61 research outputs found

    A proposed classification of invasive alien plant species in South Africa: Towards prioritising species and areas for management action

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    Many invasive alien plant species in South Africa are already well-established and cause substantial damage, while scores of others are at the early stages of invasion (only recently introduced and/or entering a phase of rapid population growth). Management programmes must target well-established invaders, but must also give appropriate attention to emerging problems. Protocols for objectively prioritizing species in the two groups for management action are lacking. To this end, we describe the objective derivation of two lists of invasive alien plants in South Africa, using available quantitative data and expert knowledge on current patterns of distribution and abundance, life-history traits, and (for emerging invaders) estimates of potential habitat. ‘Major invaders’ are those invasive alien species that are well-established, and which already have a substantial impact on natural and semi-natural ecosystems. ‘Emerging invaders’ currently have less influence, but have attributes and potentially suitable habitat that could result in increased range and consequences in the next few decades. We describe the derivation of lists that contain 117 major invaders (categorized into groups based on geographical range and abundance) and 84 emerging invaders (categorized into groups based on current propagule-pool size and potentially invasible habitat). The main lists, and groupings within them, provide a useful means for prioritizing species for a range of management interventions at national, regional and local scale

    Topological Defects and Non-homogeneous Melting of Large 2D Coulomb Clusters

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    The configurational and melting properties of large two-dimensional clusters of charged classical particles interacting with each other via the Coulomb potential are investigated through the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The particles are confined by a harmonic potential. For a large number of particles in the cluster (N>150) the configuration is determined by two competing effects, namely in the center a hexagonal lattice is formed, which is the groundstate for an infinite 2D system, and the confinement which imposes its circular symmetry on the outer edge. As a result a hexagonal Wigner lattice is formed in the central area while at the border of the cluster the particles are arranged in rings. In the transition region defects appear as dislocations and disclinations at the six corners of the hexagonal-shaped inner domain. Many different arrangements and type of defects are possible as metastable configurations with a slightly higher energy. The particles motion is found to be strongly related to the topological structure. Our results clearly show that the melting of the clusters starts near the geometry induced defects, and that three different melting temperatures can be defined corresponding to the melting of different regions in the cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase equilibria and glass transition in colloidal systems with short-ranged attractive interactions. Application to protein crystallization

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    We have studied a model of a complex fluid consisting of particles interacting through a hard core and a short range attractive potential of both Yukawa and square-well form. Using a hybrid method, including a self-consistent and quite accurate approximation for the liquid integral equation in the case of the Yukawa fluid, perturbation theory to evaluate the crystal free energies, and mode-coupling theory of the glass transition, we determine both the equilibrium phase diagram of the system and the lines of equilibrium between the supercooled fluid and the glass phases. For these potentials, we study the phase diagrams for different values of the potential range, the ratio of the range of the interaction to the diameter of the repulsive core being the main control parameter. Our arguments are relevant to a variety of systems, from dense colloidal systems with depletion forces, through particle gels, nano-particle aggregation, and globular protein crystallization.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Oral literature in South Africa: 20 years on

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    I offer a retrospective on the field of orality and performance studies in South Africa from the perspective of 2016, assessing what has been achieved, what may have happened inadvertently or worryingly, what some of the significant implications have been, what remain challenges, and how we may think of, or rethink, orality and performance studies in a present and future that are changing at almost inconceivable pace.DHE

    A balanced perspective on the importance of extensive ruminant production for human nutrition and livelihoods and its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions

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    There is a general perception that ruminants produce large quantities of greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Sometimes percentages are quoted out of context. For example, the percentage quoted for developed countries indicates the greenhouse gas contribution from livestock is less than 6%, while that for developing countries is 40–50%. However, the reason for this relatively low contribution from developed countries is because of very high contributions from other sectors. Ruminant production also is in the spotlight as it is the world’s largest user of land and South Africa is no exception. Only ruminants can utilise areas of non-arable land where the vegetation is rich in fibre and convert this fibre into high-quality nutrients for human consumption. Foods from animal sources (including ruminants) are essential for the human diet, as they support early childhood and cognitive development. Many rural households depend on ruminants and these animals are central to the livelihoods and well-being of these communities. The negative effects of red meat on human health and the negative environmental impact of livestock production are overemphasised, while the higher bioavailability of nutrients from livestock source foods, which stimulates mental and cognitive development compared to vegetarian or grain based foods, is ignored. Here we estimate that livestock are responsible for only 4% of the world’s greenhouse gases through methane production. We also highlight that if the high fibre vegetation is not utilised by livestock, it will still produce greenhouse gases through burning or rotting, without any benefit to humans. Livestock source foods are important if global nutritional, educational and economic needs are to be met; and this message should be conveyed to the public. Significance: We propose that a balanced message should be conveyed to the broader scientific community and the public on the role of livestock in meeting global nutritional needs and contributing to global warming. Livestock source foods are important if the global nutritional, educational and economic needs are to be met and can be used to feed developing countries out of poverty

    Genetic diversity in selected stud and commercial herds of the Afrikaner cattle breed

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    The Afrikaner is one of three indigenous cattle breeds found in South Africa. Afrikaner cattle were originally extensively used for crossbreeding purposes and breed development. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of selected stud and commercial herds from the whole South African Afrikaner population, as well as to determine the genetic structure among these herds. Assignment methods (based on STRUCTURE software) revealed a real structure consisting of four genetic populations (K = 4). Estimates of genetic diversity did not support the hypothesis of significant loss of genetic diversity in any individual Afrikaner herd. Heterozygosity estimates ranged from 0.456 - 0.737 within individual populations, with an overall heterozygosity estimate of 0.568 for the Afrikaner breed. The average number of alleles per locus was regarded as being 2.67 - 7.78, with an average of 5.18 alleles per locus. It could be concluded that a moderate to high degree of variation is still present within the Afrikaner cattle breed, despite the recent decline in numbers of this indigenous breed.Keywords: Bos taurus africanus, heterozygosity, inbreeding, microsatellite marker

    Supplement 1) Peer-reviewed paper

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    Abstract The Afrikaner is one of three indigenous cattle breeds found in South Africa. Afrikaner cattle were originally extensively used for crossbreeding purposes and breed development. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of selected stud and commercial herds from the whole South African Afrikaner population, as well as to determine the genetic structure among these herds. Assignment methods (based on STRUCTURE software) revealed a real structure consisting of four genetic populations (K = 4). Estimates of genetic diversity did not support the hypothesis of significant loss of genetic diversity in any individual Afrikaner herd. Heterozygosity estimates ranged from 0.456 -0.737 within individual populations, with an overall heterozygosity estimate of 0.568 for the Afrikaner breed. The average number of alleles per locus was regarded as being 2.67 -7.78, with an average of 5.18 alleles per locus. It could be concluded that a moderate to high degree of variation is still present within the Afrikaner cattle breed, despite the recent decline in numbers of this indigenous breed

    Mitochondrial DNA diversity of Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae): a potential biological control agent for Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae)

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    Carpintero and Dellap, (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) is a native Australian sap-feeding insect that has become invasive and seriously damaging to commercially grown in the Southern Hemisphere. Lin and Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) was recently discovered as an egg parasitoid of the Thaumastocoridae in Australia. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI) sequence diversity amongst 104 individuals from these native populations revealed 24 sequence haplotypes. The COI haplotypes of individuals collected from the Sydney and Southeast Queensland clustered in distinct groups, indicating limited spread of the insect between the regions. Individuals collected from Perth in Western Australia were represented by four COI haplotypes. Although this population is geographically more isolated from other populations, two COI haplotypes were identical to haplotypes found in the Sydney region. The results suggest that has recently been introduced into Perth, possibly from the Sydney area. The high mtDNA diversity and limited spread that is suggested for is in contrast to the lack of geographic associated mtDNA diversity and extensive spread of . If implemented as a biological control agent, this factor will need to be considered in collecting and releasing
