14 research outputs found

    Ethnobotanical Study Of Medicinal Plants Used By Sabaots Of Mt. Elgon Kenya

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    Though the majority of people in Kenya and at Kopsiro Division in particular, rely on ethnomedicinal plant species to manage human ailments, the indigenous knowledge largely remains undocumented. Therefore, an ethnobotanical study was conducted on medicinal plant species used to manage human ailments at Kopsiro Division Mt. Elgon District Kenya. The objectives were to identify and document plants traditionally used for medicinal therapy by the Sabaots, to find out the method used for preparing and administering the drugs and to find out the conservation practices for the medicinal plants. Observations and semi-structured interviews were used to gather ethnobotanical data. 107 plants belonging to 56 families were identified and reported to be of medicinal value to the locals. Roots (47.3%) were the most frequently used parts of the plant followed by the bark (23.35%) then leaves (22.75%). The whole plant (1.8%), seed (1.2%), fruit (1.2%), sap (1.2%), flower (0.6%) and wood (0.6%) are least used in that order. The study revealed other hitherto undocumented medicinal plant species that may be new records for treating various ailments. Traditional medicine in Kopsiro division offers cheap, accessible and convenient remedy that suits the traditional lifestyle of the local community in comparison to the conventional medicine. Most medicinal plant species reported in this study were found to be under threat and this calls for urgent conservation measures so as to maximize the sustainable use of these vital resources in the study area

    Potential of adopting bamboo as an alternative crop to smallholder tobacco farming in South Nyanza region, Kenya

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    The presentation provides findings from a study that examined changes in household livelihood strategies used by tobacco farmers in comparison to non-tobacco farmers, and assessed marketing dynamics for investment in the bamboo industry in the South Nyanza region (Kenya). At 120 farm trial sites, bamboo seedlings were planted under natural tobacco growing conditions (soil, altitude, rainfall and temperatures). Education and training were provided to farmers. Bamboo matures in 3-4 years and can be harvested for up to 80 -120 years with small capital investment. Recommendations include provision of a transitional fund to support initial input requirements

    Potential of adopting bamboo as an alternative crop to smallholder tobacco farming in South Nyanza region, Kenya

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    The presentation provides findings from a study that examined changes in household livelihood strategies used by tobacco farmers in comparison to non-tobacco farmers, and assessed marketing dynamics for investment in the bamboo industry in the South Nyanza region (Kenya). At 120 farm trial sites, bamboo seedlings were planted under natural tobacco growing conditions (soil, altitude, rainfall and temperatures). Education and training were provided to farmers. Bamboo matures in 3-4 years and can be harvested for up to 80 -120 years with small capital investment. Recommendations include provision of a transitional fund to support initial input requirements

    Cambio clim谩tico y producci贸n de papa en Zona Papera de Boyac谩 1986-2017

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    Spa: La producci贸n de papa en el departamento de Boyac谩 ocupa un lugar significativo no solo por ser parte de la tradici贸n campesina sino porque a nivel nacional Boyac谩 ocupa el segundo puesto como mayor productor. Esta genera un desarrollo econ贸mico alrededor de su cultivo y beneficia principalmente a familias de estratos 1 y 2. Adem谩s la papa se encuentra dentro de los alimentos que contribuyen a mantener la seguridad alimentaria, esto por cuenta de sus bondades nutricionales y porque produce m谩s alimento por unidad de superficie que el ma铆z, el arroz o el trigo, siendo comestible hasta el 85% de la planta mientras que en los cereales es del 50%. El cambio clim谩tico es la modificaci贸n de los elementos clim谩ticos en periodos largos de tiempo y en el que actualmente toma preponderancia la acci贸n del hombre. Viene afectando varios sectores econ贸micos en el mundo, entre ellos el agr铆cola del cual Boyac谩 no es excepci贸n. En este trabajo se busca determinar el impacto del cambio clim谩tico sobre el cultivo de papa en la zona papera de Boyac谩 (1986-2017) identificando si hay una relaci贸n entre la producci贸n de papa y el cambio clim谩tico de la zona. Se realiz贸 selecci贸n de series de precipitaci贸n y temperatura, llenado de datos faltantes, estimaci贸n de medias de las variables clim谩ticas en dos subperiodos y de tendencia de cambio del clima en el periodo de estudio. Se analizaron los cambios de producci贸n y de rendimiento del cultivo de papa de los municipios de la zona papera de Boyac谩 en los dos subperiodos en que se dividi贸 el periodo de estudio. Como resultado se encontr贸 cambios en la temperatura que var铆a entre -1.2 掳C a 1.6 掳C y en precipitaci贸n entre -40% a 60% en algunos sectores de la zona papera. Y en producci贸n de papa variaciones entre -100% a 260%. Al relacionar las variables Precipitaci贸n (PT), Temperatura (TS) y producci贸n de papa (PP) por regresi贸n en la zona papera de Boyac谩 no se evidencia una relaci贸n lineal entre la producci贸n y las variables del clima, lo cual puede estar asociado a la predominancia en el comportamiento de la producci贸n de papa por otros factores como el mercado o cambios en t茅cnicas productivas.Maestr铆aMagister en Ingenier铆a Ambienta