1,352 research outputs found

    imaging biomarkers in upper gastrointestinal cancers

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    In parallel with the increasingly widespread availability of high performance imaging platforms and recent progresses in pathobiological characterisation and treatment of gastrointestinal malignancies, imaging biomarkers have become a major research topic due to their potential to provide additional quantitative information to conventional imaging modalities that can improve accuracy at staging and follow-up, predict outcome, and guide treatment planning in an individualised manner. The aim of this review is to briefly examine the status of current knowledge about imaging biomarkers in the field of upper gastrointestinal cancers, highlighting their potential applications and future perspectives in patient management from diagnosis onwards

    Colonic polyps: inheritance, susceptibility, risk evaluation, and diagnostic management

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third-ranked neoplasm in order of incidence and mortality, worldwide, and the second cause of cancer death in industrialized countries. One of the most important environmental risk factors for CRC is a Western-type diet, which is characterized by a low-fiber and high-fat content. Up to 25% of patients with CRC have a family history for CRC, and a fraction of these patients are affected by hereditary syndromes, such as familial adenomatous polyposis, Gardner or Turcot syndromes, or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. The onset of CRC is triggered by a well-defined combination of genetic alterations, which form the bases of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence hypothesis and justify the set-up of CRC screening techniques. Several screening and diagnostic tests for CRC are illustrated, including rectosigmoidoscopy, optical colonoscopy (OC), double contrast barium enema (DCBE), and computed tomography colonography (CTC). The strengths and weaknesses of each technique are discussed. Particular attention is paid to CTC, which has evolved from an experimental technique to an accurate and mature diagnostic approach, and gained wide acceptance and clinical validation for CRC screening. This success of CTC is due mainly to its ability to provide cross-sectional analytical images of the entire colon and secondarily detect extracolonic findings, with minimal invasiveness and lower cost than OC, and with greater detail and diagnostic accuracy than DCBE. Moreover, especially with the advent and widespread availability of modern multidetector CT scanners, excellent quality 2D and 3D reconstructions of the large bowel can be obtained routinely with a relatively low radiation dose. Computer-aided detection systems have also been developed to assist radiologists in reading CTC examinations, improving overall diagnostic accuracy and potentially speeding up the clinical workflow of CTC image interpretation

    Template protection for HMM-based on-line signature authentication

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. E. Maiorana, P. Campisi, M. MartĂ­nez-DĂ­az, J. Ortega-GarcĂ­a, A. Neri, "Template protection for HMM-based on-line signature authentication" in IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops CVPRW, Anchorage, AK (USA), 2008, pp. 1-6.The security of biometric data is a very important issue in the deployment of biometric-based recognition systems. In this paper, we propose a signature-based biometric authentication system, where signal processing techniques are applied to the acquired on-line signature in order to generate protected templates, from which retrieving the original data is computationally as hard as randomly guessing them. A hidden Markov model (HMM)-based matching strategy is employed to compare the transformed signatures. The proposed protected authentication system generates a score as the result of the matching process, thus allowing to implement protected multibiometric recognition systems, through the application of score-fusion techniques. The experimental results show that, at the cost of only a slight performance reduction, the desired protection for the employed biometric templates can be properly achieved

    Tyrosine 65 is photolabeled by 8-azidoadenine and 8-azidoadenosine at the NAD binding site of diphtheria toxin.

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    8-Azidoadenine and 8-azidoadenosine, two photoactivatable derivatives of adenine and adenosine, are competitive inhibitors of diphtheria toxin of similar potency with respect to their parent compounds. On irradiation, the two tritium-labeled photoactivatable azidoadenines bind covalently and specifically to an enzymic fragment of diphtheria toxin that is known to bind to NAD. This photolabeling is protected by the enzyme substrate NAD. The radiolabeled protein was fragmented, and the radioactive fragments were sequenced. Tyr-65 is labeled specifically by both photoreagents, and its labeling was reduced strongly when NAD was present during irradiation. Labeling is also reduced strongly by adenine, adenosine, and nicotinamide. These results suggest that Tyr-65 is at the NAD binding site of diphtheria toxin and that the competitive inhibitors adenine, adenosine, and nicotinamide bind to the same portion of the catalytic center of the toxin

    Deceased donor-initiated Chains: first report of a successful deliberate case and its ethical implications

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    Background: The utilization of deceased donor kidneys to initiate chains of living donor kidney paired donation (KPD) has been proposed, although the potential gain of this practice needs to be quantified and the ethical implications must be addressed before starting its application. Methods: The gain of implementing deceased donor-initiated chains has been measured through a mathematical algorithm, using retrospective data on the pool of donor/recipient incompatible pairs at a single Center. Allocation rules of chain ending kidneys and characteristics/quality of the chain initiating kidney (CIK) are described. Results: the quantification of benefit analysis showed that with a pool of 69 kidneys from deceased donors and 16 pairs enrolled in the KPD program, over a period of 3 years it is possible to transplant 8/16 recipients (50%). Following the approval of the Bioethical Committee of the Veneto Region and the revision of the allocation policies by the Italian National Transplant Center, the first successful case has been performed. The waiting time of the recipient (male, 53 yo) after entering the program for the CIK with a kidney donor risk index (KDRI) equal to 0.61 and a kidney donor profile index (KDPI) of 3%, was 4 days. His willing donor (female, 53 yo) with a living kidney donor profile index (LKDPI) of 2, donated 2 days later to a chain ending recipient (male, 47 yo,) who had been on dialysis for 5 years. Conclusions: This is the first report of a deliberate deceased donor-initiated chain, which has been successfully performed. This has been made possible thanks to an extensive phase of evaluation of the ethical issues and allocation policy impact. This paper includes a preliminary efficacy assessment and the development a dedicated algorithm

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Calculated Tumor Volumes and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Predicting Endometrial Cancer Grade

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to be an accurate imaging technique for the preoperative assessment of local staging of endometrial cancer and for evaluating the depth of myometrial invasion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single-center retrospective study performed on patients with histopathologically proven endometrial carcinoma who underwent an MRI examination of the pelvis between October 2017 and May 2020. RESULTS: In the present analysis, mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values for each histologic grade were 0.72 ± 0.13 × 10 CONCLUSION: Preoperative noninvasive radiological assessment for tumor volume, TV/ UV or tumor volume/uterine volume is important surrogate markers for preoperative prognostication of endometrial carcinoma

    The second ESGAR consensus statement on CT colonography

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    To update quality standards for CT colonography based on consensus among opinion leaders within the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR). A multinational European panel of nine members of the ESGAR CT colonography Working Group (representing six EU countries) used a modified Delphi process to rate their level of agreement on a variety of statements pertaining to the acquisition, interpretation and implementation of CT colonography. Four Delphi rounds were conducted, each at 2 months interval. The panel elaborated 86 statements. In the final round the panelists achieved complete consensus in 71 of 86 statements (82 %). Categories including the highest proportion of statements with excellent Cronbach's internal reliability were colon distension, scan parameters, use of intravenous contrast agents, general guidelines on patient preparation, role of CAD and lesion measurement. Lower internal reliability was achieved for the use of a rectal tube, spasmolytics, decubitus positioning and number of CT data acquisitions, faecal tagging, 2D vs. 3D reading, and reporting. The recommendations of the consensus should be useful for both the radiologist who is starting a CTC service and for those who have already implemented the technique but whose practice may need updating

    The second ESGAR consensus statement on CT colonography

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    To update quality standards for CT colonography based on consensus among opinion leaders within the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR). A multinational European panel of nine members of the ESGAR CT colonography Working Group (representing six EU countries) used a modified Delphi process to rate their level of agreement on a variety of statements pertaining to the acquisition, interpretation and implementation of CT colonography. Four Delphi rounds were conducted, each at 2 months interval. The panel elaborated 86 statements. In the final round the panelists achieved complete consensus in 71 of 86 statements (82 %). Categories including the highest proportion of statements with excellent Cronbach's internal reliability were colon distension, scan parameters, use of intravenous contrast agents, general guidelines on patient preparation, role of CAD and lesion measurement. Lower internal reliability was achieved for the use of a rectal tube, spasmolytics, decubitus positioning and number of CT data acquisitions, faecal tagging, 2D vs. 3D reading, and reporting. The recommendations of the consensus should be useful for both the radiologist who is starting a CTC service and for those who have already implemented the technique but whose practice may need updating

    CT colonography: Preliminary assessment of a double-read paradigm that uses computer-aided detection as the first reader

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    Purpose: To compare diagnostic performance and time efficiency of double-reading first-reader computer-aided detection (CAD) (DR FR CAD) followed by radiologist interpretation with that of an unassisted read using segmentally un-blinded colonoscopy as reference standard. Materials and Methods: The local ethical committee approved this study. Written consent to use examinations was obtained from patients. Three experienced radiologists searched for polyps 6 mm or larger in 155 computed tomographic (CT) colonographic studies (57 containing 10 masses and 79 polyps >= 6 mm). Reading was randomized to either unassisted read or DR FR CAD. Data sets were reread 6 weeks later by using the opposite paradigm. DR FR CAD consists of evaluation of CAD prompts, followed by fast two-dimensional review for mass detection. CAD sensitivity was calculated. Readers' diagnoses and reviewing times with and without CAD were compared by using McNemar and Student t tests, respectively. Association between missed polyps and lesion characteristics was explored with multiple regression analysis. Results: With mean rate of 19 (standard deviation, 14; median, 15; range, 4-127) false-positive results per patient, CAD sensitivity was 90% for lesions 6 mm or larger. Readers' sensitivity and specificity for lesions 6 mm or larger were 74% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 65%, 84%) and 93% (95% CI: 89%, 97%), respectively, for the unassisted read and 77% (95% CI: 67%, 85%) and 90% (95% CI: 85%, 95%), respectively, for DR FR CAD (P = .343 and P = .189, respectively). Overall unassisted and DR FR CAD reviewing times were similar (243 vs 239 seconds; P = .623); DR FR CAD was faster when the number of CAD marks per patient was 20 or fewer (187 vs 220 seconds, P < .01). Odds ratio of missing a polyp with CAD decreased as polyp size increased (0.6) and for polyps visible on both prone and supine scans (0.12); it increased for flat lesions (9.1). Conclusion: DR FR CAD paradigm had similar performance compared with unassisted interpretation but better time efficiency when 20 or fewer CAD prompts per patient were generated. (C) RSNA, 201
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