292 research outputs found

    High energy hadrons in EAS at mountain altitude

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    An extensive simulation has been carried out to estimate the physical interpretation of dynamical factors such as , in terms of high energy interaction features, concentrated in the present analysis on the average transverse momentum. It appears that the large enhancement observed for versus primary energy, suggesting in earliest analysis a significant rise of with energy, is only the result of the limited resolution of the detectors and remains in agreement with a wide range of models used in simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 PostScript figures, LaTeX Subm. to JPhys

    X-ray film chamber with carbon target of Tien-Shan complex array

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    X-ray films were exposed inside the ionization calorimeter under 74g/sq cm of carbon and 5 cm of lead. The X-ray film chamber area is 35 sq. m. Moving X-ray films were used, 50% of the events, which succeeded to determine incidence time, were identified with corresponding extensive air showers (EAS). For such events the size spectrum of associated EAS was derived. Two methods of energy measurement using X-ray films and ionization calorimeter were compared. The energy transfer from selected hadron to electromagnetic component is illustrated. It is found that in cascades with high energy release into electromagnetic components the hadron component is practically absent

    Development of the procedure of testing with the application of the expert evaluation method in psychophysiology

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    This article provides a detailed description of the stages of development of an information system of personalized psychophysiological testing using expert evaluation. The process of the information system design is presented, the developed functional models, database and algorithm of testing by students-experts are demonstrate

    T cell lineage choice and differentiation in the absence of the RNase III enzyme dicer

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    The ribonuclease III enzyme Dicer is essential for the processing of micro-RNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) from double-stranded RNA precursors. miRNAs and siRNAs regulate chromatin structure, gene transcription, mRNA stability, and translation in a wide range of organisms. To provide a model system to explore the role of Dicer-generated RNAs in the differentiation of mammalian cells in vivo, we have generated a conditional Dicer allele. Deletion of Dicer at an early stage of T cell development compromised the survival of alphabeta lineage cells, whereas the numbers of gammadelta-expressing thymocytes were not affected. In developing thymocytes, Dicer was not required for the maintenance of transcriptional silencing at pericentromeric satellite sequences (constitutive heterochromatin), the maintenance of DNA methylation and X chromosome inactivation in female cells (facultative heterochromatin), and the stable shutdown of a developmentally regulated gene (developmentally regulated gene silencing). Most remarkably, given that one third of mammalian mRNAs are putative miRNA targets, Dicer seems to be dispensable for CD4/8 lineage commitment, a process in which epigenetic regulation of lineage choice has been well documented. Thus, although Dicer seems to be critical for the development of the early embryo, it may have limited impact on the implementation of some lineage-specific gene expression programs

    Screening Study for Anticonvulsive Activity of Lipophilic Fractions from Empetrum nigrum L.

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    The plants of genus Empetrum, which are used in the traditional medicine to cure seizures and neurodegenerative diseases, can be considered as potent antiepileptic drugs. This paper focuses on a comparative analysis of an anticonvulsive activity of lipophilic fractions from Empetrum nigrum L

    Sustainability analysis of the CITYLAB solutions

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    The objective of the CITYLAB project is to develop knowledge and solutions that result in roll-out, upscaling and further uptake of cost effective strategies, measures and tools for emission free city logistics. CITYLAB includes a set of Living Laboratories where promising logistic concepts are implemented related to emissions free city logistics. The objective of this report is to assess the impact that would occur when the CITYLAB implementations would be scaled up. The main challenge that has to be overcome is the difference in type, availability and detail of data from different CITYLAB implementations. This assessment of the impacts of upscaling is done by integrating all stakeholders’ opinions in the evaluation process and taking into account the costs and benefits for society as well as the financial viability for industry partners

    The local interferon-corrective therapy in children with congenital cleft lip and palate, suffering from the recurrent respiratory infections

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    It is known that children with congenital cleft lip and palate are suffering from recurrent respiratory infections, which worsen the state of their health, and also complicate the results of reconstructive surgical treatment. The aim of the study was to detect defects of mucosal immunity in children with congenital cleft lip and palate, suffering from recurrent respiratory infections, and to create the program of local interferon corrective therapy with an assessment of its effectiveness. The studies included 56 children from the age of 1 to 3 years. Three groups of children were formed: group 1 – 26 children with congenital cleft lip and palate (antibiotic therapy); group 2 — 30 children with congenital cleft lip and palate (antibiotic therapy + local interferon therapy), group 3 — the control group. The clinical examination included a medical history, an assessment of the symptoms of recurrent episodes of acute respiratory infections and exacerbations of chronic infections. Microbiological studies were performed using standard methods. The status of local immunity was detected: the concentrations of secretory IgA, cytokines IL-17, IL-4, IL-6, IL-1β, IFNγ in the oral fluid were tested by ELISA. Results of the study established that in group 1 and group 2 clinical criteria of immunodeficiency with an infectious syndrome were revealed: repeated acute respiratory viral infections from 10 or more times a year, complicated by frequent exacerbations of chronic bacterial infection (up to 10 or more per year). Assessment of the state of local immunity in children with congenital cleft lip and palate revealed a lack of sIgA compared with the control group. Before treatment in group 2 oral fluid level of IL-17, IL-6 were statistically significant increase (p < 0.05); the results of the study also established increase in the level of IL-1β and a decrease in anti-inflammatory IL-4 and regulatory IFNγ relative to the control group (p > 0.05). After complex treatment with the inclusion of local interferon therapy in group 2 the appearance of sIgA, increase in the concentration of IL-4, IL-1β and a decrease IL-17 in oral fluid were observed (p > 0.05). The concentrations of IL-6, IFNγ did not change (p > 0.05). After treatment in group 2 there were a decrease in exacerbations of chronic upper respiratory tract infection and in frequency of acute respiratory viral infections compared with group 1 (p < 0.05). Positive clinical efficacy of local interferon therapy (the gel of recombinant IFNα2b in combination with oxidants — Viferon gel) in the process of staged rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and palate has a protective clinical effect in reducing the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections, reducing the number of postoperative complications, reducing hospital stay, duration of antibacterial therapy and the number of exacerbations of chronic bacterial infection