159 research outputs found

    Vascular healing : cell biology and rheologic factors

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    Issued as Progress report summary, Project E-25-614 (continued by Project no. E-25-M80

    Coronary fluid dynamics

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    Issued as Progress report, and Final report, Project no. E-25-69

    Measuring temporal gravitational variations using SLR data

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    Redistribution of mass within the Earth system changes its gravitational field, and thus changes the orbits of Earth satellites. While these variations are small, Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to precise geodetic satellites such as Lageos-1, Lageos-2, Starlette, Ajisai, and Stella can detect these changes at their broadest spatial scales (currently greater than 10,000 km). The satellites sense only the combined variation in the solid Earth-ocean-atmosphere system; however, modeling of these different components has led to detection of long-wavelength variations in the distribution of atmospheric mass, changes in the amplitudes of atmospheric and oceanic tides, and secular variations caused by the post-glacial adjustment of the Earth's crust. The unambiguous detection of ocean mass redistribution by SLR has not been verified due largely to inadequacies in current ocean models. Great progress has been made in recent years in the determination of luni-solar tides and the braking they induce in the Earth-Moon-Sun system (leading to secular changes in the length-to-day and lengthening of the lunar orbit period) using a wide variety of techniques including ocean tide gauges, satellite altimetry, Lunar Laser Ranging, and near-Earth satellite orbit modeling. Recent investigations of the more complex and less predictable non-tidal temporal variations in the gravity field have generally proceeded along two fronts: 1) the determination of long-wavelength variations in the gravity field through the changing perturbations seen in the orbits of near-Earth satellites, and 2) the prediction of temporal variations in gravity using geophysical, atmospheric, and oceanic models. A convergence of these efforts is sought to better understand the source of observed changes in the Earth's gravitational field

    Georgia Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center - project no. 2 (year 04)

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    Issued as Research proposal, Project E-25-L5

    Satellite Altimetry: The Technology and its Application in Geodesy

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    Radarska satelitska altimetrija metoda je prikupljanja globalnih visokopreciznih podataka o razini mora u odnosu na odabrani geocentrični referentni okvir. Opažanja satelitskom altimetrijom omogućuju određivanje oblika i veličine Zemlje te računanje Zemljina polja ubrzanja sile teže Å”to su i osnovne geodetske zadaće zadane definicijom geodezije. Mjerenja promjene srednje razine mora prikupljena satelitskom altimetrijom služe kao izravni pokazatelj djelovanja klimatskih promjena i drugih geofizičkih procesa na Zemlji, a primijenjena su i za definiranje visinskih sustava na kopnu i moru, izradu karata dubina, procjenu vertikalnih gibanja obalnih područja i sl. U ovom radu detaljno je prikazan osnovni koncept tehnologije uz primijenjene principe obrade radarskih opažanja. Poseban je naglasak na prikazu i analizi korekcija altimetrijskih opažanja potrebnih zbog propagacije signala kroz atmosferu te utjecaja geofizičkih fenomena vodenih povrÅ”ina na odaslani signal. Rad detaljno prikazuje razvoj tehnologije kroz tri faze uz analizu doprinosa svake te opisuje smjernice budućeg razvoja tehnologije. Naposljetku, prikazani su proizvodi satelitske altimetrije dostupni za primjenu u geodetske svrhe kao Å”to su modeli anomalija ubrzanja sile teže, dubina, trendova srednje promjene razine mora i drugi.Radar satellite altimetry is a method that enables obtaining the global high-precision sea level data related to desired geocentric reference frame. Satellite altimeter observations enable efficient solving of the main geodetic tasks addressed by the definition of geodesy, which include measuring the Earth\u27s size and shape as well as the determination of the Earthā€™s gravitational field. The measurements obtained by satellite altimeters are direct indicator of the Earthā€™s response to climate change and other geophysical phenomena. The obtained data are used for determination of the height systems over the land and the sea, bathymetric map making, estimation of vertical land motion etc. This paper presents the basic concept of satellite altimeter technology along with principal principles of altimeter data processing. A special attention was paid to the review and analysis of the altimeter data corrections due to signal propagation through the atmosphere and the influence of geophysical phenomena on the emitted signal. Further, the study reviews in detail the development of technology through three phases, analyzing the contribution of each and describing the guidelines for future technology development. Finally, the study shows the products derived from satellite altimetry currently available for utilization in geodetic applications such as the models of gravity field, bathymetry, sea level trends, and others

    Satellite Altimetry: The Technology and its Application in Geodesy

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    Radarska satelitska altimetrija metoda je prikupljanja globalnih visokopreciznih podataka o razini mora u odnosu na odabrani geocentrični referentni okvir. Opažanja satelitskom altimetrijom omogućuju određivanje oblika i veličine Zemlje te računanje Zemljina polja ubrzanja sile teže Å”to su i osnovne geodetske zadaće zadane definicijom geodezije. Mjerenja promjene srednje razine mora prikupljena satelitskom altimetrijom služe kao izravni pokazatelj djelovanja klimatskih promjena i drugih geofizičkih procesa na Zemlji, a primijenjena su i za definiranje visinskih sustava na kopnu i moru, izradu karata dubina, procjenu vertikalnih gibanja obalnih područja i sl. U ovom radu detaljno je prikazan osnovni koncept tehnologije uz primijenjene principe obrade radarskih opažanja. Poseban je naglasak na prikazu i analizi korekcija altimetrijskih opažanja potrebnih zbog propagacije signala kroz atmosferu te utjecaja geofizičkih fenomena vodenih povrÅ”ina na odaslani signal. Rad detaljno prikazuje razvoj tehnologije kroz tri faze uz analizu doprinosa svake te opisuje smjernice budućeg razvoja tehnologije. Naposljetku, prikazani su proizvodi satelitske altimetrije dostupni za primjenu u geodetske svrhe kao Å”to su modeli anomalija ubrzanja sile teže, dubina, trendova srednje promjene razine mora i drugi.Radar satellite altimetry is a method that enables obtaining the global high-precision sea level data related to desired geocentric reference frame. Satellite altimeter observations enable efficient solving of the main geodetic tasks addressed by the definition of geodesy, which include measuring the Earth\u27s size and shape as well as the determination of the Earthā€™s gravitational field. The measurements obtained by satellite altimeters are direct indicator of the Earthā€™s response to climate change and other geophysical phenomena. The obtained data are used for determination of the height systems over the land and the sea, bathymetric map making, estimation of vertical land motion etc. This paper presents the basic concept of satellite altimeter technology along with principal principles of altimeter data processing. A special attention was paid to the review and analysis of the altimeter data corrections due to signal propagation through the atmosphere and the influence of geophysical phenomena on the emitted signal. Further, the study reviews in detail the development of technology through three phases, analyzing the contribution of each and describing the guidelines for future technology development. Finally, the study shows the products derived from satellite altimetry currently available for utilization in geodetic applications such as the models of gravity field, bathymetry, sea level trends, and others
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