57 research outputs found

    A multivariate regional test for detection of trends in extreme rainfall: the case of extreme daily rainfall in the French Mediterranean area

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    In this paper we present a multivariate regional test we developed for the detection of trends in extreme rainfall, which takes into account the spatial dependence between rainfall measurements with copula functions. The test is based on four steps. It was applied to a set of 92 series of Annual Daily Maxima (ADM) rainfall in the French Mediterranean area, sampled during the 1949–2004 observation period. The results show a low significant trend, concerning mainly the mountains area in the west part of the French Mediterranean region. The position's parameters of the ADM rainfall probability distribution functions present a low but significant increasing trend of about 5% to 10%, the same increase as that observed in ADM rainfall quantiles in the last 56 years. Further work is needed to understand if this significative trend is related to the global climate change or to the natural variability of Mediterranean climate

    Caractérisation de l'aléa climatique pluvieux en région méditerranéenne : analyse statistique des surfaces pluvieuses

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    Ces 10 dernières années, certains épisodes pluvieux marquants ont entraîné une prise de conscience du risque encouru par les agglomérations modernes face à des phénomènes hydrologiques particuliers. La gestion du risque pluvial passe par une amélioration de la connaissance de l'aléa pluvieux. Dans cet article, on développe une approche stochastique exploitant le potentiel d'informations contenu dans un échantillon d'épisodes pluvieux extrêmes ayant ou ayant pu engendrer des crues dévastatrices. Une approche spatiale est utilisée pour caractériser l'aléa pluvieux. A partir d'un jeu d'épisodes extrêmes sélectionnés sur une région méditerranéenne entre 1958 et 1993, on estime l'aire des surfaces où les précipitations dépassent un seuil de pluviométrie fixé. L'estimation des aires des surfaces pluvieuses nécessite le recours à un modèle d'interpolation spatiale des hauteurs de pluie. La justification du krigeage climatologique est présentée ainsi que l'estimation des paramètres du modèle retenu. Les distributions des aires des isohyètes, à différents seuils de pluviométrie, sont ensuite analysées. Il apparaît que quelle que soit l'isohyète considérée, une loi gamma peut être ajustée sur l'échantillon de surface. Une relation entre les paramètres des lois permet une généralisation du modèle probabiliste à n'importe quel seuil de pluie compris entre 50 et 300 mm.In the last 10 years many cities in southern Europe have been affected by heavy rainfall events leading to severe runoffs. The assessment of rainfall risk requires a better knowledge of the climate hazards and particularly rainfall hazards. The most usual rainfall risk assessment is based on a stochastic approach and point rainfall frequency analysis remains the most-used method. However, in the Mediterranean region great variations of rainfall depth frequencies can be observed according to the point considered, and according to the period of observation. Moreover the recent hydrological catastrophes which have affected the south of France have been studied on an individual basis and studies based on a global approach, using the whole information contained in a sample of several observations, remain unusual.A rainfall risk assessment has been proposed in the Languedoc-Roussillon, a 28,000 km2 region along the Mediterranean sea. This study has been based on a sample of 93 daily extreme rainfall events, which have occurred in the region. They have been extracted from the Météo-France database for the 1958-1993 period of observation, if a rainfall depth greater or equal to 190 mm in 24 hours or 48 hours (because of the sampling constraints) has been observed at one rain gauge in the region at least. The spatial extension of the rainy surfaces defined at different rainfall thresholds, varying from 50 to 250 mm/24 hours and 50 to 300 mm/48 hours, have been investigated. For a given threshold, the area of the rainy surface corresponding to a given frequency has been estimated.The estimation of the rainy surfaces area has required the choice of a spatial interpolation method: the climatological kriging method has been used. This method is based on the assumption that all the rainfall events came from the same meteorological situation, but some studies have shown that there may be different meteorological situations (TOURASSE, 1981; RIVERAIN, 1997). Thus the sensitivity of the interpolation model according to this assumption has been tested. A different interpolation model has been estimated for each season because the information about the meteorological situations which have generated the selected events is not available. Only the variogram over June to August differs significantly from the "annual" variogram. The differences between the rainy surfaces area estimated with the "seasonal" variogram and the "annual" one did not exceed 10% in proportion of the areas estimated with the "annual" variogram. The rainy surface areas are less sensitive to the climatological assumption. For each time step and each rainfall threshold considered, it has been observed that the two parameter Gamma law could best fit the frequencies of the rainy surface areas. The relation between each of the Gamma law parameters and the rain threshold has been estimated (relations R1 and R2). The quantiles of the rainy surface areas have been estimated with two methods :- directly from the fitting of a Gamma function to the sample of rainy surface areas; - using the previous relation to estimate the Gamma function parameters. It has been observed that the quantiles estimated with the second method were close to those estimated with the first method, even if the fitting errors of the R1 and R2 relations were considered. Such a result allows one to estimate the regional frequency of a rainy surface areas defined at each threshold between 50 and 300 mm/48 hours or 50 and 250 mm/24 hours. However extrapolations beyond the studied threshold intervals should not be done because the R1 and R2 relations are empirical.The isohyets area quantiles have been defined: they represent the isohyet area corresponding to a given rainfall threshold and a given return period. The isohyet area quantiles may be very large; for example at the 200 mm / 48 hours threshold the isohyets area represents 15% of the region (4500 km2). This can be explained by the time step dt. The isohyets area represents the dynamics of the convective cells integrated over dt, which remains unknown but is greater than 48 hours. Moreover for a given rainfall threshold and a given event, several separate isohyets could be observed. However in this study only the all areas corresponding to the different isohyets have been estimated. Thus it could give a very large area when the event affects the all region.The ratio between the isohyet area quantiles at the 48-hour and 24-hour time steps evolved from 1.3 to 20: it increased with the rainfall threshold for a given return period. This can be explained by the strong dynamics of the convective cells which generate the highest rainfall depths, compared to the rain cells at a larger spatial scale, which generate lower rainfall depths. Thus the isohyet areas defined at a high rainfall threshold are sensitive to the time steps than isohyet areas defined at a smaller rainfall threshold.The frequencies estimated in this study have been regional frequencies, but it appears that the isohyet areas are not independent of the event's location. However, at this stage the sample is too small to allow a study of conditional frequencies. In order to perform this study the sample has already been enlarged by considering all the French Mediterranean region which have been affected by heavy rainfall depths. It has been based on all the information included in the Météo-France data base over this region (since 1870). The rainfall threshold used to select the rainfall events has been diminished to 90 mm/ 24 hours to include the high intensity events over short time steps which could generated severe floods, especially over small catchments.Combined with the information about the meteorological situations, the development of this work should allow improved studies of the relations between the rainy surfaces and the meteorological situations at the origin of the rainfall events

    Sur l'origine de l'augmentation apparente des inondations en région méditerranéenne

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    En septembre 2002, les régions méditerranéennes françaises et notamment le département du Gard ont été affectées par des précipitations d'une extrême intensité. On estime que 80% de ce département a été inondé, on dénombre 23 victimes et les dégâts ont été évalués à 1.2 milliards d'euros. Cette catastrophe hydrologique soulève à nouveau les problèmes de la fréquence de ces événements et de l'augmentation des forts cumuls de pluie ces dernières années. L'objet de cet article est d'apporter quelques éléments de réponse, notamment à travers l'analyse régionale des pluies extrêmes journalières ayant affecté la région Languedoc-Roussillon de 1958 à 2002.La fréquence régionale des pluies extrêmes est estimée en prenant en compte la superficie couverte par ces événements en fonction des hauteurs pluviométriques. A l'échelle régionale la période de retour de l'événement varie entre 80 ans pour la superficie touchée par au moins 200 mm à 140 ans pour celle couverte par 300 mm.La stationnarité des fréquences des pluies extrêmes est analysée à partir des chroniques du nombre annuel d'événements pluvieux dépassant 200 mm, 250 mm et 300 mm en 24h maximum, entre 1958 et 2002 sur la région. Les tests de stationnarité ne révèlent pas de tendance significative à l'augmentation de ces fréquences. Les données historiques aboutissent aux mêmes conclusions. L'augmentation réelle des inondations est en fait principalement liée à l'augmentation de la vulnérabilité des bassins.In September 2002, the Gard department in the South of France was affected by heavy precipitation that covered a broad geographical area. It was estimated that 80% of the department was flooded; there were 23 victims and the damage was evaluated to be 1.2 billion euros. This hydrological catastrophe raised questions about a possible increase in the frequency of these events during recent years, since several other severe flooding events have been observed in the region over the last 15 years. The aim of this article is to explore these questions through a regional analysis of the extreme daily rainfall that affected the Languedoc-Roussillon region between 1958 and 2002. The daily rain data were used because they are the most available type of information over the observation period. Usually, the rainfall hazard description is based on statistical analysis of the maximum rainfall depth observed at a given rain gauge. However, because the spatial variability of rainfall in the Mediterranean region, such results are only representative of local rainfall conditions. Moreover, this type of analysis does not take into account the spatial coverage of the precipitation, which is another factor influencing the resulting floods. Thus, the regional frequency of extreme rainfall was estimated by taking into account the area covered according to a given rainfall depth. For each rainfall event, a rain field was built using a kriging interpolation (NEPPEL et al., 1997). The isohyet area defined a rainfall threshold from 10 to 300 mm with a step of 10 mm calculated for each rainfall event. For each rainfall depth from 10 to 300 mm with a step of 10 mm, the probability distribution of the isohyet area was estimated. The regional rainfall hazards were described with the Depth-Area-Frequency curves (DAF) for 24-h periods. It was shown that at on regional scale, the return period of the last event varied between 80 years for the surface affected by at least 200 mm and 140 years for the surface covered by 300 mm. Compared with other major events that have occurred in the region, it appears that the September 2002 event one was characterized by :1. the spatial extension of the heavy rainfall, for example more than 1800 km² were affected by at least 400 mm in less than 24 h;2. the spatial localisation of the heaviest rainfall depths, which were measured over the highest relief (1000 m to 1500 m) as usual in the 'cévenols' meteorological situation, but rather in the plain where the altitude lies between 200 m and 300 m.The stationnarity analysis of the extreme rainfall frequency was based on the annual number of events exceeding 200 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm over a 24 h maximum duration, between 1958 and 2002. The hypothesis of random events against the hypothesis of a trend or a sudden break in the mean was examined through several statistical tests. The procedures used were the rank correlation test, PETTITT's test, BUISHAND's test, HUBERT's segmentation procedure, a linear regression procedure, and the turning points procedure. Detailed descriptions of these tests can be found in KENDALL and STUART (1977), LUBES-NIEL et al. (1998) and WMO (2000). Except for the rank correlation test, all the procedures led to the conclusion that the three series are randomly distributed at the level of significance 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Thus no significant increase in extreme rainfall frequency seems to appear. Although the study period was short, 45 years, compared with climatological variability, LUBES-NIEL et al. (1998) show that the procedures used were adapted in detecting trends in 50-yr time series. In considering historical rainfall data before 1958 in the same region, at least two extreme rainfall events could be compared with the event on 8-9 September 2002: in October 1940, 840 mm of rainfall were measured during 24 h in the Pyrénées-Orientales district and in September 1900, 940 mm were observed over 24 h in Valleraugue, upstream in the Herault catchment. Furthermore, if the evolution of the rain gauge network density is taken into account, one can argue that such an event could have occurred more frequently. Indeed, the number of rain gauges has varied from 162 gauges in 1900 to 330 today. It has been shown that the number of observed rainfall events varied according to the area of the events and the network density (NEPPEL et al., 1998b). For example, an event of 150 km2 (corresponding to the area covered by more than 600 mm in September 2002) had a probability of 70% to be observed by the network between 1958 and 1993. If one considers the period 1920-1939, this probability decreases to 30%.In addition, the basin vulnerability has increased. The regional population has grown from 1,460,000 inhabitants in 1949 to 2,300,000 in 2000. At the same time, urbanization has expanded widely. Moreover, this new population came from other districts, and they are not familiar with the Mediterranean rainfall regime and the resulting flash floods. Buildings have often been constructed near rivers, which are attractive building sites, and sometimes even in the river's main channel, increasing the flooding risk and the flood damages. Thus, rather than climate change, for which the effect on extreme rainfalls cannot be proved, the development of basin urbanisation and vulnerability could explain the apparent increase in floods. As the regional population is expected to reach more than 3,000,000 by 2030, it is necessary to take into account the flood risk in future urban planning

    Influence de l'évolution dans l'espace et le temps d'un réseau de pluviomètres sur l'observation des surfaces de pluie en fonction de leur aire

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    La caractérisation précise de l'aléa climatique nécessite l'exploitation de mesures reposant sur la période d'observation la plus longue possible. Souvent cette information est constituée de mesures au sol à partir de postes pluviométriques. L'évolution dans l'espace et dans le temps des réseaux de pluviomètres introduit un biais dans toute étude stochastique spatiale ou ponctuelle reposant sur des séries de valeurs échantillonnées à partir d'un tel réseau. On se propose dans cet article de quantifier la potentialité d'un réseau de pluviomètres à intercepter des surfaces de pluie, en fonction de leur aire et des caractéristiques de ce réseau à une date donnée. On procède par simulation à partir du réseau de pluviomètres géré par Météo-France sur la région Languedoc-Roussillon, étudié sur une période de 123 ans. On définit la notion de pourcentage d'observation, qui représente la proportion de surface pluvieuse affectant la région et qui ont été interceptées par le réseau de mesure. Toutes études statistique reposant sur des séries de mesure échantillonnées à partir du réseau seront biaisées, étant donné qu'entre 1958 et 1993, on observe qu'une proportion des surfaces pluvieuses de moins de 2000 km2 qui ont touché la région étudiée. Ce pourcentage d'observation est ensuite utilisé pour débiaiser les estimations de l'aléa pluvieux régional reposant sur le réseau de pluviomètres.The most usual rainfall risk assessment, based on a stochastic approach, or an accurate quantiles estimation, requires long series of observations. Most of the time when long periods of observation are considered, the available information consists of data from daily rain gauge networks which are evolving in space and time during these periods. As the rainy surfaces which generate the highest intensities are localised in space, the intergauge distances may be too large to "observe" all the rainfall events occurring over a given network. Thus it could bias the stochastic results based on values sampled from such a network, especially when extreme rainfall events are considered. The aim of this paper is to estimate the capacity of a daily rain gauge network to intercept rainy surfaces according to their area and the network density. The results have been used to estimate the bias introduced in rainfall risk assessment using the regional frequencies of isohyets areas observed in the studied region.The network studied is the Languedoc-Roussillon daily rain gauge network, in a French region along the Mediterranean sea. The network has been developed by Météo-France since 1870. The number of gauges put into service has varied during the 1870-1993 period of observation: from 3 gauges in 1870, the maximum reached was 353 gauges in 1969 and 1972, which represented a spatial mean density of 12.6 gauges/ 1000 km2. Since 1972 the number of gauges has decreased; in 1993 the gauge density was the same as in 1963, with 10.6 gauges/ 1000 km2. Nevertheless the clustered gauges have been reduced, as have the maximum intergauge distances, and the network has become more homogeneous over the region.Using simulation, the percentage of rainy surfaces which have affected the region, and which have been observed by the rain gauge network, has been estimated, as a function of the rainy surfaces area and the rain gauge density. It could be interpreted as the empirical expression of the probability to observe a given rainy surface with a given network configuration. Two periods have been considered, 1870-1957 and 1958-1993. Two simulation methods have been used: in the first the rainy surfaces have been considered to be static and in the second their motion has been taken into account. It has appeared that considering the motion of rainy surfaces yields the same results as the static method but with a different rainy surface geometry. The small differences between the percentage of rainy surfaces observed by the network in both cases can be explained by the simulation methods. It has been shown that the average probability over the period from 1870 to 1957 of observing a given rainy surface is 2 to 4 times less than the average probability over the 1958-1993 observation period, during which the gauge density has increased and the network has become more homogeneous over the region: over the 1870-1957 period the rain gauge network intercepted 50% at least of the rainy surfaces equal to or larger than 700 km2 but in the 1958-1993 period 50% at least of the rainy surfaces were observed if their area exceeded 80 km2. If the rainfall event which affected the N"mes hydrological system on 2-3 October 1988 is considered, these results have shown that the average probability over the 1870-1957 observation period to observe such an event is 2 times less than over the 1958-1993 observation period.In a recent study, a rainfall risk assessment has been made over the Languedoc-Roussillon region, using the frequencies of the isohyets areas defined for different rain thresholds, for 24-hour and 48-hour durations. These isohyets areas have been estimated on the basis of a sample of 93 rainfall events selected over the Languedoc-Roussillon region from 1958 to 1993 (Neppel et al., 1998). A method to estimate the bias introduced by the network in the estimation of the isohyets area return periods has been carried out, using this empirical probability estimated with the static simulation method. It has been shown that the bias only affects the more frequent isohyets area quantiles, corresponding to return period of 1 year for 48-hour duration and 1 to 3 years for 24-hour duration. Moreover, for this sample and this network, it has been shown that the bias would be negligible compared to the quantiles 5% confidence limits, whatever the return period and the time step. It must be noted that with this sample the 5% confidence limits of the quantiles sometimes reach 100% of the quantiles. The results are related to the sample and the network configuration, and they should not be extended to other areas or other samples: a larger sample over the same region could lead to narrower confidence limits, in which case the bias might no longer be negligible. In particular, the use of historical data needs to consider the longest observation period. Usually the rain gauge density decreases over such observation periods, which leads to a lower empirical probability of observing rainy surfaces according to their area. Thus the bias influence may increase, especially compared with the quantiles 5% confidence limits which are reduced when the sample is enlarged. Nevertheless the method described here is general and may be transposed to other geographical zones, provided that the isohyets area frequencies and the empirical probability of observing a rainy surface according to its area, corresponding to the network under consideration, are known.The current tendency in France is to reduce the number of daily rain gauges, managed by volunteers, and to replace them by automatic rain gauges. However in such a case the density would decrease and reach that observed in 1900. When rainfall risk assessment is considered, this study has shown the drawbacks of such a policy

    Flash flood mitigation as a positive consequence of anthropogenic forcing on the groundwater resource in a karst catchment

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    The Mediterranean coastal region is prone to high-intensity rainfall events that are frequently associated with devastating flash floods. This paper discusses the role of a karst aquifer system in the flash floods of a Mediterranean river, the Lez river. Most of the Lez river watershed is located on karst terrains where interactions between surface water and groundwater take place. During extreme rainfall events, the presence of fractures and well-developed karst features in carbonate terrains enhances the infiltration processes and involves the concentration of the recharge into highly organized and permeable flow paths. The groundwater, therefore, quickly moves towards the natural outlets of the karst system. The influence of the Lez karst aquifer system on the associated river floods dynamics is analysed while considering the spatially distributed rainfall, as well as the time series of the groundwater level within the aquifer and of the Lez river discharge measured at various gauging stations. Special attention is given to the relative importance of the surface and underground processes involved in flash flood genesis. It is shown that the karst groundwater contributes to flash floods under certain conditions, while high-rate pumping within the karst aquifer, which generates significant drawdown, may mitigate flash floods under other conditions

    Retour d'expérience sur les crues des 6 et 7 octobre 2014 à Montpellier-Grabels (Hérault, France) : caractéristiques hydro-météorologiques et contexte historique de l'épisode

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    Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 octobre 2014, des cellules orageuses peu mobiles se sont organisées sur le nord montpelliérain et ont déversé jusqu'à 260 mm de pluie en 4 heures. Survenant sur un sol relativement saturé, ces pluies ont provoqué de fortes crues de la Mosson et du Lez. Les inondations ont été particulièrement dommageables dans le village de Grabels, où un lotissement a été submergé par le Rieu Massel (affluent de la Mosson) avec des hauteurs d'eau dans les maisons atteignant 1,5 m, malgré la présence d'un barrage écrêteur de crue en amont du bassin. Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats du retour d'expérience conduit sur cet événement avec des débits estimés sur 15 sections de petits bassins non jaugés. Ces débits sont ensuite comparés à ceux obtenus lors d'autres retours d'expérience récents, et à ceux estimés par diverses formules régionales. L'inventaire des pluies intenses survenues autour de Montpellier au cours de la période 1970-2014 incite à réviser les normes d'aménagement actuellement en vigueur dans la région, qui paraissent sous-estimer les pluies et les débits de fréquence rare

    Abattement spatial des précipitations en Languedoc-Roussillon

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    Les coefficients d'abattement spatial sont calculés à partir de 109 postes journaliers en service de 1968 à 1997 dans le sud de la France (départements du Gard et de l'Hérault). Les résultats obtenus sur trois sous-zones distinctes (2 zones de relief, 1 zone de plaine) sont peu différents, et présentent de ce fait une bonne validité régionale. Les coefficients sont en revanche significativement différents de ceux obtenus pour d'autres régions, notamment la région parisienne et Marseille. Sur le plan méthodologique, ces résultats permettent de tester d'autres méthodes d'estimation, en vigueur précédemment, et de résoudre convenablement les problèmes liés à l'instationnarité spatiale des distributions ponctuelles

    Connaissance régionale des pluies extrêmes, comparaison de deux approches appliquées en milieu méditerranéen

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    Cette étude compare différentes approches d'estimation des quantiles de pluies extrêmes, très différentes dans leur principe et appliquées sur une même zone d'étude, en milieu méditerranéen. Une approche est basée sur la régionalisation d'un modèle de génération de chroniques de pluies horaires,(M1) l'autre est basée sur une modélisation statistique classique appliquée dans le cadre d'une approche régionale (M2). Enfin la dernière approche repose sur un ajustement classique d'une loi exponentielle calée sur des observations locales faites à un poste pluviométrique (M3). Ces approches sont comparées dans leur version locale, c'est-à-dire calées sur l'information d'une station de mesure, et dans leur version régionalisée. Les résultats montrent une forte convergence des approches M1 et M2, avec des écarts particulièrement réduits vers les fréquences rares. L'origine des écarts est essentiellement liée à la régionalisation des deux approches mais ils restent inférieurs à 20% pour l'estimation des pluies journalières millénales. Sur la zone d'étude, l'hypothèse d'un comportement strictement exponentiel des pluies journalières extrêmes est remise en cause par les deux premières approches. De plus la régionalisation des méthodes M1 et M2 apparaît bien plus robuste qu'une stricte régionalisation des quantiles de pluie (M3). / Different methods are used to estimate extreme rainfall quantiles and compared in an area with a Mediterranean climate. The first method (M1) is based on a stochastic model of hourly rainfall which provides hourly rainfall series. The cumulative distribution function (cdf) of extreme rainfall over various durations are deduced from the simulations. The second method (M2) is a regional approach based on the construction of a regional cdf of maximum annual daily rainfall. In the third method (M3), an exponential cdf is fitted to observed rainfall at a given gauging station. The three methods are compared with their parameters calibrated locally using the information observed at a given gauge and with calibration using regionalised parameters. Comparison of M1 and M2 showed good agreement with only relatively small differences between the rarest quantiles, less than 20% for the 1000-year return period. These differences can be explained by the regionalisation of the parameters. With both methods, a heavy tail of the daily maxima annual rainfall cdf deviates from the exponential cdf. Moreover the regionalisation of M1 and M2 is more robust than with M3 which is much more influenced by sampling uncertainties