclusions The observation and perception of REDD+ should not be restricted to sustainable management and reduced impact logging practices in the forest domain but should be extended to the utilization of extracted timber. Substitution effects from material and energetic utilization of harvested timber result in considerable emission reductions, which can compensate for the loss of forest carbon, and eventually contribute to the overall climate change mitigation benefits from forestry sector

    Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of Tree Species: Dendroclimatological Analysis

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    Tree ring analyses can assist in revealing the effect of gradual change in climatic variables on tree growth. Dendroclimatic analyses are of particular importance in evaluating the climate variables that affect growth significantly and in determining the relative strength of different climatic factors. In this study, we investigated the growth performance of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, and Pseudotsuga menziesii in northern Germany using standard dendrochronological methods. The study further analyzed tree growth responses to different climatic variables over a period of a hundred years. Both response function analysis and moving correlation analysis confirmed that the climate and growth relationship is species-specific and variable and inconsistent over time. Scots pine and Douglas fir growth were stimulated mainly by the increase in winter temperatures, particularly the January, February, and March temperatures of the current year. In contrast, Norway spruce growth was stimulated mainly by the increase in precipitation in May, June, and July and the increase in temperature in March of the current year. Climate projections for central Europe foresee an increase in temperature and a decrease in the amount of summer precipitation. In a future, warmer climate with drier summers, the growth of Norway spruce might be negatively affected

    Carbon recovery following selective logging in tropical rainforests in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Abstract Background The knowledge gap regarding post-logging carbon recovery by increased growth is becoming more crucial to understand the significant contribution of forest to climate change mitigation. We assessed the ability of tropical forests in Indonesia to recover carbon following conventional logging. We evaluated carbon re-growth of 10,415 trees in permanent sample plots (PSPs) in East Kalimantan. Four different post-harvesting silvicultural treatments including liberation, refining, thinning, and control were applied in the PSPs. We estimated the carbon recovery period using three different scenarios of total carbon losses due to logging. In the first scenario, we used an existing factor of logging damage and increased it for assuming the range of carbon losses due to different logging practices. Results Under the existing conventional logging practice, the concession annually emits 51.18 tC∙ha− 1, of which 16.8% are extracted from the forest as raw timber, 38% are logging losses, and 45.2% are emissions due to infrastructure development for logging operation. Increasing the logging damage factor two and three times led to an increase in carbon emission to 70.76 and 90.34 tC∙ha− 1, respectively. The recovery time of the aboveground carbon is 26 years in Scenario 1, 36 years in Scenario 2, and 46 years in Scenario 3. We found no significant effect of the silvicultural treatment type on carbon recovery, but significant effect of the sites was observed. Conclusions We found that the time taken to restore the carbon to the level found in undisturbed forests is considerably longer than the current intervention cycles. The time needed to recover biomass and carbon-stock noticeably depends on the intensity of logging interventions, demonstrating the benefits of using improved harvesting e.g., reduced impact logging to reduce emissions. The study found that site variability has a significant effect on the carbon recovery time. Different silvicultural treatments, on the other hand, have no effect on the recovery time. The study suggests that it is not appropriate to establish an intervention cycle based on arbitrary choice; the time between interventions must be based on logging losses and site specific growth potential to ensure sustainable management of forests

    Timber Losses during Harvesting in Managed Shorea robusta Forests of Nepal

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    Logging and sawing of timber using conventional tools by unskilled workers causes enormous damage to the valuable timber, residual stand, regeneration, and forest soil in Nepal. The purpose of this study was to find out the volume reduction factor and identify major strategies to reduce timber losses in the tree harvesting process in the Terai Shorea robusta forest of Nepal. Field measurements and product flow analysis of 51 felled trees from felling coupes and randomly selected 167 sawed logs were examined to study harvesting losses. Responses from 116 forest experts were analyzed to explore strategies for reducing harvesting and processing losses. The results showed that timber losses in the felling and bucking stage with and without stem rot were 23% and 22%, respectively. Similarly, timber losses in the sawing stage with and without stem rot were 31% and 30%, respectively. Paired t-test at 5% level of significance revealed that there was significant loss in both tree felling and log sawing stages with present harvesting practice. The most leading factor contributing to timber loss in all of the three stages was the use of inappropriate equipment during tree harvesting. Use of synthetic ropes for directional felling and skidding as well as flexible and portable sawing machine with size adjustment options during sawing were mainly recommended as strategies to reduce timber losses. This study serves as a baseline study to identify and quantify timber losses in different stages of tree conversion and also formulate their reduction strategies in Nepal

    Who shapes the environmental policy in the global south? Unpacking the reality of Nepal

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    Environmental policy is crucial for defining the scope of conservation and development at the local, national, and international level. Because of its broader framework for balancing conservation and development, environmental policy is considered as the concern of all actors representing multiple disciplines, ranging from environmentalists to development professionals. However, the current practice of environmental policy-making is blamed to be government monolithic and expert-based, which ignored the importance of local communities. In this context, we aimed to analyze the architecture of policy stakeholders and actors’ constellation in the environmental policy-making process in the global south, by taking a case of Nepal. We reviewed national environmental policy milestones (n = 5) and scientific literature (n = 48) and undertook key informant interviews (n = 25) with seven policy stakeholder groups. The developmental history of environmental policy was reviewed from the perspective of policy actors and institutions. We found an increasing involvement of non-governmental (as well as donor) actors in setting the context and framing of the environmental policies. However, the selection of tools of actions of environmental policy was dominated by the discursive sphere of government officials, experts, and international organizations. In addition, implementation mechanisms and institutional arrangements for the transformation of policy objectives into implementation were largely subjugated by government officials, which in turn obstructed in the achievement of the policy outcomes and led to policy failure. We recommend adopting transdisciplinary policy-making approach to solve the complex environmental issues and development imperatives of the country

    Do National Policies Translate into Local Actions? Analyzing Coherence between Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Implications for Local Adaptation in Nepal

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    National climate change policy and strategies set out a framework for planning and undertaking climate change adaptation as well as mitigation activities at the national and local levels. In this article, we examine the coherence and contradictions between national policies and plans, and its impacts on the implementation of adaptation measures at the local level. We undertook a content review of key climate change policy documents (n = 4) of Nepal. In addition, we conducted a field study in the Rajdevi Community Forest User Group (CFUG) located in the mid-hills of Nepal, which has developed and implemented a community level adaptation plan of action (CAPA). The field study involved household interviews, focus group discussions, and an in-depth analysis of CAPA implementation. The paper found that while policies are coherent for targeting highly affected areas and communities, they deviate from discerning an appropriate planning and implanting unit. The local adaptation plan of action (LAPA) considers the local government as an implementing unit, while the national adaptation program of action (NAPA) puts an emphasis on the local community groups. It suggests that the existing LAPA implementation breaches the provision of community-level institutions for the implementation conceived in the central framework. Despite little attention to promoting food security in climate change policy, through the CAPA, local communities have planned and implemented adaptation measures envisioned in the thematic areas identified in the climate change policy of Nepal: agriculture and food security; forests and biodiversity; water resources and energy; climate-induced disasters; public health; and urban settlements and infrastructure. Nevertheless, the CAPA is not institutionalized under government policies and the institutional framework as a local level implementing unit. So, the consensus for a local implementing unit in the policies has remained a key issue. We suggest identifying a suitable and acceptable unit for implementing climate change adaptation at the community level. Only if an appropriate implementing unit is identified can the policies be successful with a broader acceptance and desirable outcomes enshrined in the climate change policy