9 research outputs found

    Food Resilience in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the food resilience of the local communities  in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The research uses case studies related to food resilience, namely; aspects of food availability, access and utilization, as well as food stability. The  study design uses the mix method approach (Creswell, 1994., Neuman, 2003) by prioritizing qualitative methods (dominant-less dominant design, Creswell: 1994). The quantitative data in the form of frequency tables and analysis of the results of their categorization forms the basis of analysis and interpretation. The based on the research results, it shows that the food resilience in Timor Tengah Selatan regency is good category. This research recommends several things; (a) it is necessary to revitalize the rural livestock sector; (b) it is necessary to revive the local-based rural financing system; (c) it is necessary to develop risk management so that all rural communities in Timor Tengah Selatan regency have an understanding of risk factors and the ability to overcome stressful situations to the entire community and food stakeholders in this area. Keywords: Food System, Food security, Food resilience, and Sustainable Food. DOI: 10.7176/JPID/58-05 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT

    Quality of the Preschool Education in the Raihat Subdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One form of the basic needs of the Ministry became the responsibility of the Government is the aspect of education, especially basic education. Quality education contributing to the welfare of the community improvement efforts refers to the concept of the vicious circle of poverty, where education is one of the chains, than the efforts of elimination poverty levels must be done through the efforts of improvement of quality. With regard to the reality of people's lives in district Raihat as district boundary at the border of Belu and RDTL characterized by poverty, underdevelopment, lack of human resources, expensive Staples, as well as infra structure is inadequate, then the existence of a quality basic education services is the responsibility of the Government in the context of the welfare state, and the paradigm shift the management of the border region. This article tries to present a portrait of basic education services in district of Raihat as one of the districts in the border area of Belu, province of NTT


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this two-month study using the qualitative method is to know some factors affecting the low bureaucratic performance of public as well as Kupang Public Work Service bureaucracies in performing their tasks, functions, and responsibilities, for serving the society. The results of the study show that the low public bureaucratic performance in particular that of Kupang Public Work Service bureaucracies due to factors such as the availability of owned facilitiesthe spontanities of the apparatuses in serving and solving problems as well as complaints of the societydegrees of apparatuses\u27 comprehension towards the available job descriptiondegree of societies` satisfaction towards services acquireddegree of association between the available program of activities and the need as well as aspiration of the society\u27 and degree of apparatuses\u27 responses in facing and solving the complaints of the society. Based on the existing results, it can be concluded that in order to improve the performance of Kupang Public Work Service Bureaucracies, it is necessary to undertake the improvement of the system and pattern and of servicesthe improvement toward the pattern and style of leadershipthe upholder of the rule and the improvement of disclipine of apparatusesand by proportionally giving appreciation or incentive to the employees with high performances. Keywords : Performance -- Bureaucracy -- Affecting Factor

    The Influence of the Quality of Passport Production Services on Community Satisfaction at Class II Imgration offices Atambua Immigration Check Places

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    This research describes the quality of passport-making services at the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office. This research focuses on passport-making services because they have the most applicants. This problem occurs because passport completion exceeds standards and employee information is unclear. This research was a quantitative descriptive study with 96 respondents, using purposive and incidental nonprobability sampling models. The research results show that the quality of service on community satisfaction at the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office has a value of 0.463, which means (46.30%). Obtained from five dimensions of service quality, such as physical evidence of (0.139), reliability dimension (0.126), responsiveness dimension (0.007), assurance dimension (0.096), and empathy dimension of (0.120). The simultaneous test shows an F-count of 11.255, confirming the significant relationship between the five dimensions of service quality and community satisfaction. This research suggests that the five dimensions of service quality simultaneously have a significant effect on community satisfaction at the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office "accepted." The coefficient of determination reveals that service quality and community satisfaction together have a strong influence (46.30%) at the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office, with the remainder influenced by factors not explained. The results of research and hypothesis testing show that service quality (X) and community satisfaction (Y) together have quite a strong influence on the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office, amounting to 46.30%, while the remaining 53.70% is influenced by other factors not explained in this research

    Empowerment of Papadak Local Wisdom in Supporting Coastal and Marine Resources Management in Nusak Termanu, Rote Ndao District

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    The adoption of Papadak local wisdom to the coastal and marine areas of Rote Ndao Regency was motivated by the increasing destruction of coastal and marine ecosystems, such as the use of destructive fishing gear, the use of bombs and poison, and the increasing number of uncontrolled tourism activities. Efforts to implement this were carried out through various processes involving relevant stakeholders in Rote Ndao Regency, including the Village Government, traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders, community leaders, fishermen and professional representatives.The research method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, the source of the data in this study was obtained through primary sources and secondary sources. The data that has been collected by interview, observation and document search methods is then analyzed using the spiral data analysis technique proposed by Creswell (2016: 264-268). The empowerment of papadak local wisdom in supporting the management of coastal and marine resources in Nusak Termanu, Rote Ndao Regency was analyzed using the opinion of Latama, Gunarto et.al (2002:4) that community empowerment is considered comprehensive if it displays five characteristics with the conclusion that empowerment of papadak local wisdom in support the management of coastal and marine resources in Nusak Termanu, Rote Ndao Regency; (1) locally based; (2) oriented towards improving welfare; (3) based on partnership but not fulfilling aspects (4) sustainable

    Youth Citizenship: Connected and Unconnected in Public Issues

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    This study is about youth citizenship in the management of public issues. The study based on considerations related to the demographic situation of the population in Indonesia, which is actually dominated by young people. Especially for this study, young people will be placed in two important areas. First, the citizenship of young people and secondly the citizenship of young people who grow up in the context of a region (city) that is economically growing in a moderate range (Kupang City) and a small town (Bajawa City). The main issue raised in this article is how are the conditions and citizenship of young people growing and developing in response to the public issues around them? The method used in this study is a qualitative method based on in-depth interviews, case studies and discussions involving young people ranging in age from 15-25 years. The results of research in these two areas show a tendency for the involvement of young people in public affairs. First, young people in both regions have the ability to define public issues that they consider important. Second, the tendency to use digital media as a forum for organizing and social movements. Digital media allows children's movements which tend to be small, limited. Third, autonomous movement. This independence is especially strongly influenced by their desire not to be interfered with by other groups. Fourth, diametric relations with the government. Even though their efforts are often considered important by the government, they tend to keep their distance from the government

    Personnel management information system in order to create up-to-date and integrated personel data and information in the personnel and human resources agency in malaka regency

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    Purpose: This study discusses the personnel management information system in order to create up to date and integrated personnel data and information in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Malaka Regency. Research Methodology: This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods for this research will be conducted by means of interviews, observation and document searches. The data analysis technique in this study is based on the theory of Miles and Huberman. Results: In the application of the human resources management information system in order to create up-to-date and integrated personel data and information in the Personel and Human Resources Development Agency of Malaka Regency, both input and process are still not good. In addition, there are inhibiting factors for the application of the personnel information system. Limitations: Researchers find it difficult to make more detailed observations so that they cannot display more related data and information. Contribution: This research can be a scientific basis for evaluating the application of the personnel information system at the Personel and Human Resources Development Agency of Malaka Regency. In addition, this research can be scientific information for students of Public Administration Science

    Dynamics of Mutations and Promotion of Structural Positions of Civil Servants in Malaka Regency

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    The purpose of effective transfers and promotions leads to increasing the effectiveness of local government organizations, but the good intentions of the regional leadership of Malacca Regency, in this case the Regent as PPK, to manage the performance of civil servants within the Malacca Regency Government, received criticism from several parties who stated that the transfer carried out violated procedures. not in accordance with the terms and conditions of KKN. This research is a qualitative research with primary and secondary data types collected through interviews, documentation and observation and then the data that has been collected is analyzed using data analysis techniques from Miles & Huberman (1992:16) consisting of three streams of activities that occur simultaneously, namely : data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification. Study's result found that the dynamics of mutation and promotion of structural positions of civil servants in Malacca Regency in terms of mutations were not effective because they were carried out as a form of sanction as a result of not supporting the elected Regent and Deputy Regent to win the 2020 Malacca Regional Election while promotions for PNS positions were carried out because there was a mechanism remuneration because the civil servants who will be promoted are the success team to win the elected regent in the 2020 Malacca regional elections, while the inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of the transfer and promotion of structural positions of civil servants in Malacca Regency are due to the patron client relationship and the promise of position compensation