22 research outputs found

    MPLA as an Innovative Immune Countermeasure

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    Spaceflight perturbs the human immune system. Among other manifestations, crewmembers may experience latent herpes viruses reactivation due to impaired lymphocyte function, as well as allergic/hypersensitivity reactions. Considering future space travel will be of longer duration (thereby increasing stress, exposure to radiation, etc) with no rapid return option, it is of paramount importance to develop a countermeasure(s) to immune dysregulation. Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) is a derivative of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a potent inflammatory agent that can cause septic shock. MPLA possesses the immune-stimulatory effects of LPS without the adverse inflammatory effects. We hypothesize that treating immune cells with MPLA will boost their function enough to overcome the inhibitory effects of microgravity. While MPLA has been tested as an adjuvant extensively in mice and preliminarily for human vaccines, it has never been assessed for efficacy in microgravity

    Methods and Compositions Based on Culturing Microorganisms in Low Sedimental Fluid Shear Conditions

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    The benefits of applying a low sedimental fluid shear environment to manipulate microorganisms were examined. Microorganisms obtained from a low sedimental fluid shear culture, which exhibit modified phenotypic and molecular genetic characteristics, are useful for the development of novel and improved diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines, and bio-industrial products. Furthermore, application of low sedimental fluid conditions to microorganisms permits identification of molecules uniquely expressed under these conditions, providing a basis for the design of new therapeutic targets

    Re-evaluation of IIH as the Ideal Terrestrial Analog for Sans: Is There a Better Model to Consider?

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    While astronauts are returning from long duration spaceflight with multiple ocular signs that mimic those seen in terrestrial patients with elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), evidence has yet to prove a clinically significant increase in ICP during space.1 Preliminary research evidence may even suggest that ICP decreases in microgravity. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) has long been considered the ideal terrestrial analogue to Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS).1 However, there are several critical features of SANS that do not complement any reported case of IIH on Earth. These findings mandate a closer look at the accuracy of IIH as a terrestrial SANS analog

    Desert Varnish - Preservation of Biofabrics/Implcations for Mars

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    Desert varnish is the orange to dark brown rind that accumulates on exposed rock surfaces in many arid environments. Samples from the Sonoran Desert of Arizona are composed predominantly of clays (illite, smectite) and Mn- and Fe- oxides (birnessite, hematite). Features that appear to be single organisms are found within the varnish and at the rock-varnish interface. Many of these features are embedded in films that strongly resemble the water-rich extracellular polysaccharides produced by diverse microorganisms. Most common are rod-shaped celllike objects, 0.5-2 microns in the longest dimension, located within the varnish coatings. Some of these objects are shown to contain amines by fluorescence microscopy. The rod-shaped objects are observed in various states of degradation, as indicated by C and S abundances. Rods with higher C and S abundances appear less degraded than those with lower concentrations of these two elements. Regions rich in apparent microbes are present, while other regions display Mn- and Fe-rich mineral fabrics with microbe-sized voids and no obvious cells. These textures are interpreted as biofabrics, preserved by the precipitation of Mn and Fe minerals. We are researching the preservation of biofabrics by desert varnish in Earth's geological record. Rock coatings may similarly preserve evidence of microbial life on the hyper-arid surface of Mars

    Renal Stone Risk during Spaceflight: Assessment and Countermeasure Validation

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    NASA's Vision for Space Exploration centers on exploration class missions including the goals of returning to the moon and landing on Mars. One of NASA's objectives is to focus research on astronaut health and the development of countermeasures that will protect crewmembers during long duration voyages. Exposure to microgravity affects human physiology and results in changes in the urinary chemical composition favoring urinary supersaturation and an increased risk of stone formation. Nephrolithiasis is a multifactorial disease and development of a renal stone is significantly influenced by both dietary and environmental factors. Previous results from long duration Mir and short duration Shuttle missions have shown decreased urine volume, pH, and citrate levels and increased calcium. Citrate, an important inhibitor of calcium-containing stones, binds with urinary calcium reducing the amount of calcium available to form stones. Citrate inhibits renal stone recurrence by preventing crystal growth, aggregation, and nucleation and is one of the most common therapeutic agents used to prevent stone formation. Methods: Thirty long duration crewmembers (29 male, 1 female) participated in this study. 24-hour urines were collected and dietary monitoring was performed pre-, in-, and postflight. Crewmembers in the treatment group received two potassium citrate (KCIT) pills, 10 mEq/pill, ingested daily beginning 3 days before launch, all in-flight days and through 14 days postflight. Urinary biochemical and dietary analyses were completed. Results: KCIT treated subjects exhibited decreased urinary calcium excretion and maintained the levels of calcium oxalate supersaturation risk at their preflight levels. The increased urinary pH levels in these subjects reduced the risk of uric acid stones. Discussion: The current study investigated the use of potassium citrate as a countermeasure to minimize the risk of stone formation during ISS missions. Results suggest that supplementation with potassium citrate decreases the risk of stone formation during and immediately after spaceflight

    Three-dimensional organotypic co-culture model of intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages to study Salmonella enterica colonization patterns

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    Three-dimensional models of human intestinal epithelium mimic the differentiated form and function of parental tissues often not exhibited by two-dimensional monolayers and respond to Salmonella in key ways that reflect in vivo infections. To further enhance the physiological relevance of three-dimensional models to more closely approximate in vivo intestinal microenvironments encountered by Salmonella, we developed and validated a novel three-dimensional co-culture infection model of colonic epithelial cells and macrophages using the NASA Rotating Wall Vessel bioreactor. First, U937 cells were activated upon collagen-coated scaffolds. HT-29 epithelial cells were then added and the three-dimensional model was cultured in the bioreactor until optimal differentiation was reached, as assessed by immunohistochemical profiling and bead uptake assays. The new co-culture model exhibited in vivo-like structural and phenotypic characteristics, including three-dimensional architecture, apical-basolateral polarity, well-formed tight/adherens junctions, mucin, multiple epithelial cell types, and functional macrophages. Phagocytic activity of macrophages was confirmed by uptake of inert, bacteria-sized beads. Contribution of macrophages to infection was assessed by colonization studies of Salmonella pathovars with different host adaptations and disease phenotypes (Typhimurium ST19 strain SL1344 and ST313 strain D23580; Typhi Ty2). In addition, Salmonella were cultured aerobically or microaerobically, recapitulating environments encountered prior to and during intestinal infection, respectively. All Salmonella strains exhibited decreased colonization in co-culture (HT-29-U937) relative to epithelial (HT-29) models, indicating antimicrobial function of macrophages. Interestingly, D23580 exhibited enhanced replication/survival in both models following invasion. Pathovar-specific differences in colonization and intracellular co-localization patterns were observed. These findings emphasize the power of incorporating a series of related three-dimensional models within a study to identify microenvironmental factors important for regulating infection

    Antiviral treatment with valacyclovir reduces virus shedding in saliva of Antarctic expeditioners

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    IntroductionReactivation of herpes viruses, such as Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), and varicella zoster virus (VZV), increases in astronauts during spaceflight, compared with their preflight and postflight levels. Reactivations can increase the risk of associated clinical conditions, such as herpes zoster, chronic neuropathic pain, vision loss, stroke, cognitive impairment, and cold sores. Furthermore, continued viral shedding for longer periods after space travel may increase the risk of viral transmission to uninfected crew contacts, including, but not limited to, the immunocompromised and newborn infants. Thus, it is essential to develop spaceflight countermeasures to prevent herpes viral reactivations to ensure the health of crewmembers and their contacts. One such countermeasure is the prophylactic administration of an antiviral drug (valacyclovir) against the alpha herpesviruses (VZV and HSV1). To determine the effectiveness of this countermeasure, we studied the shedding of EBV, VZV, and HSV1 in Antarctic expeditioners, who have similar salivary viral shedding patterns during winter-over to astronauts during long spaceflights.MethodsThe efficacy of this antiviral drug as a countermeasure was determined using three major parameters in the saliva of expeditioners during winter-over with and without administration of this drug: (i) viral load and frequency, (ii) physiological stress biomarkers [i.e., levels of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and amylase), and (iii) immune markers (i.e., inflammatory cytokines)]. Thirty-two volunteers from two Antarctic stations (McMurdo and South Pole) participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to either the treatment group (valacyclovir HCl: 1 g/day) or placebo group (oyster calcium: 500mg/day). ResultsViral shedding of EBV reduced significantly (> 24-fold) in the treatment group compared with the placebo group. HSV1 was also reduced by more than fivefold, but this was not statistically significant. No VZV shedding was observed in any of the participants. In the placebo group 50% of the saliva samples had measurable viral DNA (EBV, HSV1, or both), compared with 19% of the treatment group. There was no significant change in the ratio of cortisol to DHEA or levels of alpha-amylase, indicating that physiological stress was similar between the groups. No difference was detected in levels of salivary cytokines, except IL-10, which was found in significantly lower levels in the treatment group. DiscussionThese data indicate that valacyclovir is a safe and successful intervention to reduce EBV and HSV1 shedding in individuals subjected to extreme environments and stressors

    Dermatitis during Spaceflight Associated with HSV-1 Reactivation

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    Human alpha herpesviruses herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) establish latency in various cranial nerve ganglia and often reactivate in response to stress-associated immune system dysregulation. Reactivation of Epstein Barr virus (EBV), VZV, HSV-1, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) is typically asymptomatic during spaceflight, though live/infectious virus has been recovered and the shedding rate increases with mission duration. The risk of clinical disease, therefore, may increase for astronauts assigned to extended missions (>180 days). Here, we report, for the first time, a case of HSV-1 skin rash (dermatitis) occurring during long-duration spaceflight. The astronaut reported persistent dermatitis during flight, which was treated onboard with oral antihistamines and topical/oral steroids. No HSV-1 DNA was detected in 6-month pre-mission saliva samples, but on flight day 82, a saliva and rash swab both yielded 4.8 copies/ng DNA and 5.3 × 104 copies/ng DNA, respectively. Post-mission saliva samples continued to have a high infectious HSV-1 load (1.67 × 107 copies/ng DNA). HSV-1 from both rash and saliva samples had 99.9% genotype homology. Additional physiological monitoring, including stress biomarkers (cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and salivary amylase), immune markers (adaptive regulatory and inflammatory plasma cytokines), and biochemical profile markers, including vitamin/mineral status and bone metabolism, are also presented for this case. These data highlight an atypical presentation of HSV-1 during spaceflight and underscore the importance of viral screening during clinical evaluations of in-flight dermatitis to determine viral etiology and guide treatment

    Hierarchical ranking of the GO Term Finder Process categories that were significantly enriched.

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    <p>Only categories that are significantly enriched (p<0.05) are presented, except for those labeled grey added for hierarchical purposes. Subcategories with more than 2 higher rank categories that were not significantly enriched are not included in this figure (i.e., dicarboxylic acid transport and copper ion transport). For clarity purposes, categories with more than one connector are not presented, if the connecting category/categories was/were not significantly enriched. Color codes indicate p-values.</p