6 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Video Youtube “Mengubah Sampah Plastik Menjadi Sumber Daya Energi Berkelanjutan” Menggunakan Model Epic

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    ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara penyumbang sampah plastik terbesar kedua di dunia dengan total sampah yang tidak terkelola dengan baik mencapai 3,22 juta ton per tahunnya. Hal ini tentu berdampak signifikan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Melalui penelitian ini digagaslah sebuah video yang bertujuan menginformasikan kepada masyarakat tentang permasalahan sampah yang ada di lingkungan sekitar dan bagaimana pengelolaan sampah yang sejauh ini sudah dilakukan di Indonesia. Melalui publikasi via Youtube, dilakukanlah analisis dengan menggunakan model EPIC yang dikembangkan oleh AC Nielsen untuk mengukur efektivitas video dalam mempengaruhi keputusan audiens dalam menyikapi penggunaan teknologi yang membantu dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik. Penelitian kuantitatif ini melibatkan 100 masyarakat Kota Batam sebagai populasi penelitian, adapun beberapa kategori masyarakat yang digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian, yaitu buruh, karyawan, pengajar dan pelajar. Penelitian ini mencakup variabel terikat yaitu keputusan audiens dalam menyikapi penggunaan teknologi pengelola sampah plasik, dan variabel bebas yang terdiri dari empathy, persuasion, impact, communication (EPIC). Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 responden dengan hasil kajian menyatakan bahwa EPIC rate Sangat Efektif yang menggambarkan keputusan audiens dalam merespons penggunaan teknologi yang membantu dalam mengelola sampah plastik, dengan nilai sebesar 4,26.  The Effectiveness of YouTube Video “Mengubah Sampah Plastik Menjadi Sumber Daya Energi Berkelanjutan” Using EPIC Model. As the second-largest contributor to plastic waste globally, Indonesia does not have a proper procedure to manage annual waste for about 3,22 million tones. It gives the significant damage for the environment. This study aims to give information to the audience about the waste problem as well as how Indonesia controls their waste. Youtube is utilized as a platform to publish the video in which several data from related publication will be analyzed using EPIC model. This method was used to observe how effective the video works on the audience’s decision in terms of deciding which kind of technology aids them on waste management. This quantitative study involved 100 respondents from people who live in Batam as the research population and there are several category of community, such as labor, employees, students, and teachers as the research samples. This study includes the dependent variable, namely the audience’s decision to use plastic waste management technology, and the independent variables that consist of empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication. The result of the study showed that within the scale of 4.26, the video is very effective to affect the audience’s decision on using the technology to assist the manage the waste

    Penerapan Teknik Color Grading dan Musik Scoring pada Tahap Paska Produksi Film Horor "Waktu Terlarang"

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    Film is one of the modern and effective communication media as sending good information or messages, supporting interesting stories, clear sound, clearimages, and high-resolution video, and the film editing process will greatly help to make films clearer in realizing the purpose of the film to be made. Itsdevelopment is so fast, this happens in all aspects, both in terms of the story to its implementation. Along with the development of the current era, the filmalso experienced a development by having a lot of film genres circulating in the midst of the community, one of which is the genre of horror films that arelifted from a public trust that occurs in the surrounding environment, namely myths. This final project the author makes a short film that lifts the myth of sleepdeprivation at sunset and applies color grading techniques and music scoring as a solution for creating digital video quality. This issue is interesting todiscuss because it will help improve and provide new colors in Indonesian cinema.Film adalah salah satu media komunikasi modern dan efektif sebagai pengiriman informasi atau pesan yang baik, mendukung cerita yang menarik, suara yang jernih, gambar yang jelas, dan video dengan resolusi tinggi, serta proses editing film akan sangat membantu untuk membuat film menjadi lebih jelas dalam mewujudkan tujuan dari film yang akan dibuat. Perkembangannya begitu cepat, hal ini terjadi dalam semua aspek, baik dari segi cerita sampai pelaksanaannya. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang ada saat ini, film pun mengalami suatu perkembangan dengan memiliki banyak sekali genre film yang beredar ditengah – tengah masyarakat, Salah satunya adalah genre film horror yang diangkat dari kepercayaan masyarakat yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar yaitu mitos. Tugas akhir ini penulis membuat film pendek yang mengangkat mitos larangan tidur pada waktu magrib serta menerapkan teknik color grading dan musik scoring sebagai solusi untuk menciptakan kualitas video digital. Masalah ini menarik untuk dibahas karena akan membantu meningkatkan dan memberikan warna baru dalam perfilman Indonesia

    Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia Based on Simulation Model

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    The purpose of this research is to develop interactive multimedia namely Smile English that can be used as the media for learning reading especially for self-preparation on the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) material. This reading interactive media used a simulation model. This idea exploded after observing and collecting the data in the internal environment of Politeknik Negeri Batam Based on the placement test, it was found that about 540 (49,23%) of Polibatam students' test were categorized into the intermediate level and the rest were elementary and novice level. It means that the students need to improve their preparation before taking the test to an accomplished better score. Smile English was developed by using R and D research. In this case, the researcher followed the step of the Luther-Sutopo method which was started from concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. It was designed using Adobe Flash software which in this software combined text, sound, and animation. The research result showed that the implementation of Smile English was successful to help the students in preparing themselves for the TOEIC test. Therefore, 60 students from Politeknik Negeri Batam had a good result in joining the TOEIC test, especially for the reading section


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    The developmet of technology are increasingly advanced changing aspects of education for the students’ teaching and learning process. Based on the 2013 curriculum in mathematics learning for SDIT Fajar Ilahi 2 class IV there are fraction materials. The subject matter of mathematics learning in school is still less interesting with learning method such as lectures. This interactive multimedia fraction material is used as an alternative learning media equipped with fractions in the form of text, images, and animations. The interactive multimedia is made using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method with 6 stages. Namely concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. The interactive multimedia testing consists of validating media experts and material experts, testing normality, and testing paired sampel t-tests. The results of the interactive multimedia material fractions with the assessment of media experts get 89,7% percentage in the category of very decent. The assessment from material experts get a percentage of 94,81% in the very feasible category. While the paired sample t-test found a significance value of 0,000 < 0,05, the use of interactive multimedia fraction material is very useful in grade IV elementary school. It is clear that this product can achieve the objcetives of this research.   &nbsp

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kampung Rempang Cate Melalui Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital untuk Produk Unggulan Pasir Panjang

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    Riau Islands, which are identical with the fishermen's profession for the people, has the potential to process marine products into superior products. One area that work as a fisherman is Kampung Rempang Cate. This village is located in Galang sub-district, Batam City. Fish catches are processed into food and souvenirs such as fish crackers, rose cakes, lung crackers, empek-empek and others. This village has internet so that people can access social media, but it has not been fully utilized in the economic field. Social media can be used as a media for promoting products and has the potential to improve the economy of the community. Bad weather sometimes happens, causing fishermen not possible to go to sea. When this happens, people can process resource from the sea into food or souvenir that can be sold to other regions such as Batam City through digital marketing. The purpose of this community engagement is to provide training on how to promote products from fish catches and other resources through digital marketing. The community no longer needs to sell processed products directly to Batam City, with no small costs and uncertain buyers. The current positive impact that has been seen is the increase in people's knowledge and insights into digital marketing and improving the community's economy from the implementation of activities.Kepulauan Riau yang identik dengan laut dan profesi sebagai nelayan bagi masyarakat, berpotensi untuk mengolah hasil bumi laut menjadi produk-produk unggulan. Salah satu kawasan yang masayarakatnya berprofesi sebagai nelayan adalah Kampung Rempang Cate. Kampung ini berada di Kecamatan Galang, Kota Batam. Hasil tangkapan ikan diolah menjadi makanan dan souvenir seperti kerupuk ikan, kue bangkit, kerupuk paru, empek-empek dan lainnya. Kampung ini juga memiliki fasilitas internet, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengakses media sosial, namu belum maksimal pemanfaatannya pada bidang ekonomi. Media sosial dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media promosi produk-produk yang dihasilkan dan berpotensi untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Pada waktu tertentu cuaca buruk terkadang melanda, menyebabkan nelayan tidak bisa melaut. Pada saat inilah, masyarakat dapat mengolah sumber daya dari daerah ini menjadi bahan pangan atau souvenir sehingga dapat dijual ke daerah lain seperti kota Batam melalui pemasaran digital. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang cara mempromosikan produk olahan dari tangkapan ikan maupun sumber daya lainnya melalui digital marketing. Kertebatasan jarak tidak menjadi penghalang masyarakat untuk menjual produk olahan secara langsung ke kota Batam. Melalui media promosi ini, juga dapat mengurangi biaya dan ketidak-pastian penjulan. Dampak positif saat ini yang sudah terlihat adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan wawasan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan internet untuk memasarkan produk sehingga mendukung peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Tangkap Ikan melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Rempang Cate

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    The number of tourists and the fame of a long sand beach is still lacking, therefore it is necessary to introduce to the public about the beauty and marine products that are owned on Pasir Panjang beaches. This service community was carried out to socialize the benefits of marine products through training in making Pempek in the Pasir Panjang Coastal Village. We have carried out this service with the Partner of RW 03 Pasir Panjang, Pasir Panjang Village, Rempang Cate District on Friday, July 27, 2018. The questionnaire results of Speaker questionnaire with a Likert Scale, equipment and Room were found that the interpretation score from all observation was all worth 100% and include in the interval category very well, which meant that it was rated very well by 18 respondents. While for the consumption questionnaire the interpretation of the score of the observations is worth 95.556% and is included in the interval category Very Well which means it is rated very well by 18 Respondents. The results of monitoring on October 22, 2018 were obtained information that there were residents who had made Pempek and sold in Pasir Panjang environments, while production and sales had stopped due to constraints Limited fishing results. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training to hold Crafts, other input so that the training activities continued. The results of the questionnaire obtained the most suggestions for further training is handicraft, other input so that the training activities continued.Jumlah wisatawan dan kemahsyuran pantai pasir panjang hingga saat ini masih dirasa kurang, oleh karena itu perlu di kenalkan ke masyarakat luas tentang keindahan dan hasil laut yang dimiliki di pantai pasir panjang. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk sosialisasi manfaat hasil laut melalui Pelatihan pembuatan Pempek di Kampung Pesisir Pasir Panjang. Pengabdian ini telah kami laksanakan dengan Mitra RW 03 Pasir Panjang Kelurahan Pasir Panjang Kecamatan Rempang Cate pada Hari Jumat tanggal 27 Juli 2018. Hasil Kuesioner Pemateri dengan pengukuran Skala Likert, Peralatan dan Ruangan didapatkan bahwa interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan semuanya bernilai 100% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Sedangkan untuk kuesioner konsumsi interpretasi skor hasil pengamatan bernilai 95,556% dan masuk dalam kategori interval Sangat Baik yang berarti dinilai sangat Baik oleh 18 Responden. Hasil monitoring pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2018 didapatkan informasi bahwa terdapat warga yang telah membuat pempek dan berjualan di lingkungan pasir panjang, sedangkan produksi dan penjualan sempat berhenti karena terkendala Hasil tangkap ikan yang terbatas. Hasil kuesioner didapatkan saran terbanyak untuk selanjutnya agar diadakan pelatihan adalah Kerajinan tangan, masukan lainnya agar kegiatan pelatihan berlanjut