13 research outputs found

    Distillation Techniques in the Fruit Spirits Production

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    During the distillation of the fermented fruit mash or juice, ethanol and water are the carriers of a huge number of the other volatile aroma compounds. Unique and distinctive flavour of the final spirits depends on their quantity and quality. Fruit spirits have higher concentration of almost all types of volatile compounds with comparing to other types of distilled spirits. The art of distillation run is to obtain the best balance between congeners present. Two different types of distillation equipment are used for the production of fruit spirits: copper Charentais alembic and batch distillation columns. Although both distillation methods are based on the same theoretical principles, a different quantity of the flavour compounds of the final spirits is produced by using different distillation equipment. The main difference was shown in different distributions of the methanol, n-propanol, higher alcohols and fatty acid esters. Distillation methods need to be adjusted for each fruit spirits regardless to distillation equipment employed because fermented mash of different fruit varieties has a different requirement for distilling. Alembic stills yield better aroma and more characteristic fruit distillates but are slow and require more labour. Column still cleans the distillate giving a decent aroma and higher concentration of alcohol

    Distribution and Stability of Polyphenols in Juices Made from Traditional Apple Cultivars Grown in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The present research was undertaken to investigate polyphenolic profiles of peel, pulp and juices made from two standard commercial and five traditional apple cultivars from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of the study was to monitor the distribution and changes of polyphenolic profiles through different phases of applesā€™ processing into cloudy and clear juices, with regard to L-ascorbic acid pretreatment. Quantitative determination of phenolic compounds was carried out by using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection. The obtained results showed that traditional cultivars, namely ā€˜Paradijaā€™ and ā€˜Prijedorska zelenikaā€™, displayed significantly higher content of these compounds compared to commercial ones. Flavan 3-ols and flavonol glycosides were mostly found in peels of all cultivars (21.2ā€“44.1 and 5.40ā€“33.3%, respectively), while phenolic acids along with flavan 3-ols were predominant in the pulp (8.20ā€“30.8 and 5.10ā€“13.9%, respectively). Applesā€™ processing into juices caused decrease (more than 90%) in the content of all polyphenols and the distribution of these compounds from fruits to final products had a negative trend, particularly evident in clear juices. The most drastic loss occurred in the flavonol glycosides and dihydrochalcones content, while chlorogenic acid displayed quite stable distribution from apples to final products due to its good solubility. Apple mash pretreatment with L-ascorbic acid had a positive impact on the preservation and retention of polyphenols.publishedVersio


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    The aim of this study was to investigate opportunities to improve the nutritional value of biscuits. Therefore, the content of Ī²-glucans, physical, chemical and sensory properties of biscuits were determined in relation to a share of added barley flour and a baking temperature. Five different blends of barley and wheat were used for biscuit production: barley/wheat flours in combinations: 0/100; 25/75; 50/50; 75/25 and 100/0 according to the procedure described in AACC method 10-52. The temperatures used for baking were 150 and 205Ā°C for 15 and 11 min, respectively. The obtained results showed the higher Ī²-glucans content in samples when share of barley flour in biscuit formula was higher. The same trend was found on both baking temperatures. Besides, the share of barley flour in samples significantly influenced physical, chemical and sensory parameters. In addition, different baking temperatures affected significant differences between samples according to all parameters investigated, except N (%) and ash (%). After 6 months, Ī²-glucan content was significantly lower in samples with high share of barley flour (75 and 100%), at both baking temperatures

    Kemijske i senzorne karakteristike tradicionalnih voćnih rakija jugoistočne Europe

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    Spirits have proliferated and become an indispensable part of most gastronomic cultures around the world. The production and consumption of fruit brandies, especially plum and grape brandies as well as pear and apple brandies, have a long tradition in the countries of Southeast Europe. The aim of this study was to evaluate 47 fruit brandies produced in small distilleries and industrial plants from five countries. The content of the most common volatile compounds (methanol, higher alcohols and fatty acid esters) and the sensory quality of the fruit brandies were analysed. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using the concentrations of the main volatile compounds in the spirit samples and sensory evaluation to identify similarities or differences between the spirit samples based on distillery size. The methanol concentration in all samples was below the EU legal limit. Methanol concentration was highest in Williams pear spirits and lowest in grape pomace spirits. The PCA sample distribution confirms the good quality of samples from both small distilleries (SD) and industrial plants (IP), with some exceptions - samples with identified defects produced in some small distilleries. The results of the sensory evaluation show high sensory quality of fruit spirits from this part of Europe.Alkoholna pića su postala neizostavni dio većine gastronomskih kultura Å”irom svijeta. Proizvodnja i potroÅ”nja voćnih rakija, posebno rakija od Å”ljiva i grožđa, kao i rakija od kruÅ”aka i jabuka, imaju dugu tradiciju u zemljama jugoistočne Europe. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti 47 voćnih rakija proizvedenih u malim destilerijama i industrijskim pogonima iz pet zemalja. Analiziran je sadržaj najčeŔćih hlapljivih spojeva (viÅ”i alkoholi, esteri masnih kiselina i metanol) te senzorna kvaliteta voćnih rakija. Kako bi se utvrdile sličnosti ili razlike između uzoraka alkoholnih pića na temelju veličine destilerije provedena je analiza glavnih komponenata (PCA) koriÅ”tenjem koncentracija glavnih hlapljivih spojeva u uzorcima alkoholnih pića te senzorna procjena. Koncentracija metanola u svim uzorcima bila je ispod zakonske granice EU-a. Koncentracija metanola bila je najviÅ”a u rakijama od kruÅ”ke Williams, a najniža u rakijama od grožđa. Distribucija uzoraka PCA potvrđuje dobru kvalitetu uzoraka iz malih destilerija (SD) i iz industrijskih postrojenja (IP), uz neke iznimke pojedinih uzoraka s utvrđenim nedostacima proizvedenih u nekim malim destilerijama. Rezultati senzorne evaluacije pokazuju visoku senzornu kvalitetu voćnih alkoholnih pića iz ovog dijela Europe

    How do consumers perceive sensory attributes of apple?

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    Pomological characteristics and consumer acceptability of four scab-resistant apple cultivars (\u27Topaz\u27, \u27Florina\u27, \u27Goldstar\u27 and \u27Golden Orange\u27) and standard commercial cultivar \u27Golden Delicious\u27 were investigated. Consumer acceptability consisted of rating fruit samples on Likert scales measuring appearance, flavour, size, sweetness, acidity, crispiness, juiciness, skin texture and general impression. Consumers better evaluated the cultivar \u27Topaz\u27 sensory characteristics of flavour, juiciness, taste and general impression than other evaluated scab-resistant apple cultivars and the cultivar \u27Golden Delicious\u27. \u27Golden Delicious\u27 got good grades for appearance, size and sweetness. \u27Topaz\u27 also had the best pomological characteristic related to measured fruit firmness, contents of soluble solids and organic acids. It can be concluded that only the cultivar \u27Topaz\u27 among the scab-resistant apple cultivars achieved a good consumer assessment

    Levels of selected metals in wines from different Herzegovinian viticultural localities

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    Concentrations of seven metals indicated as hazardous to human health (Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, V, and Cr) were determined in 24 Hezegovinian white and red wines originating from four viticultural localities (Čitluk, LjubuÅ”ki, Stolac, and Trebinje). The concentrations of Pb, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, and Cr were determined by the ET AAS, and Zn concentrations were determined by the FAAS technique. Among seven measured metals, Zn and Mn were found in all analysed wines, while Ni was found in only four, and Cr in only five wines. Some wines contained metals at levels above the regulated maximum acceptable limits (Cu in four, Cr in three, Ni in two, and Pb in one wine). White wines from the Stolac locality were characterized by higher concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn. However, it was not possible to establish a firm link between the concentrations of the analysed metals and localities where grapes for wine production were grown for other wines

    Influence of cultivar, storage time, and processing on the phenol content of cloudy apple juice

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of cultivar and storage time on the total phenol content (TPC) of three actual apple cultivars (Topaz, Pinova, Pink Lady) and three autochthonous apple cultivars (Ruzmarinka, Ljepocvjetka, Paradija) as well to determine their physical and chemical characteristics. Total phenol content has been determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent during cold storage at 1 Ā°C, for 60 days. Changes of apple juice samples phenolics in relation to oxidation time after pressing (0 hours, 2 h and 4 h) were examined. A significant variation in content of phenols in apple cultivars under investigation was noted. Paradija, autochthonous apple contained the highest content of phenols (1.003 g GAE/L), while Topaz, actual apple cultivar had the lowest content (0.596 g GAE/L), during the storage time. TPC of apple cultivars stayed at a relatively constant level during the storage, with the exception of Pink Lady and Paradija apples, where TPC changed significantly during cold storage. The level of TPC in cloudy apple juice samples of all apple cultivars decreased during the oxidation time after pressing

    Aroma compounds in barrel aged apple distillates from two different distillation techniques

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    The major fermentation and maturation related congeners in apple distillates from two different distillation techniques (alembic and column), matured in oak for 18 months, were measured by GC-MS and HPLC. Together with a higher ethanol content, column distillates had higher ethyl acetate, methanol and n-propanol levels compared with alembic distillates. A higher content of acetaldehyde was characteristic of the alembic distillates. The concentrations of i-butanol, n-butanol, amyl alcohols and n-hexanol were not affected by the distillation technique used. Increasing the ageing time of distillates in oak resulted in an increase in the contents of acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and amyl alcohols while the content of methanol decreased during ageing. Throughout ageing, there were no significant changes in the concentrations of n-propanol, i-butanol, n-butanol and n-hexanol. Among the maturation related compounds, gallic acid, ellagic acid, vanillin and syringaldehyde were determined in apple distillates with ellagic acid being the most abundant. The contents of gallic acid and ellagic acid increased during ageing whereas vanillin and syringaldehyde slightly increased throughout the 18 months of maturation

    Geographic variability of sugars and organic acids in selected wild fruit species

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    The chemical variability of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) and rosehip (Rosa canina L.) based on the content of individual and total sugars and organic acids in fruit was investigated. The fruits were picked in fully ripened condition within the period from 2014 to 2015 from different locations. The fresh fruits were analyzed with the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique for the purpose of identifying and quantifying the content of glucose, fructose and sucrose, as well as malic, citric, fumaric and shikimic acids. However, the content of individual sugars and organic acids differed by locations as well as by growing year within the same wild fruit species. The differences between wild fruit species as well as among different locations are presented by principal component analysis (PCA). Based on results obtained, rosehip fruits with higher sugars and organic acids ratio (S/A) are suitable for production of ā€œpekmezā€ and drying, while genotypes of cornelian cherry, wild strawberry and bilberry with lower S/A are recommended for production of juices and gelatin products. The research results show that specific environmental conditions may influence significantly the content of analyzed parameters, as is the case with cornelian cherry and rosehip. Considering that the food industry is searching for new products, the wild fruit species analyzed represent a promising source of ingredients for the development of beverages and foods with functional properties as well as for supplements and nutraceuticals