35 research outputs found

    Mirasol PRT system inactivation efficacy evaluated in platelet concentrates by bacteria-contamination model

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    Background/Aim. Bacterial contamination of blood components, primarily platelet concentrates (PCs), has been identified as one of the most frequent infectious complications in transfusion practice. PC units have a high risk for bacterial growth/multiplication due to their storage at ambient temperature (20 Ā± 2Ā°C). Consequences of blood contamination could be effectively prevented or reduced by pathogen inactivation systems. The aim of this study was to determine the Mirasol pathogen reduction technology (PRT) system efficacy in PCs using an artificial bacteria-contamination model. Methods. According to the ABO blood groups, PC units (n = 216) were pooled into 54 pools (PC-Ps). PC-Ps were divided into three equal groups, with 18 units in each, designed for an artificial bacteria-contamination. Briefly, PC-Ps were contaminated by Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli in concentrations 102 to 107 colony forming units (CFU) per unit. Afterward, PC-Ps were underwent to inactivation by Mirasol PRT system, using UV (l = 265-370 nm) activated riboflavin (RB). All PC-Ps were assayed by BacT/Alert Microbial Detection System for CFU quantification before and after the Mirasol treatment. Samples from non-inactivated PC-P units were tested after preparation and immediately following bacterial contamination. Samples from Mirasol treated units were quantified for CFUs one hour, 3 days and 5 days after inactivation. Results. A complete inactivation of all bacteria species was obtained at CFU concentrations of 102 and 103 per PC-P unit through storage/ investigation period. The most effective inactivation (105 CFU per PC-P unit) was obtained in Escherichia coli setting. Contrary, inactivation of all the three tested bacteria species was unworkable in concentrations of ā‰„ 106 CFU per PC-P unit. Conclusion. Efficient inactivation of investigated bacteria types with a significant CFU depletion in PC-P units was obtained - 3 Log for all three tested species, and 5 Log for Escherichia coli. The safety of blood component therapy, primarily the clinical use of PCs can be improved using the Mirasol PRT system

    Accuracy of optical scanning methods of the CerecĀ®3D system in the process of making ceramic inlays

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    Background/Aim. One of the results of many years of CerecĀ® 3D CAD/CAM system technological development is implementation of one intraoral and two extraoral optical scanning methods which, depending on the current indications, are applied in making fixed restorations. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of precision of optical scanning methods by the use of the CerecĀ®3D CAD/CAM system in the process of making ceramic inlays. Methods. The study was conducted in three experimental groups of inlays prepared using the procedure of three methods of scanning Cerec Ā®3D system. Ceramic inlays made by conventional methodology were the control group. The accuracy of optical scanning methods of the CerecĀ®3D system computer aided designcomputer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) was indirectly examined by measuring a marginal gap size between inlays and demarcation preparation by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results. The results of the study showed a difference in the accuracy of the existing methods of scanning dental CAD/CAM systems. The highest level of accuracy was achieved by the extraoral optical superficial scanning technique. The value of marginal gap size inlays made with the technique of extraoral optical superficial scanning was 32.97 Ā± 13.17 Ī¼. Techniques of intraoral optical superficial and extraoral point laser scanning showed a lower level of accuracy (40.29 Ā± 21.46 Ī¼ for inlays of intraoral optical superficial scanning and 99.67 Ā± 37.25 Ī¼ for inlays of extraoral point laser scanning). Conclusion. Optical scanning methods in dental CAM/CAM technologies are precise methods of digitizing the spatial models; application of extraoral optical scanning methods provides the hightest precision

    Reduction in Pathogenic Biofilms by the Photoactive Composite of Bacterial Cellulose and Nanochitosan Dots under Blue and Green Light

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    In this study, nanochitosan dots (ChiDs) were synthesized using gamma rays and encapsulated in bacterial cellulose (BC) polymer matrix for antibiofilm potential in photodynamic therapy. The composites were analyzed for structural changes using SEM, AFM, FTIR, XRD, EPR, and porosity measurements. Additionally, ChiD release was assessed. The results showed that the chemical composition remained unaltered, but ChiD agglomerates embedded in BC changed shape (1.5ā€“2.5 Āµm). Bacterial cellulose fibers became deformed and interconnected, with increased surface roughness and porosity and decreased crystallinity. No singlet oxygen formation was observed, and the total amount of released ChiD was up to 16.10%. Antibiofilm activity was higher under green light, with reductions ranging from 48 to 57% under blue light and 78 to 85% under green light. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was the most sensitive strain. The new photoactive composite hydrogels show promising potential for combating biofilm-related infections

    Načini koriŔćenja poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta brdsko-planinskog područja jugozapadne Srbije

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglected for many years and covered with perennial weeds.Da bi podigli primarnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju na ekonomski isplativ nivo u Republici Srbiji je usvojen značajan broj dokumenata, strategija i zakona kojima se reguliÅ”u značajna pitanja vezana za poljoprivredu i ruralna područja. Ovom dokumentacijom stvorili bi se uslovi za ostvarivanje ekonomskih, ekoloÅ”kih i socijalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja usvojine od Ujedinjenih nacija za period 2015ā€“2030. Kada je u pitanju razvijanje ruralnih područja u Srbiji, osnovni ciljevi bili bi: kako da se zaustavi migracija seoskog stanovniÅ”tva stvaranjem preduslova da se osavremenjavanjem primarne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, povećanjem zdravstveno bezbedne i funkcionalne hrane u predelima gde se može organizovati održiva i organska poljoprivreda, i proizvoditi organska zdravstveno bezbedna hrana. Nosioci ovih projekata, uz pomoć naučnih radnika Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu, povećali su obim primarne biljne i stočarske proizvodnje na povrÅ”inama koje su bile duži niz godina zapuÅ”tene i obrasle viÅ”egodiÅ”njim korovima

    Land use regimes of agricultural soils in mountainous areas of southwest Serbia

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    In order to raise primary agricultural production to an economically viable level, the Republic of Serbia adopted the number of documents, strategies and laws regulating important issues related to agriculture and rural areas. This documentation would create conditions for achieving the economic, ecological and social goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations for the period 2015ā€“2030. When it comes to the development of rural areas of Serbia, the main goals would be to: 1/ stop the migration of the rural population by creating the prerequisites for the modernization of primary agricultural production to increase the production of health-safe and functional food in areas where sustainable and organic agriculture can be organized 2/ production of health-safe and functional organic food. The holders of these projects, with the help of scientists from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, increased the volume of primary plant and animal production on surfaces that were neglicted for many years and covered with perennial weeds

    Karakterizacija matičnih ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece

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    Background/Aim. The last decade has been profoundly marked by persistent attempts to use ex vivo expanded and manipulated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), as a tool in different types of regenerative therapy. In the present study we described immunophenotype and the proliferative and differentiation potential of cells isolated from pulp remnants of exfoliated deciduous teeth in the final phase of root resorption. Methods. The initial adherent cell population from five donors was obtained by the outgrowth method. Colony forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) assay was performed in passage one. Cell expansion was performed until passage three and all tests were done until passage eight. Cells were labeled for early mesenchymal stem cells markers and analysis have been done using flow cytometry. The proliferative potential was assessed by cell counting in defined time points and population doubling time was calculated. Commercial media were used to induce osteoblastic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Cytology and histology methods were used for analysis of differentiated cell morphology and extracellular matrix characteristics. Results. According to immunophenotype analyses all undifferentiated cells were positive for the mesenchymal stem cell markers: CD29 and CD73. Some cells expressed CD146 and CD106. The hematopoietic cell marker, CD34, was not detected. In passage one, incidence of CFU-F was 4.7 Ā± 0.5/100. Population doubling time did not change significantly during cell subcultivation and was in average 25 h. After induction of differentiation, the multicolony derived cell population had a tri-lineage differentiation potential, since mineralized matrix, cartilage-like tissue and adipocytes were successfully formed after three weeks of incubation. Conclusion. Altogether, these data suggest that remnants of deciduous teeth dental pulp contained cell populations with mesenchymal stem cell-like features, with a high proliferation and tri- lineage differentiation potential and that these cultures are suitable for further in vitro evaluation of cell based therapies.Uvod/Cilj. ProÅ”la dekada je bila posebno obeležena naporima na polju koriŔćenja ex vivo razvijenih i usmeravanih mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija (MSCs), kao sredstva za različite tipove regenerativne terapije. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi imunofenotip i potencijal za proliferaciju i diferencijaciju ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece eksfoliranih u periodu kada je koren zuba bio u poslednjoj fazi resorpcije. Metode. Primarna adherentna populacija ćelija poreklom od pet donora dobijena je metodom eksplanta. Prisustvo progenitorskih ćelija koje obrazuju kolonije fibroblasta (CFU-F) pokazano je u prvoj pasaži. Do treće pasaže ćelije su ekspandirane, a potom koriŔćene za analiziranje. Imunofenotip je određen koriŔćenjem protočne citometrije. Proliferativni potencijal i vreme udvajanja ćelija (PDT) u kulturi je definisano na osnovu apsolutnog broja ćelija na početku i na kraju svake pasaže. Posle tronedeljne kultivacije ćelija u komercijalnim medijumima za stimulaciju osteogeneze, hondrogeneze i adipogeneze, citoloÅ”kim i histoloÅ”kim metodama je određena morfologija ćelija i karakteristike vanćelijskog matriksa. Rezultati. Antigeni koji karakteriÅ”u mezenhimske matične ćelije CD29 i CD73 su bili eksprimirani na svim nediferenciranim ćelijama, dok su antigeni CD146 i CD106 bili eksprimirani na ograničenom broju ćelija. Antigen CD34 (karakterističan za ćelije hematopoetske loze) nije bio eksprimiran. Incidencija CFU-F bila je 4,7 Ā± 0,5/100 ćelija. PDT se nije menjao tokom osam pasaža i u proseku je iznosio 25 h. Posle tronedeljne stimulacije diferencijacije u kulturama sa adipogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja ćelija sa masnim kapljicama, a u kulturama sa osteogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do formiranja vanćelijskog matriksa sa deponovanim kalcijumovim solima. U kulturama sa hondrogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja tkiva sličnog hrskavici i vanćelijskog matriksa sa glikozaminoglikanima i kolagenom II. Zaključak. Zubna pulpa mlečnih zuba dece sadrži ćelijsku populaciju koja odgovara mezenhimskim matičnim ćelijama prema svojim karakteristikama, ima visok proliferativni potencijal i potencijal da se diferencira u tri ćelijske linije Å”to je čini pogodnom za dalje in vitro analize i evaluaciju ćelijske terapije

    The effect of non-specific binding of Pd(II) complexes with N-heteroaromatic hydrazone ligands on the protein structure

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    Previously, the cytotoxic actions of five Pd(II) complexes with bidentate N-heteroaromatic chelators (complexes 1ā€“5) on a palette of several cancer cell lines were investigated. However, the results of the cytotoxic activity did not correlate with the hydrophobic character of the complexes. To gain further insight into the structureā€“activity relationship, essential for the design of novel potential drugs, other factors, such as non-specific interactions with cellular proteins, have to be taken into account. To explore the potential non-specific influence of the complexes on protein structures, ovalbumin (OVA) was chosen as a model system to mimic cellular non-specific crowding environments with high protein concentrations. A Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy study implied that the binding of 3 and 4 led to only moderate alternations in the secondary structures of the protein, without the possibility to penetrate into hydrophobic core of the protein and disruption of protein native fold. Contrary, the effect of complex 5 on OVA secondary structures was concentration-dependent. While the lower concentration of complex 5 had no effect on OVA structure, a doubled concentration of complex 5 led to complete disruption of the content native-like secondary structures. The concentration-dependent effect of complex 5 on the changes in secondary structures and considerable increase in the exposure of OVA hydrophobic surfaces to water may be related to a potential crosslinking that leads to OVA aggregation. Ā© 2022 Serbian Chemical Society. All rights reserved

    Influence of immediate release tablet formulation on dissolution profile of paracetamol

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    Introduction: Paracetamol is analgesic and antipyretic, which is usually in the form of an immediate release tablet formulations. Therapeutic effects in terms of the speed and intensity of the analgesic effect is dependent on speed of liberation from formulation. Aim: The aim of this work was to determine and compare dissolution profiles of 4 paracetamol immediate release tablet formulations and to determine influence of excipients on kinetic of paracetamol dissolution. Materials and Methods: Dissolution profiles of paracetamol tablets were determined using method with paddles and phosphate buffer pH 6.8 as a medium. Release of paracetamol was followed 60 minutes (using 6 time points). Concentration of paracetamol was measured using UV/Vis spectrophotometric method (243 nm). Dissolution profiles were compared using model-independent method (difference factor and similarity factor), statistic method (ANOVA-based method and pair Student's T-test, p<0.05) and model dependent methods (to determinate the release kinetics of paracetamol). Results: All formulations in the first 45 minutes liberated more than 85 % of the labled content. Formulation D, which contained superdesintegrator, released 90% of the content in the first 5 minutes. Though based on values of difference and similarity factors formulations are, not significantly different, ANOVA-based method showed that formulation A and B, B and C, as well as formulation B and D do statistically differ in all 6 time points, meaning they have parallel profiles. The release of paracetamol from formulations A and D is best described by the first order kinetic model, while the release of formulations B and C by the logistic model. Conclusions: The release kinetic of paracetamol is mostly influenced by the type of superdisintegrants and lubricants. Formulation with superdisintegrant technology OptiZorbĀ® demonstrated fastes release rate and thus it is expected to produce the fastest pharmacodynamic effect.

    Employing Gamma-Ray-Modified Carbon Quantum Dots to Combat a Wide Range of Bacteria

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    Nowadays, it is a great challenge to develop new medicines for treating various infectious diseases. The treatment of these diseases is of utmost interest to further prevent the development of multi-drug resistance in different pathogens. Carbon quantum dots, as a new member of the carbon nanomaterials family, can potentially be used as a highly promising visible-light-triggered antibacterial agent. In this work, the results of antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of gamma-ray-irradiated carbon quantum dots are presented. Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) were synthesized from citric acid by a pyrolysis procedure and irradiated by gamma rays at different doses (25, 50, 100 and 200 kGy). Structure, chemical composition and optical properties were investigated by atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectrometry and photoluminescence. Structural analysis showed that CQDs have a spherical-like shape and dose-dependent average diameters and heights. Antibacterial tests showed that all irradiated dots had antibacterial activity but CQDs irradiated with dose of 100 kGy had antibacterial activity against all seven pathogen-reference bacterial strains. Gamma-ray-modified CQDs did not show any cytotoxicity toward human fetal-originated MRC-5 cells. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy showed excellent cellular uptake of CQDs irradiated with doses of 25 and 200 kGy into MRC-5 cells