503 research outputs found

    Field-induced charge-density-wave transitions in the organic metal α-(BEDT-TTF)₂KHg(SCN)₄ under pressure

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    Successive magnetic-field-induced charge-density-wave transitions in the layered molecular conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)₂KHg(SCN)₄ are studied in the hydrostatic pressure regime, in which the zero field chargedensity-wave (CDW) state is completely suppressed. The orbital effect of the magnetic field is demonstrated to restore the density wave, while the orbital quantization induces transitions between different CDW states at changing the field strength. The latter appear as distinct anomalies in the magnetoresistance as a function of field. The interplay between the orbital and Pauli paramagnetic effects acting, respectively, to enhance and to suppress the CDW instability is particularly manifest in the angular dependence of the field-induced anomalies

    The Weyl bundle as a differentiable manifold

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    Construction of an infinite dimensional differentiable manifold R{\mathbb R}^{\infty} not modelled on any Banach space is proposed. Definition, metric and differential structures of a Weyl algebra and a Weyl algebra bundle are presented. Continuity of the \circ-product in the Tichonov topology is proved. Construction of the *-product of the Fedosov type in terms of theory of connection in a fibre bundle is explained.Comment: 31 pages; revised version - some typoes have been eliminated, notation has been simplifie

    Diagonally Neighbour Transitive Codes and Frequency Permutation Arrays

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    Constant composition codes have been proposed as suitable coding schemes to solve the narrow band and impulse noise problems associated with powerline communication. In particular, a certain class of constant composition codes called frequency permutation arrays have been suggested as ideal, in some sense, for these purposes. In this paper we characterise a family of neighbour transitive codes in Hamming graphs in which frequency permutation arrays play a central rode. We also classify all the permutation codes generated by groups in this family

    Quantum Stephani exact cosmological solutions and the selection of time variable

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    We study perfect fluid Stephani quantum cosmological model. In the present work the Schutz's variational formalism which recovers the notion of time is applied. This gives rise to Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the scale factor. We use the eigenfunctions in order to construct wave packets for each case. We study the time-dependent behavior of the expectation value of the scale factor, using many-worlds and deBroglie-Bohm interpretations of quantum mechanics.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic-Field Induced Quantum Critical Point in YbRh2_2Si2_2

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    We report low-temperature calorimetric, magnetic and resistivity measurements on the antiferromagnetic (AF) heavy-fermion metal YbRh2_2Si2_2 (TN={T_N =} 70 mK) as a function of magnetic field BB. While for fields exceeding the critical value Bc0{B_{c0}} at which TN0{T_N\to0} the low temperature resistivity shows an AT2{AT^2} dependence, a 1/(BBc0){1/(B-B_{c0})} divergence of A(B){A(B)} upon reducing BB to Bc0{B_{c0}} suggests singular scattering at the whole Fermi surface and a divergence of the heavy quasiparticle mass. The observations are interpreted in terms of a new type of quantum critical point separating a weakly AF ordered from a weakly polarized heavy Landau-Fermi liquid state.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The break up of heavy electrons at a quantum critical point

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    The point at absolute zero where matter becomes unstable to new forms of order is called a quantum critical point (QCP). The quantum fluctuations between order and disorder that develop at this point induce profound transformations in the finite temperature electronic properties of the material. Magnetic fields are ideal for tuning a material as close as possible to a QCP, where the most intense effects of criticality can be studied. A previous study on theheavy-electron material YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 found that near a field-induced quantum critical point electrons move ever more slowly and scatter off one-another with ever increasing probability, as indicated by a divergence to infinity of the electron effective mass and cross-section. These studies could not shed light on whether these properties were an artifact of the applied field, or a more general feature of field-free QCPs. Here we report that when Germanium-doped YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 is tuned away from a chemically induced quantum critical point by magnetic fields there is a universal behavior in the temperature dependence of the specific heat and resistivity: the characteristic kinetic energy of electrons is directly proportional to the strength of the applied field. We infer that all ballistic motion of electrons vanishes at a QCP, forming a new class of conductor in which individual electrons decay into collective current carrying motions of the electron fluid.Comment: Pdf files of article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/breakup.pdf, pdf file of news and views article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/nvbreakup.pd

    Pseudo-time Schroedinger equation with absorbing potential for quantum scattering calculations

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    The Schroedinger equation with an energy-dependent complex absorbing potential, associated with a scattering system, can be reduced for a special choice of the energy-dependence to a harmonic inversion problem of a discrete pseudo-time correlation function. An efficient formula for Green's function matrix elements is also derived. Since the exact propagation up to time 2t can be done with only t real matrix-vector products, this gives an unprecedently efficient scheme for accurate calculations of quantum spectra for possibly very large systems.Comment: 9 page

    Complex effective index in graphene-silicon waveguides

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    We report for the first time and characterize experimentally the complex optical conductivity of graphene on silicon photonic waveguides. This permits us to predict accurately the behavior of photonic integrated devices encompassing graphene layers. Exploiting a Si microring add/drop resonator, we show the effect of electrical gating of graphene on the complex effective index of the waveguide by measuring both the wavelength shift of the resonance and the change in the drop peak transmission. Due to electro-refractive effect of graphene a giant (>10 123) change in the effective index is demonstrated for the first time on Si photonics waveguides and this large effect will crucially impact performances and consumption of Si photonics devices. We confirmed the results by two independent experiments involving two different gating schemes: Si gating through the ridge waveguide, and polymer-electrolyte gating. Both the experiments demonstrate a very large phase effect in good agreement with numerical calculations. The reported results validate the Kubo model for the case of graphene-Si photonics interfaces and for propagation in this type of waveguide. This is fundamental for the next design and fabrication of future graphene-silicon photonics devices