13 research outputs found

    Pruebas de integración de generación distribuida en una microred en el campus de la UNRC

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    The traditional electric grid is changing, being affected in all their fields by the technological advances, and moving to a new paradigm called smart grid. This is the reason for which different forms of incentives and different systems of energy commercialization for the distributed generation can be found; that added to the investment in research and development make that the destination of the world energy investments goes mostly to the renewable sources. Today, there are several renewable energy elements at different voltage levels of the grid. There are different pilot tests where different technologies and products are tested, which are presented daily by different manufacturers.   In this work, an understudy microgrid is presented where different renewable sources are connected to the traditional grid, supporting like that the Argentinean objective of having 20% of renewable energy by the year 2025. In addition to the calculations made for the campus, as a pilot test, practical experiences are presented in the university's electricity laboratory by integrating renewable sources in the distribution network. We analyze the steady-state and short-circuit currents, which provide the different types of source to the network and how they affect distribution protection systems. The proposed micro-network consists of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in different configurations distributed across the campus, where after analyzing the data obtained, better results than expected were yielded.La red eléctrica tradicional está cambiando, influenciada en todos sus campos por los avances tecnológicos, y mutando hacia un nuevo paradigma, llamado red inteligente. Es por ello que, junto a distintas formas de incentivos ambientales y económicos, pueden encontrarse diferentes sistemas de comercialización de la energía para la generación distribuida, que junto a la inversión en investigación y desarrollo hacen que el destino de las inversiones energéticas mundiales vaya en su mayoría a las energías renovables. Hoy en día existen numerosas redes inteligentes por todo el mundo, donde se han integrado distintos recursos energéticos renovables a distintos niveles de tensión de la red eléctrica. Se han encontrado distintas pruebas piloto en las que se prueban diferentes tecnologías y productos, los que día a día son presentados por los diferentes fabricantes.   En este trabajo se presenta una microred, en la que distintas fuentes renovables se acoplan a la red de alimentación tradicional. De esta manera, desde el campus de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), acompañamos a Argentina en su trabajo por lograr el objetivo de tener un 20 % de energía renovable para el 2025. Junto a los cálculos realizados para el campus, a modo de prueba piloto, se presentan experiencias prácticas realizadas en el laboratorio de electricidad de la Universidad, al integrar fuentes renovables a la red de distribución. Se analizan las corrientes de régimen permanente y de cortocircuito, que los distintos tipos de fuente aportan a la red, y cómo afectan a los sistemas de protección en distribución. La microred propuesta consta de aerogeneradores y paneles fotovoltaicos en distintas configuraciones, distribuidos por el campus, donde luego de analizar los datos se obtuvieron mejores resultados de lo esperado

    Multiwavelength observations of a TeV-Flare from W comae

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    We report results from an intensive multiwavelength campaign on the intermediate-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object W Com (z = 0.102) during a strong outburst of very high energy gamma-ray emission in 2008 June. The very high energy gamma-ray signal was detected by VERITAS on 2008 June 7-8 with a flux F(>200 GeV) =(5.7 0.6) × 10-11 cm-2 s -1, about three times brighter than during the discovery of gamma-ray emission from W Com by VERITAS in 2008 March. The initial detection of this flare by VERITAS at energies above 200 GeV was followed by observations in high-energy gamma rays (AGILE; E γ≥ 100 MeV), X-rays (Swift and XMM-Newton), and at UV, and ground-based optical and radio monitoring through the GASP-WEBT consortium and other observatories. Here we describe the multiwavelength data and derive the spectral energy distribution of the source from contemporaneous data taken throughout the flare. © 2009. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Pruebas de integración de generación distribuida en una microred en el campus de la UNRC

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    The traditional electric grid is changing, being affected in all their fields by the technological advances, and moving to a new paradigm called smart grid. This is the reason for which different forms of incentives and different systems of energy commercialization for the distributed generation can be found; that added to the investment in research and development make that the destination of the world energy investments goes mostly to the renewable sources. Today, there are several renewable energy elements at different voltage levels of the grid. There are different pilot tests where different technologies and products are tested, which are presented daily by different manufacturers.   In this work, an understudy microgrid is presented where different renewable sources are connected to the traditional grid, supporting like that the Argentinean objective of having 20% of renewable energy by the year 2025. In addition to the calculations made for the campus, as a pilot test, practical experiences are presented in the university's electricity laboratory by integrating renewable sources in the distribution network. We analyze the steady-state and short-circuit currents, which provide the different types of source to the network and how they affect distribution protection systems. The proposed micro-network consists of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in different configurations distributed across the campus, where after analyzing the data obtained, better results than expected were yielded.La red eléctrica tradicional está cambiando, influenciada en todos sus campos por los avances tecnológicos, y mutando hacia un nuevo paradigma, llamado red inteligente. Es por ello que, junto a distintas formas de incentivos ambientales y económicos, pueden encontrarse diferentes sistemas de comercialización de la energía para la generación distribuida, que junto a la inversión en investigación y desarrollo hacen que el destino de las inversiones energéticas mundiales vaya en su mayoría a las energías renovables. Hoy en día existen numerosas redes inteligentes por todo el mundo, donde se han integrado distintos recursos energéticos renovables a distintos niveles de tensión de la red eléctrica. Se han encontrado distintas pruebas piloto en las que se prueban diferentes tecnologías y productos, los que día a día son presentados por los diferentes fabricantes.   En este trabajo se presenta una microred, en la que distintas fuentes renovables se acoplan a la red de alimentación tradicional. De esta manera, desde el campus de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC), acompañamos a Argentina en su trabajo por lograr el objetivo de tener un 20 % de energía renovable para el 2025. Junto a los cálculos realizados para el campus, a modo de prueba piloto, se presentan experiencias prácticas realizadas en el laboratorio de electricidad de la Universidad, al integrar fuentes renovables a la red de distribución. Se analizan las corrientes de régimen permanente y de cortocircuito, que los distintos tipos de fuente aportan a la red, y cómo afectan a los sistemas de protección en distribución. La microred propuesta consta de aerogeneradores y paneles fotovoltaicos en distintas configuraciones, distribuidos por el campus, donde luego de analizar los datos se obtuvieron mejores resultados de lo esperado


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    Abstract: The design of automotive control systems is becoming increasingly complex as the level of performance required by car manufactures grows continuously and the constraints on cost and development time imposed by the market become tighter. A successful design, without costly and time consuming re-design cycles, can be achieved only by using an efficient design methodology that allows for component re-use and evaluation of platform requirements at the early stages of the design flow. In this paper, we illustrate the application of an integrated control-implementation design methodology, recently proposed by our group, to the development of the top few layers of abstraction in the design flow of an engine control system for motorcycles

    Recipient CTLA-4*CT60-AA genotype is a prognostic factor for acute graft-versus-host disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for thalassemia

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    Polymorphisms of the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 gene (CTLA-4) have been associated with autoimmune diseases and it has recently been reported that donor genotypes correlate with the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in leukemia patients. With the aim of confirming this finding in thalassemia patients, we investigated the influence of genotype distribution of 3 CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms in 72 thalassemia patients and their unrelated donors. A significant association was observed for recipient CT60-AA genotype and onset of grade II–IV (63.2% vs 24.5%; p = 0.001) and grade III–IV (36.4% vs 7.6%; p = 0.005) acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD). The same association was observed for the 88-base-pair allele of the CTLA-4 (AT)n polymorphism, which was determined to be in complete linkage disequilibrium with the CT60 A allele. Multinomial Cox regression demonstrated that this association was independent of CT60 donor genotypes or other risk factors (p = 0.016; hazard ratio = 2.8). Our data confirm that the genetic variability in CTLA-4 is an important prognostic factor for aGVHD and suggest that some of the risk factors for this complication are generated by recipient cells that persist after the myeloablative conditioning regimen

    Status of Donor-Recipient HLA Class I Ligands and Not the KIR Genotype Is Predictive for the Outcome of Unrelated Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Beta-Thalassemia Patients

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    Abstract Several studies have investigated the role played by killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and their ligands on the outcome of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in patients affected by oncohematologic diseases. However, the interpretation of the results of these studies is considerably hampered by the heterogeneity of the diseases, disease status at transplantation, and the different protocols employed for both conditioning and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis. To better define the role of KIRs in HSCT, we studied KIR genotypes and HLA class I ligands in a homogeneous group of 45 thalassemia patients transplanted with bone marrow cells from an HLA-identical, unrelated donor. Patients that were heterozygotes for HLA-Cw groups 1 (HLA-Cw Asn80 ) and 2 (HLA-Cw Lys80 ) had a higher risk of developing acute GVHD than C1/C1 or C2/C2 homozygotes (relative risk [RR] = 8.75; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.63-46.76; P = .007). Vice versa, all patients who experienced primary/secondary graft failure were C1/C1 or C2/C2 homozygotes (RR = 20.45; 95% CI=1.08-384.24; P = .009). Moreover, the presence of the HLA-A11 antigen conferred protection against GVHD (0% versus 35%, P = .02). Our results suggest that C1/C2 heterozygosity, may favor the development of donor alloreactivity and thereby increase the risk of GVHD. Conversely, C1/C1 and C2/C2 homozygosity seems to reduce the risk of GVHD but may increase the incidence of graft rejection. These data may be helpful in tailoring the intensity of GVHD prophylaxis and conditioning regimens in thalassemia patients receiving HSCT from an HLA-identical volunteer donor

    Lo stato dei litorali italiani

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    La fascia costiera italiana, che si sviluppa per oltre 7500 kilometri, è caratterizzata da paesaggi di eccezionale valore naturalistico, ma ospita anche una consistente parte delle risorse economiche nazionali, con importanti centri urbani ed industriali, infrastutture viarie ed attività turistiche. Come in tutti i paesi industrializzati, l'interfaccia terra-mare costituisce una delle zone più soggette a degrado ambientale, sia per gli interessi conflittuali che vi si accentrano, sia per la fragilità tipica di ogni ambiente di transizione. Questa fragilità trova la sua espressione più eclatante nell'erosione che colpisce oggi una quota consistente delle nostre spiagge. E' questo un fatto nuovo, perché in epoca storica tutte le spiagge italiane erano intessate da un accrescimento generalizzato, dovuto alla grande quantità di sedimenti che i fiumi portavano a mare in conseguenza degli estesi disboscamenti che venivano praticati nei bacini idrografici. Alla foce dei fiumi arrivavano cosi più sedimenti di quanto il mare non riuscisse a rimuoverne, tanto che in quel periodo si formarono vaste pianure costiere orlate da imponenti cordoni dunari e cuspidi deltizie aggettanti in mare. Le nostre ampie spiagge sono quindi il risultato di un enorme dissesto idrogeologico, innescato da quella riduzione della copertura boschiva che ha accompagnato la crescita del nostro Paese. Dalla metà del XIX secolo, l'abbandono delle campagne e la ricrescita del bosco, le bonifiche per colmata delle paludi costiere e gli interventi di stabilizzazione dei versanti, nonché la costruzione di dighe e l'estrazione di inerti dagli alvei fluviali, determinarono una drastica riduzione dell'apporto sedimentario da parte dei fiumi, cosicché le spiagge iniziarono a ritirarsi. Nello stesso periodo, anche a seguito della sconfitta della malaria, era iniziato il flusso migratorio dall'interno verso la costa, dove, anche per le favorevoli condizioni morfologiche, si vennero a concentrare tutte quelle attività che fanno oggi di questa parte del territorio una delle più dinamiche del Paese e con un flusso demografico in crescita costante. Purtroppo, molti insediamenti furono costruiti in prossimità del mare, proprio quando già l'erosione stava producendo i suoi primi effetti. I1 fenomeno divenne così preoccupante che fu promulgata una legge specifica, quella del 4 luglio 1907 "Legge per la difesa degli abitati dall'erosione marina", che prevedeva I'intervento automatico dello Stato laddove gli insediamenti abitativi erano minacciati dall'erosione. Nella Legge erano contemplate tre possibilità: la costruzione di pennelli, di scogliere parallele a riva o di ogni altro lavoro idoneo a fermare l'erosione. Di fatto i litorali furono "stabilizzati" con scogliere aderenti e protetti dalle onde con scogliere parallele o poste al largo. Furono costruiti anche molti pennelli, bloccando il flusso dei sedimenti lungo riva ed aggravando l'erosione nei tratti di litorale non protetti. Queste opere, inoltre, stravolsero il paesaggio costiero ed impediscono oggi una ottimale utilizzazione dell'arenile. Una scarsa attenzione ai problemi ambientali e una limitata conoscenza dei processi costieri portò anche alla costruzione di porti lungo le coste basse, che intercettano il flusso dei sedimenti lungo riva e causano, o incentivano, l'erosione delle spiagge poste sottoflutto