311 research outputs found

    Lifelong learning competence development of mining students and academic integrity: case study of language courses

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    Purpose. State-of-the-art description of faculty members (teaching language courses) attitude towards distinguishing of life-long learning competences evaluation and on purpose formation for mining students. Methods. The data were obtained from the paper questionnaires developed on the basis of theoretical analysis of scientific sources considering the issues of lifelong learning and academic integrity concepts and their implementation into the mining students training. Findings. The peculiarity of faculty members delivering language courses to lifelong learning competences of mining students consists in the fact that the teaching staff recognizes the importance of lifelong learning competences for modern professional in mining, but does not consider them as teaching goals. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and communication in foreign language are considered as the most important competences. As it was demonstrated, the efforts aimed at the development of lifelong competences do not correspond to the rating, as the faculty members consider other competences as the primary goals of their courses. Originality. The attitude of faculty members delivering language courses to mining students towards lifelong learning competence described in the Reference Framework of European Commission was investigated. The attitude of faculty members to the issue of lifelong learning competence formation was considered as a reason of low efficiency of students’ knowledge formation resulting in their poor lifelong learning and academic integrity skills. Practical implications. The results obtained are important for development of master and bachelor programmes in mining aimed at international level, as they enable modernization of existing programmes with respect to modern concepts of lifelong learning and academic integrity.Мета. Визначення ставлення професорсько-викладацького складу (викладачів мовних курсів) до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя та їх цілеспрямованого формування у студентів гірничих спеціальностей на сучасному етапі. Методика. Дані було отримано на основі аналізу паперових анкет, розроблених з урахуванням результатів теоретичного аналізу наукових джерел з проблем освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності, а також специфіки їх реалізації при підготовці студентів гірничих спеціальностей. Результати. Специфіка ставлення викладачів мовних курсів до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя та їх цілеспрямованого формування в студентів гірничих спеціальностей полягає в тому, що викладачі визнають важливість компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя для сучасних фахівців-гірників, але не розглядають їх як навчальну мету. Математична компетенція та основні компетенції у науці й технологіях, ініціативність і підприємницькі якості, а також комунікація іноземною мовою розглядаються як найважливіші компетенції. Проте, як свідчать отримані дані, визначений рівень важливості компетенції не означає визнання її пріоритетною у навчальному процесі, оскільки педагогічні працівники при формулюванні цілей освітньої діяльності опираються на інші компетенції. Наукова новизна. Розглянуто ставлення викладачів мовних курсів для студентів гірничих спеціальностей до визначення компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя, описаних у Рекомендаціях Європейської комісії. Ставлення викладачів до формування компетенцій у сфері освіти протягом життя розглянуто як причина низької ефективності формування знань студентів, що зумовлює недостатній рівень знань студентів у сфері освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності. Практична значимість. Отримані результати є важливими для створення магістерських та бакалаврських міжнародних освітніх програм, адже їх врахування дозволить вдосконалити вже існуючі програми з урахуванням сучасних концепцій освіти протягом життя та академічної доброчесності.Цель. Определение отношения профессорско-преподавательского состава (преподавателей языковых курсов) к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и их целенаправленному формированию у студентов горных специальностей на современном этапе. Методика. Данные были получены на основе анализа бумажных анкет, разработанных с учетом результатов теоретического анализа научных источников по проблематике образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности, а также специфики их реализации при подготовке студентов горных специальностей. Результаты. Специфика отношения преподавателей языковых курсов к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и их целенаправленному формированию у студентов горных специальностей заключается в том, что преподаватели признают важность компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни для современных специалистов-горняков, но не рассматривают их в качестве образовательной цели. Математическая компетенция и основные компетенции в науке и технологиях, инициативность и предпринимательские качества, а также коммуникация на иностранном языке рассматриваются как важнейшие компетенции. Но, согласно полученным данным, определенный уровень важности компетенции не означает ее приоритетности в учебном процессе, так как педагоги при формировании целей учебной деятельности опираются на другие компетенции. Научная новизна. Рассмотрено отношение преподавателей языковых курсов для студентов горных специальностей к определению компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни, описанных в Рекомендациях Европейской комисии. Отношение преподавателей языковых курсов к формированию компетенций в сфере образования на протяжении жизни рассматривается как причина низкой эффективности формирования знаний студентов, обуславливающее недостаточный уровень знаний студентов в сфере образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты имеют значение для разработки магистерских и бакалаврских международных образовательных программ, т.к. они позволяют усовершенствовать уже существующие программы с учетом современных концепций образования на протяжении жизни и академической добропорядочности.The studies were not supported by any grant. The author is grateful for all recommendations from reviewers and editors

    Synthesis of polyamides from diamines of the fluorene series

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    Aromatic polyamides were prepared by polycondensation of isophthaloyl chloride and 2,7-diaminofluorene, 2,7-dimainofluorenone, or 2,5-diaminofluorenone in AcNMe2 or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone at 20 deg - 30 deg for 1.5-2 hr. Isophthaloyl chloride-2,5-diaminofluorenone copolymer 39609-29-51 was sol. in AcNMe2, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone, DMF, and hexamethylphosphoramide, whereas isophthaloyl chloride-2,7-diamino-fluorene copolymer 39609-30-3 and isophthaloyl chloride-2,7-diamino-fluorenone copolymer 39609-31-0 were not sol. in the solvents cited. The aromatic polyamides revealed thixotropic properties in 0.5% solutions in H2SO4

    Using temporary water to resupply fresh water (on example Kanaka SCC)

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    In boarding houses, located at the mouth of the Kanaka beam (SCC), the problem of provision with fresh drinking water worsened. So far, the provision with drinking water was carried out with water wells from the aquifer at a depth of up to 15 m from the earth surface

    Kanaka is the place of healthy lifestyle

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    The general problem for the South Coast of Crimea (hereinafter – SCC) is supply of fresh water to inhabited localities. That is why all issues concerning formation, transportation, accumulation and consumption of fresh water reserves require constant study. The researched area of the SCC includes the temporary stream Kanaka, the permanent streams Alachuk and Uskut

    Concept COMMUNITY in Autobiography by Barack Obama “Dreams from my Father”

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    The article is devoted to the concept of COMMUNITY as one of the components of the concept sphere of language personality of Barack Obama in his early political career. The material for the study is his first autobiographical work - “Dreams from my Father”. The methods of conceptual, semantic and discourse analysis are used. An attempt was made to reconstruct the concept of COMMUNITY by studying the characteristics of its linguistic expression. Objectives of the study include a description of the means of objectification of this concept in this work and the construction of the nominative field with highlighting of conceptual signs. Regular actualization of the concept in this work allows to conclude that COMMUNITY is one of the central concepts that form the concept sphere of Barack Obama at the time of writing “Dreams from my Father.” In addition to the function of reflection of the author’s inner world and his personal values, the appeal to this concept has the function of the impact on the reader and it generates and reinforces in the minds of readers (and hence public) designing politician’s image. The concept of COMMUNITY by Barack Obama has a complicated structure and includes a number of other complex concepts, having axiological load and important to the majority of American citizens, such as IDENTITY, RESPONSIBILITY, COMMITMENT, UNITY and some others

    AMERICA Concept as a Fragment of the Concept Sphere of Barack Obama’s Linguistic Personality

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    The concept of AMERICA is considered as a part of the concept sphere of Barack Obama’s linguistic personality. Special attention is paid to the structure of the AMERICA concept in B. Obama’s speeches and the nominative features of this phenomenon. The material for the study was the public policy speeches delivered by Obama at different stages of his career. Methods of conceptual, semantic and discourse analysis are used to identify the means of objectification of this concept in the speeches of the studied linguistic personality and to construct its nominative field. The AMERICA concept is proven to be one of the central components in the Barack Obama concept sphere throughout his political career. It is shown that Barack Obama’s AMERICA concept has a complex structure with a branched system of features. It is noted that it includes associations actualized by the AMERICA concept, which is part of the national picture of the world. It is revealed that the structure of this concept also includes a set of individual-author’s associations reflecting the world picture of the linguistic personality of the 44th President of the United States. The structure of the AMERICA concept with the allocation of the core, near and far periphery is described

    Historical and recent aufeis in the Indigirka River basin (Russia)

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    A detailed spatial geodatabase of aufeis (or naled in Russian) within the Indigirka River watershed (305&thinsp;000&thinsp;km2), Russia, was compiled from historical Russian publications (year 1958), topographic maps (years 1970–1980s) and Landsat images (year 2013–2017). Identification of aufeis by late spring Landsat images was performed with a semi-automated approach according to Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and additional data. After this, a cross-reference index was set for each aufeis field to link and compare historical and satellite-based aufeis datasets. The aufeis coverage varies from 0.26&thinsp;% to 1.15&thinsp;% in different sub-basins within the Indigirka River watershed. The digitized historical archive (Cadastre, 1958) contains the coordinates and characteristics of 896 aufeis fields with a total area of 2064&thinsp;km2. The Landsat-based dataset included 1213 aufeis fields with a total area of 1287&thinsp;km2. Accordingly, the satellite-derived total aufeis area is 1.6 times less than the Cadastre (1958) dataset. However, more than 600 aufeis fields identified from Landsat images are missing in the Cadastre (1958) archive. It is therefore possible that the conditions for aufeis formation may have changed from the mid-20th century to the present. Most present and historical aufeis fields are located in the elevation band of 1000–1200&thinsp;m. About 60&thinsp;% of the total aufeis area is represented by just 10&thinsp;% of the largest aufeis fields. Interannual variability of aufeis area for the period of 2001–2016 was assessed for the Bolshaya Momskaya aufeis and for a group of large aufeis fields (11 aufeis fields with areas from 5 to 70&thinsp;km2) in the basin of the Syuryuktyakh River. The results of this analysis indicate a tendency towards an area decrease in the Bolshaya Momskaya aufeis in recent years, while no reduction in Syuryuktyakh River aufeis area was observed. The combined digital database of the aufeis is available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.891036.</p

    The results of the study of the carcinogenic properties of glucosaminylmuramyldipeptide GMDP in chronic experiments in mice and rats

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    The drug Licopid (GMDP, glucosaminylmuramyldipeptide) is intended for complex therapy of conditions accompanied by secondary immunodeficiencies. The objective of this study was to investigate the carcinogenicity of GMDP (Licopid®) in chronic animal experiment

    Area Studies at the Modern University: Experience in Studying International Communication Strategies

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    In this paper, we show the importance of including the large corpus of scholarly, popular and media texts describing the experience of 20th-century Russian and Soviet Indologists in bachelor’s Asian studies programmes. We explain the significance of the practical work of Soviet Asian scholars on developing and implementing international communication strategies and practices and show that this work is topical and relevant for modern tertiary education. We emphasize the extensive experience accumulated by Russian Indologists in developing scenarios and models of interaction between Russia and Asian countries that take regional particularities into account. We examine the work of the Russian Indologist, scholar, journalist, publicist and professor Leonid Mitrokhin (1934-2002), winner of the Nehru Award (1985), who worked for over a decade in India and devoted his entire life to studying South and Central Asia. We analyse Leonid Mitrokhin’s key communicative practices, whose results are reflected in his monographs, popular books and articles. The results of our linguocultural study confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of friendly communication strategies in Indo-Soviet relations in the 1960s and 1970s. The case study of Leonid Mitrokhin’s work shows the broad range of professional competencies of Soviet Indologists, who had in-depth knowledge of the political and sociocultural makeup of South Asia, the systemic connections between individual social, economic and political groups and institutes, and the ethnopsychological, ethnocultural and religious particularities of interethnic communication. The knowledge and skills of Soviet Indologists allowed them to make accurate forecasts of the development of the political and economic situation in South Asia and neighbouring regions, promote communication, make expert assessments in key areas of interaction between the USSR and countries in the region, elaborate effective communication strategies, and shape a positive image of their country in the international arena. The study of the communication experience of Soviet Indologists shall help contemporary students to learn the methodology of area studies, develop their strategic thinking, expand their study and research interests, improve their knowledge of the region’s history and interregional relations, and learn the basics of foreign impact strategies and the practice of foreign propaganda in Asia