120 research outputs found
Problems of the Citizenship Institute in the Russian Federation
The article deals with the definition of the essence and importance of citizenship. The author considers different scientific concepts concerning the definitions of the citizenship notion as well as the peculiarities of the citizenship, representing one of the types of relations governed by law – legal state of a person in citizenship
Method of Laser Cross-correlation Optical Spectroscopy for Investigation of Dispersion Medium
In the paper, we suggest one of the possible schemes of a cross-correlation optical spectroscopicdevice for investigation of turbid colloidal solutions and suspensions. This devise is designed fordeterminationof the hydrodynamic radii of nanoparticles. The cross-correlation function is constructed for two signals of light intensity scattered on a cuvette with the investigated dispersion medium. The construction of crosscorrelation optical spectroscopicdevice makes it possible to detect single scattered light by suppressing multiple scattering. We carried out an analysis of literature containing theory of light scattering and results of applying cross-correlation method for investigation of solutions and suspensions. Based on the analytical review, the scheme of cross-correlation optical spectroscopicdevice was developed and constructed.
Keywords: specklefield, cross-correlation, optical spectroscopy, size distribution, dispersion mediu
Modifications of laser correlation spectrometer for investigation of biological fluids
We suggest three modifications of a laser correlation spectrometer for analysis of complex multicomponent biological solutions based on: (i) dynamic light scattering with special signal processing for analysis of polydisperse solutions, (ii) use of polarimetric technique for shape analysis, (iii) cross-correlation processing. The schemes of the devices based on polarization and cross-correlation analysis are described
УДК 343The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of the legal nature and the system of other measures of criminallegal nature, specified in the Criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the problems of application of these measures in the judicial practice. The author pays attention to the fact that these measures are quite common in the judicial practice, especially conditional sentence. The legislator establishes three of other measures of criminal-legal nature in section VI of the RF Criminal Code: compulsory measures of a medical nature, confiscation of property and judicial penalty. But the author of the article aims to prove that the system of other measures of criminal-legal nature is not exhausted by these three measures. The article substantiates the statement that the measures in question constitute independent institute of criminal law. The author analyzes in details the concept and the legal nature of other measures of criminal-legal nature, their difference from punishment. Since the other measures of criminal-legal character are varied and specific, the author considers that it is difficult to formulate a general definition of such measures. The author distinguishes three approaches in the theory of criminal law on the question about the system of measures under consideration: "wide", "narrow" and "balanced approach." The author adheres to the "balanced approach" and justifies the statement that the organization of other measures of criminal-legal nature can only be based on their legal nature. This leads to the conclusion that conditional sentence, postponement of punishment, postponement of punishment for drug addicts, compulsory measures of educational influence, compulsory measures of medical nature connected with the execution of the sentence should be referred to other measures ofcriminal law. The author substantiates the view that the legislator's decision about systematization of measures considered in Section VI of the RF Criminal Code is inconsistent and illogical. According to the author, the confiscation of property should be provided in the criminal legislation not as other measure of criminal law, but as an additional kind of punishment. Judicial fine should be excluded from the Criminal Code. Because of their specificity and diversity it is hardly expedient to allocate all the other measures of criminal-legal nature in one section of the RF Criminal Code.УДК 343Статья посвящена анализу понятия, юридической природы и системы иных мер уголовно-правового характера. Законодатель закрепляет три иные меры уголовно-правового характера в разделе VI УК РФ: принудительные меры медицинского характера, конфискация имущества и судебный штраф. Но автор в статье ставит цель доказать, что система иных мер уголовно-правового характера не исчерпывается этими тремя мерами. Автор обосновывает утверждение, что систематизировать рассматриваемые меры можно только опираясь на их юридическую природу. Это позволяет сделать вывод, что к иным мерам уголовно-правового характера следует относить условное осуждение, отсрочку отбывания наказания, отсрочку отбывания наказания больным наркоманией, принудительные меры воспитательного воздействия, принудительные меры медицинского характера, соединенные с исполнением наказания
The subject. The article is devoted to problems of appointment some criminal punishments alternative to the deprivation of liberty by courts in Russian Federation. The author gives an answer to the question, why punishments not related to imprisonment in the Russian Federation, especially deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in cer-tain activities, corrective labor, restriction of freedom, forced labor, are rarely appointed by courts, and the most common alternative punishments are only fine and mandatory work.Methodology. Author uses such researching methods as analysis and synthesis, formally legal, comparative legal.Results. The author proposes some concrete measures, aimed at expanding the practice of appointment some criminal punishments alternative to the deprivation of liberty.It is necessary to reduce the size of the fine established in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to establish a penalty in the sanction of norms on crimes of small and medium gravity, committed for mercenary motives and connected with causing mate-rial damage.In order of more effective serving of punishments in the form of compulsory and corrective works, it is necessary to interest employers, it can be expressed in granting tax credit ben-efits. The searching of specific facilities for serving corrective labor should be assigned to employment centers.It seems expedient to introduce deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or en-gage in certain activities as the main type of punishment to all sanctions of the norms about the responsibility for crimes of small or medium gravity related to the professional activities of the person. It is necessary to eliminate gaps in the legislative regulation of punishment in the form of restricted liberty and to solve the problem of electronic monitoring of convicts using elec-tronic bracelets.Conclusions. The punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty should be appointed by courts only in cases, when the crime is highly dangerous, the identity of the criminal is also characterized by a high degree of public danger. Serious changes are also needed in the legislative regulation of sentences not related to deprivation of liberty, and a number of other organizational measures aimed at expanding the practice of applying these punish-ments.Рассматриваются проблемы назначения судами Российской Федерации уголовных наказаний, альтернативных лишению свободы. Дается ответ на вопрос, почему нака-зания, не связанные с лишением свободы, особенно лишение права занимать опре-деленные должности или заниматься определенной деятельностью, исправительные работы, ограничение свободы, принудительные работы, в Российской Федерации назначаются судами довольно редко, а наиболее распространенными альтернатив-ными наказаниями являются только штраф и обязательные работы. Предлагаются конкретные меры, направленные на расширение практики назначения наказаний, альтернативных лишению свободы, связанные с необходимостью изменений в зако-нодательной регламентации этих наказаний, а также ряд иных организационных мер
Seasonal features in the spread-F probability near midnight over Moscow
Using the data of Moscow station for 1975-1985, the seasonal features in the dependence of the spread-F probability P near midnight on the levels of solar and geomagnetic activity have been analyzed. It has been found that the P dependence on solar activity is most substantial in winter and fall, the P dependence on geomagnetic activity is maximal during equinoxes, and the P dependence on solar activity prevails in summer but is much weaker than in winter and fall. Based on the qualitative analysis of the known mechanisms of the midlatitude spread-F, the regression equation, which shows the P dependence on the solar activity level and thermospheric parameters (temperature and density) at a fixed average level of geomagnetic activity, has been obtained. In this equation the character of the seasonal changes in P is determined by the thermospheric parameters, the relative contribution of which depends on solar activity. The found dependence of the character of the P seasonal variations on the solar activity level has been interpreted based on this equation. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2009
Злокачественные мезотелиомы плевры
We performed a clinical-and-morphological analysis of 6 cases of malignant pleural mesotheliomas in 1990 to 1999 years. The diagnosis was made in operated material. It was shown that malignant pleural mesotheliomas constitute 0.6% of all lung carcinomas. Pathognomonic clinical signs of malignant pieural mesotheliomas were not found. Males suffer from this disease more frequent (5 cases) than females (1 case). The patients’ age varied between 44–67 years. The tumours had diffuse or papillary histological structures.В работе проведен кпинико-морфологический анализ 6 наблюдений злокачественных мезотелиом плевры за 10 лет (1990–1999 гг.), диагностированных на операционном материале. Показано, что злокачественные мезотелиомы плевры по отношению к раковым опухолям легких составляют 0,6%. Клинических патогномоничных симптомов для злокачественных мезотелиом плевры обнаружено не было. Болели преимущественно мужчины – 5, женщин – 1. Возраст больных от 44 до 67 лет. По гистологическому строению опухоли имели диффузный и папиллярный тип
Escherichia coli Strain – Super-Producer of Vibrio cholerae Hemolysin
Objective of this work was the cloning of Vibrio cholerae hlyA gene in a plasmid vector providing expression of foreign genes under the control of T5 promoter, and construction of E. coli strain – super-producer of Vibrio cholerae recombinant hemolysin. Materials and methods. V. cholerae о1 strain served as a DNA donor, pQE30 – as a vector plasmid. The gene was PCR-amplified, cloning was carried out by means of conventional methods, productivity of recombinants and localization of the required protein was determined based on the results of electrophoresis of cell lysates. Results and conclusions. A recombinant plasmid pHlyA, expressing the cloned hlyA gene of Vibrio cholerae El Tor under the control of T5 promoter after IPTG induction, has been constructed. Carrying this plasmid strain E. coli M15[pREP4]pHlyA is the super-producer of hemolysin: the content of the product in whole cell lysates is up to 13 %, and in inclusion bodies – up to 17 % of the total cell proteins. The product of the cloned gene, in spite of the absence of proteolytic processing and presence of the hexahistidine block (6His-tag) at its N-terminus, possesses hemolytic activity towards sheep erythrocytes. 6His-tag will provide for obtaining a purified preparation on specific sorbents with a view to create diagnosticums as well as to study the significance of hemolysin as a pathogenicity/persistence factor. The advantages of this producer are the high output of the required protein, inability of synthesis of any accessory biologically active substances, short-term period of biomass growing (4–6 h including induction) and possibility of culturing without sticking to the guidelines for work with the agents of particularly dangerous infections
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