9,981 research outputs found

    Geology and Geochemistry of the Ship Creek and Monashka Creek reservoirs, Southcentral Alaska

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    Graywacke from the Ship Creek watershed, dissolves incongruently in distilled water. The dissolution appears to follow a first-order rate law which in integrated form is: k = -2.303/t log No-Q/No where No is the concentration in ppm of Ca, Mg, Na or K in the graywacke, Q is the total quantity of these ions leached in time t(days), k is the rate constant in days-1. Experimentally derived rate constants for the dissolution of graywacke in distilled water at 5oC are log k+2CA, -4.128 day-1; log k+2Mg, -6.174 day-1; log k+Na, -5.800 day-1; and log k+K, -5.249 day-1. The above constants are for 40 to +100 mesh graywacke. A surface area correction term must be inserted in the above equation if it is applied to a different size fraction. Using the above equation and rate constants, the chemical composition of a water in contact with graywacke was calculated. With the exception of magnesium, the agreement between the calculated composition and that of Ship Creek water was good. Assuming that the groundwater in the Ship Creek watershed contacts about 1.5X104cm2 graywacke per liter, 120 to 360 days are required at 5oC to produce the concentration of ions observed in Ship Creek. Release of exchangeable H+ from the soil mat to the reservoir water will not significant1y lower the pH of the water. Leaching of heavy metals from sulfides contained in the bedrock of the two watersheds does not pose a water quality hazard. Lineaments in the bedrock at Monashka Creek may provide channels through which water may seep from the reservoir. These are not expected to pose a problem in retaining water in the reservoir, but they may result in small, new springs down grade from the reservoir.The work upon which this report is based was supported by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research and Technology, as authorized by the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379, as amended. (Project A-045-ALAS

    Food Aid and Agricultural Production in Bangladesh

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    SUMMARY SUMMARY The high degree of food aid dependency in Bangladesh has given rise to concern about the efficacy of food aid as a resource transfer, centring particularly on the question of possible disincentive effects on domestic production. This paper examines the structure of incentives facing Bangladeshi farmers during the past 25 years. It is concluded that the direct price effects of food aid in Bangladesh did not cause disincentives to farmers. Food transfers also made a contribution toward alleviating Bangladesh's severe foreign exchange constraint. Regarding agricultural development, the possibilities inherent in food aid were probably used more efficiently, or productively, during the 1960s than during the 1970s. Overall, the net contribution of food aid to Bangladesh is considered to have been positive and significant. RESUME RESUME Aide alimentaìre et production agricole au Bangladesh Le haut niveau de dépendance en aide alimentaire du Bangladesh a donné naissance à une préoccupation concernant l'efficacité de l'aide alimentaire en tant que transfert de ressources, qui se concentre en particulier sur la question des éventuelles conséquences de freinage de la production intérieure. Ce dossier examine la structure des mesures d'incitation qui se sont présentées aux agriculteurs du Bangladesh au cours des 25 dernières années. On a conclu que les effets directs de l'aide alimentaire sur les prix du Bangladesh n'ont pas été ceux d'un freinage pour les agriculteurs. Les transferts alimentaires ont également contribué à alléger la dure contrainte du change des devises du Bangladesh. En ce qui concerne le développement agricole, les possibilités inhérentes à l'aide alimentaire ont été probablement utilisées plus efficacement ou plus productivement au cours des années 1960 que dans les années 1970. Dans l'ensemble, la contribution nette de l'aide alimentaire au Bangladesh a été jugée positive et significative

    Review of \u3ci\u3e Environmental Management on North America\u27s Borders\u3c/i\u3e Edited by Richard Kiy and John D. Wirth

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    This timely book is produced by the North American Institute, which is devoted to dealing with issues in North America through tri-national collaboration. Originating at a meeting of some of its contributors in New Mexico in 1995 and completed in a year or so, this fairly current volume is most useful in addressing environmental challenges across North America\u27s borders since NAFTA\u27s adoption, including water and air pollution which interact on a continental and indeed a global scale

    Search for Cosmic-Ray Antideuterons with the AMS-02 Experiment on the International Space Station

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    Ph.D.Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 201

    Wind effects on open-front livestock shelters

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    Wilderness in Canada: Past, Present, Future

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    Theoretical Study of the Addition of SiF2 and SiCl2 to Ethylene

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    The additions of SiFz and Sic12 to ethylene have been studied using fourth order perturbation theory and the 6-31 1 Wd,p) basis set at geometries determined with second order perturbation theory. In contrast with earlier calculations on the analogous SiHz addition, found to proceed with no barrier, barrier heights of 18.4 and 4.5 kcallmol are predicted for the fluoro- and chlorosilylenes, respectively. These results are interepreted in terms of the net energetics, ring strain, and orbital properties

    Orbital transfer vehicle concept definition and system analysis study, 1985. Volume 3: System and program trades

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    The key system and program trade studies performed to arrive at a preferred Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) system concept and evolutionary approach to the acquisition of the requisite capabilites is documented. These efforts were expanded to encompass a Space Transportation Architecture Study (STAS) mission model and recommended unmanned cargo vehicle. The most important factors affecting the results presented are the mission model requirements and selection criteria. The reason for conducting the OTV concept definition and system analyses study is to select a concept and acquisition approach that meets a delivery requirement reflected by the mission model

    Baryon and antibaryon production in hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus interactions

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    Cascade baryon and anti-baryon yields have been measured in p+p and p+A collisions. After extraction of the projectile component in p+A interactions close similarities with A+A collisions concerning the nuclear enhancement factors are observed. In addition the importance of effects related to projectile isospin and to net baryon stopping is pointed out.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, Franc