356 research outputs found

    Joaquín Varela Suanzes-Carpegna: La monarquía doceañista (1810-1837). Avatares, encomios y denuestos de una extraña forma de gobierno; Marcial Pons Historia, Madrid, 2013, 479 págs.

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    Shallow Water Acoustic Networking [Algorithms

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    Acoustic networks of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) cannot typically rely on protocols intended for terrestrial radio networks. This work describes a new location-aware source routing (LASR) protocol shown to provide superior network performance over two commonly used network protocols2014;flooding and dynamic source routing (DSR)2014;in simulation studies of underwater acoustic networks of AUVs. LASR shares some features with DSR but also includes an improved link/route metric and a node tracking system. LASR also replaces DSR's shortest-path routing with the expected transmission count (ETX) metric. This allows LASR to make more informed routing decisions, which greatly increases performance compared to DSR. Provision for a node tracking system is another novel addition: using the time-division multiple access (TDMA) feature of the simulated acoustic modem, LASR includes a tracking system that predicts node locations, so that LASR can proactively respond to topology changes. LASR delivers 2-3 times as many messages as flooding in 72% of the simulated missions and delivers 22013;4 times as many messages as DSR in 100% of the missions. In 67% of the simulated missions, LASR delivers messages requiring multiple hops to cross the network with 22013;5 times greater reliability than flooding or DSR

    I Would Rather Not Lie

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    The man shakes her hand. The woman takes a seat in front of him while placing her purse between her legs and leaving her heels exposed in her flat hoes. The man looks at her from over his glasses


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    “Su txikian” [“Simmering”] by Uxue Alberdi was published in 2013 as one of the stories in her book Euli Giro [A Sense of Chagrin]. As Alberdi states, “The source of inspiration for this story was an article I had read about an eighty-year-old married couple from Pamplona who had been found in their car parked in the garage after having committed suicide. Simmering” is a response to the shock the news provoked in me […]. On the one hand, I wanted to hold onto the stereotype of the Basque grandmother. It is not typical to imagine an eighty-year-old Basque woman as a writer or someone engaged in intellectual discourse. Traditionally, our grandmothers have been portrayed as devoted caregivers, and we have emphasized their sweet character. On the other hand, I intended to write in a lively, ironic, and twisted way about an elderly woman who has her own interests and ambitions. It is also a humorous \u27defense\u27 of the mediocre housewife. After all, she escapes death because of her poor housewife skills: because she burnt her lentil soup. But at the end of the story, we realize that it all could have been just a scheme to get rid of her husband. There is a great deal of ambiguity in this story and it is within this ambiguity that I imagine a homicidal wife, an ambitious writer, a loving wife, a scatterbrained housewife…

    Intersection RSU in Vanet

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    Vanet is most important and new type adhoc networking which needs attention If research of scholars and technology of automobile industry combinely work in this area they can reduces accidents happening on roads Basically Vanet is Adhoc network in which vehicles are treated as Node And these nodes are communicating with each other as well as rsu Road side unit s on the road In This paper we shortly studied real time examples of vanet There is huge no of accidents happens at the intersectio

    Basque Studies at Boise State University

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    Boise, the capital of Idaho that we Basques feel so close to and our own despite being far from the Basque Country, is a twinned city with Gernika-Lumo, known to us as the eighth Basque province . Today, 12-15,000 people of Basque origin live in the state of Idaho. It can be unanimously said that the history of Boise and the history of the Basque diaspora have gone hand in hand since the discovery of gold in the American River in California in 1849. The first Basques arrived in Idaho in 1890, when silver was discovered in De Lamar and Silver City. Although they initially worked in mining, later they immersed themselves in shepherding
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