13 research outputs found

    Transient transfection of serum-free suspension HEK 293 cell culture for efficient production of human rFVIII

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Hemophilia A is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in coagulation factor VIII. Recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) is an alternative to plasma-derived FVIII for the treatment of hemophilia A. However, commercial manufacturing of rFVIII products is inefficient and costly and is associated to high prices and product shortage, even in economically privileged countries. This situation may be solved by adopting more efficient production methods. Here, we evaluated the potential of transient transfection in producing rFVIII in serum-free suspension HEK 293 cell cultures and investigated the effects of different DNA concentration (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 μg/106 cells) and repeated transfections done at 34° and 37°C.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud We observed a decrease in cell growth when high DNA concentrations were used, but no significant differences in transfection efficiency and in the biological activity of the rFVIII were noticed. The best condition for rFVIII production was obtained with repeated transfections at 34°C using 0.4 μg DNA/106 cells through which almost 50 IU of active rFVIII was produced six days post-transfection.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud Serum-free suspension transient transfection is thus a viable option for high-yield-rFVIII production. Work is in progress to further optimize the process and validate its scalability.The authors would like to acknowledge FAPESP (2008/51505-7) and FINEP (01.07.0652.00) for financial support

    Radiodensity evaluation of dental impression materials in comparison to tooth structures

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    In the most recent decades, several developments have been made on impression materials' composition, but there are very few radiodensity studies in the literature. It is expected that an acceptable degree of radiodensity would enable the detection of small fragments left inside gingival sulcus or root canals. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the radiodensity of different impression materials, and to compare them to human and bovine enamel and dentin. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-five impression materials, from 5 classes, were studied: addition and condensation silicones, polyether, polysulfides and alginates. Five 1-mm-thick samples of each material and tooth structure were produced. Each sample was evaluated 3 times (N=15), being exposed to x-ray over a phosphor plate of Digora digital system, and radiodensity was obtained by the software Digora for Windows 2.5 Rev 0. An aluminum stepwedge served as a control. Data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's method (&#945;=0.05). RESULTS: Different materials and respective classes had a different behavior with respect to radiodensity. Polysulfides showed high values of radiodensity, comparable to human enamel (p>0.05), but not to bovine enamel (p<0.05). Human dentin was similar only to a heavy-body addition silicon material, but bovine dentin was similar to several materials. Generally, heavy-body materials showed higher radiodensity than light-body ones (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Impression materials' radiodensity are influenced by composition, and almost all of them would present a difficult detection against enamel or dentin background in radiographic examinations

    Mielomeningocele e anomalias associadas: uma série de casos e revisão sistemática

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    A mielomeningocele é uma malformação congênita grave do sistema nervoso central, representando um dos tipos mais complexos de defeitos do tubo neural. A condição é marcada pela exposição das meninges e, em alguns casos, da medula espinhal, através de uma abertura na coluna vertebral, desafiando tanto o prognóstico do paciente quanto as estratégias de tratamento. O presente estudo visa explorar os avanços recentes no diagnóstico, intervenções cirúrgicas e desfechos neurológicos associados à mielomeningocele, com foco particular na eficácia e segurança das abordagens atuais. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura de 2016 a 2024 nas bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Cochrane Library e SciELO, aplicando critérios de inclusão e exclusão rigorosos para selecionar estudos que abordassem esses aspectos. Três estudos chave foram analisados, destacando-se pelas técnicas de diagnóstico antenatal, pela utilização de intervenções cirúrgicas inovadoras, como o fechamento fetal, e pelos cuidados pós-operatórios visando melhorias nos desfechos neurológicos. Os resultados indicam uma tendência positiva na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes, com avanços significativos no controle e na prevenção de complicações a longo prazo. No entanto, foi observada a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar no tratamento, integrando cuidados neurocirúrgicos, ortopédicos e reabilitativos. A mielomeningocele, apesar dos desafios, tem testemunhado progressos notáveis nas últimas décadas, sugerindo um futuro mais promissor para os pacientes afetados. Ainda assim, são necessários mais estudos para consolidar essas abordagens e otimizar as estratégias de tratamento na prática clínica

    Transient transfection of serum-free suspension HEK 293 cell culture for efficient production of human rFVIII

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    Abstract Background Hemophilia A is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in coagulation factor VIII. Recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) is an alternative to plasma-derived FVIII for the treatment of hemophilia A. However, commercial manufacturing of rFVIII products is inefficient and costly and is associated to high prices and product shortage, even in economically privileged countries. This situation may be solved by adopting more efficient production methods. Here, we evaluated the potential of transient transfection in producing rFVIII in serum-free suspension HEK 293 cell cultures and investigated the effects of different DNA concentration (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 μg/106 cells) and repeated transfections done at 34° and 37°C. Results We observed a decrease in cell growth when high DNA concentrations were used, but no significant differences in transfection efficiency and in the biological activity of the rFVIII were noticed. The best condition for rFVIII production was obtained with repeated transfections at 34°C using 0.4 μg DNA/106 cells through which almost 50 IU of active rFVIII was produced six days post-transfection. Conclusion Serum-free suspension transient transfection is thus a viable option for high-yield-rFVIII production. Work is in progress to further optimize the process and validate its scalability.</p