358 research outputs found

    A monomial matrix formalism to describe quantum many-body states

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    We propose a framework to describe and simulate a class of many-body quantum states. We do so by considering joint eigenspaces of sets of monomial unitary matrices, called here "M-spaces"; a unitary matrix is monomial if precisely one entry per row and column is nonzero. We show that M-spaces encompass various important state families, such as all Pauli stabilizer states and codes, the AKLT model, Kitaev's (abelian and non-abelian) anyon models, group coset states, W states and the locally maximally entanglable states. We furthermore show how basic properties of M-spaces can transparently be understood by manipulating their monomial stabilizer groups. In particular we derive a unified procedure to construct an eigenbasis of any M-space, yielding an explicit formula for each of the eigenstates. We also discuss the computational complexity of M-spaces and show that basic problems, such as estimating local expectation values, are NP-hard. Finally we prove that a large subclass of M-spaces---containing in particular most of the aforementioned examples---can be simulated efficiently classically with a unified method.Comment: 11 pages + appendice

    Which graph states are useful for quantum information processing?

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    Graph states are an elegant and powerful quantum resource for measurement based quantum computation (MBQC). They are also used for many quantum protocols (error correction, secret sharing, etc.). The main focus of this paper is to provide a structural characterisation of the graph states that can be used for quantum information processing. The existence of a gflow (generalized flow) is known to be a requirement for open graphs (graph, input set and output set) to perform uniformly and strongly deterministic computations. We weaken the gflow conditions to define two new more general kinds of MBQC: uniform equiprobability and constant probability. These classes can be useful from a cryptographic and information point of view because even though we cannot do a deterministic computation in general we can preserve the information and transfer it perfectly from the inputs to the outputs. We derive simple graph characterisations for these classes and prove that the deterministic and uniform equiprobability classes collapse when the cardinalities of inputs and outputs are the same. We also prove the reversibility of gflow in that case. The new graphical characterisations allow us to go from open graphs to graphs in general and to consider this question: given a graph with no inputs or outputs fixed, which vertices can be chosen as input and output for quantum information processing? We present a characterisation of the sets of possible inputs and ouputs for the equiprobability class, which is also valid for deterministic computations with inputs and ouputs of the same cardinality.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Completeness of the classical 2D Ising model and universal quantum computation

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    We prove that the 2D Ising model is complete in the sense that the partition function of any classical q-state spin model (on an arbitrary graph) can be expressed as a special instance of the partition function of a 2D Ising model with complex inhomogeneous couplings and external fields. In the case where the original model is an Ising or Potts-type model, we find that the corresponding 2D square lattice requires only polynomially more spins w.r.t the original one, and we give a constructive method to map such models to the 2D Ising model. For more general models the overhead in system size may be exponential. The results are established by connecting classical spin models with measurement-based quantum computation and invoking the universality of the 2D cluster states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Minor change

    Remarks on Duality Transformations and Generalized Stabilizer States

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    We consider the transformation of Hamilton operators under various sets of quantum operations acting simultaneously on all adjacent pairs of particles. We find mappings between Hamilton operators analogous to duality transformations as well as exact characterizations of ground states employing non-Hermitean eigenvalue equations and use this to motivate a generalization of the stabilizer formalism to non-Hermitean operators. The resulting class of states is larger than that of standard stabilizer states and allows for example for continuous variation of local entropies rather than the discrete values taken on stabilizer states and the exact description of certain ground states of Hamilton operators.Comment: Contribution to Special Issue in Journal of Modern Optics celebrating the 60th birthday of Peter Knigh

    Measurement Based Quantum Computation on Fractal Lattices

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    In this article we extend on work which establishes an analology between one-way quantum computation and thermodynamics to see how the former can be performed on fractal lattices. We find fractals lattices of arbitrary dimension greater than one which do all act as good resources for one-way quantum computation, and sets of fractal lattices with dimension greater than one all of which do not. The difference is put down to other topological factors such as ramification and connectivity. This work adds confidence to the analogy and highlights new features to what we require for universal resources for one-way quantum computation

    Completeness of classical spin models and universal quantum computation

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    We study mappings between distinct classical spin systems that leave the partition function invariant. As recently shown in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 110501 (2008)], the partition function of the 2D square lattice Ising model in the presence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field, can specialize to the partition function of any Ising system on an arbitrary graph. In this sense the 2D Ising model is said to be "complete". However, in order to obtain the above result, the coupling strengths on the 2D lattice must assume complex values, and thus do not allow for a physical interpretation. Here we show how a complete model with real -and, hence, "physical"- couplings can be obtained if the 3D Ising model is considered. We furthermore show how to map general q-state systems with possibly many-body interactions to the 2D Ising model with complex parameters, and give completeness results for these models with real parameters. We also demonstrate that the computational overhead in these constructions is in all relevant cases polynomial. These results are proved by invoking a recently found cross-connection between statistical mechanics and quantum information theory, where partition functions are expressed as quantum mechanical amplitudes. Within this framework, there exists a natural correspondence between many-body quantum states that allow universal quantum computation via local measurements only, and complete classical spin systems.Comment: 43 pages, 28 figure

    Local permutations of products of Bell states and entanglement distillation

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    We present new algorithms for mixed-state multi-copy entanglement distillation for pairs of qubits. Our algorithms perform significantly better than the best known algorithms. Better algorithms can be derived that are tuned for specific initial states. The new algorithms are based on a characterization of the group of all locally realizable permutations of the 4^n possible tensor products of n Bell states.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Optical discrimination between spatial decoherence and thermalization of a massive object

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    We propose an optical ring interferometer to observe environment-induced spatial decoherence of massive objects. The object is held in a harmonic trap and scatters light between degenerate modes of a ring cavity. The output signal of the interferometer permits to monitor the spatial width of the object's wave function. It shows oscillations that arise from coherences between energy eigenstates and that reveal the difference between pure spatial decoherence and that coinciding with energy transfer and heating. Our method is designed to work with a wide variety of masses, ranging from the atomic scale to nano-fabricated structures. We give a thorough discussion of its experimental feasibility.Comment: 2 figure

    Measurement-based quantum computation in a 2D phase of matter

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    Recently it has been shown that the non-local correlations needed for measurement based quantum computation (MBQC) can be revealed in the ground state of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model involving nearest neighbor spin-3/2 interactions on a honeycomb lattice. This state is not singular but resides in the disordered phase of ground states of a large family of Hamiltonians characterized by short-range-correlated valence bond solid states. By applying local filtering and adaptive single particle measurements we show that most states in the disordered phase can be reduced to a graph of correlated qubits that is a scalable resource for MBQC. At the transition between the disordered and Neel ordered phases we find a transition from universal to non-universal states as witnessed by the scaling of percolation in the reduced graph state.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome. v2: published versio

    Hybrid quantum computing with ancillas

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    In the quest to build a practical quantum computer, it is important to use efficient schemes for enacting the elementary quantum operations from which quantum computer programs are constructed. The opposing requirements of well-protected quantum data and fast quantum operations must be balanced to maintain the integrity of the quantum information throughout the computation. One important approach to quantum operations is to use an extra quantum system - an ancilla - to interact with the quantum data register. Ancillas can mediate interactions between separated quantum registers, and by using fresh ancillas for each quantum operation, data integrity can be preserved for longer. This review provides an overview of the basic concepts of the gate model quantum computer architecture, including the different possible forms of information encodings - from base two up to continuous variables - and a more detailed description of how the main types of ancilla-mediated quantum operations provide efficient quantum gates.Comment: Review paper. An introduction to quantum computation with qudits and continuous variables, and a review of ancilla-based gate method
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