199 research outputs found


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    A semi-empirical model for the growth rate of selective epitaxial silicon(SEG) in the Dichlorosilane-HC1-Hz system that represents the experimenltal data has been presented. All epitaxy runs were done using a Gemini-I LPCVD pancake reactor. Dichlorosilane was used as the source gas and hydrogen as the carrier gas. Hydrogen Cllloride(HC1) was used to ensure that no nucleation took place on the oxide. The growth rate expression was considered to be the sum of a growth term dependent on the partial pressures of Dichlorosilane and hydrogen, and an etch berm that varies as the partial pressure of HC1. The growth and etch terms were found to have an Arrhenius relation with temperature, with activation energies of 52kcal/mol and 36kcal/mol respectively. Good agreement was obtained with experimental data. The variation of the selectivity threshold was correctly predicted, which had been a problem with earlier models for SEG growth rates. SEG/ELO Silicon was grown from 920-970°C at 40 and 150 torr pressures for a variety of HCI concentrations. In addition previous data collected by our research group at 820-1020°C and 40-150torr were used in the model

    Local Epitaxial Overgrowth for Stacked Complementary MOS Transistor Pairs

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    A three-dimensional silicon processing technology for CMOS circuits was developed and characterized. The first fully depleted SOI devices with individually biasable gates on both sides of the silicon film were realized. A vertically stacked CMOS Inverter built by lateral overgrowth was reported for the first time. Nucleation-free epitaxial lateral overgrowth of silicon over thin oxides was developed for both a pancake and a barrel-type epitaxy reactor: This process was optimized to limit damage to gate oxides and minimize dopant diffusion within the Substrate. Autodoping from impurities of the MOS transistors built in the substrate was greatly reduced. A planarisation technique was developed to reduce the silicon film thickness from 13μm to below 0.5μm for full depletion. Chemo-mechanical polishing was modified to yield an automatic etch stop with the corresponding control and uniformity of the silicon film. The resulting wafer topography is more planar than in a conventional substrate CMOS process. PMOS transistors which match the current drive of bulk NM0S devices of equal geometry were characterized, despite the three-times lower hole mobility. Devices realized in the substrate, at the bottom and on top of the SOI film were essentially indistinguishable from bulk devices. A novel device with two insulated gates controlling the same channel was characterized. Inverters were realized both as joint-gate configuration and with symmetric performance of n- and p-channel. These circuits were realized in the area of a single NMOS transistor

    Assessment of Durable SiC JFET Technology for +600 C to -125 C Integrated Circuit Operation

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    Electrical characteristics and circuit design considerations for prototype 6H-SiC JFET integrated circuits (ICs) operating over the broad temperature range of -125 C to +600 C are described. Strategic implementation of circuits with transistors and resistors in the same 6H-SiC n-channel layer enabled ICs with nearly temperature-independent functionality to be achieved. The frequency performance of the circuits declined at temperatures increasingly below or above room temperature, roughly corresponding to the change in 6H-SiC n-channel resistance arising from incomplete carrier ionization at low temperature and decreased electron mobility at high temperature. In addition to very broad temperature functionality, these simple digital and analog demonstration integrated circuits successfully operated with little change in functional characteristics over the course of thousands of hours at 500 C before experiencing interconnect-related failures. With appropriate further development, these initial results establish a new technology foundation for realizing durable 500 C ICs for combustion engine sensing and control, deep-well drilling, and other harsh-environment applications

    Breakdown Degradation Associated with Elementary Screw Dislocations in 4H-SiC P(+)N Junction Rectifiers

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    It is well-known that SiC wafer quality deficiencies are delaying the realization of outstandingly superior 4H-SiC power electronics. While efforts to date have centered on eradicating micropipes (i.e., hollow core super-screw dislocations with Burgers vector greater than 2c), 4H-SiC wafers and epilayers also contain elementary screw dislocations (i.e., Burgers vector = lc with no hollow core) in densities on the order of thousands per sq cm, nearly 100-fold micropipe densities. This paper describes an initial study into the impact of elementary screw dislocations on the reverse-bias current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of 4H-SiC p(+)n diodes. First, Synchrotron White Beam X-ray Topography (SWBXT) was employed to map the exact locations of elementary screw dislocations within small-area 4H-SiC p(+)n mesa diodes. Then the high-field reverse leakage and breakdown properties of these diodes were subsequently characterized on a probing station outfitted with a dark box and video camera. Most devices without screw dislocations exhibited excellent characteristics, with no detectable leakage current prior to breakdown, a sharp breakdown I-V knee, and no visible concentration of breakdown current. In contrast devices that contained at least one elementary screw dislocation exhibited a 5% to 35% reduction in breakdown voltage, a softer breakdown I-V knee, and visible microplasmas in which highly localized breakdown current was concentrated. The locations of observed breakdown microplasmas corresponded exactly to the locations of elementary screw dislocations identified by SWBXT mapping. While not as detrimental to SiC device performance as micropipes, the undesirable breakdown characteristics of elementary screw dislocations could nevertheless adversely affect the performance and reliability of 4H-SiC power devices

    Valence band structure and band offset of 3C- and 4H-SiC studied by ballistic hole emission microscopy

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    p-type Schottky barriers in Pt/3C-SiC contacts have been measured using ballistic hole emission microscopy (BHEM) and estimated to be ???0.06 eV higher than identically prepared Pt/p-type 4H-SiC contacts. This indicates the 3C-SiC valence band maximum (VBM) is ???0.06 eV below the 4H-SiC VBM, consistent with the calculated ???0.05 eV type-II valence band offset between these polytypes. We also observe no evidence of an additional VBM in 3C-SiC, which supports the proposal that the second VBM observed in BHEM spectra on 4H-SiC is a crystal-field split VBM located ???110 meV below the highest VBM.open6

    Growth and Characterization of 3C-SiC and 2H-AIN/GaN Films and Devices Produced on Step-Free 4H-SiC Mesa Substrates

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    While previously published experimental results have shown that the step-free (0 0 0 1) 4H-SiC mesa growth surface uniquely enables radical improvement of 3C-SiC and 2H-AlN/GaN heteroepitaxial film quality (greater than 100-fold reduction in extended defect densities), important aspects of the step-free mesa heterofilm growth processes and resulting electronic device benefits remain to be more fully elucidated. This paper reviews and updates recent ongoing studies of 3C-SiC and 2H-AlN/GaN heteroepilayers grown on top of 4H-SiC mesas. For both 3C-SiC and AlN/GaN films nucleated on 4H-SiC mesas rendered completely free of atomic-scale surface steps, TEM studies reveal that relaxation of heterofilm strain arising from in-plane film/substrate lattice constant mismatch occurs in a remarkably benign manner that avoids formation of threading dislocations in the heteroepilayer. In particular, relaxation appears to occur via nucleation and inward lateral glide of near-interfacial dislocation half-loops from the mesa sidewalls. Preliminary studies of homojunction diodes implemented in 3C-SiC and AlN/GaN heterolayers demonstrate improved electrical performance compared with much more defective heterofilms grown on neighbouring stepped 4H-SiC mesas. Recombination-enhanced dislocation motion known to degrade forward-biased 4H-SiC bipolar diodes has been completely absent from our initial studies of 3C-SiC diodes, including diodes implemented on defective 3C-SiC heterolayers grown on stepped 4H-SiC mesas

    Intelligent Chemical Sensor Systems for In-space Safety Applications

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    Future in-space and lunar operations will require significantly improved monitoring and Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) throughout the mission. In particular, the monitoring of chemical species is an important component of an overall monitoring system for space vehicles and operations. For example, in leak monitoring of propulsion systems during launch, inspace, and on lunar surfaces, detection of low concentrations of hydrogen and other fuels is important to avoid explosive conditions that could harm personnel and damage the vehicle. Dependable vehicle operation also depends on the timely and accurate measurement of these leaks. Thus, the development of a sensor array to determine the concentration of fuels such as hydrogen, hydrocarbons, or hydrazine as well as oxygen is necessary. Work has been on-going to develop an integrated smart leak detection system based on miniaturized sensors to detect hydrogen, hydrocarbons, or hydrazine, and oxygen. The approach is to implement Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) based sensors incorporated with signal conditioning electronics, power, data storage, and telemetry enabling intelligent systems. The final sensor system will be self-contained with a surface area comparable to a postage stamp. This paper discusses the development of this "Lick and Stick" leak detection system and it s application to In-Space Transportation and other Exploration applications

    Silicon Carbide Gas Sensors for Propulsion Emissions and Safety Applications

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    Silicon carbide (SiC) based gas sensors have the ability to meet the needs of a range of aerospace propulsion applications including emissions monitoring, leak detection, and hydrazine monitoring. These applications often require sensitive gas detection in a range of environments. An effective sensing approach to meet the needs of these applications is a Schottky diode based on a SiC semiconductor. The primary advantage of using SiC as a semiconductor is its inherent stability and capability to operate at a wide range of temperatures. The complete SiC Schottky diode gas sensing structure includes both the SiC semiconductor and gas sensitive thin film metal layers; reliable operation of the SiC-based gas sensing structure requires good control of the interface between these gas sensitive layers and the SiC. This paper reports on the development of SiC gas sensors. The focus is on two efforts to better control the SiC gas sensitive Schottky diode interface. First, the use of palladium oxide (PdOx) as a barrier layer between the metal and SiC is discussed. Second, the use of atomically flat SiC to provide an improved SiC semiconductor surface for gas sensor element deposition is explored. The use of SiC gas sensors in a multi-parameter detection system is briefly discussed. It is concluded that SiC gas sensors have potential in a range of propulsion system applications, but tailoring of the sensor for each application is necessary

    A Hazardous Gas Detection System for Aerospace and Commercial Applications

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    The detection of explosive conditions in aerospace propulsion applications is important for safety and economic reasons. Microfabricated hydrogen, oxygen, and hydrocarbon sensors as well as the accompanying hardware and software are being, developed for a range of aerospace safety applications. The development of these sensors is being done using MEMS (Micro ElectroMechanical Systems) based technology and SiC-based semiconductor technology. The hardware and software allows control and interrocation of each sensor head and reduces accompanying cabling through multiplexing. These systems are being, applied on the X-33 and on an upcoming STS-95 Shuttle mission. A number of commercial applications are also being pursued. It is concluded that this MEMS-based technology has significant potential to reduce costs and increase safety in a variety of aerospace applications

    A Hazardous Gas Detection System for Aerospace and Commercial Applications

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    The detection of explosive conditions in aerospace propulsion applications is important for safety and economic reasons. Microfabricated hydrogen, oxygen, and hydrocarbon sensors as well as the accompanying hardware and software are being developed for a range of aerospace safety applications. The development of these sensors is being done using MEMS (Micro ElectroMechanical Systems) based technology and SiC-based semiconductor technology. The hardware and software allows control and interrogation of each sensor head and reduces accompanying cabling through multiplexing. These systems are being applied on the X-33 and on an upcoming STS-95 Shuttle mission. A number of commercial applications are also being pursued. It is concluded that this MEMS-based technology has significant potential to reduce costs and increase safety in a variety of aerospace applications