11 research outputs found

    Does moving to the music make you smarter? The relation of sensorimotor entrainment to cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills

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    Several studies have shown the benefits of music training on multiple musical and non-musical skills. Because our perception of music is inherently rhythmic, it is possible that the underlying mechanism of the transfer effect of music is rhythmic entrainment. Previous studies found transfer effects of sensorimotor entrainment (SE), a form of rhythmic entrainment, but, to date, there has been no comprehensive study that has examined long-term effects of SE in multiple domains. In this study, we compared the transfer effects of two different SE-based (one with fixed rules, the other with free movement) music education methods and a singing-based (control) method on cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills in 6–7-year-old children. On the initial assessment, there were no significant differences in performance between the three groups. After 8 months, we found significant improvement for the entrainment-based methods compared to the singing-based method in pitch discrimination, working memory, phonological processing, and verbal skills, and the singing-based method improved executive functions more compared to the SE-based methods. Additionally, we found significant correlations between SE and attention, working memory, and phoneme awareness. Finally, we showed that different teaching methods of SE (rule-based vs. free movement) resulted in different transfer effects

    The significance of sour cherry in iron supplementation

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    The iron concentration of ’Csengődi csokros’, ’Debreceni- and ’Érdi bőtermő’ , ‘Éva’, ’Kántorjánosi’ ,’Petri’ and the ’Újfehértói fürtös’ cultivars was determined by ICP-MS. Furthermore the Vitamin C, L-Malis acid and Citric acid concentration of samples were measured. Our results show that large amount Fe2+ (average 20.5 mg kg-1) accumulates in the pulp of sour cherry. Besides, the concentration of Vitamin C, L-Malis acid, that increase the absorption of iron, are high. Based on these results, the sour cherry and the products of sour cherry play an important role in the forming of iron content in body

    Supplementary Material, POM_778765_Supp_Mat_ – Does moving to the music make you smarter? The relation of sensorimotor entrainment to cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills

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    <p>Supplementary Material, POM_778765_Supp_Mat_ for Does moving to the music make you smarter? The relation of sensorimotor entrainment to cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills by Emese Maróti, Edina Barabás, Gabriella Deszpot, Tamara Farnadi, László Norbert Nemes, Borbála Szirányi and Ferenc Honbolygó in Psychology of Music</p