25 research outputs found

    Model for textile printing process parameters monitoring

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    U disertaciji je prikazan postupak razvoja modela praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala koji za rezultat ima kvalitetnu i postojanu štampu sa upravljivim i predvidivim procesom. U radu su date osnove praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala. Pratio se uticaj povećanja broja nanosa boje na različitim tekstilnim materijalima, i njihov uticaj na otpornost odštampanih uzoraka na svetlost, pranje, toplotno dejstvo i trljanje što je osnova razvoja modela disertacije.The dissertation presents development of the process parameters monitoring model for textile printing which provides high-quality and consistent printing with controllable and predictable process parameters. The thesis provides the basis for monitoring of textile printing process parameters such as influence of number of ink layers printed on light fastness, washing fastness, scrubbing and thermal treatment various textile materials

    Model for textile printing process parameters monitoring

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    U disertaciji je prikazan postupak razvoja modela praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala koji za rezultat ima kvalitetnu i postojanu štampu sa upravljivim i predvidivim procesom. U radu su date osnove praćenja procesnih parametara štampe tekstilnih materijala. Pratio se uticaj povećanja broja nanosa boje na različitim tekstilnim materijalima, i njihov uticaj na otpornost odštampanih uzoraka na svetlost, pranje, toplotno dejstvo i trljanje što je osnova razvoja modela disertacije.The dissertation presents development of the process parameters monitoring model for textile printing which provides high-quality and consistent printing with controllable and predictable process parameters. The thesis provides the basis for monitoring of textile printing process parameters such as influence of number of ink layers printed on light fastness, washing fastness, scrubbing and thermal treatment various textile materials

    Print Quality of Ink Jet Printed PVC Foils

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    Digital printing technique is used for a wide variety of substrates, one of which are PVC foils. Samples used in this research were printed by digital ink jet printing technique using Mimaki JV22 printing machine and J-Eco Subly Nano inks. As printing substrates, two different types of materials were used (ORACAL 640 - Print Vinyl and LG Hausys LP2712). A test card consisting of fields of CMYK colours was created and printed, varying the number of ink layers applied. Samples were exposed to light after the printing process. Spectrophotometric measurements were conducted before and after the light treatment. Based on spectrophotometricaly obtained data, colour differences ΔE2000 were calculated. Results showed that increasing number of layers, as well as the right choice of substrates, can improve the behaviour of printed product during exploitation


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    Screen printing technique is used to apply transfer images to a wide variety of substrates. PVC foils can also be used as substrates. In the screen printing process on PVC foils different type of substrates, inks, as well as different mesh types, can be used. In this research, we used two types of substrates (ORACAL 640 - Print Vinyl and LG Hausys LP2712), three different kinds of ink (Hi-Gloss 35 000, 85 000 and Ondaflut Texilon 58.000), and screens with three different mesh counts (77, 120 and 140 n/ cm). These substrates are exposed to various environmental factors including, light, etc. The aim of this paper is to determine differences between samples caused by variation of mentioned parameters on lightfastness.Tehniku sito tiska karakteriše sposobnost tiska na velikom broju različitih podloga, pa se tako ovaj postupak tiska primjenjuje i pri tisku PVC folija. U procesu tiska na ovu vrstu podloge, može se vršiti varijacija različitih procesnih parametara, kao što su podloge, boje i gustine tkanja sita. Upravo zbog toga u ovom istraživanju korištene su dijve vrste tiskarskih podloga (ORACAL 640 –Print Vinyl i LG Hausys --------+LP2712), tri različite vrste boje (Hi-Gloss 35.000, Ondaflut 85.000 i Texilon 58.000), kao i sita sa tri različite gustine tkanja (77, 120 i 140 n/cm). PVC folije koje su predviđene za aplikaciju na vetrobranska stakla izložene su vremenskim uslovima. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi, koliko će se postojanost uzoraka na svjetlost razlikovati ukoliko se promene parametri podloge, vrste boje i gustine tkanja sita

    Influence of the Compressible Flexographic Sleeve Exploitation on Print Quality

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    Due to the nature of the used materials, the quality of the flexographic print depends on a large number of process parameters and the materials parameters in all the phases of the production. During the pre-press, sleeves and stickyback tapes are needed for the mounting of the printing forms. These two components in the process of the flexographic printing are the least researched ones, even though they have a potentially significant impact on the stability and the quality of the printing process, as well as the print quality itself. Therefore, this research is oriented towards the investigation of the influence of the compressible sleeve exploitation on the process and print quality parameters through the measurement of optical density, tone value increase and trapping. The aim of the research is the improvement of stability and predictability of the printing process and print quality through the defining of the intensity and the trends of changes in densitometric parameters of quality

    Investigation of Factors Influencing Ergonomic Characteristics of Water Bottle Handles

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    Increasingly competitive market environment pushes products and their packaging to meet functional and aesthetic requirements and expectations of consumers. Ergonomic features are one of the most important features for fulfilling consumer expectations and achieving a satisfying user experience. Drinking water in retail is commonly packaged in PET bottles ranging from 0.2 up to 6 litres. The weight of the 6-litre bottle is roughly 6 kilos which can produce strain on the hand while carried from the place of purchase to the place of usage. The goal of this research was to investigate the influence of water bottle handles and to determine how much does handle length, width, and curvature of the grip\u27s edges affect the comfort of product use. This research presents objective experimental measurements and subjective judgment regarding ergonomic characteristics of the 5-6 litre water bottle handles, based on the variations in their shape and dimensions

    The characterization of microcapsules printed by screen printing and coating technology

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    Depending on the microcapsules functionality, i.e. encapsulated core material, nowadays microcapsules are used in various fields of application, such as in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, construction industry, chemical industry, food industry, biotechnology, electronics, as well as in printing and textile industry. In order to fulfil their basic purpose, microcapsules have to be transferred onto the target areas of the substrate material without damage, using different deposition techniques, mostly coating and printing techniques. The aim of this research is to firstly investigate the physical characteristics of the two selected fragranced microcapsules, applied by screen printing and coating technique, and secondly to determine how their addition in the selected three varnishes affected the basic characteristics of the prints. Fragranced microcapsules were before printing and coating adequately premixed with the selected varnish. The research revealed that the characteristics of the fragranced microcapsules and the varnishes as well as the used application techniques significantly affected the behaviour of the fragranced microcapsules and their deposition in the printed varnish layer as well as on the characteristics of the prints

    Washing treatment impact on print quality of screen printed knitted fabrics

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    The surface of textile materials is highly textured, commonly in non-uniform ways. Because of this texture effect, textile surface appears rougher and more porous than other printing substrates, which can cause excessive ink penetration during printing process. Next, washing process is very important factor because it influences ink characteristics on printed samples as well as structural changes of the textile substrate. The aim of this paper is to determine the influences of washing process and different mesh tread count used for printing on print quality. This will be obtained by using spectrophotometric analysis, and GLCM image processing method for print mottle estimation. The results of this research show that increasing number of washing processes leads to higher color differences reproduction color in comparison to printed materials before washing. It also shows that textile surface texture has a great influence on print mottle as well as that number of washing treatment series can generate variations of solid-tone print uniformity. Keywords: cotton, different thread count, GLCM, spectrophotometric analysis, series of washing process

    Thermovision and spectrophotometric analysis of ink volume and material characteristics influence on colour changes of heat treated printed substrates

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    U radu su predstavljene primjene suvremenih metoda kontrole, kao što su termovizijska i spektrofotometrijska analiza, u grafičkoj industriji. Suvremene metode kontrole primijenjene su pri istraživanju parametara diferenciranog nanosa boje na specifične podloge izložene toplotnim opterećenjima. Uzorci koji su rabljeni za istraživanje odštampani su Ink jet postupkom na digitalnom tiskarskom stroju Mimaki JV 22 koja koristi J-Eco Subly nano boje. U procesu tiska, rabljene su tri vrste podloga, pri čemu je za sve njih sastav materijala bio isti, ali su se razlikovale prema parametrima površinske mase i gustoće pletenja. Odgovarajuća test karta koja se sastojala od polja CMYK otiskana je s pet različitih nanosa boje. Ti uzorci su izloženi toplinskom djelovanju, pri čemu je polje toplinskog djelovanja mjereno termovizijskom kamerom. Uzorci su analizirani spektrofotometrijskim mjerenjima prije i poslije toplinskog djelovanja te je na osnovu tih podataka određena vrijednost razlike boje (ΔE76). Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da povećanje broja nanosa boje, kao i odabir odgovarajuće podloge za štampu, može povećati eksploatacijske karakteristike otisaka.This paper presents experimental usage of updated control methods such as thermovision and spectrophotometric analysis in graphic industry. These methods were applied to research the influence of ink volume and material characteristics on colour and heat treated printed substrates. Samples used in these experiments were printed by digital ink jet printing technique using Mimaki JV22 printing machine and J-Eco Subly Nano inks. As printing substrates, three different types of materials were used. Materials were different in respect of fabric weight and thread count, while material composition was the same for all three materials. The appropriate test card consisting of fields of CMYK colours was printed, varying the number of ink layers applied. Samples were exposed to heat treatment after printing. The heat applied was measured by thermovision camera. Spectrophotometric measurements were conducted before and after heat treatment. Based on data gathered by spectrophotometric measurements colour difference ΔE76 was calculated. Results showed that increasing number of layers, as well as right choice of substrates, can improve behaviour of printed product during exploitation


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    Trajnost crno-bijelih Inkjet otisaka izrazito je važna. Na žalost izlaganjem otisaka vlazi ima za posljedicu gubitak otisnutog sadržaja. Zbog nepostojanja univerzalne Inkjet boje potrebno je ispitati 3 tipične Inkjet boje: Inkjet otisci otisnuti crnom UV sušećom bojom, otisci otisnuti crnim dye Inkjet bojilima i otisci otisnuti crnim pigmentiranim Inkjet bojom. Za ovo ispitivanje napravljen je poseban uređaj koji će provesti simulaciju vlaženja (efekat oborinskih padalina) principom kap na kap. Eksperimentom su uključena 4 vremenska perioda vlaženja (0h, 1h, 6h i 24h). Za detekciju promjena akromatskih tonova primjenjena je kolorimetrijska metoda na temelju koje su izračunate kolorne devijacie CIE LAB ΔE00.The sustainability of monochrome Inkjet prints is extremely important. Unfortunately, exposure of the prints to moisture results in loss of printed content. Since there is no universal Inkjet color, it is necessary to examine the following 3 typical inkjet colors: Inkjet prints printed in black UV-drying color, prints printed with black dye Inkjet colorants and prints printed with black pigmented inkjet colourant. To do this test a special device was manufactured to simulate wetting principle of drop in drop (rainfall effect). The experiment included 4 periods of wetting (0h, 1h, 6h and 24h). To detect changes of achromatic tones the colorimetric method based on calculation colour deviation was applied (CIE LAB ΔE00)