21 research outputs found

    Continuity under a different name, the outcome of privatisation in Serbia

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    Normally, privatisation is seen as beneficial. In the case of Serbia, the results are disappointing. This paper considers the failure of privatisation in Serbia a latecomer in the matter where privatisation was partly a result of exogenous pressures. In Serbia, a sizeable number of privatised firms were bought by bureaucrats and politicians and all firms were subjected to a period of supervision. We argue that this process of privatisation was designed to allow rentseekers to conserve their privileges through asset stripping and that this explains the failure. In order to do so, we perform empirical analysis of the determinants of liquidation, merger and bankruptcy of privatised firms from 2002 to 2015. We construct a novel data set from primary sources, free of the survivorship bias and containing proxies for various types of owners, indirect signs of asset stripping strategy and a broad range of controls. Our results indicate that firms owned by politicians face significantly higher risks of bankruptcy, especially after the end of supervision

    Assessment of the sustainability of façade refurbishment

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    Dominant share of the residential stock in the European countries has an exploited service life and is in a need for façade refurbishment. This paper contributes with an establishment of a tool for assessment of the sustainability of design options for buildings` façade refurbishment. The tool is based on a multicriteria system, assessing four design criteria, relevant to the process of façade refurbishment. The criteria are evaluated by several surveyed participants by utilizing the Analytic-Hierarchic Process (AHP).The tool is applied on several façade refurbishment design proposals assessment on a case-study of a residential building situated in Skopje, Western Balkans, Europe. Each of the façade proposals is assessed regarding their energy performance, CO2 emissions, investment costs and return of investment. Further, the results of the LCA analysis of the applied materials shows the contribution of each of them to the overall sustainability performance. The results of this research show that the use of wood and modified wood products as façade elements used for buildings` façade refurbishment can substantially decrease the greenhouse emissions and contribute to the carbon offset. However, due to the higher investment costs, the return of the investment is longer, leading to lower sustainability assessment ranking. It is concluded that the refurbishment of the façade with a conventional contact façade has the highest ranking on sustainability, followed by façade refurbishment with contact façade combined with only roof refurbishment/glazing refurbishment or both. Also, the modified wood wall types show high sustainability ranking regarding their refurbishment potential

    Studenica Marble: Significance, Use, Conservation

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    Studenica marble is the stone used in creating the mediaeval Serbian cultural heritage. This is a historical overview of the importance and use of stone from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages, when the most imposing religious architectural structures were built. The significance of Studenica marble is particularly manifested in the Virgin’s Church at the Studenica Monastery. For its marble façades and artistic architectural elements, among other things, the church was inscribed in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1986. Through centuries, the Virgin’s Church suffered multiple destructions. In order to restore the marble façades properly and its architectural elements, the marble deposits where the stone was once quarried had to be located anew. When the stone material characterisation had been performed, the right stone was selected for the complex conservation works on the churches in Studenica and Sopocani. A practical implementation of the research results raised the awareness of the marble deposits in the Studenica vicinity, being also part of the national heritage. The Studenica Monastery Cultural Landscape Management Plan envisions preservation of the deposits and their sustainable use for restoration purposes in the future

    Karakteristike sojeva bakterija roda Pseudomonas izolovanih iz obolelih grana šljive

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    Characteristics of Pseudomonas syringae strains isolated from diseased plum trees are presented is this paper. Based on pathogenic, biochemical and physiological characteristics, isolated starins were divided into two groups: First group of strains, isolated from diseased plum branches with symptoms of suden decay, was simillar to Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae; second group of strains, isolated from necrotic flower buds on plum trees, exhibited characteristics simillar to Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum. In addition, phytopathogenic fungi belonging to genera Phomopsis, Botryosphaeria and Leucostoma, were also isolated from diseased plum trees. Further study of these pathogens and their role in the epidemiology of suden plum trees decay is in progress.U radu su prikazane karakteristike sojeva bakterije Pseudomonas syringae izolovanih iz nekrozom zahvaćenih tkiva šljive. Na osnovu patogenih i biohemijsko-fizioloških odlika proučavane izolate smo svrstali u dve grupe: I grupa sojeva izolovana je iz obolelih grana šljive sa simptomima sušenja i oni su prema svojim odlikama slični Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae; II grupa sojeva izolovana je iz nekrotičnih cvetnih pupoljaka šljive i oni ispoljavaju karakteristike tipične za Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum. Iz obolelih grana šljive, pored ovih bakterija, izolovane su i gljive rodova Phomopsis, Botryosphaeria i Leucostoma. Dalja proučavanja ovih patogena i njihova uloga u pojavi iznenadnog sušenja mladih stabala šljive su u toku

    Electronic aspects of formation and properties of local structures around Mn in Cd1−xMnxTe1−ySey

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    Local electronic and structural features around Mn in Cd1−xMnxTe0.97Se0.03 (x = 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; y = 0.03) were studied by means of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) techniques. Manganese ions with an average valence 2+, are found to be well incorporated into the host CdTe lattice, with clear preference for Te atoms as the first neighbors. However, Mn and Te are found to form two essentially different types of bonds, one short, strong and directional (cubic MnTe-alike bond), and three much longer, predominantly ionic in nature (hexagonal MnTe-alike bonds), thereby distorting the tetrahedral coordination around Mn. The origin of peculiar Mn–Te bonds distribution and details of their nature and strength are further elaborated by employing the first principle electronic structure calculations. That way a thorough insight in impact of the Mn–Te bond length variation on the electronic structure of the compound is obtained. The relations established between the local structures and electronic properties offer a reliable procedure for detailed analysis of the structural and electronic consequences of the 3d-transition metals (TM) incorporation in II–VI semiconductor host. Clear distinction between various influences makes the procedure easily adoptable also to the studies of TM impurities in other semiconductors

    Influence of Higenamine on Exercise Performance of Recreational Female Athletes: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ergogenic effects and the safety profile of a one-component higenamine supplement in female recreational athletes. Twelve recreational female basketball players (age 29–41 years, oxygen consumption (VO2max) > 30 ml⋅kg–1⋅min–1, with training > 5 h wk–1) were randomized either to the higenamine group, or to the placebo group for 3 weeks. In order to determine ergogenic effects and safety profile of higenamine administration, we assessed the following variables before and after 3 weeks of supplementation: anthropometric parameters, resting metabolic rate (RMR), exercise testing variables, serum free fatty acids (FFAs), blood pressure, enzyme activity, urea, lipid profile, and complete blood count. There were no differences between groups in anthropometric parameters, including basal metabolic rate (BMR), RMR and body fat [p = 0.706 (Cohen’s d 0.223), p = 0.169 (Cohen’s d 0.857), and p = 0.223 (Cohen’s d 0.750), respectively], FFAs [0.43 ± 0.03 vs. 0.54 ± 0.23, p = 0.206 (Cohen’s d 0.540)], neither significant differences in cardiopulmonary parameters after the intervention period. Furthermore, all measured outcome variables in the safety assessment were not significant, with values remaining stable during the intervention period for participants in both groups. This is the first study to document the effects and the safety profile of higenamine-based dietary supplements at a specified dose in female recreational athletes. Our data indicate that 21-day of supplementation with 75 mg higenamine would not result in improving cardiopulmonary exercise fitness and weight loss in female recreational athletes. Moreover, supplementation with 75 mg higenamine is safe and well-tolerated in younger recreational female athletes

    Morfološka i molekularna identifikacija Colletotrichum acutatum sa ploda paradajza

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    Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, Colletotrichum coccodes, and Colletotrichum dematium are the four main species of Colletotrichum that cause tomato anthracnose. In Serbia, the occurrence of anthracnose on tomato fruit has been recorded during the last several years. Typical fruit symptoms include dark, sunken, and circular lesion with orange conidial masses. Pathogen isolates were obtained from a diseased tomato fruits, on PDA medium forming a white to gray colonies. The cultures developed black acervuli around the center of the colony. Conidia were hyaline, aseptate, and fusiform or rarely cylindrical. Appressoria were smooth, simple, clavate to ovate, and varied from light to dark brown. Pathogenicity tests with representative isolates were conducted on symptomless, detached tomato fruits. All tested isolates caused anthracnose lesions on tomato fruit after 7 days of incubation. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by reisolation from inoculated tomato fruits. PCR analysis (using species-specific primer pair, CaInt2/ ITS4) of genomic DNA from tomato isolates resulted in an amplification product of 490 bp, specific for C. acutatum, further confirming the identity of the pathogen. Based on morphological and molecular characteristics, the isolates from tomato fruit were determined as C. acutatum.Četiri glavna prouzrokovača antraknoze paradajza iz roda Colletotrichum su: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, Colletotrichum coccodes i Colletotrichum dematium. U Srbiji je tokom poslednjih godina zabeležena pojava antraknoze ploda paradajza. Tipični simptomi na plodu su tamne, ulegnute, kružne lezije sa masom narandžastih konidija. Sa obolelih plodova paradajza dobijeni su izolati patogena koji na KDA podlozi obrazuju bele do sivo obojene kolonije. Acervuli crne boje formiraju se u kulturi oko centra kolonije. Konidije su hialinske, neseptirane, fusiformne ili ređe cilindrične. Apresorije su glatke, jednostavne, okruglastog ili oblika izdužene palice, svetlo do tamno braon boje. Test patogenosti je obavljen sa reprezentativnim izolatima, na odabranim, zdravim plodovima. Svi ispitivani izolati prouzrokuju antraknozne lezije na plodu paradajza 7 dana nakon inokulacije. Kohovi postulati su zadovoljeni reizolacijama sa inokulisanih plodova paradajza. PCR analiza (korišćenjem para prajmera specifičinog za vrstu, CaInt2/ITS4) iz genoma DNA izolata sa paradajza rezultirala je amplifikacijom produkta od 490 bp, specifičnog za C. acutatum, što je potvrdilo identitet patogena. Na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih karakteristika izolati sa ploda paradajza determinisani su kao C. acutatum

    Pseudomonas syringae – patogen trešnje u Srbiji

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    Characteristics of pathogenic Pseudomonas bacterial strains isolated from cherry in Serbia are presented in the article. Two types of symptoms were observed on cherry trees at few localities with intensive production in Serbia (Belgrade, Čačak, Topola, Šabac, Novi Sad). The first symptom is bud necrosis and the second bacterial canker of cherry branch. Gram negative, fluorescent, oxidative bacterial strains were isolated from the margin of necrotic tissue. All investigated strains were levan and HR positive, while negative results were recorded for oxidase, pectinase and arginin dihydrolase tests (LOPAT+- - - +). Based on pathogenicity tests and differential GATT tests, investigated strains were divided in two distinct groups: the first group consisted of strains isolated from necrotic cherry branch which caused necrosis on artificially inoculated cherry, pear and lemon fruits, syringae leaves and bean pods, were gelatin and aesculin positive, and tyrosinase and tartrate negative (typical characteristics of P.s. pv. syringae). Contrary, second group strains were isolated from necrotic cherry buds, showed negative results in mentioned pathogenicity tests, gelatin and aesculin tests were negative, while tyrosinase and tartrate were positive (typical characteristics of P.s. pv. morsprunorum). REP PCR analyses showed that strains isolated from necrotic cherry buds belong to P. s pv. morsprunorum compared to referent strain. In contrast, isolates obtained from necrotic cherry branches had unique fingerprint profiles but different from all reference strains. According to the obtained results it was concluded that both pathovars of P. syringae (syringae and morsprunorum) cause necrosis of cherry trees in Serbia.U radu su prikazane patogene, bakteriološke odlike izolata bakterije Pseudomnas syringae poreklom iz trešnje, kao i njihova molekularna karakterizacija primenom REP-PCR metode. Dva tipa simptoma bolesti zapažena su u savremenim zasadima trešnje na području Beograda, Novog Sada, Topole i Šapca. Prvi tip simptoma se ispoljava u vidu nekroze cvetnih i lisnih pupoljaka trešnje, a drugi u vidu nekroze višegodišnjih grana. Iz nekrotičnog tkiva su izolovane Gram negativne bakterije , koje fluoresciraju na King podlozi B, a glukozu metabolišu isključivo u aerobnim uslovima; bakterija stvara levan i prouzrokuje HR duvana ali ne stvara oksidazu, pektinazu u arginin dehidrolazu (LOPAT +---+) što su odlike karakteristične za bakteriju P. syringae. U pogledu patogenosti izolovanih sojeva, kao i njihovih diferencijalnih biohemijskih testova (GATT) proučavani izolati su svrstani u dve jasno izdiferencirane grupe. Prvu čine sojevi izolovani iz nekrozom zahavćenih grana trešnje, koji prouzrokuju nekrozu inokulisanih plodova trešnje, kruške i limuna, listova jorgovana i mahuna boranije. Ova grupa izolata hidrolizuje želatin i eskulin, ali ne stvaraju tirozinazu i ne metabolišu tartarate. Pomenute patogene i diferencijalne biohemijske odlike su karakteristične za P.s. pv. syringae. Nasuprot njima, sojevi izolovani iz nekrotičnih pupoljaka trešnje negativno reaguju pri pomenutim testovima patogenosti, ne hidrolizuju želatin i eskulin, ali stvaraju tirozinazu i metabolišu tartarate, što su odlike P.s.pv. morsprunorum. REP-PCR analiza takođe ukazuje da sojevi iz nekrotičnih pupoljaka ispoljavaju identične karakteristike kao i referentni soj P.s. pv. morsprunorum. Primenom ovog metoda je takođe utvrđeno da su sojevi izolovani iz obolelih grana trešnje međusobno identični ali da se razlikuju od referentnih sojeva korišćenih u ovim istraživanjima. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, tokom ovih istraživanja zaključeno je da oba patogena varijeteta P. syringae patogena voćaka (pv. syrnigae i pv. morsprunorum) parazitiraju trešnju u našim agroekološkim uslovima

    Pseudomonas syringae: Pathogen of sweet cherry in Serbia

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    Characteristics of pathogenic Pseudomonas bacterial strains isolated from cherry inSerbia are presented in the article. Two types of symptoms were observed on cherry treesat few localities with intensive production in Serbia (Belgrade, Čačak, Topola, Šabac, NoviSad). The first symptom is bud necrosis and the second bacterial canker of cherry branch.Gram negative, fluorescent, oxidative bacterial strains were isolated from the margin ofnecrotic tissue. All investigated strains were levan and HR positive, while negative resultswere recorded for oxidase, pectinase and arginin dihydrolase tests (LOPAT+- - - +).Based on pathogenicity tests and differential GATT tests, investigated strains weredivided in two distinct groups: the first group consisted of strains isolated from necroticcherry branch which caused necrosis on artificially inoculated cherry, pear and lemon fruits,syringae leaves and bean pods, were gelatin and aesculin positive, and tyrosinase and tartratenegative (typical characteristics of P.s. pv. syringae). Contrary, second group strainswere isolated from necrotic cherry buds, showed negative results in mentioned pathogenicitytests, gelatin and aesculin tests were negative, while tyrosinase and tartrate werepositive (typical characteristics of P.s. pv. morsprunorum).REP PCR analyses showed that strains isolated from necrotic cherry buds belong to P. spv. morsprunorum compared to referent strain. In contrast, isolates obtained from necroticcherry branches had unique fingerprint profiles but different from all reference strains.According to the obtained results it was concluded that both pathovars of P. syringae(syringae and morsprunorum) cause necrosis of cherry trees in Serbia