156 research outputs found

    Development of a Novel Biofedelic Skull-Neck-Thorax Model Capable of Quantifying Motions of aged Cervical Spine

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    ABSTRACT Study Design. An in vitro biomechanical study. Objectives. The objectives were to: develop a new biofidelic skull-neck-thorax model capable of quantifying motion patterns of the cervical spine in the presence of a halo-vest, investigate the effects of vest loosening, superstructure loosening, and removal of the posterior uprights, and evaluate the ability of the halo-vest to stabilize the neck within physiological motion limits. Summary of Background Data. Previous clinical and biomechanical studies have investigated neck motion with the halo-vest only in the sagittal plane or only at the injured spinal level. No previous studies have quantified three-dimensional intervertebral motion patterns throughout the injured cervical spine stabilized with the halo-vest or studied the effect of halo-vest components on these motions. Methods. The halo-vest was applied to the skull-neck-thorax model. Six osteoligamentous whole cervical spine specimens (occiput through T1 vertebra) were used that had sustained multiplanar ligamentous injuries at C3/4 through C7/T1 during a previous protocol. Flexibility tests were performed with normal halo-vest application, loose vest, loose superstructure, and following removal of the posterior uprights. Average total range of motion (RoM) for each experimental condition was statistically compared (P\u3c0.05) to the physiological rotation limit for each spinal level. Results. Cervical spine snaking was observed in both the sagittal and frontal planes. The halo-vest, applied normally, generally limited average spinal motions to within average physiological limits. No significant increases in average spinal motions above physiological were observed due to loose vest, loose superstructure, or removal of the posterior uprights. However, a trend towards increased motion at C6/7 in lateral bending was observed due to loose superstructure. Conclusions. The halo-vest, applied normally, effectively immobilized the cervical spine. Sagittal and frontal plane snaking of the cervical spine due to the halo-vest may reduce its immobilization capability at the upper cervical spine and cervicothoracic junction

    Research in Polymer Chemistry using Local Raw Materials

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    An inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Malaya, 11 Febuary 2004

    Applications of Microcapsules in Self-Healing Polymeric Materials

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    Self-healing polymeric materials have a great potential to be explored and utilized in many applications such as engineering and surface coating. Various smart materials with self-healing ability and unique self-healing mechanisms have been reported in recent publications. Currently, the most widely employed technique is by embedding microcapsules that contain a healing agent into the bulk polymer matrix. When cracks develop in the polymer matrix, the curing agent is released from the microcapsules to cross-link and repair the cracks. Microencapsulation of the healing agent in the core can be achieved by in situ polymerizing of shell material. This chapter presents a general review on self-healing materials, and particularly, self-healing of epoxy matrices that includes epoxy composite and epoxy coating by microencapsulation technique. Microencapsulation processes, including types of resin used, processing parameters such as core/shell ratio, concentration of emulsifiers, viscosities of aqueous and organic phases and stirring rate are discussed

    Managing the Future—State-of-the-art Environmental Scanning Systems and Initial Design Principles for a New Generation

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    The 2008/2009 economic crisis provided a sustainable impulse for improving environmental scanning systems (ESS).Although a rich body of knowledge exists, these concepts are not often used in practice. This article contributes a literaturereview addressing not only why this knowledge is not used, but what elements of it can be leveraged for the work on hand.The results are structured in terms of the elements of information system (IS) design theories and the research methodapplied. At the end, we derive six initial principles for reworked ESS that are more applicable than the state of the art. Theseprinciples should improve the grasp of weak signals and allow better incorporation of environmental scanning findings intothe executive decision-making process. Two instantiations helped us to highlight how current developments in IS contributeto successful design, implementation, and day-to-day operation of reworked ESS

    Environmental Scanning Systems: State Of The Art And First Instantiation

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    The 2008/2009 economic crisis provided a sustainable impulse for improving environmental scanning systems (ESS). Although a rich body of knowledge exists, concepts are not often used in practice. This article contributes a literature review addressing six findings for ESS design to become more applicable than the state of the art. They are structured by the elements of information systems (IS) design theories. Addressing the lack of a sound requirements analysis, our first finding proposes a 360- degree ESS for executives\u27 managing a company task and presents how to select just the most important scanning areas to keep focus. Three other findings cover the IS model perspective focusing on a better grasp of weak signals: define concrete indicators and use IT to identify relevant cause effective- chains, leverage IT to automate day-to-day routines and monitor the variety of indicators\u27 movements, and leverage expert experience and translate indicators\u27 impact into a balanced opportunity-and-threat portfolio. From the methods perspective on ESS, we fifth propose to incorporate scanning results into executives\u27 decision-making process more closely by generating scenarios from a set of assumptions and the development of indicators. Retrospective controls to update the ESS continuously and collaboration to share the scanning findings in day-to-day operation is our sixth finding. Finally, an instantiation at a large international company helped us validate our findings and to highlight how current developments in IS contribute to successful design, implementation, and day-to-day operation of new-generation ESS

    La influencia del liderazgo de los gerentes en la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores en la Municipalidad de Piura - 2017.

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    La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del liderazgo de los gerentes en la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores en la Municipalidad de Piura - 2017. Se detalla el problema, los antecedentes de la investigación, investigaciones nacionales e internacionales, así como la fundamentación científica, el marcoconceptual y la Operacionalización de las variables de estudio, como lo son: el liderazgo y satisfacción laboral. La investigación se circunscribe al diseño no experimental; La muestra, el diseño y el método de la investigación. El instrumento empleado fue el cuestionario, uno para cada variable; se presenta además las actividades vinculadas al procedimiento y recolección de datos y se explica el uso del estadígrafo Chi cuadrado para analizar los datos. Los resultados evidenciaron que el liderazgo de los gerentes en la dimensión de cualidades son regulares con 139 (66.5%), en la dimensión de aptitud de los gerentes son regulares con 146 (69.9%), en la dimensión de logros de resultados son regulares con 125 (59.8%). En el grupo de estudio de gerentes tenemos que en la dimensión de cualidades tenemos que s adecuado con 5 (71.4%), en la dimensión de aptitudes tenemos que es adecuada con 6 (85.7%), en la dimensión de logros de resultados tenemos que es adecuado con 4 (57.1%); en el grupo de estudio de trabajadores tenemos que en la dimensión de cualidades tenemos que es regular con 137 (67.8%), en la dimensión de aptitudes tenemos que es regular con 145 (71.8%), en la dimensión de logros de resultados tenemos que es regular con 122 (60.4%); Concluyendo que el liderazgo de los gerentes influye significativamente en la satisfación laboral de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Piura durante el año 2017.Tesi

    A review of natural fiber reinforced poly(Vinyl alcohol) based composites: application and opportunity

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    Natural fibers are fine examples of renewable resources that play an important role in the composites industry, which produces superior strength comparable to synthetic fibers. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composites in particular have attracted enormous interest in view of their satisfactory performance, properties and biodegradability. Their performance in many applications such as consumer, biomedical, and agriculture is well defined and promising. This paper reviews the utilization of natural fibers from macro to nanoscale as reinforcement in PVA composites. An overview on the properties, processing methods, biodegradability, and applications of these composites is presented. The advantages arising from chemical and physical modifications of fibers or composites are discussed in terms of improved properties and performance. In addition, proper arrangement of nanocellulose in composites helps to prevent agglomeration and results in a better dispersion. The limitations and challenges of the composites and future works of these bio-composites are also discussed. This review concludes that PVA composites have potential for use in numerous applications. However, issues on technological feasibility, environmental effectiveness, and economic affordability should be considered


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan media gambar seri pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 6 Landau Kumpai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif, bentuk penelitiannya tindakan kelas dan sifat penelitian adalah kolaboratif. Subjek penelitian yaitu guru dan siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 6 Landau Kumpai berjumlah 14 orang. Teknik yang digunakan observasi langsung, sedangkan alat pengumpul data adalah lembar obsevasi guru dan siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus. 1) Kemampuan guru merencanakan siklus I rata-rata 2,95 sedangkan siklus II rata-rata 3,48 meningkat 0,53. 2) Kemampuan guru melaksanakan siklus I rata-rata 2,96 sedangkan siklus II rata-rata 3,59 meningkat 0,63. 3) Hasil belajar siswa siklus I memiliki rata-rata 73,07 sedangkan siklus II rata-rata 85,71 meningkat 12,64. Dengan media gambar seri dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas v sekolah dasar.   Kata Kunci: keterampilan berbicara, bahasa Indonesia, media gambar seri   Abstract: The purpose of the research for improving student learning outcomes describe the method of inquiry teaching fifth grade social studies SDN 6 Landau Kumpai. The research method is descriptive, the type of classroom action research study. The subject is the teacher and the students numbered 14 students. The technique used is the technique of direct observation. Data collection tool is teacher observation sheets and student learning outcomes. The experiment was conducted in  two  cycles,  the results  of  the study:  1)  the ability of teachers to plan learning method possible Indonesia speech with the first cycle of picture media that is on average 2,95 , the second cycle average of 3,48, an increase of 0.53, 2) the ability of teachers to implement instructional Indonesia speech method possible with the first cycle of piccture media that is on average 2,96, second cycle average of 3,59, an increase of 0.63, 3) using the method of inquiry was found to improve student learning outcomes , namely the acquisition of the first cycle of 73,07 second cycle of 85,71, increase by 12,64. By using the picture media method can improve student learning outcomes fifth grade speech studies lesson SDN 6 Landau Kumpai.   Keywords: speaking skill, Indonesia speech,  series media pictur