138 research outputs found

    Black spot of rose in Hawaii

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    This article describes the black spot pathogen, disease symptoms and epidemiology, and ingegrated management practices for rose growers and home gardeners

    Shot Hole of 'Awa

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    This disease first caused significant kava crop losses in Hawaii in the early 2000s, as large monocrops were established. Management by variety choice, site selection, polycropping, and fungicide sprays is described

    Raspberry late leaf rust in Hawaii caused by Pucciniastrum americanum

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    This paper describes P. americanum, detail the rust disease and epidemiology in raspberrry, and suggest complementary practices to manage the disease

    Rust of Tree Heliotrope

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    This study discusses symptoms and signs of rust of tree heliotrope, the pathogenic fungus that causes it, and suggestions for integrated practices for managing the disease

    Bacterial Leaf Spot of Hibiscus in Hawaii

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    This publication describes a bacterial leaf spot disease of hibiscus caused by Pseudomonas cichorii that commonly occurs in wet Hawaiian landscapes. It describes the pathogen, the disease symptoms, and factors contributing to epidemics. It also provides integrated practices for managing this distinctive disease

    Blueberry Rust

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    Experimental plantings of blueberry at high elevations on Hawaii were struck by a rust fungus, Naohidemyces vaccinii, which caused great damage in 2007 despite fungicide applications. The disease cycle, symptoms, and integrated management options are described. Development of a rust management plan is recommended for anyone considering growing blueberry in Hawaii

    Phytophthora Blight of Papaya

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    This is perhaps the most important of the various fungal diseases affecting papaya in Hawaii. Symptoms are illustrated and control options discussed; fungicides are listed

    Citrus Melanose

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    This fungal disease can affect young leaves and fruits of certain citrus species or varieties when the tissues grow and expand during extended periods of rainy or humid weather conditions. Symptoms on grapefruit, sweet orange, and pummelo growing on Hawaii are shown

    Mango Powdery Mildew

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    Unlike anthracnose, which affects mango in wet areas, the powdery mildew fungus occurs primarily in dry areas and must be controlled during flowering to obtain acceptable fruit yields

    Awa Dieback in Hawaii

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    A severe disease of the kava plant caused by cucumber mosaic virus is described. Symptoms are illustrated and integrated disease management options are discussed