814 research outputs found

    Kanaka is the place of healthy lifestyle

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    The general problem for the South Coast of Crimea (hereinafter – SCC) is supply of fresh water to inhabited localities. That is why all issues concerning formation, transportation, accumulation and consumption of fresh water reserves require constant study. The researched area of the SCC includes the temporary stream Kanaka, the permanent streams Alachuk and Uskut

    Using temporary water to resupply fresh water (on example Kanaka SCC)

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    In boarding houses, located at the mouth of the Kanaka beam (SCC), the problem of provision with fresh drinking water worsened. So far, the provision with drinking water was carried out with water wells from the aquifer at a depth of up to 15 m from the earth surface

    Efficiency of Xist-mediated silencing on autosomes is linked to chromosomal domain organisation

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    BACKGROUND: X chromosome inactivation, the mechanism used by mammals to equalise dosage of X-linked genes in XX females relative to XY males, is triggered by chromosome-wide localisation of a cis-acting non-coding RNA, Xist. The mechanism of Xist RNA spreading and Xist-dependent silencing is poorly understood. A large body of evidence indicates that silencing is more efficient on the X chromosome than on autosomes, leading to the idea that the X chromosome has acquired sequences that facilitate propagation of silencing. LINE-1 (L1) repeats are relatively enriched on the X chromosome and have been proposed as candidates for these sequences. To determine the requirements for efficient silencing we have analysed the relationship of chromosome features, including L1 repeats, and the extent of silencing in cell lines carrying inducible Xist transgenes located on one of three different autosomes. RESULTS: Our results show that the organisation of the chromosome into large gene-rich and L1-rich domains is a key determinant of silencing efficiency. Specifically genes located in large gene-rich domains with low L1 density are relatively resistant to Xist-mediated silencing whereas genes located in gene-poor domains with high L1 density are silenced more efficiently. These effects are observed shortly after induction of Xist RNA expression, suggesting that chromosomal domain organisation influences establishment rather than long-term maintenance of silencing. The X chromosome and some autosomes have only small gene-rich L1-depleted domains and we suggest that this could confer the capacity for relatively efficient chromosome-wide silencing. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insight into the requirements for efficient Xist mediated silencing and specifically identifies organisation of the chromosome into gene-rich L1-depleted and gene-poor L1-dense domains as a major influence on the ability of Xist-mediated silencing to be propagated in a continuous manner in cis

    Additional professional education as a means of becoming subgect teacher

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    The article considers the system of additional vocational education as a resource for mastering completely new skills and competences by the subject, contributing to the formation of the subjectivity of the teacherВ статье рассматривается система дополнительного профессионального образования как ресурс для освоения субъектом совершенно новых умений и компетенций, способствующая становлению субъектности педагог

    Fracture system influence on the reservoirs rock formation of Ordovician-Devonian carbonates in West Siberia tectonic depression

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    During the Paleozoic period from the beginning of the Cambrian to the end of the Carboniferous in the boundaries of the West Siberia tectonic depression there occurred the sea, where the carbonate platforms were formed by the limestones accumulation. All the area at the end of the Carboniferous period was turned to land. Resulting from Gertsynskaya folding in the times of Permian - Triassic the formed deposits were folded and denudated to a considerable extent. Besides, the reservoir rocks of the crust of weathering including redeposited one, were formed as a result of hypergenesis, during the continental stand of the area in the near-surface zone. A new geological prospecting unit has been suggested which underlies these crusts of weathering and formed during fracture tectonic processes with hydrothermal-metasomatic limestones reworking and the processes of hydrothermal leaching and dolomitization. So, in the carbonate platforms the system of fissure zones related to tectonic disturbance was formed. This has a dendrite profile where the series of tangential, more thinned fractures deviate from the stem and finish in pores and caverns. The carbonate platforms formation in the West Siberia tectonic depression has been analyzed, their dynamics and gradual increasing from the minimal in Ordovician and Silurian to maximal at the end of the Late Devonian has been shown

    High energy hadrons in EAS at mountain altitude

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    An extensive simulation has been carried out to estimate the physical interpretation of dynamical factors such as , in terms of high energy interaction features, concentrated in the present analysis on the average transverse momentum. It appears that the large enhancement observed for versus primary energy, suggesting in earliest analysis a significant rise of with energy, is only the result of the limited resolution of the detectors and remains in agreement with a wide range of models used in simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 PostScript figures, LaTeX Subm. to JPhys

    Le facteur ethnolinguistique dans la mobilisation ethnique des peuples finno-ougriens du nord-est de la Russie (sur la base du carélien et du komi)

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    Cet article a pour objectif de définir le rôle et l’importance du facteur linguistique dans le processus de mobilisation chez les peuples finno-ougriens du nord de la Russie en partant des exemples de la République komie, de la République de Carélie et de l’oblast de Mourmansk chez les Komis, les Vepses, les Sames et les Finnois d’Ingrie. Il s’interroge sur le statut de la langue vernaculaire chez les Finno-ougriens dans les différentes étapes de l’histoire des xxe et xxie siècles. Ces langues ont obtenu le statut de langues officielles, puis l’ont perdu en conséquence de modifications dans la politique nationale de l’État russe. Ceci se constate de manière particulièrement claire dans l’emploi de la langue à l’école, dans le système d’éducation en tant que système unifié, où il est possible de reproduire et de protéger les langues vernaculaires. Dans la préservation de la langue, un rôle particulier revient aux mouvements nationaux dans la société civile, d’autant que la langue a été le facteur crucial pour unifier les peuples finno-ougriens aux diverses étapes historiques.Статья посвящена вопросу определения роли и значения этнолингвистического фактора в процессе мобилизации у финно-угорских народов европейского Севера России на примере Республики Коми, Республики Карелия и Мурманской области у народов коми, карел, вепсов, саамов и финнов-ингерманландцев. В статье рассматривается процесс определения статуса родного языка у финно-угорских народов на разных исторических этапах в хх веке и в начале xxi века. Языки имели статус государственных, а затем теряли этот статус в зависимости от изменений государственной национальной политики в России. Особенно ярко это можно увидеть на использовании языка в школе, в системе образования как единственной системе, где возможно воспроизводство и сохранение родных языков. Важнейшее место в вопросах сохранения языка принадлежит национальным общественным движениям, язык стал тем важным фактором, который объединял представителей коренных финно-угорских народов на разных исторических этапах