12 research outputs found

    Heavy Oil Laminar Flow in Corrugated Ducts: A Numerical Study Using the Galerkin-Based Integral Method

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    Fluid flow in pipes plays an important role in different areas of academia and industry. Due to the importance of this kind of flow, several studies have involved circular cylindrical pipes. This paper aims to study fully developed internal laminar flow through a corrugated cylindrical duct, using the Galerkin-based integral method. As an application, we present a study using heavy oil with a relative density of 0.9648 (14.6 °API) and temperature-dependent viscosities ranging from 1715 to 13000 cP. Results for different fluid dynamics parameters, such as the Fanning friction factor, Reynolds number, shear stress, and pressure gradient, are presented and analyzed based on the corrugation number established for each section and aspect ratio of the pipe

    Unravelling the genetic variability of host resilience to endo- and ectoparasites in Nellore commercial herds

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    Abstract Background Host resilience (HR) to parasites can affect the performance of animals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present a detailed investigation of the genetic mechanisms of HR to ticks (TICK), gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), and Eimeria spp. (EIM) in Nellore cattle that were raised under natural infestation and a prophylactic parasite control strategy. In our study, HR was defined as the slope coefficient of body weight (BW) when TICK, GIN, and EIM burdens were used as environmental gradients in random regression models. In total, 1712 animals were evaluated at five measurement events (ME) at an average age of 331, 385, 443, 498, and 555 days, which generated 7307 body weight (BW) records. Of the 1712 animals, 1075 genotyped animals were used in genome-wide association studies to identify genomic regions associated with HR. Results Posterior means of the heritability estimates for BW ranged from 0.09 to 0.54 across parasites and ME. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-derived heritability for BW at each ME ranged from a low (0.09 at ME.331) to a moderate value (0.23 at ME.555). Those estimates show that genetic progress can be achieved for BW through selection. Both genetic and genomic associations between BW and HR to TICK, GIN, and EIM confirmed that parasite infestation impacted the performance of animals. Selection for BW under an environment with a controlled parasite burden is an alternative to improve both, BW and HR. There was no impact of age of measurement on the estimates of genetic variance for HR. Five quantitative trait loci (QTL) were associated with HR to EIM but none with HR to TICK and to GIN. These QTL contain genes that were previously shown to be associated with the production of antibody modulators and chemokines that are released in the intestinal epithelium. Conclusions Selection for BW under natural infestation and controlled parasite burden, via prophylactic parasite control, contributes to the identification of animals that are resilient to nematodes and Eimeria ssp. Although we verified that sufficient genetic variation existed for HR, we did not find any genes associated with mechanisms that could justify the expression of HR to TICK and GIN

    The Isopropyl Gallate Counteracts Cyclophosphamide-Induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis in Mice

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    Hemorrhagic cystitis is the main adverse effect associated with the clinical use of oxazaphosphorine, resulting in increased oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokines, which culminate in injury of the bladder tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of isopropyl gallate (IPG) against ifosfamide (IFOS)-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in mice. The induction of the hemorrhagic cystitis model was carried out using a single dose of IFOS (400 mg/kg, i.p.) four hours after oral pretreatment with IPG (6.25, 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg) or saline (vehicle). Mesna (positive control; 80 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered four hours before and eight hours after induction of cystitis. In the present study, IPG 25 mg/kg significantly decreased edema and hemorrhage, with a reduction of the bladder wet weight (36.86%), hemoglobin content (54.55%), and peritoneal vascular permeability (42.94%) in urinary bladders of mice. Interestingly, IPG increased SOD activity (89.27%) and reduced MDA levels (35.53%), as well as displayed anti-inflammatory activity by decreasing TNF-α (88.77%), IL-1β (62.87%), and C-reactive protein (56.41%) levels. Our findings demonstrate that IPG has a substantial protective role against IFOS-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in mice by enhancing antioxidant activity and proinflammatory mechanisms. Thus, IPG represents a promising co-adjuvant agent in oxazaphosphorine-based chemotherapy treatments

    Erosividade da chuva e erodibilidade de Cambissolo e Latossolo na região de Lavras, sul de Minas Gerais Rainfall erosivity and erodibility of Cambisol (Inceptisol) and Latosol (Oxisol) in the region of Lavras, Southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    No Brasil, ainda são relativamente poucos os estudos envolvendo erodibilidade do solo, principalmente Cambissolos, dada a morosidade na obtenção dos resultados de experimentos com chuva natural. O conhecimento dos índices de erosividade e de erodibilidade é importante para o planejamento conservacionista, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade dos solos. Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar a erosividade da chuva e a erodibilidade de Cambissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico, sob chuva natural, em Lavras (MG), no período de 1998 a 2002. Os dados de precipitação pluviométrica foram obtidos na Estação Climatológica Principal de Lavras, localizada no campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras, próxima das unidades experimentais de perdas de solo. A erosividade (EI30) foi determinada a partir do produto da energia cinética da chuva pela sua intensidade máxima em 30 min. Estes dados, correlacionados com as perdas de solo, permitiram obter o índice de erodibilidade dos solos. A precipitação total média anual foi 1.287 mm e a erosividade média foi de 4.865 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. A erodibilidade foi 0,0355 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1 para o Cambissolo e 0,0032 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1 para o Latossolo, em consonância com seus atributos mineralógicos, químicos, físicos e morfológicos diferenciais.<br>Relatively few studies in Brazil have investigated soil erodibility, mainly for Cambisols (Inceptisols), due to the tediousness of data collection in natural rainfall experiments. Knowledge about erodibility and erosivity is important for conservation planning, which contributes to soil sustainability. This study aimed at evaluating the rainfall erosivity and erodibility of a typic dystrophic Tb Haplic Cambisol (Inceptisol) and a typic dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol) under natural rainfall, in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 1998 and 2002. Pluvial precipitation data were obtained from the main weather station of Lavras, of the Universidade Federal de Lavras, close to the soil loss experimental plots. Erosivity (EI30) was calculated as the product of the rain kinetic energy by the maximum intensity in 30 min. Based on these data, correlated with the soil losses, the soil erodibility could be computed. The mean annual total precipitation was 1,287 mm and the mean calculated erosivity 4,865 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1. The erodibility of the Cambisol was 0.026 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1 and of the Latosol 0.004 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1, in agreement with their differential mineralogical, chemical, physical and morphological properties

    Equidad en salud

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    &bull;Acceso a diagn&oacute;stico y tratamiento para depresi&oacute;n seg&uacute;n posici&oacute;n social en pa&iacute;ses seleccionados de Latinoam&eacute;rica &bull;An&aacute;lisis narrativo de experiencias de chilenos exiliados pol&iacute;ticos con discapacidad f&iacute;sica en Malm&ouml;, Suecia &bull;Caracterizaci&oacute;n y comparaci&oacute;n de pu&eacute;rperas peruanas y chilenas atendidas en el Hospital San Jos&eacute; &bull;Conocimientos y pr&aacute;cticas de estudiantes de 7&ordm; y 8&ordm; b&aacute;sico, de ambos sexos, de Curacav&iacute; &bull;Desarrollo econ&oacute;mico y mortalidad prematura, Chile, 1994-2003 &bull;Determinaci&oacute;n nacional del &Iacute;ndice Significante de Caries (SIC) en adolescentes de 12 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;Diagn&oacute;stico de salud bucal en ni&ntilde;os 2 y 4 a&ntilde;os asistentes a la educaci&oacute;n preescolar, zonas norte y centro &bull;El GES promueve la equidad en el tratamiento del gran quemado de la tercera edad &bull;Evaluaci&oacute;n del nivel de conocimiento en salud bucal de la comunidad educativa preescolar &bull;Factores psicosociales y culturales que inciden en embarazo adolescente en ni&ntilde;as menores de 15 a&ntilde;os &bull;&Iacute;ndice Significante de Caries en ni&ntilde;os de 6 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;La mortalidad por c&aacute;ncer del cuello uterino en R&iacute;o de Janeiro: Estudio ecol&oacute;gico &bull;Nivel de desarrollo psicomotor y su relaci&oacute;n con el score de riesgo DSM &bull;Perfil en interconsultas dermatol&oacute;gicas del consultorio Padre Esteban Gumucio Vives de Santiago de Chile, 2010 &bull;Prevalencia caries, p&eacute;rdida de dientes, necesidad de tratamiento en adultos mapuche - huilliches de Isla Huapi &bull;Recursos humanos odontol&oacute;gicos para tratamiento de caries en adolescentes de 12 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;Retraso del diagn&oacute;stico de tuberculosis en la percepci&oacute;n de los representantes de ONG en R&iacute;o de Janeiro &bull;Rol de la escuela en promoci&oacute;n de salud y reducci&oacute;n de vulnerabilidad social en salud &bull;Tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad fetal e infantil y sus componentes, Chile 1996- 2006 &bull;Implementaci&oacute;n de un mam&oacute;grafo m&oacute;vil para la Regi&oacute;n de los R&iacute;o

    Equidad en salud

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    &bull;Acceso a diagn&oacute;stico y tratamiento para depresi&oacute;n seg&uacute;n posici&oacute;n social en pa&iacute;ses seleccionados de Latinoam&eacute;rica &bull;An&aacute;lisis narrativo de experiencias de chilenos exiliados pol&iacute;ticos con discapacidad f&iacute;sica en Malm&ouml;, Suecia &bull;Caracterizaci&oacute;n y comparaci&oacute;n de pu&eacute;rperas peruanas y chilenas atendidas en el Hospital San Jos&eacute; &bull;Conocimientos y pr&aacute;cticas de estudiantes de 7&ordm; y 8&ordm; b&aacute;sico, de ambos sexos, de Curacav&iacute; &bull;Desarrollo econ&oacute;mico y mortalidad prematura, Chile, 1994-2003 &bull;Determinaci&oacute;n nacional del &Iacute;ndice Significante de Caries (SIC) en adolescentes de 12 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;Diagn&oacute;stico de salud bucal en ni&ntilde;os 2 y 4 a&ntilde;os asistentes a la educaci&oacute;n preescolar, zonas norte y centro &bull;El GES promueve la equidad en el tratamiento del gran quemado de la tercera edad &bull;Evaluaci&oacute;n del nivel de conocimiento en salud bucal de la comunidad educativa preescolar &bull;Factores psicosociales y culturales que inciden en embarazo adolescente en ni&ntilde;as menores de 15 a&ntilde;os &bull;&Iacute;ndice Significante de Caries en ni&ntilde;os de 6 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;La mortalidad por c&aacute;ncer del cuello uterino en R&iacute;o de Janeiro: Estudio ecol&oacute;gico &bull;Nivel de desarrollo psicomotor y su relaci&oacute;n con el score de riesgo DSM &bull;Perfil en interconsultas dermatol&oacute;gicas del consultorio Padre Esteban Gumucio Vives de Santiago de Chile, 2010 &bull;Prevalencia caries, p&eacute;rdida de dientes, necesidad de tratamiento en adultos mapuche - huilliches de Isla Huapi &bull;Recursos humanos odontol&oacute;gicos para tratamiento de caries en adolescentes de 12 a&ntilde;os, Chile 2010 &bull;Retraso del diagn&oacute;stico de tuberculosis en la percepci&oacute;n de los representantes de ONG en R&iacute;o de Janeiro &bull;Rol de la escuela en promoci&oacute;n de salud y reducci&oacute;n de vulnerabilidad social en salud &bull;Tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad fetal e infantil y sus componentes, Chile 1996- 2006 &bull;Implementaci&oacute;n de un mam&oacute;grafo m&oacute;vil para la Regi&oacute;n de los R&iacute;o

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2012: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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