117 research outputs found

    “Formal and informal networkedness among German Academics”: exploring the role of conferences and co-publications in scientific performance

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    This paper builds on the established finding that the performance of scholars depends on their interpersonal networks. Until now, these networks have largely been measured by analysing the credits and acknowledgements on their publications, especially their co-authorships. First, it seeks to clarify inconsistencies in existing findings by providing a comprehensive analysis of the effects of co-authorship among the overall population of actively publishing researchers from Germany. Second, it acknowledges that co-publication is only one very formal and explicit form of academic networking and develops a new indicator based on an academic’s inferred co-presence at conferences. Comparing the impact of these two different aspects of networkedness, we find that hierarchy and influence play a stronger role in determining a scientist’s performance in the context of informal networks than they do when considering formal co-publication networks

    Patents and the financial performance of firms - An analysis based on stock market data

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    The following article systematically analyzes the question of how the results of R&D and its protection - or so to say, the technology base of a firm - can influence its market value and profits. Based on theoretical arguments it is hypothesized that large and highly valuable patent portfolios of firms have significant effects on their competitiveness in the long run. For the empirical testing a panel dataset including 479 firms from 1990 to 2007 based on the DTI-Scoreboard is used, which contains data on R&D expenditures, market capitalization, turnover etc. and structural information like firm-size and industry sector. To this database the relevant information on patenting behavior and financial performance are added, so effects of firm characteristics can be calculated. To assess the value of a firm's patent portfolio, different value measures like the number of received patent citations, opposed patents, number of inventors etc. are being applied. The results suggest that at least at the firm level, especially forward citations and family size positively influence market value. Concerning the Return on Investment, especially oppositions and family size show positive effects. This leads to the conclusion that securing international markets has a positive effect on the value of the firm in the home market. --


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    Relating popularity on Twitter and Linkedin to bibliometric indicators of visibility and interconnectedness: an analysis of 8512 applied researchers in Germany

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    We analyse the degree to which the popularity of scientific authors on Twitter and LinkedIn corresponds to publication-based indicators as to their visibility and interconnectedness. Departing from the extant literature’s focus on the visibility of individual papers, we turn to the popularity of individuals on social media platforms. We explore whether this popularity is reflected in the visibility that researchers achieve and the collaborations they maintain in the publication domain. Studying a large sample of applied researchers in Germany, we find congruence between researchers’ popularity on social media, and both their visibility and interconnectedness in the publication domain. Comparing the effects of Twitter and LinkedIn engagement, we furthermore find that the characteristics of this relationship are associated with the intended function of the social media platform in which researchers engage. We conclude that social media platforms are a relevant channel of academic communication, alongside existing channels of formal and informal exchange

    Ubiquitous Computing. Summary

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    Ubiquitous computing - the complex electronic networking of things that communicate - is considered a promising innovation path worldwide. Intensive R&D activities and political strategies are aimed at promoting practical technologies and applications. Where do we currently stand on the path to the "Internet of Things"? Which practical projects already show the potential that can be exploited by implementing the basic idea of ubiquitous computing? What technical, legal and social challenges must be overcome to achieve this - and what can be the contribution of politics? In the light of these questions, the authors analyse the status quo and the perspectives of ubiquitous computing and illustrate their findings with examples from trade, logistics and health care, among others. the fascinating "Brownie technology" of ubiquitous computing must, however, still be comprehensively made fit by those involved in business, society and politics if its applications are really to become economically attractive, socially acceptable and helpful in overcoming social problems

    Properties of New York/New Jersey Harbor Sediments

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    Sediments found in waterways around the world may contain toxic compounds of anthropogeilic origin that can harm the environment and human health. As a result, it is often necessary to remove them and find disposal methods that are environmentally and economically acceptable. Here, we report on results obtained in an experimental program to characterize the nature of the sediment contamination. The objective was to gain a better understanding of the properties of the sediments to develop better methods for understanding the fate and transport of the contaminants and for improving methods for their removal from the sediments. Our investigations made use of x-ray facilities at the Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at Grenoble, France. The experiments included: measurements of the microstructure of the sediments using computed microtomography, x-ray absorption, and fluorescence microscopy with resolutions as low as 0.2 micrometers to obtain information on the relationships of organic and mineral components of the sediments and on the distribution of contaminants on the surfaces of the sediment grains, investigation of functional groups of chemical compounds using x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe measurements were made to ascertain the morphology of the sediment surfaces and the distribution of metals on individual sediment grains

    Future Potentials and Strategies of non-research-intensive Industries in Germany – Impacts on Competitiveness and Employment. Summary

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    Non-research-intensive industries and businesses have played a comparatively minor role in the economic and innovation policy debate so far. Due to the strong focus of the political discussion on research-intensive sectors, the potential of non-research-intensive industries and businesses for Germany as a business location was usually not attributed any particular significance in the past. Based on growth theory considerations, intensive research and development (R&D) was usually associated with higher economic growth and greater international competitiveness. This report focuses on non-research-intensive sectors and companies and addresses the question of what direct and, above all, indirect contributions these sectors make to Germany\u27s international competitiveness and what future potential results from this. It examines the competitive and innovation strategies pursued by research-intensive companies and the extent to which current economic developments create pressure for change that could affect the market position and survival of research-intensive companies in the future. Furthermore, the question is addressed as to which developments are foreseeable with regard to competitiveness and thus with regard to employment opportunities in non-research-intensive industries. Finally, it is clarified which effects on the qualification requirements of these employees are foreseeable due to current developments. The analysis of the macroeconomic importance of non-research-intensive industries is based on official statistical data at the national and international level. The analyses at the company level are based on a telephone survey of more than 200 non-research-intensive companies and 88 particularly research-intensive companies in the German manufacturing sector. Supplementary evaluations are carried out using data from the survey "Modernisation of Production 2009" by the Fraunhofer ISI. The data includes information on topics such as the market environment, the competitive strategy, the specific innovation patterns, the competence equipment, the ability to absorb and implement external information, the protection and importance of different forms of knowledge or the future opportunities and risks of these enterprises

    UbiquitÀres Computing. Zukunftsreport

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    UbiquitĂ€res Computing - die komplexe elektronische Vernetzung von Dingen, die kommunizieren - gilt weltweit als ein erfolgversprechender Innovationspfad. Intensive FuE-AktivitĂ€ten und politische Strategien gelten dem Ziel, praxistaugliche Technologien und Anwendungen zu befördern. Wo stehen wir augenblicklich auf dem Weg zum »Internet der Dinge«? Welche praktischen Projekte zeigen bereits jetzt das Potenzial auf, das mit der Umsetzung der Grundidee des UbiquitĂ€ren Computings ausgeschöpft werden kann? Welche technischen, rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen mĂŒssen dazu bewĂ€ltigt werden - und worin kann der Beitrag der Politik bestehen? Die Autoren analysieren im Lichte dieser Fragen den Status quo und die Perspektiven des UbiquitĂ€ren Computings und illustrieren ihre Befunde an Beispielen u.a. aus Handel, Logistik und Gesundheitswesen. die faszinierende »HeinzelmĂ€nnchentechnologie« des UbiquitĂ€ren Computings muss allerdings von den Beteiligten in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik noch umfassend fit gemacht werden, sollen ihre Anwendungen tatsĂ€chlich wirtschaftlich attraktiv, sozial vertrĂ€glich sowie hilfreich bei der BewĂ€ltigung gesellschaftlicher Probleme werden. INHALT ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 5 I. EINLEITUNG 23 1. Thematischer Hintergrund 23 2. Ziele und Ansatz 24 3. Aufbau des Berichts 26 II. UBIQUITÄRES COMPUTING: HISTORISCHE URSPRÜNGE UND KONKURRIERENDE KONZEPTE 29 1. Ursprung des Ubiquitous Computings 29 1.1 Jenseits des Personal Computers und der grafischen BenutzungsoberflĂ€chen 29 1.2 Xerox PARC und das Konzept des Ubiquitous Computings 30 2. Andere Begriffe – Ă€hnliche Konzepte 35 2.1 Smart Dust 35 2.2 Nomadic Computing 36 2.3 Pervasive Computing 37 2.4 Ambient Intelligence 38 2.5 Internet der Dinge 40 3. Fazit 41 III. UBIQUITÄRES COMPUTING IM INTERNATIONALEN VERGLEICH 43 1. Ubiquitous Computing in den Vereinigten Staaten 44 2. Ubiquitous Networking in Ostasien 46 2.1 Japan 46 2.2 SĂŒdkorea 49 2.3 Singapur 50 3. Ambient Intelligence in der EuropĂ€ischen Union 51 4. Deutschland – vernetzte Arbeits- und Lebenswelten 53 IV. DIE TECHNISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN DES UBIQUITÄREN COMPUTINGS 55 1. Technologische Trends und Treiber 56 1.1 Kommunikationstechnik 57 1.2 Mikroelektronik 61 1.3 Neue Materialien – Polytronik 62 1.4 Energieversorgung 63 1.5 Benutzungsschnittstellen 64 1.6 Informationssicherheit 64 1.7 Sensoren und Sensornetze 66 1.8 Lokalisierungstechnik 68 1.9 KontextsensitivitĂ€t 69 2. Radio-Frequenz-Identifikation (RFID) 70 2.1 Komponenten eines RFID-Systems 72 2.2 Funktionsweise der Radio-Frequenz-Identifikation 76 2.3 Kosten 84 2.4 Entsorgung 86 2.5 Informationssicherheit bei RFID-Systemen 88 2.6 Standards und Standardisierung 90 3. Fazit 94 V. AKTUELLE ANWENDUNGEN DES UBIQUITÄREN COMPUTINGS 97 1. Anwendungen in Handel, industrieller Produktion und Transportlogistik 99 2. Handel 101 2.1 Ausgangslage 101 2.2 Nutzenpotenziale 102 2.3 Zwischenfazit 111 3. Industrielle Produktion und Materialwirtschaft 113 3.1 Industrielle Anwendungsfelder 114 3.2 Nutzenpotenziale 116 3.3 Zwischenfazit 120 4. Transportlogistik 122 4.1 Ausgangslage 122 4.2 Nutzenpotenziale 123 4.3 Zwischenfazit 127 5. Auswirkungen auf Arbeit und ArbeitskrĂ€fte 129 6. Fazit 132 VI. KÜNFTIGE ANWENDUNGEN DES UBIQUITÄREN COMPUTINGS 137 1. Personenidentifikation und -Authentifizierung 137 2. Vernetzte und individualisierte Einkaufswelt 144 2.1 Bausteine und Nutzenpotenziale der vernetzten Einkaufswelt 144 2.2 Diskussion 150 3. Gesundheitswesen 151 3.1 Telecare und Ambient Assissted Living (AAL) 153 3.2 ProzessunterstĂŒtzung in Gesundheitseinrichtungen 159 3.3 Diskussion 168 4. Reisen und Verkehr 173 4.1 Elemente und Nutzenpotenziale eines ubiquitĂ€ren Verkehrsinformationssystems 174 4.2 Diskussion 179 VII. UBIQUITÄRES COMPUTING IM SPIEGEL DER PRESSE 181 1. Methode der Datengewinnung 182 2. Allgemeine Trends 183 3. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte der Berichterstattung 185 3.1 Visionen des UbiquitĂ€ren Computings 185 3.2 Anwendungen und Wirtschaftlichkeitsaspekte 187 3.3 Daten- und Verbraucherschutz 190 3.4 Sicherheitsaspekte 195 4. Fazit 198 VIII. RECHTLICHE ASPEKTE 201 1. Schutzziele und gegenwĂ€rtiges Schutzprogramm der informationellen Selbstbestimmung 202 2. Neue Risiken fĂŒr die informationelle Selbstbestimmung 203 3. Datenschutzrechtliche Bewertung 208 3.1 Personenbezug 208 3.2 ErlaubnistatbestĂ€nde 209 3.3 Automatisierte Einzelentscheidungen 213 3.4 Datenvermeidung und Datensparsamkeit 213 4. Telekommunikationsrechtliche Bewertung 214 5. EuropĂ€ische Grundlagen und AktivitĂ€ten 215 6. Exkurs: Grundrechtliche Bewertung 217 6.1 Bewertung fĂŒr den öffentlichen Bereich 218 6.2 Bewertung fĂŒr den nichtöffentlichen Bereich 219 7. Handlungsoptionen 224 7.1 Ordnungsrechtliche AnsĂ€tze 225 7.2 Selbstregulative AnsĂ€tze 226 7.3 Inhaltliche Regelungen 229 8. Rechtliche Fragen autonom agierender Systeme 233 8.1 Zurechnung von ErklĂ€rungen bei autonomen Systemen 233 8.2 ErfĂŒllung von Transparenzgeboten und Verbraucherschutz 234 IX. GESAMTFAZIT: FOLGEDIMENSIONEN DES UBIQUITÄREN COMPUTINGS 237 1. Eine schöne neue Welt? 237 2. Technische Aspekte 238 3. Wirtschaftliche Effekte 242 4. Rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Effekte 246 X. LITERATUR 253 XI. ANHANG 289 1. Tabellenverzeichnis 289 2. Abbildungsverzeichnis 290 3. AbkĂŒrzungsverzeichnis 291 4. Übersicht 29

    A New Method for Investigation of the Hair Shaft: Hard X-Ray Microscopy with a 90-nm Spatial Resolution

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    Various methods have been used to investigate the hair shaft. In the ultrastructural hair field, scanning and transmission electron microscopies are widely used investigative methods, but they have some technical limitations. Recently, X-ray microscopes with sub-micron spatial resolution have emerged as useful instruments because they offer a unique opportunity to observe the interior of an undamaged sample in greater detail. In this report, we examined damaged hair shaft tips using hard X-ray microscopy with a 90 nm spatial resolution. The results of this study suggest that hard X-ray microscopy is an alternative investigative method for hair morphology studies

    Pronounced maternal parent-of-origin bias for type-1 NF1 microdeletions

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is caused, in 4.7–11% of cases, by large deletions encompassing the NF1 gene and its flanking regions within 17q11.2. Different types of large NF1 deletion occur which are distinguishable by their breakpoint location and underlying mutational mechanism. Most common are the type-1 NF1 deletions of 1.4 Mb which exhibit recurrent breakpoints caused by nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR), also termed unequal crossover. Here, we analyzed 37 unrelated families of patients with de novo type-1 NF1 deletions by means of short tandem repeat (STR) profiling to determine the parental origin of the deletions. We observed that 33 of the 37 type-1 deletions were of maternal origin (89.2% of cases; p < 0.0001). Analysis of the patients’ siblings indicated that, in 14 informative cases, ten (71.4%) deletions resulted from interchromosomal unequal crossover during meiosis I. Our findings indicate a strong maternal parent-of-origin bias for type-1 NF1 deletions. A similarly pronounced maternal transmission bias has been reported for recurrent copy number variants (CNVs) within 16p11.2 associated with autism, but not so far for any other NAHR-mediated pathogenic CNVs. Region-specific genomic features are likely to be responsible for the maternal bias in the origin of both the 16p11.2 CNVs and type-1 NF1 deletions
