24 research outputs found


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    Despite the substantial threat that macroeconomic crisis and war pose to the economic activity of organizations, little attention is paid in the existing literature to the rigorous identification and quantification of such effects. Given this fact, the purpose of the study is to rigorously estimate and quantify the effects of military aggression on the economic activity of organizations in the context of macroeconomic crises. The research methodology includes empirical and quantitative analysis. The empirical analysis was conducted on the basis of official statistical data of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Quantitative analysis is based on Event Study and Difference-in-Difference methods to quantify the impact of macroeconomic crises and the war on the organization. Quantitative estimates of the negative impacts of two macroeconomic crises (2009 and 2014–2015) and military action (which began in 2014, but does not take into account its new stage – war from 2022) in Ukraine on the freight traffic of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia" were obtained. The application of the proposed approach to assessing the effect of war due to its universality is possible for the needs and goals not only of transport companies but also of other organizations. The novelty – among the available developments on this issue, a formal assessment of the effect of military aggression which began in 2014 in the macroeconomic crises’ context was conducted for the first time using the existing methods, which allows obtaining parameter estimates resistant to individual-specific and time-specific heterogeneity

    Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussed

    Evaluation of the Influence of the Macro-environment on the Social Innovation Activity of Enterprises

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    Background: Nowadays the emphasis on social components in the general mainstream of innovation activity is one of the strongest grounds for the successful functioning and development of enterprises. In several countries, social innovation activity is becoming a product of business in general, with associated expectations regarding profit

    Evaluacija vpliva makro-okolja na družbeno inovacijsko dejavnost podjetij

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    Background: Nowadays the emphasis on social components in the general mainstream of innovation activity is one of the strongest grounds for the successful functioning and development of enterprises. In several countries, social innovation activity is becoming a product of business in general, with associated expectations regarding profit. Objectives: The goal of the article is to develop a toolkit for the evaluation of the influence of the macro-environment on the social innovation activity (SIA) of enterprises. Method: The methodology includes elements of theoretical and empirical research with the implementation of meth­ods such as a literature review, all types of analysis, and methods of aggregation and integration. Questionnaires were used as a means of data collection. Results: The general methodological framework of diagnostics of the SIA macro-environment is distinguished. Based on a theoretical analysis of the SIA ecosystem and the experience of operating enterprises, the main factors of SIA macro-environment are determined. The general integrated index and its five-level interpretational model are proposed as a measure for the evaluation of the SIA macro-environment. Conclusion: The results presented provide data necessary for the argumentation of SIA strategy and tactics, as well as investment policy in this sphere.Ozadje: Danes je poudarek na družbenih komponentah v inovacijske dejavnosti eden najmočnejših dejavnikov za uspešno delovanje in razvoj podjetij. V številnih državah postaja dejavnost družbeno inovacijske aktivnosti podjetja del poslovnega procesa, povezana s pričakovanji glede dobička. Cilji: Cilj članka je razviti orodje za ovrednotenje vpliva makroekonomskega okolja na družbeno inovacijsko dejav­nost podjetij. Metoda: Uporabljena metodologija vključuje elemente teoretičnih in empiričnih raziskav z izvajanjem metod, kot so pregled literature, različne vrste analiz in metode združevanja in integracije. Vprašalniki so bili uporabljeni kot sred­stvo za zbiranje podatkov. Rezultati: Razvili smo splošen metodološki okvir diagnostike makro okolice družbeno inovacijsko dejavnost. Na podlagi teoretične analize ekosistema družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti in izkušenj konkretnih podjetij smo določili glavne dejavnike makro-okolja družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti. Kot merilo za ovrednotenje makro okolij družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti so predlagani splošni integrirani indeks in njegov pet plastni interpretacijski model. Zaključek: Predstavljeni rezultati omogočajo pridobiti podatke, ki so potrebni za utemeljitev strategije in taktike družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti ter naložbene politike na tem področju

    Formation of the Sales Strategy of Small Industrial Enterprises Формирование сбытовой стратегии малых промышленных предприятий

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    The article forms characteristic definitions of marketing sales channels, analyses advantages and shortcomings of such channels of distribution of products for small production enterprises, marks out a position of the wholesale market as a direct and indirect sales channel, and marks advantages and shortcomings of its use. It forms analytical representation of marketing costs for calculation of the forecasted profit as one of the important quantitative criteria for selection of the sales channel and improves methodical provisions on its calculation with consideration of production, marketing and logistics costs. It offers a scheme of making a managerial decision on selection of the best marketing strategy on the basis of diversification of marketing channels.В статье сформированы характеристические определения маркетинговых сбытовых каналов, проанализированы преимущества и недостатки таких каналов распределения продукции для малых промышленных предприятий, выделена позиция оптового рынка как прямого и косвенного сбытового канала, обозначены преимущества и недостатки его использования. Сформировано аналитическое представление маркетинговых затрат для вычисления прогнозируемой прибыли как одного из важных количественных критериев для выбора сбытового канала, и усовершенствованы методические положения по его расчету с учетом производственных, маркетинговых и логистических расходов. Предложена схема принятия управленческого решения по выбору лучшей маркетинговой стратегии на основе диверсификации маркетинговых каналов

    Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussed

    Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise

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    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and allows us to show the peculiarities of their use. The second model of the optimal quantitative distribution of production between sales channels is based on profit maximization. This approach not only takes into account the evaluation of the prescribed parameters of sales channels, but also provides the high profitability of each assortment item and of the whole enterprise. The third model of the optimal distribution of production between sales channels accounts for the experience of collaboration between the enterprise and sales channels during the past period and ensures the minimal risk and appropriate profitability for each sales channel. The proposed models are tested and compared to actual data of the enterprise; the advantages and peculiarities of each model are discussedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Scenarios for social enterprises development in Lithuania

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    The paper aims to provide the newest analysis oF situation for social enterprises creation and development in Lithuania, especially focusing on rural areas and activity diversification. The main results of the paper will be based on developing scenario for Lithuanian business becoming social oneVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Strategic development of cargo transit services: a case study analysis

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    Purpose. Recently, foreign economic activity in Ukraine has gradually shifted towards the European Union (EU). The EU’s special interest in the potential of Ukraine’s transit transport lies in the geographical position of the country, which is located on the main routes of international freight traffic. The article aims to study the status and development opportunities in the field of transit freight transport of the Ukrainian railway joint-stock company (JSC Ukrzaliznytsya) within the framework of European integration