696 research outputs found
Prooxidative Role of Hyperinsulinemia in Metabolic Sydrome Formation
Purpose of study To analyze the interrelationships between basal insulinemia and parameters of malondialdehyde and catalase, and influence of metabolic components of metabolic syndrome on these processes. Methods A group of 40 men (mean age 52,4 ± 0,7 years) and 35 women (mean age 49,5 ± 0,8 years) with a diagnosis of MS were examined. Mean levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both groups were 154,05 ± 2,62 / 99,34 ± 1,43 and 150,21 ± 3,12 / 88,28 ± 2,18 mm Hg. Anthropometric parameters of patients - a body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC ) and metabolic - total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood glucose and basal insulin ( BI) - are reflected in Figure 1, 2,3. The control group consisted of 10 healthy men and 10 healthy women with normal blood pressure (116,17 ± 1,32 / 74,32 ± 1,27 mm Hg). Insulin levels were determined by ELISA automated method. Lipid levels were measured by the biochemical analyzer. LDL was calculated by Friedwald. The content of lipid peroxidation was assessed by the level in the blood serum of the secondary product - MDA determined by reaction with 2-thiobarbituric acid. Catalase activity was determined from the pressure oxidation molybdate with hydrogen peroxide.Results We identified: higher levels of MDA (p <0.001) and low levels of CA in men MS (p <0.001) in contrast to healthy men and women. informative indicators revealed the relationship of MDA and the spacecraft with BI and WC. When significant differences in the levels of BI, MDA and CA in men and women of the correlation of the same type, which may reflect the value of prooxidant insulinemia regardless of gender. The prooxidant role of BI in men is becoming a significant ( P = 0,35, p <0.05 only in GI conditions. Insulinemia affect OS options in two ways in male patients - directly (correlation with MDA), back (correlation with SC) and indirectly through the characteristics of a more pronounced their AO (BI correlation with RT and RT with MDA, CA). At the same time, the presence of correlation relationship of BI women in the absence of GI can argue the importance they even low levels of insulin in the formation of the MS-clinical marker of abdominal obesity.Conclusion Realization of gender differences in the intensity of the operating system happens through hormonal factors under the influence of age and insulinemia. Possible mechanisms of insulinemias prooxidant role in MS are modulated by AO parameters according to gender. The presence of gender differences of the insulin action to the endothelium explains closer connection of GI and cardiovascular diseases in men, unlike women
Chromatin from sperm of Bivalvia molluscs Specific features of nucleosomal organization
AbstractIn chromatin from the sperm of two Bivalvia molluscs a highly basic low molecular mass sperm-specific protein (S-protein) has been found in addition to the full complement of histones. It is shown that sperm chromatin preserves nucleosomal organization, some parameters of which are specific: (i) DNase I cuts DNA within the sperm nuclei with dinucleosomal periodicity; (ii) linker DNA of the nucleosome is significantly elongated. The S-protein is shown to be located on the linker DNA
Role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy
The purpose of the article is to determine the role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy. The research is based on statistical analysis of time rows. With the help of the method of correlation and regression analysis, the author distinguishes the role of entrepreneurship in the process of formation of post-industrial economy through analysis of dependence between the level of development of business and level of development of post-industrial economy in the countries of the world. For provision of representation of the data, the objects of the research are countries from various geographical and socio-economic regions of the world: Sweden, the USA, Russia, China, and India. The author determined the role of business administration in formation of the foundations of post-industrial economy and offered the corresponding model that allows for maximization of business administration’s contribution into the process of formation of post-industrial economy.peer-reviewe
Two-steps versus one-step solidification pathways of binary metallic nanodroplet
The solidification of AgCo, AgNi, and AgCu nanodroplets is studied by molecular dynamics simulations in the size range of 2-8 nm. All these systems tend to phase separate in the bulk solid with surface segregation of Ag. Despite these similarities, the simulations reveal clear differences in the solidification pathways. AgCo and AgNi already separate in the liquid phase, and they solidify in configurations close to equilibrium. They can show a two-step solidification process in which Co-/Ni-rich parts solidify at higher temperatures than the Ag-rich part. AgCu does not separate in the liquid and solidifies in one step, thereby remaining in a kinetically trapped state down to room temperature. The solidification mechanisms and the size dependence of the solidification temperatures are analyzed, finding qualitatively different behaviors in AgCo/AgNi compared to AgCu. These differences are rationalized by an analytical model
Positiivisen pedagogiikan keinot ja opettaja-oppilassuhde luokan työrauhan rakentajina
Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmamme tavoitteena on selvittää, miten opettaja-oppilassuhde vaikuttaa luokan työrauhaan ja miten luokanopettaja voi edistää opettaja-oppilassuhdetta positiivisen pedagogiikan menetelmiä hyödyntämällä. Tarkastelemme aihetta luokanopettajan näkökulmasta alakoulukontekstissa. Tutkimuksemme avulla kasvatusalan ammattilaiset voisivat saada tietoa siitä, miten opettaja-oppilassuhde vaikuttaa luokan työrauhaan ja miten tätä suhdetta voi kehittää positiivisen pedagogiikan keinoja hyödyntämällä. Tulevina opettajina nämä teemat tulevat todennäköisesti koskettamaan myös meitä, joten hyödymme myös itse tutkimuksemme tuloksista. Tämän tutkimuksen myötä myös muut lasten kanssa toimivat aikuiset voisivat löytää uusia keinoja kehittää myönteistä suhdetta lapsiin.
Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen lähdeaineistona hyödynnettiin kotimaista ja kansainvälistä kirjallisuutta sekä tieteellisiä artikkeleita. Tutkimuksemme pääkäsitteitä ovat työrauha, opettaja-oppilassuhde ja positiivinen pedagogiikka. Tässä tutkimuksessa työrauhalla tarkoitetaan luokassa vallitsevaa tilaa, joka tarjoaa rauhalliset olosuhteet oppimiselle ja oppilaan itsehallinnan kehittymiselle. Opettaja-oppilassuhteella tarkoitetaan nimensä mukaisesti opettajan ja oppilaan välistä vuorovaikutussuhdetta. Positiivinen pedagogiikka puolestaan on opetus- ja kasvatustoimintaa, joka pohjautuu positiivisen psykologian periaatteisiin. Koulumaailmassa positiivisella pedagogikalla pyritään edistämään lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia sekä oppimista.
Tutkimuksemme keskeiset tulokset osoittavat, että myönteinen opettaja-oppilassuhde vähentää oppilaiden häiritsevää käyttäytymistä ja näin ollen parantaa luokan työrauhaa. Huomasimme myös, että huonompi opettajan ja oppilaan välinen suhde sekä erimielisyydet lisäävät häiritsevää käytöstä. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että opettaja voi kehittää myönteistä suhdetta oppilaisiinsa positiivisen pedagogiikan keinoin esimerkiksi lisäämällä positiivisen palautteen määrää ja luomalla lapsille positiivisia tunnekokemuksia. Myönteisen opettaja-oppilassuhteen kehittymisen kannalta on tärkeää, että opettaja osoittaa aitoa kiinnostusta, arvostusta ja ymmärrystä lasta kohtaan sekä on läsnä vuorovaikutustilanteissa lapsen kanssa
Differences in influenza virus receptors in chickens and ducks: Implications for interspecies transmission
Avian influenza viruses are considered to be key contributors to the emergence of human influenza pandemics. A major determinant of infection is the presence of virus receptors on susceptible cells to which the viral haemagglutinin is able to bind. Avian viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid α2,3-galactose (SAα2,3-Gal) linked receptors, whereas human strains bind to sialic acid α2,6-galactose (SAα2,6-Gal) linked receptors. While ducks are the major reservoir for influenza viruses, they are typically resistant to the effects of viral infection, in contrast to the frequently severe disease observed in chickens. In order to understand whether differences in receptors might contribute to this observation, we studied the distribution of influenza receptors in organs of ducks and chickens using lectin histochemistry with linkage specific lectins and receptor binding assays with swine and avian influenza viruses. Although the intestinal epithelial cells of both species expressed only SAα2,3-Gal receptors, we found widespread presence of both SAα2,6-Gal and SAα2,3-Gal receptors in many organs of both chickens and ducks. Co-expression of both receptors may allow infection of cells with both avian and human viruses and so present a route to genetic reassortment. There was a marked difference in the primary receptor type in the trachea of chickens and ducks. In chicken trachea, SAα2,6-Gal was the dominant receptor type whereas in ducks SAα2,3-Gal receptors were most abundant. This suggests that chickens could be more important as an intermediate host for the generation of influenza viruses with increased ability to bind to SAα2,6-Gal receptors and thus greater potential for infection of humans. Chicken tracheal and intestinal epithelial cells also expressed a broader range of SAα2,3-Gal receptors (both β(1-4)GlcNAc and β(1-3)GalNAc subtypes) in contrast to ducks, which suggests that they may be able to support infection with a broader range of avian influenza viruses
AbstractThe purpose of this research is to know 1). Types of Learning Resources Utilized Sociology Teachers in Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya. 2). Learning Resources are in Use Sociology Teachers in Class XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya Varied or not. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study is to use observation techniques, interviews, and documentary studies. While the data collection tools used are interview guides, observation guides, documents in the form of; notebook  and archives. The results showed that the utilization of learning resources of sociology teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya was less varied and frequency of utilization of various learning resources in the learning process was very rare. Selection of learning resources conducted by teachers is appropriate, but teachers must consider the criteria of learning resources that can increase student learning motivation in the classroom because the motivation of student learning in the classroom is still very less, teachers still often use the conventional learning model and fixed on one type of learning resources. Keywords: Utilization of Learning Resources, Teachers, Senior High Schoo
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